
3 篇文章 0 订阅

package com.xxx.util;


import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import java.sql.ResultSet;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.sql.Statement;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Enumeration;

import java.util.Hashtable;

import java.util.List;

import java.util.Properties;


import javax.sql.DataSource;


import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


import com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDataSource;

import com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException;





* Supply the basic methods to operate DB by java


public class DbHandler {


               private String serverName = "";

               private String portNumber = "";

               private String user = "";

               private String password = "";

               private String databaseName = "";

               private boolean integratedSecurity = true;


               // Declare the JDBC objects.

               private Connection con = null;

               public ResultSet rs = null;

               static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DbHandler.class);



               * Initialize all the parameters of DB


                * @param serverName

               * @param portNumber  Set as '-1': Use the default port number '1433'

               * @param user

               * @param password

               * @param databaseName

               * @param integratedSecurity


               public DbHandler(String serverName, String portNumber, String user, Stringpassword, String databaseName, boolean integratedSecurity) {










               * Get the connection object of JDBC


                * @return

               * @throws SQLServerException


               public boolean getConnection() {

                               boolean status = true;

                               try {

                                               // Establish the connection.

                                               Properties connectionInfo = new Properties();

                      connectionInfo.put("maxWait", "20000");

                      connectionInfo.put("maxActive", "30");



                      connectionInfo.put("maxIdle", "5");

                      connectionInfo.put("password", this.getPassword());

                      connectionInfo.put("username", this.getUser());

                       DataSource ds =BasicDataSourceFactory.createDataSource(connectionInfo);

//                                           SQLServerDataSource ds = new SQLServerDataSource();

//                                           ds.setServerName(this.getServerName());

//                                           ds.setPortNumber(this.getPortNumber());

//                                           ds.setUser(this.getUser());

//                                           ds.setPassword(this.getPassword());

//                                           ds.setDatabaseName(this.getDatabaseName());

//                                           ds.setIntegratedSecurity(this.getIntegratedSecurity());

                                               this.con = ds.getConnection();


                               catch (SQLServerException e) {

                                               logger.error("Connect DB falied", e);

                              status = false;

                               } catch (Exception e) {

                                               logger.error("Connect DB falied", e);

                              status = false;



                               return status;




               * Clear Current result set and close connection


               public void destroy() {

                               if(rs != null || con != null)

                                               logger.info("Close DB connection");

               if (rs !=null) try {


                               rs = null;


               catch(Exception e) {}


               if (con != null) try {


                               con = null;


               catch(Exception e) {}




               * Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object.


                * @param sql

               * @return


               public boolean execQuery(String sql) {  


                               boolean status = true;




                               try {


                                                               return false;

                       Statement stmt =con.createStatement();

                                               logger.info("Use DB " + this.getDatabaseName());


                                               rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);



                               // Handle any errors that may have occurred.

               catch(Exception e) {


                                               logger.error("Query DB falied", e);

                              status = false;



               return status;





               * Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object.


                * @param sql     Might include '?'

               * @param params  Supply values of '?' in sql by order

               * @return


               public boolean execQuery(String sql, List<Object> params){      


                               boolean status = true;




                               if(params == null)

                                               return this.execQuery(sql);


                               try {


                                                               return false;

                                               PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);

                                               int i = 1;

                                   for(Object p : params) {

                                              pstmt.setObject(i, p);

                              String strP = "";

                              if(p == null)

                                             strP = "null";


                                             strP = (p.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.String")) ?"'" + p.toString() + "'" : p.toString();


                              sql = sql.replaceFirst("\\?", strP);



                                               logger.info("Use DB " + this.getDatabaseName());


                                               rs = pstmt.executeQuery();



                               // Handle any errors that may have occurred.

               catch(Exception e) {


                                               logger.error("Query DB falied", e);

                              status = false;



               return status;





               * Select all values without specifying any conditions


                * @param table

               * @return


               public boolean selectAll(String table) {

                               return this.selectAsSpecified(table, null, null, null);




               * Select the specific values


                * @param table         Specify table name

               * @param fields         Specify fieldname by order

               * @param conditions     e.g. conditions.put(fieldName,valueObject)

               * @param orderBy        Specify field nameused to order the query result

               * @return


               public boolean selectAsSpecified(String table, List<String> fields,Hashtable<String, Object> conditions, List<String> orderBy) {


                               String selectSql = "select ";


                               // Specify fields in the query

                               String field = separateFields(fields);

                               if(field.equals("")) {

                                               selectSql += "* ";


                               else {

                                               selectSql += field + " ";



                               // Specify to get values from which table

                               selectSql += "from " + table;


                               // Specify conditions in the query

                               List<Object> reCondition = getCondition(conditions);

                               List<Object> params = (ArrayList<Object>) reCondition.get(1);

                               selectSql += reCondition.get(0);


                               // Specify conditions in the query

                               String reOrder = separateFields(orderBy);


                                               selectSql += " order by " + reOrder;


                               selectSql += ";";                               


                               return this.execQuery(selectSql, params);




               * Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or

                * DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as anSQL DDL statement.


                * @param sql

               * @return


               public boolean execUpdate(String sql){               

                               boolean status = true;

                               try {


                                                               return false;

                       Statement stmt =con.createStatement();

                                               logger.info("Use DB " + this.getDatabaseName());





                               // Handle any errors that may have occurred.

               catch(Exception e) {

                                               logger.error("Update DB falied", e);

                              status = false;



                               finally {



                               return status;




               * Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT, UPDATE, or

                * DELETE statement or an SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQLDDL statement.


                * @param sql     Might include '?'

               * @param params  Supply values of '?' in sql by order

               * @return


               public boolean execUpdate(String sql, List<Object> params){   

                               boolean status = true;


                               if(params == null)

                                               return execUpdate(sql);


                               try {


                                                               return false;

                                               PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(sql);

                                               int i = 1;

                       for(Object p : params) {

                              pstmt.setObject(i, p);

                              String strP = "";

                              if(p == null)

                                             strP = "null";


                                             strP = (p.getClass().getName().equals("java.lang.String")) ?"'" + p.toString() + "'" : p.toString();


                              sql = sql.replaceFirst("\\?", strP);



                                               logger.info("Use DB " + this.getDatabaseName());





                               // Handle any errors that may have occurred.

               catch(Exception e) {

                                               logger.error("Update DB falied", e);

                              status = false;



                               finally {



                               return status;




               * Insert values to the specific table


                * @param table        Specify tablename

               * @param fields       Specify field name by order

               * @param values       Specify values by order

               * @throws Exception


               public boolean insertData(String table, List<String> fields,List<Object> values) {

                               String insertSql = "insert into " + table;


                               // Specify fields in the query

                               if(fields != null)

                                               insertSql += "(" + separateFields(fields) + ")";


                               // Specify values in the query

                               List<Object> reValue = separateValues(values);

                               List<Object> params = (ArrayList<Object>) reValue.get(1);


                                               insertSql += " values (" + reValue.get(0) + ");";

                               else {

                                               logger.fatal("Values cannot be null");

                                               return false;



                               return this.execUpdate(insertSql, params);




               * Update values


                * @param table        Specify thetable name

               * @param values       Specify values by order

               * @param conditions    e.g. conditions.put(fieldName,valueObject)

               * @return


               public boolean updateData(String table, Hashtable<String, Object> values,Hashtable<String, Object> conditions) {

                               String updateSql = "update " + table;


                               // Specify values in the query

                               List<Object> reValue = separateValues(values);

                               List<Object> params = (ArrayList<Object>) reValue.get(1);


                                               updateSql += " set " + reValue.get(0);


                               // Specify conditions in the query

                               List<Object> reCondition = getCondition(conditions);

                               params.addAll((ArrayList<Object>) reCondition.get(1));

                               updateSql += reCondition.get(0) + ";";


                               return this.execUpdate(updateSql, params);




               * Delete rows in table


                * @param table        Specify thetable name

               * @param conditions   e.g. conditions.put(fieldName, valueObject)

               * @return


               public boolean deleteData(String table, Hashtable<String, Object>conditions) {

                               String delSql = "delete from " + table;


                               // Specify conditions in the query

                               List<Object> reCondition = getCondition(conditions);

                               List<Object> params = (ArrayList<Object>) reCondition.get(1);

                               delSql += reCondition.get(0) + ";";


                               return this.execUpdate(delSql, params);                             




               * Construct list values as sql="?, ?,..." which will be included inSQL


                * @param values  Specify values by order

               * @return   sql:

               *           params: storeexact values by order, they will be set to PreparedStatement later


               public List<Object> separateValues(List<Object> values) {

                               String sql = "";

                               List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();

                               if(values != null) {

                                               int size = values.size();

                                               for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

                                                               sql += "?";

                                                               if(i < size - 1) {

                                                                               sql += ", ";






                               List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();




                               return result;




               * Construct list values as sql="?, ?,..." which will be included inSQL


                * @param values  Specify values by order

               *               e.g. values.put(fieldName, valueObject)

               * @return   sql:

               *           params: storeexact values by order, they will be set to PreparedStatement later


               public List<Object> separateValues(Hashtable<String, Object>values) {

                               String sql = "";

                               List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();

                               if(values != null) {

                                               int size = values.size();

                                               Enumeration<String> keys = values.keys();

                                               for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

                                                               String key = (String) keys.nextElement();

                                                               Object value = values.get(key);

                                                               sql += key + "=?";

                                                               if(i < size - 1) {

                                                                               sql += ", ";






                               List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();




                               return result;




               * Construct list fields as sql="?, ?,..." which will be included inSQL


                * @param fields  Specify fields by order

               * @return   sql:

               *           params: storeexact values by order, they will be set to PreparedStatement later


               private String separateFields(List<String> fields) {

                               String sql = "";


                               if(fields != null) {

                                               int size = fields.size();

                                               for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

                                                               sql += fields.get(i);

                                                               if(i < size - 1) {

                                                                              sql += ", ";




                               return sql;




               * Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of thisResultSet object as a String in the Java programming language.


                * @param columnLabel

               * @return


               public List<String> getStringByColName(String columnLabel) {

                               List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();

                               try {

                                               while (rs.next()) {



                               } catch (SQLException e) {

                                               logger.error("Read result set error", e);



                               return result;




               * Get the first String value by the specific column name


                * @param columnLabel

               * @return

               * @throws Exception


               public String getFirstStringByColName(String columnLabel) throws Exception {

                               List<String> result = this.getStringByColName(columnLabel);

                               int size = result.size();

                               if(size == 0)

                                               throw new Exception("0 row record");


                                               return result.get(0);





               * Get the last String value by the specific column name


                * @param columnLabel

               * @return

               * @throws Exception


               public String getLastStringByColName(String columnLabel) throws Exception {

                               List<String> result = this.getStringByColName(columnLabel);

                               int size = result.size();

                               if(size == 0)

                                               throw new Exception("0 row record");


                                               return result.get(size - 1);





               * Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of thisResultSet object as an int in the Java programming language.


                * @param columnLabel

               * @return


               public List<Integer> getIntByColName(String columnLabel) {


                               List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();

                               try {

                                               while (rs.next()) {



                               } catch (SQLException e) {

                                               logger.error("Read result set error", e);



                               return result;                    




               * Get the first integer value by the specific column name


                * @param columnLabel

               * @return

               * @throws Exception


               public Integer getFirstIntByColName(String columnLabel) throws Exception {

                               List<Integer> result = this.getIntByColName(columnLabel);

                               int size = result.size();

                               if(size == 0)

                                               throw new Exception("0 row record");


                                               return result.get(0);





               * Get the last integer value by the specific column name


                * @param columnLabel

               * @return

               * @throws Exception


               public Integer getLastIntByColName(String columnLabel) throws Exception {

                               List<Integer> result = this.getIntByColName(columnLabel);

                               int size = result.size();

                               if(size == 0)

                                               throw new Exception("0 row record");


                                               return result.get(size - 1);




               *  Construct list conditions as sql="where field1=?,field2=?,..." which will be included in SQL


                * @param conditions   e.g. conditions.put(fieldName,valueObject)

               * @return


               public List<Object> getCondition(Hashtable<String, Object>conditions) {

                               String sql = "";

                               List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();

                               if(conditions != null) {

                                               int size = conditions.size();

                                               Enumeration<String> keys = conditions.keys();

                                               for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

                                                               String key = (String) keys.nextElement();

                                                               Object value = conditions.get(key);

                                                               key += "=?";

                                                               if(i == 0) {

                                                                               sql += " where " + key;


                                                               else {

                                                                               sql += " and " + key;






                               List<Object> result = new ArrayList<Object>();




                               return result;




               * @return the serverName


               public String getServerName() {

                               return serverName;




               * @param serverName the serverName to set


               public void setServerName(String serverName) {

                               this.serverName = serverName;




               * @return the portNumber


               public String getPortNumber() {

                               return portNumber;




               * @param portNumber2 the portNumber to set


               public void setPortNumber(String portNumber2) {


                                               this.portNumber = portNumber2;




               * @return the user


               public String getUser() {

                               return user;




               * @param user the user to set


               public void setUser(String user) {

                               this.user = user;




               * @return the password


               public String getPassword() {

                               return password;




               * @param password the password to set


               public void setPassword(String password) {

                               this.password = password;




               * @return the databaseName


               public String getDatabaseName() {

                               return databaseName;




               * @param databaseName the databaseName to set


               public void setDatabaseName(String databaseName) {

                               this.databaseName = databaseName;




               * @return the integratedSecurity


               public boolean getIntegratedSecurity() {

                               return integratedSecurity;




               * @param integratedSecurity the integratedSecurity to set


               public void setIntegratedSecurity(boolean integratedSecurity) {

                               this.integratedSecurity = integratedSecurity;



               public void displayRow(String title, ResultSet rs, List<String> fields) {

                               if(rs == null) {

                                               logger.info("0 row(s) affected");


                               else {

                                               try {


                                                               while (rs.next()) {

                                                                               for(String f : fields)

                                                                                               System.out.println(f + ": " + rs.getString(f));



                                               } catch (Exception e) {







               * @param args

               * @throws Exception


               public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

                               DbHandler db = new DbHandler("", "1433","sa", "Wsws1234", "tms", false);

               try {


                              db.execQuery("select count(*) from [tms].[dbo].[Credentials]");




                               }catch(Exception e){



                               finally {







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