- 551. Student Attendance Record I:一堂课不合格的条件是:两次及以上的缺席(‘A‘)或连续三次的迟到(‘L‘),给定一个字符串,求该学生是否合格,Easy
class Solution(object):
def checkRecord(self, s):
:type s: str
:rtype: bool
countA = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if s[i]=='A':
if countA>1:
return False
if i>1 and s[i]=='L' and s[i-1] == 'L' and s[i-2]=='L':
return False
return True
- 552. Student Attendance Record II:求n长满足学生出勤合格的字符串的总个数,Hard
设dp[k][x][y] 为长度为k的有x个A和以y个L结尾的个数
dp[n][0][0] = sum(dp[n-1][0]) 即结尾增加一个P
dp[n][0][1] = dp[n-1][0][0] 即结尾增加一个L
dp[n][0][2] = dp[n-1][0][1] 即结尾增加一个L
dp[n][1][0] = sum(dp[n-1][0]) + sum(dp[n-1][1])前者增加一个A后者增加一个P
dp[n][1][1] = dp[n-1][1][0] 即结尾增加一个L
dp[n][1][2] = dp[n-1][1][1] 即结尾增加一个L
由于dp[n] 只和dp[n-1]有关,所以可以采用滚动数组,该思路参考书影博客
class Solution(object):
def checkRecord(self, n):
:type n: int
:rtype: int
MOD = 1000000007
dp = [[1,1,0],[1,0,0]]
for i in range(2,n+1):
tmp = sum(dp[0]) % MOD
dp[0][2] = dp[0][1]
dp[0][1] = dp[0][0]
dp[0][0] = tmp
tmp = (dp[0][0] + sum(dp[1]))%MOD
dp[1][2] = dp[1][1]
dp[1][1] = dp[1][0]
dp[1][0] = tmp
return (sum(dp[0])+sum(dp[1]))%MOD
- 504. Base 7:求一个整数的7进制表达,Easy
class Solution(object):
def convertToBase7(self, num):
:type num: int
:rtype: str
ret,flag = '',1
if num<0:
flag = 0
num = -num
ret = str(num % 7)+ret
num = num/7
if ret == '':
return '0'
if flag: return ret
return '-'+ret
- 809. Expressive Words:判断words列表中有多少个word能够扩展成S, Medium
能够扩展的条件是 单词连续个数大于3
先统计S中单词的个数 query 如heeellooo -> [(h,1),(e,3),(l,2),(o,3)]
对于每一个word来说,也统计word中单词的个数,candidate 如 hello -> [(h,1),(e,1),(l,2),(o,1)]
检查 len(query) == len(candidate) ?
检查 query[i][0] == candidate[i][0] ?
检查 query[i][1] >= candidate[i][1] 且如果> 成立的话 ,需要检查query[i][1]>=3 ?
class Solution(object):
def expressiveWords(self, S, words):
:type S: str
:type words: List[str]
:rtype: int
def countLetters(word):
cnt,last,ans = 0,'',[]
for c in word:
if c == last:
if cnt: ans.append((last,cnt))
cnt,last = 1,c
if cnt: ans.append((last,cnt))
return ans
def check(query,candidate):
if len(query)!=len(candidate): return 0
for c,w in zip(query,candidate):
if c[0] != w[0]: return 0
if c[1] < w[1]: return 0
if c[1] > w[1] and c[1]<3: return 0
return 1
query = countLetters(S)
ans = 0
for word in words:
candidate = countLetters(word)
return ans