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转载 springMVC 访问 静态资源
本文转自 http://www.cnblogs.com/fangqi/archive/2012/10/28/2743108.html http://www.cnblogs.com/luxh/archive/2013/03/14/2959207.html SpringMVC访问静态资源可能会存在找不到资源的问题。 1、如果只配置拦截类似于*.do格式的url,则对静态资源的访问是没有问题的
2015-11-03 10:01:24 376
原创 Delete Duplicate Emails
Write a SQL query to delete all duplicate email entries in a table named Person, keeping only unique emails based on its smallest Id.+—-+——————+ | Id | Email | +—-+——————+ | 1 | john@exa
2015-10-23 10:10:25 342
原创 oracle 子查询的解决方法~
select something, somthingelse, ( select * from ( select QUOTE_PRICE as old_price from price_history where price_history.part_no= article_table.part_no order by vali
2015-10-19 17:11:14 972
原创 ORA-01722:invalid number
今天工作中遇到了:ORA-01722:invalid number 这个坑爹的错误,情况如下: CREATE TABLE "TMP_WEEKLY_REPORT_TMP" ( "SI_ID" NUMBER(20,0), "TERR" VARCHAR2(4000 BYTE), "ICSS_ID" NUMBER ) CREATE TABLE
2015-10-15 16:52:02 979
原创 Duplicate Emails
Write a SQL query to find all duplicate emails in a table named Person.+—-+———+ | Id | Email | +—-+———+ | 1 | a@b.com | | 2 | c@d.com | | 3 | a@b.com | +—-+———+ For example, your query shou
2015-10-07 22:40:36 470
原创 Rising Temperature
https://leetcode.com/problems/rising-temperature/# Write your MySQL query statement below select w1.Id from Weather w1,Weather w2 where TO_DAYS(w1.Date) = TO_DAYS(w2.Date) + 1 AND w1.Temperature > w2.T
2015-10-07 22:25:31 338
原创 Second Highest Salary
Write a SQL query to get the second highest salary from the Employee table.+—-+——–+ | Id | Salary | +—-+——–+ | 1 | 100 | | 2 | 200 | | 3 | 300 | +—-+——–+ For example, given the above
2015-10-07 17:14:02 333
转载 Word Pattern
Word Pattern My Submissions Question Solution Total Accepted: 1488 Total Submissions: 5360 Difficulty: Easy Given a pattern and a string str, find if str follows the same patt
2015-10-06 13:20:25 378
原创 Peeking Iterator
Given an Iterator class interface with methods: next() and hasNext(), design and implement a PeekingIterator that support the peek() operation – it essentially peek() at the element that will be return
2015-09-26 21:06:24 271
原创 sql server中的update set from 对应 ORACLE 的写法
首先mssql和oracle两边都支持update set whereupdate xxx set col = 'xxx' where col = 'sss';但是SQL SERVER也支持update set from update xxx set xxx.col = yyy.col from yyy where ......;ORACLE这边不支持,于是研究了一下有了一种可以代替的sql:upd
2015-09-24 09:26:33 972
原创 sql server中的outer apply ,across apply 对应 oracle
今天在convert sqlserver procedure 的时候遇到了outer apply,across apply查了一下文档,发现在oracle在其12c版本才有这个关键字。但是我用的是10g,经过google后,解决了问题。SQLSERVER:outer apply ORACLE:left outer joinSQLSERVER:across apply ORACLE:inner joi
2015-09-18 09:05:39 1647
原创 oracle function
//首字母大写 INITCAP('tech on the net'); result:'Tech On The Net'//删除左边匹配的内容,第二个参数为空的话则为匹配删除空格 LTRIM('123123Tech', '123') Result: 'Tech' LTRIM( '637Tech', '0123456789') Result: 'Tech'//删除右边匹配的内容,第二个参数为空的话则为
2015-09-08 10:14:06 473
原创 MongoDB 去重 分组(针对于某个field 或者 组合项的去重)
Document sss的数据如下: 一.根据成条数据(也就是所有field)来去重: 1. 使用mapRrduce函数来去重: 效果如下: 然后我们可以通过遍历的方式把value的不重复myid,age,name拼成我们要的document格式。 2. 换一下思路,使用$group方式来实现: 得到的结果是: 二.针对于某个field的
2015-08-28 10:57:06 5096
翻译 js中slice()和substring()的区别
js中slice()和substring()的区别 var s = new String("Couch potato"); 相同点: >>>s.slice(1,5); "ouch" >>>s.substring(1,5) "ouch" 不同点:
2015-08-12 09:20:20 659
TA创建的收藏夹 TA关注的收藏夹