Android 面试题总结

Android 面试题总结

• Explain Android Architecture?
• Explain Android UI
• Activity life cycle?
• Fragment life cycle?
• Difference between Service,Asynctask,Thread?
• Difference between Hashmap and Hashtable?
• What is task affinity?
• Permission required to access user Location in android?
• Have you worked in Map integration? Explain in brief.
• Have you worked in Camera integration? Explain in brief.
• What are Crash and user analytics tools?
• How to do good memory management in Android?
• What is Broadcast receiver?
• What is Notification?
• Twitter,Facebook integration.
• Intent and intent filter.
• How to create custom permission in Android?
• Difference between and tag in Manifest file?
• What is the use of minSdkVersion,maxSdkVersion,targetSdkVersion in in Manifest file?
• What are Android application components?
• Why fragment is required?
• Example of Inheritance in Android application?
• What is content provider?How to create your own content provider?
• Difference between content provider and Sqlite database?
• Have you worked in OpenGL,3d animation in Android?
• Version control systems.
• Multiple screen support in Android?
• Multiple language support in Android?About latest Android OS and what are the new features added on it?
• Have you developed in any open source library?
• Briefly Describe the stages of an Android Appllication’s lifecycle
• What is the Acronym “ANR” stand for, what does it describe
• What is an Android App expected to do when it receives a “suspend” ntoffication?
• Why would an Android App receive a suspend notification?
• How do you use JNI?
• How do you implement the handling of multiple input sources in an Android App? (Such as in a multi-user game)?
• We also ask simple algorithms, such as link list management, GUI layout (cosmetic value) and so on
• What have you done recently?
• How do you implement your own app?
• If this was your app how would you make it work?
• What happens if the phone is turned off and you need to send the pills results to the consumer?
• How would you go ahead with this product?
• Have you done any graphics?
• Sync-Adaptors and how you would interact with them?
• How do you navigate on the Tree? How do you go from the top of the tree and get the leafs as well as nodes? (Data Structure Question)

• Write a function that will go through the numbers 1 to 100 and print “Fizz” if the number is a multiple of 3 and print “Buzz” if it’s a multiple of 5. If it is a multiple of 3 and 5, print "FizzBuzz:

• Write a function that takes in an array, number of the column and prints out numbers in a grid.

• Do the same thing, except using recursive

• Tree traversal problems

• Given a string (sentence of words), reverse the spelling of each of the words. Next, reverse the order of the words.

• Questions about hashmaps.

• Given a set of phone-numbers inputted by a user, normalize the inputs so they are in the same format

• Talk about past projects that you’ve worked on in detail
• Talk about current experiences and current projects; explain design architectures and technologies used; pros & cons of using certain technologies vs. other technologies
• If you have two diamonds in an array, find all possible ways from point A to B
• How are hashmaps implemented?
• Implement a tic tac toe game with an algorithm
• Data-structures
• If you have a circle and are dropping a coin from above, create a method to see if the coin you drop lands in the circle
• Come up with a solution that finds the value of pi
• Give an array, find the value of two numbers within the particular array
• If you have a chess piece, that can only move one square up or one square to the right at a time, write an algorithm that will find all the possible moves for the chess piece to move from the bottom left square of the board to the top right square of the board.
• Design a solution that will allow you to retrieve information from Facebook & Twitter
• Variation of the chess question
• Storing Facebook / Twitter feed
• How to tell if a Profile used to query / cache data from web changes - hashcode / signature
• Method to tell if 2 numbers in a sorted array add up to a given number
• Random object generator
• ex: simulate same distribution as picking from jar with 20 red, 30 blue and 50 green marbles
• Traverse graph
• Find shortest path between 2 nodes in a graph structure
• Algorithm Question: Linklist question, explain to them in conversation
• Reversing a string
• Synching- asynchronoss programming
• Threading
• How to implement the UI
• What type of work are you doing?
• OEM Integration
• Personal Applications
• LinkedList questions: Reverse a linked list recursively(in-place) and iteratively, delete a node from linked list, find the nth node, find the nth node from the end, test if a linked list has a cycle, write test cases
• What is immutable, Implement an immutable class (e.g. myDateTime)
• What are some ways to implement a singleton in Java
• What happens in the system during a recursive call
• Remove an item from an array of ints, print the second largest number in an array, remove a character from a string
• String questions: Check if one string is a rotation of other string, check if a string is a palindrome, check if a string is a substring of other string, return the index of the first occurrence of a substring in other string, reverse a string, difference between String Builder, StringBuffer, and String

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