

以前经常使用的仿真器是j-link V8,现在用ST-LINK也还不错,而且还比较便宜。想了解j-link V8的接法可以参考之前的笔记:





2.在“Debug”下的Use下选择ST-Link Debugger。点击setting按钮,在弹出的对话框上面选择SW模式,查看是否能找到芯片。

3.2中弹处的窗口中选择“Flash Download”,添加对应的STM32型号。点击确定。

4.Options for Target 窗口下选择Utilities选项夹,选择ST-Link Debugger



/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : version.txt * Author : MCD Application Team * Version : V2.0.0 * Date : 07/03/2009 * Description : Version file for Flash Loader Demonstrator ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT SOFTWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH SOFTWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ * V2.0.0 - 03/07/2009 ===================== New Features ************ + Adding STM32 connectivity line and STM8 devices + Adding CAN communication for connectivity line devices over COMBox bridge + Adding Access to DfuSe Demo (the DfuSe Demo should be installed on your machine) * V1.3.0 - 03/05/2009 ===================== Enhancements ************ + Allow device selection in the flash loader GUI for non programmed flash size devices + Add Visual studio 2005 workspace template under INSTALLDIR\src directory * V1.2.0 - 10/23/2008 ===================== New Features ************ + Support of Low density and STM32 USB Access line devices Enhancements ************ + Fix a minor issue of COM ports with greater than 9 numbers + Fix a minor issue of the GUI pages transition after enabling or disabling protection + RAM size information in the Device information page is removed * V1.1.1 - 06/16/2008 ===================== + Remove the Software License Agreement file + Update the source files's header to remove reference to the License * V1.1.0 - 06/02/2008 =================== New Features ************ + Add SOFTWARE License Agreement file + Save the last used configuration for the serial communication + Save the last used file names for upload and download operations + Add Enable/Diable the Read/Write protection commands + Add Option bytes Window for flexible usage + Add Option bytes upgrade thru files option to the download operation + Add of a Command line version of the flash loader demonstrator + Add of Source Files of the command line version + Add headers and and library files of common run-time DLLs + Support all STM32 family products,STR75x products, and all STMicroelectronics products implementing the bootloader protocol Enhancements ************ + Fix a minor issue of format with the Upload operation in a binary file + Fix a minor issue with erase command status update + Fix an issue of Download, Upload and erase operations with an image size (>32k) * V1.0.0 - 10/25/2007 ==================== Created. ******************* (C) COPYRIGHT 2009 STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE******
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