【概率论】3-4:二维分布(Bivariate Distribution)


Abstract: 本文主要介绍双变量的分布情况,以及其中的一些有用的性质
Keywords: Discrete Joint Distribution,Continuous Joint Distribution,Mixed Bivariate Distribution,Bivariate Cumulative Distribution Functions



联合分布 Joint Distribution

Bivariate = { D i s c r e t e Discrete,Discrete C o n t i n u o u s Continuous,Continuous H y b r i d Discrete,Continuous \text{Bivariate}= \begin{cases} Discrete & \text{Discrete,Discrete}\\ Continuous & \text{Continuous,Continuous}\\ Hybrid & \text{Discrete,Continuous} \end{cases} Bivariate=DiscreteContinuousHybridDiscrete,DiscreteContinuous,ContinuousDiscrete,Continuous


Definition Joint/Bivariate Distribution:Let X X X and Y Y Y be random varibales.The joint distribution or bivariate distribution of X X X and Y Y Y is the collection of all probabilities of the form P r [ ( X , Y ) ∈ C ] Pr[(X,Y)\in C] Pr[(X,Y)C] for all sets C C C of pairs of real numbers such that ( X , Y ) ∈ C {(X,Y)\in C} (X,Y)C is an event


离散联合分布 Discrete Joint Distribution

Definition Joint Distribution:Let X and Y be random variables,and consider the ordered pair(X,Y).If there are only finitely or at most countably many different possible values (x,y) for the pair (X,Y),then we say that x and Y have a discrete joint distribution


举个🌰 :
硬币分为head 和tail,骰子是1~6点,其联合分布的结果如下表:

1 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121
2 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121
3 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121
4 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121
5 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121
6 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121 1 12 \frac{1}{12} 121

Theorem: Suppose that two random variable X and Y each have a discrete distribution.Then X and Y have a discrete joint distribution


  1. 如果两个样本空间有限,那么其笛卡尔积有限,这个是集合论中已经明确的结论了
  2. 如果两个样本空间可数无限,那么气笛卡尔积也是可数无限的,这个相关证明也在集合论中,这里不再证明

Definition Joint Probability Function,p.f. The joint probability function,or the joint p.f. of X and Y is defined as the function f such that for every point (x,y) in xy-plane:
f ( x , y ) = P r ( X = x  and  Y = y ) f(x,y)=Pr(X=x\text{ and } Y=y) f(x,y)=Pr(X=x and Y=y)

这个定义是定义联合概率函数,对应一维随机变量里的概率函数,这个函数输入二维随机变量,产生一个实数概率值: X × Y → ℜ X\times Y\to \Re X×Y

Theorem Let X X X and Y Y Y have a discrete joint distribution.If ( x , y ) (x,y) (x,y) is not one of the possible values of the pair ( X , Y ) (X,Y) (X,Y) the f ( x , y ) = 0 f(x,y)=0 f(x,y)=0 .Also,
∑ All  ( x , y ) f ( x , y ) \sum_{\text{All }(x,y)}f(x,y) All (x,y)f(x,y)
Finally,for each set C C C of ordered pairs
P r [ ( X , Y ) ∈ C ] = ∑ ( x , y ) ∈ C f ( x , y ) Pr[(X,Y)\in C]=\sum_{(x,y)\in C}f(x,y) Pr[(X,Y)C]=(x,y)Cf(x,y)

接着我们定义的是离散联合分布,以及通过新的规则 ( X , Y ) ∈ C (X,Y)\in C (X,Y)C 产生一个新的分布。

还是上面第一个例子,如果我们把 C = { c : x = Head and  y ≤ 3 } C=\{c:x=\text{Head and } y\leq 3\} C={c:x=Head and y3},那么这个新的联合事件的概率 :
P r [ ( X , Y ) ∈ C ] = 1 12 + 1 12 + 1 12 = 1 4 Pr[(X,Y)\in C]=\frac{1}{12}+\frac{1}{12}+\frac{1}{12}=\frac{1}{4} Pr[(X,Y)C]=121+121+121=41

连续联合分布 Continuous Joint Distribution

先来个🌰 :
还是水费和电费的例子,我们之前解决是用几何的方法解决的,现在我们用分析的方式解决,回一下题干,“我们有一家工厂,每个月用水是在 [ 10 , 110 ] [10,110] [10,110] 吨,用电在 [ 100 , 1100 ] [100,1100] [100,1100] 千瓦时,并且是完全随机的均匀的,那么我们可以计算用水在 [ 20 , 40 ] [20,40] [20,40] 吨,用电在 [ 600 , 800 ] [600,800] [600,800] 千瓦时的概率是多少?”

用二重积分的方法,我们能求出联合分布面积,结合其概率密度分布 f ( x , y ) = 1 100000 f(x,y)=\frac{1}{100000} f(x,y)=1000001

P r [ ( X , Y ) ∈ C ] = ∫ C ∫ 1 100000 d x d y Pr[(X,Y)\in C]=\int_C\int \frac{1}{100000}dx dy Pr[(X,Y)C]=C1000001dxdy


Definition Continuous Joint Distribution/Joint p.d.f./Support:Two random varibales X and Y have a continuous joint distribution if there exists a nonnegative function f defined over the entire xy-plane such that for every subset C of the plane,
P r [ ( X , Y ) ∈ C ] = ∫ C ∫ f ( x , y ) d x d y Pr[(X,Y)\in C]=\int_C\int f(x,y)dx dy Pr[(X,Y)C]=Cf(x,y)dxdy
if the integral exists.The function f f f is called the joint probability density function(abbreviated joint p.d.f)of X X X and Y Y Y.The closure of the set ( x , y ) : f ( x , y ) > 0 {(x,y):f(x,y)>0} (x,y):f(x,y)>0 is called the support of (the distribution of) ( X , Y ) (X,Y) (X,Y)

关于连续随机变量联合分布的定义,和前面的连续随机变量第一非常像,这个定义只是告诉我们了外观,什么样的形式,但最核心的部分也就是那个函数 f f f 并没有告诉我们怎么得到的,是否能通过两个随机变量自有的分布计算得出,也就是我们假设连续随机变量X 有一个 g 1 ( x ) g_1(x) g1(x) 的连续分布函数,连续随机变量Y 有一个 g 2 ( y ) g_2(y) g2(y) 的连续分布函数,我们怎么从 g 1 g_1 g1 g 2 g_2 g2 得到 f f f ,他们之间具体有没有实质性的关系,我们留作一个思考。


A joint p.d.f. must satisfy the following two conditions:
f ( x , y ) ≥ 0  for  − ∞ < x < ∞  and  − ∞ < y < ∞ f(x,y)\geq 0 \text{ for } -\infty <x<\infty \text{ and } -\infty <y<\infty f(x,y)0 for <x< and <y<
∫ − ∞ ∞ ∫ − ∞ ∞ f ( x , y ) d x d y = 1 \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}f(x,y)dxdy=1 f(x,y)dxdy=1

所有满足上面这个性质的二元函数都能当联合pdf,其对应的某些 X X X Y Y Y 概率分布。

由于 X X X Y Y Y pdf不唯一,所以联合起来的pdf也不唯一。


Theorem For every contimuous joint distribution on the xy-plane,the following two statements hold:

  1. Every individual point,and every infinite sequence of points,in the xy-plane has pribability 0.
  2. Let f f f be a continuous function of one real variable defined on a(possibly unbounded) interval(a,b).The sets { ( x , y ) : y = f ( x ) , a < x < b } \{(x,y):y=f(x),a<x<b\} {(x,y):y=f(x),a<x<b} and { ( x , y ) : x = f ( y ) , a < y < b } \{(x,y):x=f(y),a<y<b\} {(x,y):x=f(y),a<y<b} have probability 0


对于一条线,两个变量有一个被消去了,也就是从二重积分上来说微分部分是0,所以结果是0,从图形上来看,一个面的体积是0 。

混合二维分布 Mixed Bivariate Distribution


Definition Joint p.f/p.d.f: Let X X X and Y Y Y be random variables such that X X X is discrete and Y Y Y is continuous.Suppose that there is a function f ( x , y ) f(x,y) f(x,y) define on the xy-plane such that,for every pair A and B of subsets of the real numbers
P r ( X ∈ A  and  Y ∈ B ) = ∫ B ∑ x ∈ A f ( x , y ) d y Pr(X\in A \text{ and } Y \in B)=\int_B\sum_{x\in A}f(x,y)dy Pr(XA and YB)=BxAf(x,y)dy
if the integral exists.Then the function f f f is called the joint p.f./p.d.f of X X X and Y Y Y

没错我们关注的焦点应该是那个联合分布函数(现在他既是连续又是离散的)只要积分存在,那么这个函数就是X 和Y的一个混合二维分布。
∫ − ∞ ∞ ∑ i = 1 ∞ f ( x i , y ) d y = 1 \int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\sum^{\infty}_{i=1}f(x_i,y)dy=1 i=1f(xi,y)dy=1

( X , Y ) ∈ C we set  C x = { y : ( x , y ) ∈ C } then  P r ( ( X , Y ) ∈ C ) = ∑ All  x ∫ C x f ( x , y ) d y (X,Y)\in C\\ \text{we set } C_x=\{y:(x,y)\in C\}\\ \text{then } Pr((X,Y)\in C)=\sum_{\text{All } x}\int_{C_x}f(x,y)dy (X,Y)Cwe set Cx={y:(x,y)C}then Pr((X,Y)C)=All xCxf(x,y)dy

举个🌰 :
f ( x , p ) = p x ( 1 − p ) 1 − x  for  x = 0 , 1  and  0 < p < 1 f(x,p)=p^x(1-p)^{1-x}\text{ for } x=0,1 \text{ and } 0<p<1 f(x,p)=px(1p)1x for x=0,1 and 0<p<1
计算 P r ( X ≤ 0  and  P ≤ 1 2 ) Pr(X\leq 0 \text{ and } P\leq \frac{1}{2}) Pr(X0 and P21)
P r ( X ≤ 0  and  P ≤ 1 2 ) = ∫ 0 1 2 ( 1 − p ) d p = − 1 2 [ ( 1 − 1 2 ) 2 − ( 1 − 0 ) 2 ] = 3 8 Pr(X\leq 0 \text{ and } P\leq \frac{1}{2})=\int_0^{\frac{1}{2}}(1-p)dp\\ =-\frac{1}{2}[(1-\frac{1}{2})^2-(1-0)^2]=\frac{3}{8} Pr(X0 and P21)=021(1p)dp=21[(121)2(10)2]=83

二维累积分布函数 Bivariate Cumulative Distribution Functions


Definition: Joint(Cumulative) Distribution Function/c.d.f. The joint distribution function or joint cumulative distribution function (joint c.d.f) of two random variables X and Y is defined as the function F such that for all values of x and y( − ∞ < x < ∞ -\infty<x<\infty <x< and − ∞ < y < ∞ -\infty<y<\infty <y<)
F ( x , y ) = P r ( X ≤ x  and  Y ≤ y ) F(x,y)=Pr(X\leq x \text{ and } Y\leq y ) F(x,y)=Pr(Xx and Yy)

P r ( a < x ≤ b  and  c < Y ≤ d ) = P r ( a < X ≤ b  and  y ≤ d ) − P r ( a < x ≤ b  and  y ≤ c ) = [ P r ( X ≤ b  and  Y ≤ d ) − P r ( X ≤ a  and  Y ≤ d ) ] − [ P r ( X ≤ b  and  Y ≤ c ) − P r ( X ≤ a  and  Y ≤ c ) ] = F ( b , d ) − F ( a , d ) − F ( b , c ) + F ( a , c ) Pr(a<x\leq b \text{ and } c<Y\leq d)\\ =Pr(a<X\leq b \text{ and } y\leq d) -Pr(a<x\leq b \text{ and } y\leq c)\\ =[Pr(X\leq b \text{ and } Y \leq d)-Pr(X\leq a \text{ and } Y \leq d)]-\\ [Pr(X\leq b \text{ and } Y \leq c)-Pr(X\leq a \text{ and } Y \leq c)]\\ =F(b,d)-F(a,d)-F(b,c)+F(a,c) Pr(a<xb and c<Yd)=Pr(a<Xb and yd)Pr(a<xb and yc)=[Pr(Xb and Yd)Pr(Xa and Yd)][Pr(Xb and Yc)Pr(Xa and Yc)]=F(b,d)F(a,d)F(b,c)+F(a,c)

Theorem Let X X X and Y Y Y have a joint c.d.f. F F F.The c.d.f. F 1 F_1 F1 of just the single random variable X X X can be derived from the joint c.d.f. F F F as F 1 ( x ) = l i m y → ∞ F ( x , y ) F_1(x)=lim_{y\to \infty}F(x,y) F1(x)=limyF(x,y).Similarly,the c.d.f. F 2 F_2 F2 of Y Y Y equals F 2 ( y ) = l i m x → ∞ F ( x , y ) F_2(y)=lim_{x\to \infty}F(x,y) F2(y)=limxF(x,y) ,for 0 < y ≤ ∞ 0<y\leq \infty 0<y


  1. 离散情况下:
    Let  B 0 = { X ≤ x  and  Y ≤ 0 } B 1 = { X ≤ x  and  n − 1 < y ≤ n }  ,for  n = 1 , 2 … A m = ⋃ n = 0 m B n  ,for  m = 1 , 2 , … \text{Let }\\ B_0=\{X\leq x \text{ and } Y\leq 0\} \\ B_1=\{X\leq x \text{ and }n-1<y\leq n\}\text{ ,for } n=1,2\dots\\ A_m=\bigcup^{m}_{n=0}B_n\text{ ,for }m=1,2,\dots\\ Let B0={Xx and Y0}B1={Xx and n1<yn} ,for n=1,2Am=n=0mBn ,for m=1,2,
    我们可以确定: { X ≤ x } = ⋃ n = − 0 ∞ B n \{X\leq x\}=\bigcup^{\infty}_{n=-0}B_n {Xx}=n=0Bn ,并且 A m = { X ≤ x  and  Y ≤ m }  for  m = 1 , 2 , … A_m=\{X\leq x \text{ and } Y\leq m\} \text{ for } m=1,2,\dots Am={Xx and Ym} for m=1,2, 这样我们有 P r ( A m ) = F ( x , m )  for each  m Pr(A_m)=F(x,m) \text{ for each } m Pr(Am)=F(x,m) for each m

F 1 ( x ) = P r ( X ≤ x ) = P r ( ⋃ n = 1 ∞ B n ) = ∑ n = 0 ∞ P r ( B n ) = l i m m → ∞ P r ( A m ) = l i m m → ∞ F ( x , m ) = l i m y → ∞ P r ( A m ) F_1(x)=Pr(X\leq x)=Pr(\bigcup^{\infty}_{n=1}B_n)\\ =\sum^{\infty}_{n=0}Pr(B_n)=lim_{m\to \infty} Pr(A_m)\\ =lim_{m\to \infty}F(x,m)=lim_{y\to \infty}Pr(A_m) F1(x)=Pr(Xx)=Pr(n=1Bn)=n=0Pr(Bn)=limmPr(Am)=limmF(x,m)=limyPr(Am)
2. 连续情况下:

最后说一下joint cdf和joint pdf的关系,微积分关系😆
F ( x , y ) = ∫ − ∞ y ∫ − ∞ x f ( r , s ) d r d s f ( x , y ) = ∂ 2 F ( x , y ) ∂ x ∂ y F(x,y)=\int^y_{-\infty}\int^x_{-\infty}f(r,s)drds\\ f(x,y)=\frac{\partial^2F(x,y)}{\partial x\partial y} F(x,y)=yxf(r,s)drdsf(x,y)=xy2F(x,y)



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