C++ In Action: Industrial Strength Programming Techniques

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Modern guide to using C++ langugage, including how to apply it to Windows programming. Shows how to write programs for programmers, not computers.
In early 1990, C++ was chosen as the implementation language for a huge telecommunications project at Ellemtel Telecommunications Systems Laboratories in Stockholm, Sweden. A pro- gramming standard for the project was written by Erik, a document that was later maintained by the two of us, working as the C++ support group. Then, in 1991, there was a discussion about programming standards in the news group comp.lang.c++. Mats wrote a message describing the structure of our document. Suddenly we received an e-mail from Bjarne Stroustrup, the initial inventor of C++, asking if he could have a look at the document. The fact that it was written in Swedish was no problem to him, since he was born in Denmark, and Danish is fairly close to Swedish. The document was initially only meant for internal use, but shortly after Bjarne’s e- mail we convinced our managers that it would be a good idea to make the document available to the public. By doing that we could use the Internet to review and improve our rules and rec- ommendations. A few months later the document was translated into English and made available for anonymous ftp. This document is now in use at many hundreds of companies, research centers and universities all over the world, from Chile and India to France, Australia and the USA. However, it was writ- ten a long time ago. C++ has changed in quite many ways since 1992. Many new features have been added to the language, like RTTI and namespaces, as well as a very powerful standard tem- plate library, but C++ is now stable and very close to become an international standard. The way C++ is used has changed a lot. What was previously looked upon with suspicion, like for exam- ple multiple inheritance, is now rather accepted. With this as background it is time for a major revision of the “C++ Rules and Recommendations” document, now as a book from Prentice Hall. What we have done is to rewrite our rules and recommendations from scratch, while preserving the structure that made it so popular.




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