Spring Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

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Spring addresses most aspects of Java/Java EE application development and offers simple solutions to them. By using Spring, you will be lead to use industry best practices to design and implement your applications. The releases of Spring 2.x have added many improvements and new features to the 1.x versions. Spring Recipes: A ProblemCSolution Approach focuses on the latest Spring 2.5 features for building enterprise Java applications.

Spring Recipes covers Spring 2.5 from basic to advanced, including Spring IoC container, Spring AOP and AspectJ, Spring data access support, Spring transaction management, Spring Web and Portlet MVC, Spring testing support, Spring support for remoting, EJB, JMS, JMX, ECmail, scheduling, and scripting languages. This book also introduces several common Spring Portfolio projects that will bring significant value to your application development, including Spring Security, Spring Web Flow, and Spring Web Services.

The topics in this book are introduced by complete and realCworld code examples that you can follow step by step. Instead of abstract descriptions on complex concepts, you will find live examples in this book. When you start a new project, you can consider copying the code and configuration files from this book, and then modifying them for your needs. This can save you a great deal of work over creating a project from scratch.

What youll learn
*Installing the Spring framework and Spring IDE, using the Spring IoC container and the Spring application context.
*Understanding AOP concepts, using classic and new Spring AOP, integrating Spring with AspectJ, and loadCtime weaving aspects.
*Using Spring to simplify data access (with JDBC, Hibernate, and JPA) and manage transactions programmatically and declaratively.
*Building web applications and portlets with Spring Web MVC and Portlet MVC, and integrating Spring with Struts, JSF, and DWR.
*Understanding the unit testing and integration testing concepts, and Springs unit and integration testing support (on JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4, and TestNG).
*Using Springs support for remoting technologies (RMI, Hessian, Burlap, and HTTP Invoker), EJB, JMS, JMX, E-mail, scheduling, and scripting languages.
*Understanding security concepts (authentication, authorization, and access control), and securing web applications using Spring Security.
*Managing complex web application page flows using Spring Web Flow, and integrating Spring Web Flow with JSF.
*Exposing contractClast web services using XFire, and developing contractCfirst web services using Spring Web Services.

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Solve all your Spring Boot 2 problems using complete and real-world code examples. When you start a new project, you’ll be able to copy the code and configuration files from this book, and then modify them for your needs. This can save you a great deal of work over creating a project from scratch. Using a problem-solution approach, Spring Boot 2 Recipes quickly introduces you to Pivotal's Spring Boot 2 micro-framework, then dives into code snippets on how to apply and integrate Spring Boot 2 with the Spring MVC web framework, Spring Web Sockets, and microservices. You'll also get solutions to common problems with persistence, integrating Spring Boot with batch processing, algorithmic programming via Spring Batch, and much more. Other recipes cover topics such as using and integrating Boot with Spring's enterprise services, Spring Integration, testing, monitoring and more. What You'll Learn Get reusable code recipes and snippets for the Spring Boot 2 micro-framework Discover how Spring Boot 2 integrates with other Spring APIs, tools, and frameworks Access Spring MVC and the new Spring Web Sockets for simpler web development Work with microservices for web services development and integration with your Spring Boot applications Add persistence and a data tier seamlessly to make your Spring Boot web application do more Integrate enterprise services to create a more complex Java application using Spring Boot Who This Book Is For Experienced Java and Spring programmers. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Spring Boot—Introduction Chapter 2: Spring Boot—Basics Chapter 3: Spring MVC Chapter 4: Spring MVC - Async Chapter 5: Spring WebFlux Chapter 6: Spring Security Chapter 7: Data Access Chapter 8: Java Enterprise Services Chapter 9: Messaging Chapter 10: Spring Boot Actuator Chapter 11: Packaging


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