


参考书:应用预测建模 Applied Predictive Modeling (2013) by Max Kuhn and Kjell Johnson,林荟等译




ls(pattern = "^solT")#我们需要用到的数据集
> ls(pattern = "^solT")#我们需要用到的数据集
[1] "solTestX"       "solTestXtrans"  "solTestY"       "solTrainX"      "solTrainXtrans" "solTrainY"  


(a )连续型描述量与溶解度(响应变量)之间的关系

xyplot(solTrainY ~ solTrainX$MolWeight, type = c("p", "g"),
       ylab = "Solubility (log)",
       main = "(a)",
       xlab = "Molecular Weight")

如图,随着分子量(选定的连续型描述量)的增加,溶解度逐渐降低。这一关系大体是对数线性的,除了一些溶解度很小或溶解度在0到- 5 之间而分子量很大的离群值之外。

(b )指纹0-1变量与溶解度(响应变量)之间的关系

bwplot(solTrainY ~ ifelse(solTrainX[,100] == 1, 
                          "structure present", 
                          "structure absent"),
       ylab = "Solubility (log)",
       main = "(b)",
       horizontal = FALSE)


 (c )计数描述量与溶解度(响应变量)之间的关系

xyplot(solTrainY ~ solTrainX$NumRotBonds, type = c("p", "g"),
       ylab = "Solubility (log)",
       xlab = "Number of Rotatable Bonds")


(d ) 展示响应变量与所有非指纹0-1变量的关系,纵轴为响应变量,横轴为已经经过box-cox变换的预测变量

notFingerprints <- grep("FP", names(solTrainXtrans))

featurePlot(solTrainXtrans[, -notFingerprints],
            between = list(x = 1, y = 1),
            type = c("g", "p", "smooth"),
            labels = rep("", 2))

如图,图片展示了预测变量与结果变量之间的散点图,并加上了用“平滑”模型处理过的被称为loess 的回归线 。平滑后的回归线显示出,某些预测变量与结果变量之间的关系是线性的(如分子量),而另一些则是非线性的(如氯原子的数量)。基于这些原因,可以考虑在预测变量中增加某些变量的二次项。 

(e ) 展所有非指纹0-1变量的相关系数


corrplot::corrplot(cor(solTrainXtrans[, -notFingerprints]), 
                   order = "hclust", 
                   tl.cex = .8)

如图,图片展示变换后非0-1指纹变量之间的相关结构。其中有许多很强的正相关关系(由巨大的、深蓝色的圆表示) 。 这可能会对建模(例如线性问归)产生不好的影响。 


利用普通最小二乘建立线性回归模型的主函数是lm ,它接受一个公式和一个数据框作为输入。因为这个原因,训练集预测变量和结果变量应该被包含在同一个数据框中。可以创建一个新数据框来达到这一目的:

trainingData <- solTrainXtrans
trainingData$Solubility <- solTrainY #加入响应变量


lmFitAllPredictors <- lm(Solubility~., data= trainingData)



> summary(lmFitAllPredictors)

lm(formula = Solubility ~ ., data = trainingData)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-1.75620 -0.28304  0.01165  0.30030  1.54887 

                    Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)        2.431e+00  2.162e+00   1.124 0.261303    
FP001              3.594e-01  3.185e-01   1.128 0.259635    
FP002              1.456e-01  2.637e-01   0.552 0.580960    
FP044             -3.860e-01  2.184e-01  -1.768 0.077562 .   
FP061             -6.365e-01  1.440e-01  -4.421 1.13e-05 ***
FP062             -5.224e-01  2.961e-01  -1.764 0.078078 .  
FP063             -2.001e+00  1.287e+00  -1.554 0.120553    
FP064              2.549e-01  1.221e-01   2.087 0.037207 *  
FP065             -2.844e-01  1.197e-01  -2.377 0.017714 *  
FP066              2.093e-01  1.264e-01   1.655 0.098301 .  
FP067             -1.406e-01  1.540e-01  -0.913 0.361631    
FP068              4.964e-01  2.028e-01   2.447 0.014630 *  
FP069              1.324e-01  8.824e-02   1.501 0.133885    
FP070              3.453e-03  8.088e-02   0.043 0.965963    
FP071              1.474e-01  1.237e-01   1.192 0.233775    
FP072             -9.773e-01  2.763e-01  -3.537 0.000431 ***
FP073             -4.671e-01  2.072e-01  -2.254 0.024474 *  
FP074              1.793e-01  1.206e-01   1.487 0.137566   
 [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 29 rows ]
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.5524 on 722 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.9446,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.9271 
F-statistic: 54.03 on 228 and 722 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

在测试集上预测样本,将测试集的观测值和预测值放到一个数据框中,然后使用caret中的函数 defaultSummary 来估计模型在测试集上的性能:

#将测试集的观测值和预测值放到一个数据框中,然后使用caret 中的函数 defaultSummary 来估计模型在测试集上的性能
lmValues1 <- data.frame(obs = solTestY, pred = lmPred1)
testResults <- data.frame(obs = solTestY,
                          lm = lmPred1)#存储测试集预测数据

可见,在测试集上预测,RMSE为0.745,R方为0.8722 ,这表示在训练集上的结果确实过于乐观了。

> head(lmValues1)
    obs        pred
20 0.93  0.99370933
21 0.85  0.06834627
23 0.81 -0.69877632
25 0.74  0.84796356
28 0.61 -0.16578324
31 0.58  1.40815083
> defaultSummary(lmValues1)
     RMSE  Rsquared       MAE 
0.7455802 0.8722236 0.5497605 

虽然普通线性回归没有调优参数,但是这并不妨碍建模者使用严谨的模型验证工具对其进行验证,特别是当模型用于预测时。事实上,我们必须使用与第4 章中相同的训练和验证方法来对模型预测新样本的能力进行评价。

train 函数可以利用重抽样方法来生成模型性能的估计值。由于训练集的容量并不小(951个),因此10 折交叉验证应该可以生成模型性能的合理估计。函数trainControl 可以指定重抽样的类型。train 函数既接受模型公式作为参数,也支持非公式的接口(参见4. 9 节中介绍的指定预测模型的各种方法)。

indx <- createFolds(solTrainY, returnTrain = TRUE)
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", index = indx)

lmFit1 <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
                 method = "lm",
                 trControl = ctrl)


运行时提示的警告信息( prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading)是因为某些预测变量的高度相关性导致一些数学计算中断。


> #进行线性回归的十折交叉验证
> set.seed(100)
> lmFit1 <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
+                  method = "lm",
+                  trControl = ctrl)
Warning messages:
1: In predict.lm(modelFit, newdata) :
  prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading
2: In predict.lm(modelFit, newdata) :
  prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading
> lmFit1
Linear Regression 

951 samples
228 predictors

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results:

  RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
  0.7210355  0.8768359  0.5401102

Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE


xyplot(solTrainY ~ predict(lmFit1),
        ## plot the points (type = 'p') and a background grid ('g')
           type = c("p", "g"),
           xlab = "Predicted", ylab = "Observed")

#resid 函数可以生成训练集的残差,而不加数据参数的predict 函数可以返回训练集的预测值
xyplot(resid(lmFit1) ~ predict(lmFit1),
          type = c("p", "g"),
          xlab = "Predicted", ylab = "Residuals")



残差对预测值的散点图。如果模型设定良好,这种图应该呈现为随机的点云,且不存在离群值或明显的形状(如漏斗型)  。

 为了移除极度强相关的预测变量以建立更精简的模型,可以使用3. 3 节介绍的方法,将两两相关系数绝对值超过0. 9 的变量予以剔除,以减少预测变量的数目。

#用相关系数剔除高相关变量 p33
highCorr<-findCorrelation(cor(solTrainXtrans),cutoff=0.9) #返回建议删除变量的列数
lmFiltered <- train(x = filtesolTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
                method = "lm",
                trControl = ctrl)



 可见,剔除后的变量为190个(原来为228个)。提示的警告信息( prediction from a rank-deficient fit may be misleading)消失。

> #利用过滤过的变量建模
> set.seed(100)
> lmFiltered <- train(x = filtesolTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
+                 method = "lm",
+                 trControl = ctrl)
> lmFiltered
Linear Regression 

951 samples
190 predictors

No pre-processing
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results:

  RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
  0.7113935  0.8793396  0.5410503

Tuning parameter 'intercept' was held constant at a value of TRUE

预测测试集样本(过滤后的) ,并计算RMSE与R方

#将测试集的观测值和预测值放到一个数据框中,然后使用caret 中的函数 defaultSummary 来估计模型在测试集上的性能
lmFilteredValues1 <- data.frame(obs = solTestY, pred = lmFilteredPred1)
> head(lmFilteredValues1)
    obs        pred
20 0.93  0.87458991
21 0.85  0.09911774
23 0.81 -0.51698844
25 0.74  0.79768536
28 0.61  0.21186617
31 0.58  1.50363807
> defaultSummary(lmFilteredValues1)
     RMSE  Rsquared       MAE 
0.7601790 0.8669049 0.5661760 





图 模型残差与其对目标函数贡献之间的关系,图中展示了几种不同的目标函数。对于Huber 函数,阈值设定为2 


rlm <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
             method = "rlm",
             trControl = ctrl,
             preProc = c("center", "scale"))


> rlm
Robust Linear Model 

951 samples
228 predictors

Pre-processing: centered (228), scaled (228) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  intercept  psi           RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
  FALSE      psi.huber     2.8034713  0.8760595  2.7069027
  FALSE      psi.hampel    2.8034713  0.8760595  2.7069027
  FALSE      psi.bisquare  2.8035978  0.8760408  2.7070396
   TRUE      psi.huber     0.7321544  0.8752285  0.5389277
   TRUE      psi.hampel    0.7350600  0.8742359  0.5418816
   TRUE      psi.bisquare  0.7838603  0.8598210  0.5738828

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were intercept = TRUE and psi = psi.huber.

可以使用MASS包中的稳健线性模型函数(rlm),它默认使用的是Huber 方法。类似于lm 函数, rlm 的用法如下:

rlmFitAllPredictors <- rlm(Solubility ~ ., data = trainingData)


> summary(rlmFitAllPredictors)

Call: rlm(formula = Solubility ~ ., data = trainingData)
     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-2.89940 -0.25046  0.01221  0.25351  1.86225 

                  Value    Std. Error t value 
(Intercept)         2.5861   1.9646     1.3164
FP001               0.3706   0.2894     1.2804
FP002               0.0370   0.2396     0.1546
NumAromaticBonds   -2.0220   0.5663    -3.5706
NumHydrogen         0.7778   0.1709     4.5527
NumCarbon           0.7865   0.3419     2.3003
NumNitrogen         8.5838   2.7669     3.1023
NumOxygen           2.6481   0.4110     6.4436
NumSulfer          -9.6687   3.2884    -2.9403
NumChlorine        -6.4608   1.8075    -3.5744
NumHalogen          1.4341   1.9165     0.7483
NumRings            1.0132   0.6102     1.6605
HydrophilicFactor  -0.0836   0.1033    -0.8094
SurfaceArea1        0.0948   0.0550     1.7225
SurfaceArea2        0.1181   0.0510     2.3141

Residual standard error: 0.3739 on 722 degrees of freedom


#将测试集的观测值和预测值放到一个数据框中,然后使用caret 中的函数 defaultSummary 来估计模型在测试集上的性能
rlmValues1 <- data.frame(obs = solTestY, pred = rlmPred1)

 稳健回归在测试集的RMSE为0.753,R方为0.8700 ;由上文可知,普通线性回归在测试集的RMSE为0.745,R方为0.8722 。两个模型在此案例中表现差异不大。

> head(rlmValues1)
    obs        pred
20 0.93  1.09257730
21 0.85 -0.01596496
23 0.81 -0.55293933
25 0.74  0.82031495
28 0.61 -0.06744233
31 0.58  1.33320420
> defaultSummary(rlmValues1)
     RMSE  Rsquared       MAE 
0.7529670 0.8700394 0.5371296 


  1. 在进行PLS 之前,预测变量应该先进行中心化和标准化,特别是预测变量具有不同的量级时 。
  2. PLS 有一个调优参数:需要保留的成分数。重抽样方法可以用来选择最优的成分数。
  3. PLS适用于存在高度相关预测变量的数据集,但对于预测变量空间与响应变量的相关结构为非线性的模型,虽然可以自己构建数据集(比如加入平方项),但是更推荐用那些有可以在不修改预测变量空间的前提下更自然地发现顶测变量和响应变量之间的非线性关系的预测模型。



注意:train函数也可以以配舍plsr函数的method 参数进行使用,例如"oscorespls"、"simpls "或"widekernelpls”(具体见p86,不同算法的结果相同,只是某些算法优化了PLS的运算效率)。

indx <- createFolds(solTrainY, returnTrain = TRUE)
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", index = indx)

plsTune <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
                 method = "kernelpls",#Dayal和MacGregor的第一种核函数算法kernelpls
                 tuneGrid = expand.grid(ncomp = 1:20),#设定1-20个成分数
                 trControl = ctrl,
                 preProc = c("center", "scale"))

testResults$PLS_cv <- predict(plsTune, solTestXtrans)

可知,用十折交叉验证,选出来的最佳成分数为14 (RMSE最小,为0.7080)。


> plsTune
Partial Least Squares 

951 samples
228 predictors

Pre-processing: centered (228), scaled (228) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  ncomp  RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
   1     1.2820896  0.6061663  0.9908978
   2     1.0609080  0.7326945  0.8333728
   3     0.9344973  0.7914940  0.7238393
   4     0.8570977  0.8235854  0.6660943
   5     0.8126349  0.8413981  0.6315578
   6     0.7785140  0.8546538  0.6016439
   7     0.7539695  0.8642916  0.5731649
   8     0.7415685  0.8687828  0.5676066
   9     0.7307073  0.8726161  0.5582450
  10     0.7201343  0.8767022  0.5493821
  11     0.7174982  0.8778295  0.5486267
  12     0.7093452  0.8803296  0.5412528
  13     0.7108267  0.8802818  0.5414435
  14     0.7080011  0.8811427  0.5409259
  15     0.7085605  0.8809953  0.5385163
  16     0.7085113  0.8809079  0.5413013
  17     0.7088188  0.8809152  0.5429413
  18     0.7097142  0.8808145  0.5444825
  19     0.7119750  0.8798337  0.5461359
  20     0.7139587  0.8791681  0.5477691

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final value used for the model was ncomp = 14.


> plsTune$results
   ncomp      RMSE  Rsquared       MAE     RMSESD RsquaredSD      MAESD
1      1 1.2820896 0.6061663 0.9908978 0.12643831 0.07606802 0.08692801
2      2 1.0609080 0.7326945 0.8333728 0.08404089 0.03177571 0.06993945
3      3 0.9344973 0.7914940 0.7238393 0.07943628 0.02469891 0.05908861
4      4 0.8570977 0.8235854 0.6660943 0.05336496 0.02172862 0.03857533
5      5 0.8126349 0.8413981 0.6315578 0.03817911 0.02277085 0.03615625
6      6 0.7785140 0.8546538 0.6016439 0.03076132 0.01996481 0.03540179
7      7 0.7539695 0.8642916 0.5731649 0.03505010 0.01720024 0.03340631
8      8 0.7415685 0.8687828 0.5676066 0.03069722 0.01705571 0.02893890
9      9 0.7307073 0.8726161 0.5582450 0.02635050 0.01771026 0.02175748
10    10 0.7201343 0.8767022 0.5493821 0.02860208 0.01678537 0.01987854
11    11 0.7174982 0.8778295 0.5486267 0.03056129 0.01782793 0.01624970
12    12 0.7093452 0.8803296 0.5412528 0.02910027 0.01916458 0.01918982
13    13 0.7108267 0.8802818 0.5414435 0.02974200 0.01844625 0.02230934
14    14 0.7080011 0.8811427 0.5409259 0.03492938 0.01899973 0.02364453
15    15 0.7085605 0.8809953 0.5385163 0.03939786 0.01984845 0.02798348
16    16 0.7085113 0.8809079 0.5413013 0.04050778 0.02012026 0.02949941
17    17 0.7088188 0.8809152 0.5429413 0.04190305 0.01935973 0.02644218
18    18 0.7097142 0.8808145 0.5444825 0.04462642 0.01946978 0.02812665
19    19 0.7119750 0.8798337 0.5461359 0.04775935 0.02040080 0.02894271
20    20 0.7139587 0.8791681 0.5477691 0.04872832 0.02108566 0.03097676


#plsr函数默认使用Dayal和MacGregor的第一种核函数算法kernelpls,其他算法可以用method函数进行指定,如"oscorespls", "simpls",  "widekernelpls"
plsFit <- plsr(Solubility ~ ., data = trainingData
               , scale = TRUE, center = TRUE)#成分数可以用ncomp参数近行指定,如果使用默认值,则会使用最大数量的成分数

summary(plsFit) #预测变量被解释百分比与响应变量被解释百分比


> summary(plsFit)
Data: 	X dimension: 951 228 
	Y dimension: 951 1
Fit method: kernelpls
Number of components considered: 14
TRAINING: % variance explained
            1 comps  2 comps  3 comps  4 comps  5 comps  6 comps  7 comps  8 comps  9 comps
X              7.71    15.26    21.64    28.44    35.48    38.30    40.49    42.89    45.68
Solubility    61.51    74.52    80.54    84.06    86.01    87.65    89.03    89.86    90.45
            10 comps  11 comps  12 comps  13 comps  14 comps
X              47.25     48.65     50.49     52.69     55.39
Solubility     91.20     91.71     92.05     92.31     92.48



#predict(plsFit, solTestXtrans[1:5,], ncomp = 1:2)

testResults$PLSr <- predict(plsFit, solTestXtrans,ncomp=14) #必须设定成分数
head(testResults[1:5,c("PLS_cv","PLSr")]) #可见,train函数与plsr函数的预测结果相同
> head(testResults[1:5,c("PLS_cv","PLSr")]) #可见,train函数与plsr函数的预测结果相同
       PLS_cv       PLSr
20  0.5506072  0.5506072
21  0.1418576  0.1418576
23 -0.4927215 -0.4927215
25  0.5059239  0.5059239
28  0.1064888  0.1064888



pcrTune <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
                 method = "pcr",
                 tuneGrid = expand.grid(ncomp = 1:40),
                 trControl = ctrl,
                 preProc = c("center", "scale"))

testResults$PCR <- predict(pcrTune, solTestXtrans)


> pcrTune
Principal Component Analysis 

951 samples
228 predictors

Pre-processing: centered (228), scaled (228) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  ncomp  RMSE       Rsquared     MAE      
   1     2.0355455  0.009995405  1.5760048
   2     1.9769395  0.079463737  1.5609245
   3     1.7043970  0.313044590  1.3493766
   4     1.6022753  0.392005978  1.2422976
   5     1.5920674  0.399525705  1.2377843
   6     1.4425258  0.505930729  1.1109166
   7     1.2874737  0.605238500  1.0020781
   8     1.2905565  0.603239916  1.0072434
   9     1.2956287  0.600452235  1.0117654
  10     1.2727250  0.615882890  0.9875588
  11     1.2473825  0.631012300  0.9670008
  12     1.2428753  0.633688589  0.9665816
  13     1.2388695  0.636315637  0.9613924
  14     1.1890327  0.663558256  0.9255414
  15     1.1617356  0.677867352  0.9089636
  16     1.1105888  0.706637555  0.8731571
  17     1.0496580  0.737469231  0.8251672
  18     1.0415583  0.740561784  0.8188677
  19     1.0294205  0.746280919  0.8024013
  20     1.0130624  0.754530826  0.7903692
  21     1.0018983  0.759391365  0.7809619
  22     0.9993558  0.760355097  0.7799619
  23     0.9759803  0.772350870  0.7619193
  24     0.9766142  0.771999687  0.7633827
  25     0.9739905  0.773149541  0.7621599
  26     0.9644208  0.777538519  0.7554727
  27     0.9642577  0.777545969  0.7544588
  28     0.9600433  0.779304123  0.7503628
  29     0.9592284  0.779991857  0.7477065
  30     0.9582400  0.780537389  0.7446733
  31     0.9345170  0.791119125  0.7225679
  32     0.9253489  0.794788262  0.7201731
  33     0.9139088  0.799805666  0.7114884
  34     0.9144045  0.799335992  0.7122837
  35     0.8995955  0.806076909  0.7032619
  36     0.8909331  0.809912280  0.6930023
  37     0.8839311  0.813218932  0.6862276
  38     0.8832381  0.813533619  0.6851805
  39     0.8829844  0.813722510  0.6839845
  40     0.8692075  0.819293706  0.6758810

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final value used for the model was ncomp = 40.


plsResamples <- plsTune$results
plsResamples$Model <- "PLS"
pcrResamples <- pcrTune$results
pcrResamples$Model <- "PCR"
plsPlotData <- rbind(plsResamples, pcrResamples)

xyplot(RMSE ~ ncomp,
       data = plsPlotData,
       #aspect = 1,
       xlab = "# Components",
       ylab = "RMSE (Cross-Validation)",
       auto.key = list(columns = 2),
       groups = Model,
       type = c("o", "g"))

由于PLS 的降维是有监督的,所以它更快地找到了预测变量与响应变量之间的关系 。尽管两个模型的预测能力差别不大,但显然PLS 找到了一个更简单的模型,其成分数要远远小于PCR 。


对于PLS,预测变量在某些成分的标准化权重越大,以及响应变量变异被这些成分解释的比例越大,这一预测变量对于PLS 模型而言就越重要。 

根据指标的建立过程,所有VIP 值的平方和等于顶测变量的总数目。一个常用的准则是,VIP 值大于1就意味着该变量包含了预
测响应变量的信息。Wold (1995 )进一步建议,具有较小PLS 回归系数和VIP 值的预测变量可以被认为是不重要的.可以考虑将它们从模型中移除。 

plsImp <- varImp(plsTune, scale = FALSE) #varImp为caret包中的函数,用以计算train()函数产生对象的变量重要性
plot(plsImp, top = 25, scales = list(y = list(cex = .95)))
> head(plsImp$importance)
FP001 0.01298455
FP002 0.03359802
FP003 0.01070767
FP004 0.01784958
FP005 0.03157168
FP006 0.02440820



罚回归模型( 岭回归 、lasso回归、弹性网)




indx <- createFolds(solTrainY, returnTrain = TRUE)
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv", index = indx)

#设定正则化参数 取值范围为0-0.1,中间取15个值
ridgeGrid <- expand.grid(lambda = seq(0, .1, length = 15))

ridgeTune <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
                   method = "ridge", #岭回归
                   tuneGrid = ridgeGrid,
                   trControl = ctrl,
                   preProc = c("center", "scale"))
testResults$ridge_cv <- predict(ridgeTune, solTestXtrans)


> ridgeTune <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
+                    method = "ridge", #岭回归
+                    tuneGrid = ridgeGrid,
+                    trControl = ctrl,
+                    preProc = c("center", "scale"))
> ridgeTune
Ridge Regression 

951 samples
228 predictors

Pre-processing: centered (228), scaled (228) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  lambda       RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
  0.000000000  0.7207131  0.8769711  0.5398035
  0.007142857  0.7047552  0.8818659  0.5352468
  0.014285714  0.6964731  0.8847911  0.5298526
  0.021428571  0.6925923  0.8862699  0.5270496
  0.028571429  0.6908607  0.8870609  0.5260082
  0.035714286  0.6904220  0.8874561  0.5260650
  0.042857143  0.6908548  0.8875998  0.5267354
  0.050000000  0.6919152  0.8875759  0.5277925
  0.057142857  0.6934719  0.8874300  0.5291986
  0.064285714  0.6954114  0.8872009  0.5308565
  0.071428571  0.6976723  0.8869096  0.5327291
  0.078571429  0.7002069  0.8865723  0.5347215
  0.085714286  0.7029801  0.8862009  0.5368744
  0.092857143  0.7059656  0.8858041  0.5391389
  0.100000000  0.7091432  0.8853885  0.5415401

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final value used for the model was lambda = 0.03571429.


可见,当没有惩罚项时.模型的误差非常大(模型过拟合,方差较大),而随着罚参数的增加,误差由0. 72 降低到了0. 69 。当罚参数增加且超过0.036 时,偏差变得较大,模型出现了拟合不足的问题,从而RMSE又开始增加。

print(update(plot(ridgeTune), xlab = "Penalty"))


ridgeTune$bestTune #交叉验证选定的最佳岭回归参数 0.03571429
ridgeModel <- enet(x = as.matrix(solTrainXtrans), y = solTrainY
                   ,lambda = 0.03571429
                   ,normalize = TRUE)
#对于岭回归模型,我们希望lasso 罚为0 ,即想要的是完全解。
#为了得到岭回归的解,定义s=l 和mode=" fraction ”, s 取值为1代表比例参数为1,即完全解。
ridgePred <- predict(ridgeModel, newx = as.matrix(solTestXtrans)
                     , s= 1, mode = "fraction",type ="fit"
testResults$ridge_enet <- ridgePred$fit#储存预测结果


> head(ridgePred$fit)#预测值
        20         21         23         25         28         31 
 0.5858371  0.2176331 -0.4492668  0.8766181  0.1447030  1.6156822 




弹性网:组合了岭回归法和lasso罚,既可以进行有效的正则化(通过岭回归罚),还可以进行变量选择(通过lasso 罚)



#弹性网模型同时具有岭回归罚参数和lasso 罚参数
enetGrid <- expand.grid(lambda = c(0, 0.01, .1), 
                        fraction = seq(.05, 1, length = 20))
enetTune <- train(x = solTrainXtrans, y = solTrainY,
                  method = "enet", #弹性网 elastic net
                  tuneGrid = enetGrid,
                  trControl = ctrl,
                  preProc = c("center", "scale"))

testResults$lasso_cv <- predict(enetTune,solTestXtrans)

 交叉验证选择:fraction = 0.15 and lambda = 0,即为纯lasso模型,lasso罚为0.15

> enetTune

951 samples
228 predictors

Pre-processing: centered (228), scaled (228) 
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold) 
Summary of sample sizes: 856, 857, 855, 856, 856, 855, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  lambda  fraction  RMSE       Rsquared   MAE      
  0.00    0.05      0.8713747  0.8337289  0.6606836
  0.00    0.10      0.6882637  0.8858786  0.5234636
  0.00    0.15      0.6729264  0.8907993  0.5135577
  0.00    0.20      0.6754697  0.8903865  0.5166106
  0.00    0.25      0.6879252  0.8865202  0.5251313
  0.00    0.30      0.6971062  0.8836414  0.5306989
  0.00    0.35      0.7062274  0.8808469  0.5354831
  0.00    0.40      0.7125901  0.8788941  0.5387085
  0.00    0.45      0.7138745  0.8785587  0.5394560
  0.00    0.50      0.7141241  0.8785620  0.5394405
  0.00    0.55      0.7144676  0.8784958  0.5393796
  0.00    0.60      0.7140540  0.8786589  0.5387174
  0.00    0.65      0.7140608  0.8786876  0.5381464
  0.00    0.70      0.7145473  0.8785740  0.5379849
  0.00    0.75      0.7151022  0.8784343  0.5377724
  0.00    0.80      0.7158078  0.8782624  0.5376442
  0.00    0.85      0.7167930  0.8780153  0.5378770
  0.00    0.90      0.7178723  0.8777462  0.5383402
  0.00    0.95      0.7191461  0.8774050  0.5389563
  0.00    1.00      0.7207131  0.8769711  0.5398035
  0.01    0.05      1.5168857  0.6435177  1.1647658
  0.01    0.10      1.1324481  0.7671388  0.8666906
  0.01    0.15      0.9061843  0.8241043  0.6869828
  0.01    0.20      0.7855269  0.8571170  0.5983099
  0.01    0.25      0.7296380  0.8733531  0.5550000
  0.01    0.30      0.6989522  0.8826020  0.5320711
  0.01    0.35      0.6866513  0.8863490  0.5242904
  0.01    0.40      0.6806730  0.8884346  0.5203075
  0.01    0.45      0.6778780  0.8895285  0.5183958
  0.01    0.50      0.6760780  0.8902871  0.5164557
  0.01    0.55      0.6743998  0.8909724  0.5153739
  0.01    0.60      0.6746777  0.8910026  0.5150322
  0.01    0.65      0.6765522  0.8904906  0.5163052
  0.01    0.70      0.6796775  0.8895768  0.5185569
  0.01    0.75      0.6829651  0.8886182  0.5207939
  0.01    0.80      0.6862396  0.8876472  0.5231956
  0.01    0.85      0.6895735  0.8866477  0.5256205
  0.01    0.90      0.6930103  0.8856210  0.5279280
  0.01    0.95      0.6968398  0.8844630  0.5304019
  0.01    1.00      0.7006283  0.8833050  0.5327190
  0.10    0.05      1.6867967  0.5157969  1.2948015
  0.10    0.10      1.4058744  0.6954146  1.0769193
  0.10    0.15      1.1697385  0.7596795  0.8938838
  0.10    0.20      1.0082617  0.7880698  0.7661293
  0.10    0.25      0.8950440  0.8218825  0.6771172
  0.10    0.30      0.8193443  0.8435444  0.6221307
  0.10    0.35      0.7744593  0.8570276  0.5950714
  0.10    0.40      0.7519611  0.8644826  0.5766485
  0.10    0.45      0.7343282  0.8710631  0.5619717
  0.10    0.50      0.7245543  0.8750318  0.5554409
  0.10    0.55      0.7180823  0.8778937  0.5509978
  0.10    0.60      0.7137901  0.8799906  0.5481470
  0.10    0.65      0.7110967  0.8815343  0.5463529
  0.10    0.70      0.7104058  0.8823940  0.5452800
  0.10    0.75      0.7103284  0.8829674  0.5442458
  0.10    0.80      0.7097899  0.8836319  0.5432626
  0.10    0.85      0.7093246  0.8842290  0.5425849
  0.10    0.90      0.7094949  0.8845954  0.5425265
  0.10    0.95      0.7094181  0.8849823  0.5419677
  0.10    1.00      0.7091432  0.8853885  0.5415401

RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were fraction = 0.15 and lambda = 0.



如图,纯lasso 模型(lambda=0 )在最开始可以使得误差下降,并在比例大于0. 2 时逐渐上升。岭回归的罚参数不为0的两个模型在达到最小误差时包含了更多的变量。最终,最优的模型是lasso 模型,比例参数为0. 15. 对应于从228 个预测变量中选取了130 个(注:该结论如何得到尚不清楚)。


lassoModel <- enet(x = as.matrix(solTrainXtrans), y = solTrainY,
                   lambda = 0, normalize = TRUE)

lassoPred <- predict(lassoModel, newx = as.matrix(solTestXtrans),
                     s= .15, mode = "fraction",
                     type = "fit")
testResults$lasso_enet <- predict(enetTune,solTestXtrans)

为了了解哪些预测变量用于建模,可以在predict 方法中指定type =” coefficients" 

#为了了解哪些预测变量用于建模,可以在predict 方法中指定type =” coefficients"
enetCoef <- predict(lassoModel, newx = as.matrix(solTestXtrans),
                     s= .15, mode = "fraction",
                     type = "coefficients")
> tail(enetCoef$coefficients)
      NumChlorine        NumHalogen          NumRings HydrophilicFactor      SurfaceArea1 
       -0.4658882         0.0000000         0.0000000         0.0000000         0.2462247 

有许多其他的软件包可以用来拟合lasso 模型或其变种,如biglars (针对大数据集)、FLLat(针对混合型lasso )、rplasso(分组lasso )、penalized 和relaxo (松弛lasso)等。




> head(testResults[1:5,])
    obs          lm       lm_cv      lm_cor      lm_rlm     PLS_cv       PLSr        PCR
20 0.93  0.99370933  0.99370933  0.87458991  1.09257730  0.5506072  0.5506072 -0.2281472
21 0.85  0.06834627  0.06834627  0.09911774 -0.01596496  0.1418576  0.1418576  0.3554648
23 0.81 -0.69877632 -0.69877632 -0.51698844 -0.55293933 -0.4927215 -0.4927215 -0.7485805
25 0.74  0.84796356  0.84796356  0.79768536  0.82031495  0.5059239  0.5059239 -0.0786488
28 0.61 -0.16578324 -0.16578324  0.21186617 -0.06744233  0.1064888  0.1064888  0.4491043
   ridge_enet   ridge_cv  lasso_enet    lasso_cv
20  0.5858371  0.5858371  0.58577853  0.58577853
21  0.2176331  0.2176331  0.17759666  0.17759666
23 -0.4492668 -0.4492668 -0.45078961 -0.45078961
25  0.8766181  0.8766181  0.67547073  0.67547073
28  0.1447030  0.1447030 -0.05812367 -0.05812367


RMSE 取值通常解释为(平均意义上)残差距离0 的远近,或者解释为观测值和模型预测值之间的平均距离。


caret软件包包含了计算RMSE和R2 的函数。RMSE(predicted, observed),R2(predicted, observed)

model.compare<-data.frame(method='mymethod',RMSE=0,R2=0,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
for (i in 2:ncol(testResults)) {


> model.compare
       method      RMSE        R2
1          lm 0.7455802 0.8722236
2       lm_cv 0.7455802 0.8722236
3      lm_cor 0.7601790 0.8669049
4      lm_rlm 0.7529670 0.8700394
5      PLS_cv 0.7205682 0.8800456
6        PLSr 0.7205682 0.8800456
7         PCR 0.8983336 0.8129715
8  ridge_enet 0.7193079 0.8812286
9    ridge_cv 0.7193079 0.8812286
10 lasso_enet 0.7012669 0.8861631
11   lasso_cv 0.7012669 0.8861631


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