Android 中的跨进程数据块传递

Android 的 Binder 进程间通信机制主要用于实现远程过程调用 RPC,Android 系统中进程之间的大块数据传递,如音频数据,出于效率等原因,一般不直接用 Binder 机制。Binder 库提供了基于共享内存外加 Binder 机制的跨进程文件描述符传递能力实现的跨进程大块数据传递组件,这些组件的整体结构如下图:

MMap based IPC in libbinder


IMemoryHeap 类表示一大块共享内存块,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/IMemory.h) 如下:

class IMemoryHeap : public IInterface

    // flags returned by getFlags()
    enum {
        READ_ONLY   = 0x00000001

    virtual int         getHeapID() const = 0;
    virtual void*       getBase() const = 0;
    virtual size_t      getSize() const = 0;
    virtual uint32_t    getFlags() const = 0;
    virtual off_t       getOffset() const = 0;

    // these are there just for backward source compatibility
    int32_t heapID() const { return getHeapID(); }
    void*   base() const  { return getBase(); }
    size_t  virtualSize() const { return getSize(); }


MemoryHeapBase 类可以在某个设备上分配并管理一大块共享内存块,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/MemoryHeapBase.h) 如下:

namespace android {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class MemoryHeapBase : public virtual BnMemoryHeap
    enum {
        READ_ONLY = IMemoryHeap::READ_ONLY,
        // memory won't be mapped locally, but will be mapped in the remote
        // process.
        DONT_MAP_LOCALLY = 0x00000100,
        NO_CACHING = 0x00000200

     * maps the memory referenced by fd. but DOESN'T take ownership
     * of the filedescriptor (it makes a copy with dup()
    MemoryHeapBase(int fd, size_t size, uint32_t flags = 0, off_t offset = 0);

     * maps memory from the given device
    explicit MemoryHeapBase(const char* device, size_t size = 0, uint32_t flags = 0);

     * maps memory from ashmem, with the given name for debugging
     * if the READ_ONLY flag is set, the memory will be writeable by the calling process,
     * but not by others. this is NOT the case with the other ctors.
    explicit MemoryHeapBase(size_t size, uint32_t flags = 0, char const* name = nullptr);

    virtual ~MemoryHeapBase();

    /* implement IMemoryHeap interface */
    int         getHeapID() const override;

    /* virtual address of the heap. returns MAP_FAILED in case of error */
    void*       getBase() const override;

    size_t      getSize() const override;
    uint32_t    getFlags() const override;
    off_t       getOffset() const override;

    const char*         getDevice() const;

    /* this closes this heap -- use carefully */
    void dispose();

    // init() takes ownership of fd
    status_t init(int fd, void *base, size_t size,
            int flags = 0, const char* device = nullptr);

    status_t mapfd(int fd, bool writeableByCaller, size_t size, off_t offset = 0);

    int         mFD;
    size_t      mSize;
    void*       mBase;
    uint32_t    mFlags;
    const char* mDevice;
    bool        mNeedUnmap;
    off_t       mOffset;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace android

共享内存块所在的具体设备,可以用设备的文件系统路径或设备打开的文件描述符来描述,也可以选择在默认设备上分配。MemoryHeapBase 类各成员函数的实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/MemoryHeapBase.cpp) 如下:

namespace android {

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    : mFD(-1), mSize(0), mBase(MAP_FAILED),
      mDevice(nullptr), mNeedUnmap(false), mOffset(0)

MemoryHeapBase::MemoryHeapBase(size_t size, uint32_t flags, char const * name)
    : mFD(-1), mSize(0), mBase(MAP_FAILED), mFlags(flags),
      mDevice(nullptr), mNeedUnmap(false), mOffset(0)
    const size_t pagesize = getpagesize();
    size = ((size + pagesize-1) & ~(pagesize-1));
    int fd = ashmem_create_region(name == nullptr ? "MemoryHeapBase" : name, size);
    ALOGE_IF(fd<0, "error creating ashmem region: %s", strerror(errno));
    if (fd >= 0) {
        if (mapfd(fd, true, size) == NO_ERROR) {
            if (flags & READ_ONLY) {
                ashmem_set_prot_region(fd, PROT_READ);

MemoryHeapBase::MemoryHeapBase(const char* device, size_t size, uint32_t flags)
    : mFD(-1), mSize(0), mBase(MAP_FAILED), mFlags(flags),
      mDevice(nullptr), mNeedUnmap(false), mOffset(0)
    int open_flags = O_RDWR;
    if (flags & NO_CACHING)
        open_flags |= O_SYNC;

    int fd = open(device, open_flags);
    ALOGE_IF(fd<0, "error opening %s: %s", device, strerror(errno));
    if (fd >= 0) {
        const size_t pagesize = getpagesize();
        size = ((size + pagesize-1) & ~(pagesize-1));
        if (mapfd(fd, false, size) == NO_ERROR) {
            mDevice = device;

MemoryHeapBase::MemoryHeapBase(int fd, size_t size, uint32_t flags, off_t offset)
    : mFD(-1), mSize(0), mBase(MAP_FAILED), mFlags(flags),
      mDevice(nullptr), mNeedUnmap(false), mOffset(0)
    const size_t pagesize = getpagesize();
    size = ((size + pagesize-1) & ~(pagesize-1));
    mapfd(fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0), false, size, offset);

status_t MemoryHeapBase::init(int fd, void *base, size_t size, int flags, const char* device)
    if (mFD != -1) {
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    mFD = fd;
    mBase = base;
    mSize = size;
    mFlags = flags;
    mDevice = device;
    return NO_ERROR;

status_t MemoryHeapBase::mapfd(int fd, bool writeableByCaller, size_t size, off_t offset)
    if (size == 0) {
        // try to figure out the size automatically
        struct stat sb;
        if (fstat(fd, &sb) == 0) {
            size = (size_t)sb.st_size;
            // sb.st_size is off_t which on ILP32 may be 64 bits while size_t is 32 bits.
            if ((off_t)size != sb.st_size) {
                ALOGE("%s: size of file %lld cannot fit in memory",
                        __func__, (long long)sb.st_size);
                return INVALID_OPERATION;
        // if it didn't work, let mmap() fail.

    if ((mFlags & DONT_MAP_LOCALLY) == 0) {
        int prot = PROT_READ;
        if (writeableByCaller || (mFlags & READ_ONLY) == 0) {
            prot |= PROT_WRITE;
        void* base = (uint8_t*)mmap(nullptr, size,
                prot, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset);
        if (base == MAP_FAILED) {
            ALOGE("mmap(fd=%d, size=%zu) failed (%s)",
                    fd, size, strerror(errno));
            return -errno;
        //ALOGD("mmap(fd=%d, base=%p, size=%zu)", fd, base, size);
        mBase = base;
        mNeedUnmap = true;
    } else  {
        mBase = nullptr; // not MAP_FAILED
        mNeedUnmap = false;
    mFD = fd;
    mSize = size;
    mOffset = offset;
    return NO_ERROR;


void MemoryHeapBase::dispose()
    int fd = android_atomic_or(-1, &mFD);
    if (fd >= 0) {
        if (mNeedUnmap) {
            //ALOGD("munmap(fd=%d, base=%p, size=%zu)", fd, mBase, mSize);
            munmap(mBase, mSize);
        mBase = nullptr;
        mSize = 0;

int MemoryHeapBase::getHeapID() const {
    return mFD;

void* MemoryHeapBase::getBase() const {
    return mBase;

size_t MemoryHeapBase::getSize() const {
    return mSize;

uint32_t MemoryHeapBase::getFlags() const {
    return mFlags;

const char* MemoryHeapBase::getDevice() const {
    return mDevice;

off_t MemoryHeapBase::getOffset() const {
    return mOffset;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
} // namespace android

构造 MemoryHeapBase 类对象时,如果不提供设备的文件系统路径或设备打开的文件描述符,则将会在默认设备上创建共享内存块,且共享内存块大小会被调整为向上对齐到内存页大小的整数倍。MemoryHeapBase 类调用 ashmem_create_region() 函数在默认设备上创建共享内存块,并获得相应的文件描述符,这个函数定义 (位于 system/core/libcutils/ashmem-dev.cpp) 如下:

#define F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE 0x0010

 * The minimum vendor API level at and after which it is safe to use memfd.
 * This is to facilitate deprecation of ashmem.

/* ashmem identity */
static dev_t __ashmem_rdev;
 * If we trigger a signal handler in the middle of locked activity and the
 * signal handler calls ashmem, we could get into a deadlock state.
static pthread_mutex_t __ashmem_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

 * has_memfd_support() determines if the device can use memfd. memfd support
 * has been there for long time, but certain things in it may be missing.  We
 * check for needed support in it. Also we check if the VNDK version of
 * libcutils being used is new enough, if its not, then we cannot use memfd
 * since the older copies may be using ashmem so we just use ashmem. Once all
 * Android devices that are getting updates are new enough (ex, they were
 * originally shipped with Android release > P), then we can just use memfd and
 * delete all ashmem code from libcutils (while preserving the interface).
 * NOTE:
 * The sys.use_memfd property is set by default to false in Android
 * to temporarily disable memfd, till vendor and apps are ready for it.
 * The main issue: either apps or vendor processes can directly make ashmem
 * IOCTLs on FDs they receive by assuming they are ashmem, without going
 * through libcutils. Such fds could have very well be originally created with
 * libcutils hence they could be memfd. Thus the IOCTLs will break.
 * Set default value of sys.use_memfd property to true once the issue is
 * resolved, so that the code can then self-detect if kernel support is present
 * on the device. The property can also set to true from adb shell, for
 * debugging.

static bool debug_log = false;            /* set to true for verbose logging and other debug  */
static bool pin_deprecation_warn = true; /* Log the pin deprecation warning only once */

/* Determine if vendor processes would be ok with memfd in the system:
 * If VNDK is using older libcutils, don't use memfd. This is so that the
 * same shared memory mechanism is used across binder transactions between
 * vendor partition processes and system partition processes.
static bool check_vendor_memfd_allowed() {
    std::string vndk_version = android::base::GetProperty("ro.vndk.version", "");

    if (vndk_version == "") {
        ALOGE("memfd: ro.vndk.version not defined or invalid (%s), this is mandated since P.\n",
        return false;

    /* No issues if vendor is targetting current Dessert */
    if (vndk_version == "current") {
        return false;

    /* Check if VNDK version is a number and act on it */
    char* p;
    long int vers = strtol(vndk_version.c_str(), &p, 10);
    if (*p == 0) {
        if (vers < MIN_MEMFD_VENDOR_API_LEVEL) {
            ALOGI("memfd: device VNDK version (%s) is < Q so using ashmem.\n",
            return false;

        return true;

    // Non-numeric should be a single ASCII character. Characters after the
    // first are ignored.
    if (tolower(vndk_version[0]) < 'a' || tolower(vndk_version[0]) > 'z') {
        ALOGE("memfd: ro.vndk.version not defined or invalid (%s), this is mandated since P.\n",
        return false;

    if (tolower(vndk_version[0]) < tolower(MIN_MEMFD_VENDOR_API_LEVEL_CHAR)) {
        ALOGI("memfd: device is using VNDK version (%s) which is less than Q. Use ashmem only.\n",
        return false;

    return true;

/* Determine if memfd can be supported. This is just one-time hardwork
 * which will be cached by the caller.
static bool __has_memfd_support() {
    if (check_vendor_memfd_allowed() == false) {
        return false;

    /* Used to turn on/off the detection at runtime, in the future this
     * property will be removed once we switch everything over to ashmem.
     * Currently it is used only for debugging to switch the system over.
    if (!android::base::GetBoolProperty("sys.use_memfd", false)) {
        if (debug_log) {
            ALOGD("sys.use_memfd=false so memfd disabled\n");
        return false;

    // Check if kernel support exists, otherwise fall back to ashmem.
    // This code needs to build on old API levels, so we can't use the libc
    // wrapper.
    android::base::unique_fd fd(
            syscall(__NR_memfd_create, "test_android_memfd", MFD_CLOEXEC | MFD_ALLOW_SEALING));
    if (fd == -1) {
        ALOGE("memfd_create failed: %s, no memfd support.\n", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    if (fcntl(fd, F_ADD_SEALS, F_SEAL_FUTURE_WRITE) == -1) {
        ALOGE("fcntl(F_ADD_SEALS) failed: %s, no memfd support.\n", strerror(errno));
        return false;

    if (debug_log) {
        ALOGD("memfd: device has memfd support, using it\n");
    return true;

static bool has_memfd_support() {
    /* memfd_supported is the initial global per-process state of what is known
     * about memfd.
    static bool memfd_supported = __has_memfd_support();

    return memfd_supported;

static std::string get_ashmem_device_path() {
    static const std::string boot_id_path = "/proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id";
    std::string boot_id;
    if (!android::base::ReadFileToString(boot_id_path, &boot_id)) {
        ALOGE("Failed to read %s: %s.\n", boot_id_path.c_str(), strerror(errno));
        return "";
    boot_id = android::base::Trim(boot_id);

    return "/dev/ashmem" + boot_id;

/* logistics of getting file descriptor for ashmem */
static int __ashmem_open_locked()
    static const std::string ashmem_device_path = get_ashmem_device_path();

    if (ashmem_device_path.empty()) {
        return -1;

    int fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open(ashmem_device_path.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC));

    // fallback for APEX w/ use_vendor on Q, which would have still used /dev/ashmem
    if (fd < 0) {
        int saved_errno = errno;
        fd = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(open("/dev/ashmem", O_RDWR | O_CLOEXEC));
        if (fd < 0) {
            /* Q launching devices and newer must not reach here since they should have been
             * able to open ashmem_device_path */
            ALOGE("Unable to open ashmem device %s (error = %s) and /dev/ashmem(error = %s)",
                  ashmem_device_path.c_str(), strerror(saved_errno), strerror(errno));
            return fd;
    struct stat st;
    int ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(fstat(fd, &st));
    if (ret < 0) {
        int save_errno = errno;
        errno = save_errno;
        return ret;
    if (!S_ISCHR(st.st_mode) || !st.st_rdev) {
        errno = ENOTTY;
        return -1;

    __ashmem_rdev = st.st_rdev;
    return fd;

static int __ashmem_open()
    int fd;

    fd = __ashmem_open_locked();

    return fd;
 . . . . . .
static int memfd_create_region(const char* name, size_t size) {
    // This code needs to build on old API levels, so we can't use the libc
    // wrapper.
    android::base::unique_fd fd(syscall(__NR_memfd_create, name, MFD_CLOEXEC | MFD_ALLOW_SEALING));

    if (fd == -1) {
        ALOGE("memfd_create(%s, %zd) failed: %s\n", name, size, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    if (ftruncate(fd, size) == -1) {
        ALOGE("ftruncate(%s, %zd) failed for memfd creation: %s\n", name, size, strerror(errno));
        return -1;

    if (debug_log) {
        ALOGE("memfd_create(%s, %zd) success. fd=%d\n", name, size, fd.get());
    return fd.release();

 * ashmem_create_region - creates a new ashmem region and returns the file
 * descriptor, or <0 on error
 * `name' is an optional label to give the region (visible in /proc/pid/maps)
 * `size' is the size of the region, in page-aligned bytes
int ashmem_create_region(const char *name, size_t size)
    int ret, save_errno;

    if (has_memfd_support()) {
        return memfd_create_region(name ? name : "none", size);

    int fd = __ashmem_open();
    if (fd < 0) {
        return fd;

    if (name) {
        char buf[ASHMEM_NAME_LEN] = {0};

        strlcpy(buf, name, sizeof(buf));
        ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(fd, ASHMEM_SET_NAME, buf));
        if (ret < 0) {
            goto error;

    ret = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(ioctl(fd, ASHMEM_SET_SIZE, size));
    if (ret < 0) {
        goto error;

    return fd;

    save_errno = errno;
    errno = save_errno;
    return ret;

ashmem_create_region() 函数首先检查系统是否支持 memfd,如果支持则通过 memfd 机制创建共享内存块。系统是否支持 memfd 机制的判断方法为,首先检查从系统属性 ro.vndk.version 获得的 VNDK 版本,如果无法获取该版本或版本低于 Android Q,则认为不支持,否则继续检查;检查系统属性 sys.use_memfd,如果无法获取或值为 false,则认为不支持,否则继续检查;调用 memfd_create 系统调用,如果调用失败,则认为不支持,否则继续检查;尝试为文件描述符设置 F_ADD_SEALS,如果失败,则认为不支持;否则认为支持 memfd 机制。

系统不支持 memfd 机制时,则使用 Android 的匿名内存共享机制创建共享内存块。具体的方法为,打开匿名共享内存设备文件,设置名称,及设置大小。匿名共享内存设备文件的路径会先尝试 /dev/ashmem$boot_id,如果这个路径不存在,则会尝试 /dev/ashmem

MemoryHeapBase 类中,调用 ashmem_create_region() 函数在默认设备上创建共享内存块之后,则将它内存映射到当前进程中,并为它设置保护模式。

构造 MemoryHeapBase 类对象时,如果提供了设备的文件系统路径,同样将共享内存块大小调整为向上对齐到内存页大小的整数倍,打开设备文件,并将它内存映射到当前进程中。

构造 MemoryHeapBase 类对象时,如果提供了设备打开的文件描述符,则直接将它内存映射到当前进程中。

在类继承层次结构中,位于 MemoryHeapBaseIMemoryHeap 之间的 BnMemoryHeap 类,主要用于共享内存块信息的跨进程传递,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/IMemory.h) 如下:

class BnMemoryHeap : public BnInterface<IMemoryHeap>
    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
    virtual status_t onTransact(
            uint32_t code,
            const Parcel& data,
            Parcel* reply,
            uint32_t flags = 0);
    virtual ~BnMemoryHeap();

BnMemoryHeap 类只有 onTransact() 一个主要的成员函数。BnMemoryHeap 类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(MemoryHeap, "android.utils.IMemoryHeap")

BnMemoryHeap::BnMemoryHeap() {

BnMemoryHeap::~BnMemoryHeap() {

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
status_t BnMemoryHeap::onTransact(
        uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
    switch(code) {
       case HEAP_ID: {
            CHECK_INTERFACE(IMemoryHeap, data, reply);
            return NO_ERROR;
        } break;
            return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase 对象是与 ActivityManagerServiceAudioPolicyService 对象类似的 Binder 服务,只不过它提供的服务内容比较单一,仅仅能够返回共享内存块的信息。

BpMemoryHeap 类是 BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase binder 服务的客户端,它实现 IMemoryHeap 接口,并封装 BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase binder 服务的客户端句柄,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

enum {

class BpMemoryHeap : public BpInterface<IMemoryHeap>
    explicit BpMemoryHeap(const sp<IBinder>& impl);
    virtual ~BpMemoryHeap();

    int getHeapID() const override;
    void* getBase() const override;
    size_t getSize() const override;
    uint32_t getFlags() const override;
    off_t getOffset() const override;

    friend class IMemory;
    friend class HeapCache;

    // for debugging in this module
    static inline sp<IMemoryHeap> find_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder) {
        return gHeapCache->find_heap(binder);
    static inline void free_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder) {
    static inline sp<IMemoryHeap> get_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder) {
        return gHeapCache->get_heap(binder);
    static inline void dump_heaps() {

    void assertMapped() const;
    void assertReallyMapped() const;

    mutable std::atomic<int32_t> mHeapId;
    mutable void*       mBase;
    mutable size_t      mSize;
    mutable uint32_t    mFlags;
    mutable off_t       mOffset;
    mutable bool        mRealHeap;
    mutable Mutex       mLock;

BpMemoryHeap 类发送请求获得共享内存块的文件描述、大小、偏移量和标记等信息,并将共享内存块映射到当前进程。BpMemoryHeap 类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

BpMemoryHeap::BpMemoryHeap(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
    : BpInterface<IMemoryHeap>(impl),
        mHeapId(-1), mBase(MAP_FAILED), mSize(0), mFlags(0), mOffset(0), mRealHeap(false)

BpMemoryHeap::~BpMemoryHeap() {
    int32_t heapId = mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed);
    if (heapId != -1) {
        if (mRealHeap) {
            // by construction we're the last one
            if (mBase != MAP_FAILED) {
                sp<IBinder> binder = IInterface::asBinder(this);

                if (VERBOSE) {
                    ALOGD("UNMAPPING binder=%p, heap=%p, size=%zu, fd=%d",
                            binder.get(), this, mSize, heapId);

                munmap(mBase, mSize);
        } else {
            // remove from list only if it was mapped before
            sp<IBinder> binder = IInterface::asBinder(this);

void BpMemoryHeap::assertMapped() const
    int32_t heapId = mHeapId.load(memory_order_acquire);
    if (heapId == -1) {
        sp<IBinder> binder(IInterface::asBinder(const_cast<BpMemoryHeap*>(this)));
        sp<BpMemoryHeap> heap = sp<BpMemoryHeap>::cast(find_heap(binder));
        if (heap->mBase != MAP_FAILED) {
            Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
            if (mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed) == -1) {
                mBase   = heap->mBase;
                mSize   = heap->mSize;
                mOffset = heap->mOffset;
                int fd = fcntl(heap->mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed), F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0);
                ALOGE_IF(fd==-1, "cannot dup fd=%d",
      , memory_order_release);
        } else {
            // something went wrong

void BpMemoryHeap::assertReallyMapped() const
    int32_t heapId = mHeapId.load(memory_order_acquire);
    if (heapId == -1) {

        // remote call without mLock held, worse case scenario, we end up
        // calling transact() from multiple threads, but that's not a problem,
        // only mmap below must be in the critical section.

        Parcel data, reply;
        status_t err = remote()->transact(HEAP_ID, data, &reply);
        int parcel_fd = reply.readFileDescriptor();
        const uint64_t size64 = reply.readUint64();
        const int64_t offset64 = reply.readInt64();
        const uint32_t flags = reply.readUint32();
        const size_t size = (size_t)size64;
        const off_t offset = (off_t)offset64;
        if (err != NO_ERROR || // failed transaction
                size != size64 || offset != offset64) { // ILP32 size check
            ALOGE("binder=%p transaction failed fd=%d, size=%zu, err=%d (%s)",
                    parcel_fd, size, err, strerror(-err));

        Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
        if (mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed) == -1) {
            int fd = fcntl(parcel_fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0);
            ALOGE_IF(fd == -1, "cannot dup fd=%d, size=%zu, err=%d (%s)",
                    parcel_fd, size, err, strerror(errno));

            int access = PROT_READ;
            if (!(flags & READ_ONLY)) {
                access |= PROT_WRITE;
            mRealHeap = true;
            mBase = mmap(nullptr, size, access, MAP_SHARED, fd, offset);
            if (mBase == MAP_FAILED) {
                ALOGE("cannot map BpMemoryHeap (binder=%p), size=%zu, fd=%d (%s)",
                        IInterface::asBinder(this).get(), size, fd, strerror(errno));
            } else {
                mSize = size;
                mFlags = flags;
                mOffset = offset;
      , memory_order_release);

int BpMemoryHeap::getHeapID() const {
    // We either stored mHeapId ourselves, or loaded it with acquire semantics.
    return mHeapId.load(memory_order_relaxed);

void* BpMemoryHeap::getBase() const {
    return mBase;

size_t BpMemoryHeap::getSize() const {
    return mSize;

uint32_t BpMemoryHeap::getFlags() const {
    return mFlags;

off_t BpMemoryHeap::getOffset() const {
    return mOffset;

BpMemoryHeap 类基于 BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase binder 服务的客户端句柄创建,当它的接口成员函数被调用时,它们通过 assertMapped() 函数确保共享内存块已经映射进当前进程。assertMapped() 函数向服务端发送请求,获得共享内存块的信息,将共享内存块映射进当前进程,并在 HeapCache 中保存共享内存块相关信息。


IMemory 类表示从一大块共享内存块,即 IMemoryHeap 中分配的一小块内存,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/IMemory.h) 如下:

class IMemory : public IInterface

    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
    virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getMemory(ssize_t* offset=nullptr, size_t* size=nullptr) const = 0;

    // helpers

    // Accessing the underlying pointer must be done with caution, as there are
    // some inherent security risks associated with it. When receiving an
    // IMemory from an untrusted process, there is currently no way to guarantee
    // that this process would't change the content after the fact. This may
    // lead to TOC/TOU class of security bugs. In most cases, when performance
    // is not an issue, the recommended practice is to immediately copy the
    // buffer upon reception, then work with the copy, e.g.:
    // std::string private_copy(mem.size(), '\0');
    // memcpy(, mem.unsecurePointer(), mem.size());
    // In cases where performance is an issue, this matter must be addressed on
    // an ad-hoc basis.
    void* unsecurePointer() const;

    size_t size() const;
    ssize_t offset() const;

    // These are now deprecated and are left here for backward-compatibility
    // with prebuilts that may reference these symbol at runtime.
    // Instead, new code should use unsecurePointer()/unsecureFastPointer(),
    // which do the same thing, but make it more obvious that there are some
    // security-related pitfalls associated with them.
    void* pointer() const;
    void* fastPointer(const sp<IBinder>& heap, ssize_t offset) const;

IMemoryHeap 类管理的内存一般可以认为是无结构的,IMemory 管理的内存则一般用于创建某些结构。IMemory 类各个成员函数定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

void* IMemory::fastPointer(const sp<IBinder>& binder, ssize_t offset) const
    sp<IMemoryHeap> realHeap = BpMemoryHeap::get_heap(binder);
    void* const base = realHeap->base();
    if (base == MAP_FAILED)
        return nullptr;
    return static_cast<char*>(base) + offset;

void* IMemory::unsecurePointer() const {
    ssize_t offset;
    sp<IMemoryHeap> heap = getMemory(&offset);
    void* const base = heap!=nullptr ? heap->base() : MAP_FAILED;
    if (base == MAP_FAILED)
        return nullptr;
    return static_cast<char*>(base) + offset;

void* IMemory::pointer() const { return unsecurePointer(); }

size_t IMemory::size() const {
    size_t size;
    getMemory(nullptr, &size);
    return size;

ssize_t IMemory::offset() const {
    ssize_t offset;
    return offset;

IMemory 类主要从其子类获得特定的一小块内存相关的信息,包括这块内存所在的共享内存块 IMemoryHeap,以及偏移量和大小,并可返回这一小块内存的基地址用于读写。

MemoryBase 类维护特定的一小块内存相关的信息,这个类的定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/MemoryBase.h) 如下:

class MemoryBase : public BnMemory 
    MemoryBase(const sp<IMemoryHeap>& heap, ssize_t offset, size_t size);
    virtual ~MemoryBase();
    virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getMemory(ssize_t* offset, size_t* size) const;

    size_t getSize() const { return mSize; }
    ssize_t getOffset() const { return mOffset; }
    const sp<IMemoryHeap>& getHeap() const { return mHeap; }

    size_t          mSize;
    ssize_t         mOffset;
    sp<IMemoryHeap> mHeap;

这个类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/MemoryBase.cpp) 如下:

MemoryBase::MemoryBase(const sp<IMemoryHeap>& heap,
        ssize_t offset, size_t size)
    : mSize(size), mOffset(offset), mHeap(heap)

sp<IMemoryHeap> MemoryBase::getMemory(ssize_t* offset, size_t* size) const
    if (offset) *offset = mOffset;
    if (size)   *size = mSize;
    return mHeap;


MemoryBase 类维护的特定一小块内存相关信息全部在构造函数中传入。

在类继承层次结构中,位于 MemoryBaseIMemory 之间的 BnMemory 类,主要用于一小块共享内存块信息的跨进程传递,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/IMemory.h) 如下:

class BnMemory : public BnInterface<IMemory>
    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
    virtual status_t onTransact(
            uint32_t code,
            const Parcel& data,
            Parcel* reply,
            uint32_t flags = 0);

    virtual ~BnMemory();

BnMemoryHeap 类类似,BnMemory 类也只有 onTransact() 一个主要的成员函数。BnMemory 类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

IMPLEMENT_META_INTERFACE(Memory, "android.utils.IMemory")

BnMemory::BnMemory() {

BnMemory::~BnMemory() {

// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
status_t BnMemory::onTransact(
    uint32_t code, const Parcel& data, Parcel* reply, uint32_t flags)
    switch(code) {
        case GET_MEMORY: {
            CHECK_INTERFACE(IMemory, data, reply);
            ssize_t offset;
            size_t size;
            reply->writeStrongBinder( IInterface::asBinder(getMemory(&offset, &size)) );
            return NO_ERROR;
        } break;
            return BBinder::onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);

BnMemory/MemoryBase 对象同样是 Binder 服务,它仅仅能够返回一小块共享内存块相关的信息,主要是一个 IMemoryHeap 对象,以及偏移量和大小。

BnMemory/MemoryBase binder 服务的客户端则为 BpMemory,它实现 IMemory 接口,并封装 BnMemory/MemoryBase binder 服务的客户端句柄,这个类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

class BpMemory : public BpInterface<IMemory>
    explicit BpMemory(const sp<IBinder>& impl);
    virtual ~BpMemory();
    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
    virtual sp<IMemoryHeap> getMemory(ssize_t* offset=nullptr, size_t* size=nullptr) const;

    mutable sp<IMemoryHeap> mHeap;
    mutable ssize_t mOffset;
    mutable size_t mSize;

MemoryBase 类似,BpMemory 管理一小块共享内存块,只是它管理的一小块共享内存块的相关信息是请求 BnMemory/MemoryBase binder 服务获得的,其中最重要的 IMemoryHeapBpMemory 类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

BpMemory::BpMemory(const sp<IBinder>& impl)
    : BpInterface<IMemory>(impl), mOffset(0), mSize(0)


// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-default-arguments)
sp<IMemoryHeap> BpMemory::getMemory(ssize_t* offset, size_t* size) const
    if (mHeap == nullptr) {
        Parcel data, reply;
        if (remote()->transact(GET_MEMORY, data, &reply) == NO_ERROR) {
            sp<IBinder> heap = reply.readStrongBinder();
            if (heap != nullptr) {
                mHeap = interface_cast<IMemoryHeap>(heap);
                if (mHeap != nullptr) {
                    const int64_t offset64 = reply.readInt64();
                    const uint64_t size64 = reply.readUint64();
                    const ssize_t o = (ssize_t)offset64;
                    const size_t s = (size_t)size64;
                    size_t heapSize = mHeap->getSize();
                    if (s == size64 && o == offset64 // ILP32 bounds check
                            && s <= heapSize
                            && o >= 0
                            && (static_cast<size_t>(o) <= heapSize - s)) {
                        mOffset = o;
                        mSize = s;
                    } else {
                        // Hm.
                            "26877992", -1, nullptr, 0);
                        mOffset = 0;
                        mSize = 0;
    if (offset) *offset = mOffset;
    if (size) *size = mSize;
    return (mSize > 0) ? mHeap : nullptr;

BpMemory 类的 getMemory() 函数中,请求 BnMemory/MemoryBase binder 服务获得 BnMemoryHeap 的客户端句柄,基于该句柄创建 BpMemoryHeap 对象,并获得大小和偏移量。

HeapCache 类用于缓存一块共享内存在当前进程中的映射信息,即在某个进程中可以为同一个 BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase binder 服务创建多个客户端代理对象 BpMemoryHeapHeapCache 用于帮助进程只执行一次共享内存块的内存映射。HeapCache 类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

class HeapCache : public IBinder::DeathRecipient
    virtual ~HeapCache();

    virtual void binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& who);

    sp<IMemoryHeap> find_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
    void free_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
    sp<IMemoryHeap> get_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder);
    void dump_heaps();

    // For IMemory.cpp
    struct heap_info_t {
        sp<IMemoryHeap> heap;
        int32_t         count;
        // Note that this cannot be meaningfully copied.

    void free_heap(const wp<IBinder>& binder);

    Mutex mHeapCacheLock;  // Protects entire vector below.
    KeyedVector< wp<IBinder>, heap_info_t > mHeapCache;
    // We do not use the copy-on-write capabilities of KeyedVector.
    // TODO: Reimplemement based on standard C++ container?

static sp<HeapCache> gHeapCache = sp<HeapCache>::make();

HeapCache 缓存以 wp<IBinder> 为键,以共享内存块信息 heap_info_t 为值,heap_info_t 只包含 BpMemoryHeap 和引用计数。HeapCache 类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/IMemory.cpp) 如下:

    : DeathRecipient()


void HeapCache::binderDied(const wp<IBinder>& binder)
    //ALOGD("binderDied binder=%p", binder.unsafe_get());

sp<IMemoryHeap> HeapCache::find_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder)
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock);
    ssize_t i = mHeapCache.indexOfKey(binder);
    if (i>=0) {
        heap_info_t& info = mHeapCache.editValueAt(i);
                "found binder=%p, heap=%p, size=%zu, fd=%d, count=%d",
                binder.get(), info.heap.get(),
        return info.heap;
    } else {
        heap_info_t info;
        info.heap = interface_cast<IMemoryHeap>(binder);
        info.count = 1;
        //ALOGD("adding binder=%p, heap=%p, count=%d",
        //      binder.get(), info.heap.get(), info.count);
        mHeapCache.add(binder, info);
        return info.heap;

void HeapCache::free_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder)  {
    free_heap( wp<IBinder>(binder) );

void HeapCache::free_heap(const wp<IBinder>& binder)
    sp<IMemoryHeap> rel;
        Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock);
        ssize_t i = mHeapCache.indexOfKey(binder);
        if (i>=0) {
            heap_info_t& info(mHeapCache.editValueAt(i));
            if (--info.count == 0) {
                        "removing binder=%p, heap=%p, size=%zu, fd=%d, count=%d",
                        binder.unsafe_get(), info.heap.get(),
                rel = mHeapCache.valueAt(i).heap;
        } else {
            ALOGE("free_heap binder=%p not found!!!", binder.unsafe_get());

sp<IMemoryHeap> HeapCache::get_heap(const sp<IBinder>& binder)
    sp<IMemoryHeap> realHeap;
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mHeapCacheLock);
    ssize_t i = mHeapCache.indexOfKey(binder);
    if (i>=0)   realHeap = mHeapCache.valueAt(i).heap;
    else        realHeap = interface_cast<IMemoryHeap>(binder);
    return realHeap;

对于特定 BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase binder 服务,无论在一个进程中为其创建了多少客户端代理 BpMemoryHeap 对象,只有 HeapCache 缓存中的那个真正执行了共享内存块在当前进程中的内存映射,也只有它的 mRealHeap 字段为 true

HeapCache 缓存放入共享内存块信息的一个过程大体为:

  1. BpMemory 类对象创建;
  2. BpMemory 类对象的 getMemory() 函数被调用;
  3. BpMemory 类对象的 getMemory() 函数请求 BnMemory/MemoryBase binder 服务,和获得 BnMemoryHeap/MemoryHeapBase binder 服务的客户端句柄;
  4. BpMemory 类对象的 getMemory() 函数创建一个 BpMemoryHeap 对象;
  5. BpMemoryHeap 对象的接口函数被调用,接口函数调用 assertMapped() 函数确保共享内存块在当前进程中的映射;
  6. assertMapped() 函数查询 HeapCache 缓存,如果对应键的共享内存块信息 heap_info_t 不存在,则另外创建一个 BpMemoryHeap 对象,并把它放进缓存中,当然,如前面看到的,assertMapped() 函数还会请求 HeapCache 缓存中的 BpMemoryHeap 对象执行共享内存块在当前进程中的映射,并把共享内存块大小、偏移量、内存基地址和文件描述符复制到当前对象中。

当需要从一个 sp<IBinder> 对象和偏移量快速获得一小块共享内存块的基地址时,也会查询 HeapCache 缓存,如在 IMemory::fastPointer() 中看到的那样。

BpMemoryHeap 对象的析构可以看作两种对象的销毁,一种是 HeapCache 缓存中的 BpMemoryHeap 对象的销毁,此时会取消映射;另一种是其它的 BpMemoryHeap 对象的销毁,此时会尝试释放 HeapCache 缓存中 BpMemoryHeap 对象,HeapCache 缓存会减小 BpMemoryHeap 对象的引用计数,引用计数减为 0 时,会销毁 HeapCache 缓存中的 BpMemoryHeap 对象。


MemoryDealer 类实现了一个内存管理系统,它会创建一个共享内存块,并从这个共享内存块上面分配一小块共享内存,共享内存块由 IMemoryHeap 描述,一小块共享内存由 IMemory 描述。

MemoryDealer 类定义 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/include/binder/MemoryDealer.h) 如下:

class MemoryDealer : public RefBase
    explicit MemoryDealer(size_t size, const char* name = nullptr,
            uint32_t flags = 0 /* or bits such as MemoryHeapBase::READ_ONLY */ );

    virtual sp<IMemory> allocate(size_t size);
    virtual void        deallocate(size_t offset);
    virtual void        dump(const char* what) const;

    // allocations are aligned to some value. return that value so clients can account for it.
    static size_t      getAllocationAlignment();

    sp<IMemoryHeap> getMemoryHeap() const { return heap(); }

    virtual ~MemoryDealer();

    const sp<IMemoryHeap>&      heap() const;
    SimpleBestFitAllocator*     allocator() const;

    sp<IMemoryHeap>             mHeap;
    SimpleBestFitAllocator*     mAllocator;

MemoryDealer 类各成员函数实现 (位于 frameworks/native/libs/binder/MemoryDealer.cpp) 如下:

MemoryDealer::MemoryDealer(size_t size, const char* name, uint32_t flags)
      : mHeap(sp<MemoryHeapBase>::make(size, flags, name)),
        mAllocator(new SimpleBestFitAllocator(size)) {}

    delete mAllocator;

sp<IMemory> MemoryDealer::allocate(size_t size)
    sp<IMemory> memory;
    const ssize_t offset = allocator()->allocate(size);
    if (offset >= 0) {
        memory = sp<Allocation>::make(sp<MemoryDealer>::fromExisting(this), heap(), offset, size);
    return memory;

void MemoryDealer::deallocate(size_t offset)

void MemoryDealer::dump(const char* what) const

const sp<IMemoryHeap>& MemoryDealer::heap() const {
    return mHeap;

SimpleBestFitAllocator* MemoryDealer::allocator() const {
    return mAllocator;

// static
size_t MemoryDealer::getAllocationAlignment()
    return SimpleBestFitAllocator::getAllocationAlignment();

MemoryDealer 类管理的内存在其构造函数中创建。在实现中,MemoryDealerSimpleBestFitAllocator 作为内存分配算法,SimpleBestFitAllocator 的内存分配接口返回分配的内存的偏移量。MemoryDealer 类分配的一小块共享内存实际由 Allocation 类表示。Allocation 继承自 MemoryBase,相对于 MemoryBase,它增加了在析构时,自动向 MemoryDealer 请求释放内存的动作。

对应到 C 语言的动态内存分配系统,MemoryHeapBase 可以看作是 malloc()/free() 管理的所有的内存,MemoryBase 可以看作是 malloc() 返回的一小块分配好的内存块,Allocation 的角色有点类似于 std::unique_ptrSimpleBestFitAllocator 可以看作 malloc()/free() 实现中所用的内存分配和释放算法,它实现了一个最佳大小适配算法。

Android 中音频数据的跨进程传递

android::AudioTrack 的实现中,共享内存块信息的传递,不是通过传递 MemoryHeapBaseMemoryBase 对象来实现的,而是通过传递 android::media::SharedFileRegion 对象实现的。

AudioTrack::createTrack_l() 函数中创建的 IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackInput 对象,会被转换为 android::media::CreateTrackRequest 对象,如 IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackInput::toAidl() 函数的定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/IAudioFlinger.cpp):

ConversionResult<media::CreateTrackRequest> IAudioFlinger::CreateTrackInput::toAidl() const {
    media::CreateTrackRequest aidl;
    aidl.attr = VALUE_OR_RETURN(legacy2aidl_audio_attributes_t_AudioAttributesInternal(attr));
    aidl.config = VALUE_OR_RETURN(legacy2aidl_audio_config_t_AudioConfig(config));
    aidl.clientInfo = VALUE_OR_RETURN(legacy2aidl_AudioClient_AudioClient(clientInfo));
    aidl.sharedBuffer = VALUE_OR_RETURN(legacy2aidl_NullableIMemory_SharedFileRegion(sharedBuffer));
    aidl.notificationsPerBuffer = VALUE_OR_RETURN(convertIntegral<int32_t>(notificationsPerBuffer));
    aidl.speed = speed;
    aidl.audioTrackCallback = audioTrackCallback;
    aidl.flags = VALUE_OR_RETURN(legacy2aidl_audio_output_flags_t_int32_t_mask(flags));
    aidl.frameCount = VALUE_OR_RETURN(convertIntegral<int64_t>(frameCount));
    aidl.notificationFrameCount = VALUE_OR_RETURN(convertIntegral<int64_t>(notificationFrameCount));
    aidl.selectedDeviceId = VALUE_OR_RETURN(
    aidl.sessionId = VALUE_OR_RETURN(legacy2aidl_audio_session_t_int32_t(sessionId));
    return aidl;

对于 IMemory 描述的共享内存块,它会由 legacy2aidl_NullableIMemory_SharedFileRegion() 函数转换为 android::media::SharedFileRegion 对象,该函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/AidlConversion.cpp) 如下:

legacy2aidl_NullableIMemory_SharedFileRegion(const sp<IMemory>& legacy) {
    std::optional<media::SharedFileRegion> aidl;
    if (!convertNullableIMemoryToSharedFileRegion(legacy, &aidl)) {
        return unexpected(BAD_VALUE);
    return aidl;

convertNullableIMemoryToSharedFileRegion() 函数将 IMemory 指向的共享内存块相关信息,如文件描述符、偏移量、大小等信息和标记等信息复制到 android::media::SharedFileRegion 对象,该函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libshmem/ShmemCompat.cpp) 如下:

bool convertIMemoryToSharedFileRegion(const sp<IMemory>& mem,
                                      SharedFileRegion* result) {
    assert(mem != nullptr);
    assert(result != nullptr);

    *result = SharedFileRegion();

    ssize_t offset;
    size_t size;

    sp<IMemoryHeap> heap = mem->getMemory(&offset, &size);
    if (size > 0) {
        if (heap == nullptr) {
            return false;
        // Make sure the offset and size do not overflow from int64 boundaries.
        if (size > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ||
                offset > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ||
                heap->getOffset() > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() ||
                static_cast<uint64_t>(heap->getOffset()) +
                        > std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
            return false;

        const int fd = fcntl(heap->getHeapID(), F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC, 0);
        if (fd < 0) {
            return false;
        result->size = size;
        result->offset = heap->getOffset() + offset;
        result->writeable = (heap->getFlags() & IMemoryHeap::READ_ONLY) == 0;
    return true;
 . . . . . .
bool convertNullableIMemoryToSharedFileRegion(const sp<IMemory>& mem,
                                              std::optional<SharedFileRegion>* result) {
    assert(result != nullptr);

    if (mem == nullptr) {
        return true;

    return convertIMemoryToSharedFileRegion(mem, &result->value());

对应的,收到由 android::media::SharedFileRegion 对象描述的共享内存块的进程,也可以将它转换为 IMemory 对象。同样是在 AudioTrack::createTrack_l() 函数中,可以看到下面这样一段代码:

    std::optional<media::SharedFileRegion> sfr;
    sp<IMemory> iMem = VALUE_OR_FATAL(aidl2legacy_NullableSharedFileRegion_IMemory(sfr));
    if (iMem == 0) {
        ALOGE("%s(%d): Could not get control block", __func__, mPortId);
        status = NO_INIT;
        goto exit;

aidl2legacy_NullableSharedFileRegion_IMemory() 函数将 android::media::SharedFileRegion 对象描述的共享内存块转换为 IMemory 的描述,该函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libaudioclient/AidlConversion.cpp) 如下:

aidl2legacy_NullableSharedFileRegion_IMemory(const std::optional<media::SharedFileRegion>& aidl) {
    sp<IMemory> legacy;
    if (!convertNullableSharedFileRegionToIMemory(aidl, &legacy)) {
        return unexpected(BAD_VALUE);
    return legacy;

convertNullableSharedFileRegionToIMemory() 基于共享内存块所在设备的打开文件描述符、偏移量、大小和标记,创建 MemoryHeapBaseMemoryBase 对象,该函数定义 (位于 frameworks/av/media/libshmem/ShmemCompat.cpp) 如下:

bool convertSharedFileRegionToIMemory(const SharedFileRegion& shmem,
                                      sp<IMemory>* result) {
    assert(result != nullptr);

    if (!validateSharedFileRegion(shmem)) {
        return false;

    // Heap offset and size must be page aligned.
    const size_t pageSize = getpagesize();
    const size_t pageMask = ~(pageSize - 1);

    // OK if this wraps.
    const uint64_t endOffset = static_cast<uint64_t>(shmem.offset) +

    // Round down to page boundary.
    const uint64_t heapStartOffset = shmem.offset & pageMask;
    // Round up to page boundary.
    const uint64_t heapEndOffset = (endOffset + pageSize - 1) & pageMask;
    const uint64_t heapSize = heapEndOffset - heapStartOffset;

    if (heapStartOffset > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() ||
        heapSize > std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()) {
        return false;

    uint32_t flags = !shmem.writeable ? IMemoryHeap::READ_ONLY : 0;

    const sp<MemoryHeapBase> heap =
            new MemoryHeapBase(shmem.fd.get(), heapSize, flags, heapStartOffset);
    *result = sp<MemoryBase>::make(heap,
                                   shmem.offset - heapStartOffset,
    return true;
 . . . . . .
bool convertNullableSharedFileRegionToIMemory(const std::optional<SharedFileRegion>& shmem,
                                              sp<IMemory>* result) {
    assert(result != nullptr);

    if (!shmem.has_value()) {
        return true;

    return convertSharedFileRegionToIMemory(shmem.value(), result);






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


