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转载 regular expression


2013-04-03 01:55:40 543

原创 如何查错

1. has the guess of where can be wrongbut break point to where you think maybe wrong2. Always received the page base errora) see the detail in the error popup windowb) still not get answer, pu

2013-02-11 22:08:00 428

转载 TreeView SkipLinkText

TreeView SkipLinkText 是给不用显示器的人用的,当他们读到相同treeview control时会读出alt中的文字。 如果不用此property就将其设置为string.empty(c#)/""(Asp.net),这样就不会造成页面有空白行了。---------------------------------------------------------

2012-10-02 22:35:41 1146

转载 ASP.NET页面生命周期描述

ASP.NET页面生命周期描述下面是ASP.NET页面初始的过程:1. Page_Init();2. Load ViewState;3. Load Postback data;4. Page_Load();5. Handle control events;6. Page_PreRender();7. Page_Render();8. Unload event

2012-09-18 09:47:36 446

转载 ASP.NET 页生命周期


2012-09-18 09:43:18 378

转载 Click button show the confirmation popup first then call the onlick event in C#

asp:imagebuttonid="ImageButtonSubmit"runat="server"ImageURL="images/delete.jpg"onclick="submit_button"OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete the messages?');">asp:imagebutt

2012-09-17 22:58:47 385

转载 read web.config value-

System.Text.StringBuilder buffer = new System.Text.StringBuilder();            System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection appSettings =               System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurat

2012-09-15 04:06:28 587

原创 Data Layer Format

Datatable Readonly  public static DataTable getList(Guid rootAccountId)        {            System.Data.IDataReader dr = null;            DataTable dt = new DataTable();            // Cr

2012-08-04 03:36:24 522

原创 get row data value& datatable filter & new datatable from datatable

1. RowDataBoundprotected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e){if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow){DefaultValue = ((GridView)sender).DataKeys[e.Ro

2012-08-03 02:53:03 617

转载 Tracking Code

Welcome to LeadLander! To immediately begin tracking your web visitors, just ask your webmaster to copy-paste the code below into the HTML of your web pages.llactid=16480Pasting the code

2012-08-01 01:16:58 1257

原创 bulk upload

Database:1. create  programmatility-->Types-->User-Defined Table Types: Create one temp table:CREATE TYPE AccountInfoList AS TABLE ( account_id uniqueidentifier, is_billable bit);2.

2012-07-31 05:53:32 727

原创 Error:Microsoft JScript runtime error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: ASP.NET Ajax client-side framework failed to load.

2012-07-31 05:46:02 845

转载 iframe

Iframe标记,又叫浮动帧标记,你可以用它将一个HTML文件嵌入在另一个HTML中显示。它不同于Frame标记最大的特征即这个标记所引用的HTML文件不是与另外的HTML文件相互独立显示,而是可以直接嵌入在一个HTML文件中,与这个HTML文件内容相互融合,成为一个整体,另外,还可以多次在一个页面内显示同一内容,而不必重复写内容,甚至可以在同一HTML文件嵌入多个HTML文件。  在脚本

2012-07-26 10:27:53 384

原创 Custom control-- Error:System.Web.UI.UserControl' does not contain a definition for 'LoadCatalog ' a

Error: 'System.Web.UI.UserControl' does not contain a definition for 'LoadCatalog ' and no extension method 'LoadCatalog ' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.UserControl' could be found

2012-07-11 01:07:02 1221

原创 SQL ERROR-- can not convert XXX nvarchar to int

select  titleCase when catloglevelid ='123' Then 1- titleElse 2- title As [Level]from catalog_time_tableYou will get can not convert  introductory  nvarchar to int Error.To fix this er

2012-07-11 01:00:51 578

转载 How to pass a value from User Control to the Page

IntroductionIn this article, I am going to show you how to get a particular value entered by the user from user control to the calling page. In order to do that I am going to create a user control (

2012-07-05 00:21:42 602

原创 according to datakey in th grid to show the image or not

GridLines="Both" CssClass="SearchGrid" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true"                    EmptyDataText="No items returned." PagerSettings-Position="TopAndBottom" OnRowDataBound="grv_RowDataB

2012-07-02 23:56:58 345

转载 Interacting With Get and Post Methods in ASP.NET

Interacting With Get and Post Methods in ASP.NETPosted by triaslama on May 1, 2008There are two common ways to pass data from one page to another, using http Get and Post methods. In Get method, d

2012-06-19 10:58:20 563

转载 unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server could not find the requested resource

Bug:unable to start debugging on the web server. The web server could not find the requested resource In II7 and Visual Studio 2010Solution:!. Check IIS Default Web Site is start or no

2012-06-19 06:10:31 3378

转载 ViewState too large and setting the max number of controls in the one page by web config

From:http://weblogs.asp.net/lduveau/archive/2007/04/17/viewstate-chunking-in-asp-net-2-0-maxpagestatefieldlength.aspxViewState Chunking in ASP.NET 2.0 (maxPageStateFieldLength)I am current

2012-06-07 21:37:30 893

原创 make the label text wrap in the gridview

asp:TemplateFieldHeaderText="Course Name"SortExpression="title"HeaderStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Left"ItemStyle-Width="35%">ItemTemplate>divstyle="

2012-06-07 01:41:34 349

转载 View in SQL SERVER

Views in SQL ServerBy Steve ManikViewA view is a virtual table that consists of columns from one or more tables. Though it is similar to a table, it is stored in the database. It is a query stor

2012-06-05 02:59:36 588

原创 Properties format

INT privateint RowIndex{get {if (ViewState["RowIndex"] == null){return -1;}else {returnint.Parse(ViewState["RowIndex"].ToString());}}set {ViewState["RowIn

2012-06-05 02:29:45 401

原创 Error: File not access

Give error in the following code:FileLoad(null, new FileLoadEventArgs(Server.MapPath("~/PLExcel/" + FileName)));Solution:1. Create a folder (PLExcel) in the the error showed path.2. set PL

2012-05-07 23:11:18 408

原创 checkbox in the panel control under control of one page

If you have one page has the updatepanel inside and want to use checkbox with child update panel in the child control. You will get the loading screen. What you need to stop the forever loading, you s

2012-04-25 22:57:45 339

原创 checkbox_checkedChanged not work you have to add autopostback to true

AutoPostBack="true" />

2012-04-25 00:04:45 288

原创 querystring avoid the browser not accepting some characters

Server.UrlEncode(lblPackageName.Text).Replace("'", "%27").Replace("#", "%23")

2012-03-29 00:04:05 267

转载 C#发送邮件三种方法,Localhost,SMTP,SSL-SMTP

(转)C#发送邮件三种方法,Localhost,SMTP,SSL-SMTP通过.Net FrameWork 2.0下提供的“System.Net.Mail”可以轻松的实现,本文列举了3种途径来发送:1.通过Localhost;2.通过普通SMTP;3.通过SSL的SMTP;下面一个一个来说:1.通过LocalHostC#代码  publi

2012-03-22 08:53:24 775

转载 send email class

using System;  using System.Net;  using System.Net.Mail;  using System.Net.Mime;  namespace Fish {      ///       /// 发送邮件的类      ///       public class SendMail      {

2012-03-22 08:52:28 332

原创 photoshop how to make rectangle pic to rounded rectangle pic

1. open picture file2. Layer--> New--> Background from Layer3. select Rounded Rectangle tool 4. select subtract from path in the men bar5. select the area6. right click--> make selection

2012-03-21 09:45:32 375

原创 dropdown list 的 RequiredFieldValidator

CssClass="lblSystemWarning" ErrorMessage=" * required"  InitialValue="-1">C#  if (ddlSelectAccount.SelectedIndex                 {                    DataTable dtSelectAccount = LMS.Data.A

2012-03-17 19:43:35 672

转载 如何编写单元测试用例(白盒测试)。

前段时间公司进行有关测试的培训,集成测试,性能测试,压力测试说了很多。由于本人还处于Coder阶段,只是对单元测试有了些了解。写下来怕以后自己忘记了。都是些自己的看法,不一定准确,欢迎高手指教。一、 单元测试的概念        单元通俗的说就是指一个实现简单功能的函数。单元测试就是只用一组特定的输入(测试用例)测试函数是否功能正常,并且返回了正确的输出。        测试的

2012-01-19 11:52:53 971


-功能概述:CONVERT函数全部用法格式:CONVERT(data_type,expression[,style])说明:(datetime,smalldatetime)与字符串类型(nchar,nvarchar,char,varchar)相互转换的时候才用到的函数的3个参数,第1个参数为,转换后的大小,第2个为转换日期的字段或函数,第3个为转换的格式,具体如下:0|0or100| mo

2012-01-10 11:47:53 499

原创 网页执行顺序

在有母版页的情况下,处理顺序:第01步、内容页的 Page_PreInit第02步、母版页的 Page_Init第03步、内容页的 Page_Init第04步、内容页的 Page_InitComplete第05步、内容页的 Page_PreLoad第06步、内容页的 Page_Load第07步、母版页的 Page_Load第08步、母版页或内容页的 按钮点击等回发事件(Maste

2012-01-06 11:22:05 444

转载 ASP.NET 4 Website Template Default Objects

ASP.NET 4 Website Template Default ObjectsOBJECT NAMEDESCRIPTIONAccountContains user management forms for registering new users, logging in, and changing password

2011-12-28 10:19:52 363

转载 sql

1.A_Z:所有以'A'起头,且以‘Z'结尾的字串。2. ABC%所有ABC起头的字串3. %AB%所有含有AB这个套式的字串。4. Order by 栏位名【ASC,DESC】 ASC代表结果会由小忘大的顺序列出5.经典SQL语句大全一、基础1、说明:创建数据库CREATE DATABASE database-name 2、说明:删除数据库

2011-12-19 10:01:34 303

转载 Guid-Globally Unique Identifier

借鉴了网上的一些看法: 1. 一个GUID为一个128位的整数(16字节),在使用唯一标识符的情况下,你可以在所有计算机和网络之间使用这一整数。 2. GUID 的格式为“xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”,其中每个 x 是 0-9 或 a-f 范围内的一个十六进制的数字。例如:337c7

2011-12-15 01:41:39 588

转载 Serializable 作用

Serializable 作用 序列化的attribute,是为了利用序列化的技术准备用于序列化的对象必须设置 [System.Serializable] 标签,该标签指示一个类可以序列化。便于在网络中传输和保存这个标签是类可以被序列化的特性,表示这个类可以被序列化。什么叫序列化?我们都知道对象是暂时保存在内存中的,不能用U盘考走了,有时为了使用介质转移对象,并

2011-12-15 01:37:46 58255 1


标签描述DTD定义注释。STF 定义文档类型。STF定义锚。STF定义缩写。STF定义只取首字母的缩写。STF定义文档作者或拥有者的联系信息。STF不赞成使用。定义嵌入的 applet。TF定义图像映射内部的区域。STF

2011-12-14 09:51:45 480

转载 SQL SERVER的字段类型说明

SQL SERVER的字段类型说明已有 102 次阅读2009-6-19 11:06|个人分类:sql|以下为SQL SERVER7.0以上版本的字段类型说明。SQL SERVER6.5的字段类型说明请参考SQL SERVER提供的说明。字段类型 描述 bit 0或1的整型数字 int 从-2^31(-2,147,483,648)到2^31(2,147,483,647)

2011-11-15 13:03:55 342


vs2010 Report Application



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