In[]:%%rqalpha_plus -h
Usage: ipykernel_launcher.py [OPTIONS]
Start to run a strategy
-h, --help Show this message and exit.
-f, --strategy-file PATH
-s, --start-date DATE -->
[base]节start_date 回测开始日期
-e, --end-date DATE
--> [base]节end_date 回测结束日期
-sc, --stock-starting-cash FLOAT
-fc, --future-starting-cash FLOAT
-bm, --benchmark TEXT -->[base]节benchmark 设置基准
-mm, --margin-multiplier FLOAT
-st, --security [stock|future|stock_future]
-fq, --frequency [1d|1m|tick] -->[base]节设置回测频率
-rt, --run-type [b|p]
--source-code TEXT
-l, --log-level [verbose|debug|info|error|none]
--locale [cn|en]
--disable-user-system-log disable user system log
--extra-vars TEXT override context vars
--enable-profiler add line profiler to profile your strategy
--config TEXT config file path
-mc, --mod-config TEXT... mod extra config
-i, --init-cash FLOAT [Deprecated]
-k, --kind [stock|future|stock_future]
--strategy-type [stock|future|stock_future]
--report PATH [sys_analyser] save report -->保存report路径
-o, --output-file PATH [sys_analyser] output result pickle file
-p, --plot / --no-plot [sys_analyser] plot result -->[sys_analyser]节 plot 设置是否绘制图
--plot-save TEXT [sys_analyser] save plot to file --> 保存图片路径
--no-short-stock / --short-stock
[sys_risk] enable stock shorting
--progress [sys_progress]show progress bar
--signal [sys_simulation]exclude match engine
-sp, --slippage FLOAT [sys_simulation]set slippage 设置滑点
-cm, --commission-multiplier FLOAT
[sys_simulation] set commission multiplier 设置佣金倍率
-me, --match-engine [current_bar|next_bar|last|best_own|best_counterparty]
[Deprecated][sys_simulation] set matching
type 已废除,不用
-mt, --matching-type [current_bar|next_bar|last|best_own|best_counterparty]
[sys_simulation] set matching type -->[base]matching_type,设置撮合模式
-rdu, --rqdatad-username TEXT [ricequant_data] rqdatad username
-rdpw, --rqdatad-password TEXT [ricequant_data] rqdatad password
-rda, --rqdatad-addr TEXT [ricequant_data] rqdatad server address
-rdpt, --rqdatad-port TEXT [ricequant_data] rqdatad server port
-d, --data-bundle-path PATH [ricequant_data] data bundle pat
最新推荐文章于 2023-06-08 22:54:08 发布