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原创 Ubuntu上安装cmake

Steps:1. 安装以下库 (1)sudo apt-get install build-essential (不装会报makefile找不到,Cannot find appropriate Makefile processor on this system) (2)sudo apt-get install libssl-dev-- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root f...

2021-11-17 11:49:40 3243

原创 C++引用(Reference)

引用充当一个已定义变量的别名,就像一个人有个大名(王元),可能也有一个小名(海外野叟),不管怎样,大名小名都是指同一个人。所以一个变量及其引用,都指向同一个值和相同的地址#include <iostream>int main(){ using namespace std; int rats = 100; int & rodents = rats; cout << "rats = " << rats <<

2021-11-10 13:39:45 883

原创 Clone Linux源码报错(server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none)

Git clone linux源码时报以下错误:解决方法:在终端中输入:git config --global http.sslverify falsegit config --global https.sslverify falsexport GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=1之后下载就正常了

2021-11-09 11:21:28 560

原创 win10 家庭版升级win11

本人电脑系统是win10 home版本,之前“诊断和反馈”菜单中诊断数据部分是灰色的,不可选

2021-07-15 15:09:13 6754 1

原创 2021-04-16

win10编译安装BOOST库(利用Visual Studio2019)安装步骤:1. 官网下载最新的boost,最新1.75.02. 解压下载的包到指定的路径,例如D:\work\qt\workspace\LogAnalyzer\boost_1_75_03. 打开VS2019命令行,进入存放boost解压文件的路径4. 执行以下脚本5. 上述脚本执行完毕之后,会在boost的根目录生成以下文件(如果bjam.exe在根目录没有生成,可以进入boost_1_75_0\t.

2021-04-16 10:35:08 142

原创 更新ubuntu导致vmware虚拟机启动不了解决方法

升级ubuntu kernel后,vmware虚拟机启动不了了,报出“get_user_pages"找不到的错误,原来是在新kernel中,该函数不存在了 ,而vmware中还用的是该函数,因此按如下方式替换便可:1)vmmon.tar把vmmon-only/linux/hostif.c文件里的“get_user_pages”全都替换成“get_user_pages_fast" cd ...

2019-10-07 10:15:45 1615

转载 How to install Firefox 17 on Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, Fedora ... or any other Linux dist

This howto explains how to install Firefox 17 on Linux, with or without replacing an existing Firefox installation.Firefox 17 will be released on November 20, 2012.More information on Firefox rele

2012-12-04 09:04:50 1203

原创 12款在线 PDF 工具

<br /> 12款在线 PDF 工具

2011-03-10 09:04:00 504

原创 GSM规范列表

[0] GSM 01.02:“Digital cellulartelecommunication system (Phase 2+); General description of a GSMPublic Land Mobile Network (PLMN)".[1] GSM 01.04 (ETR 100): “Digital cellulartelecommunication system (Phase 2); Abbreviations andacronyms".[2] GSM

2011-03-08 08:46:00 1704

原创 解决添加软件源错误(gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host)的问题

最近在用add-apt-repository添加源时,常常出现以下错误,导致一些第三方源的软件无法安装。seagull@seagull-desktop:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shawn-p-huang/ppaExecuting: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/

2011-03-07 16:30:00 15385

原创 How to use eclipse to debug android source(from google official site)

<br />Using Eclipse<br /><br />This document will help you set up the Eclipse IDE for Android platform development.<br /><br />Note: if you are looking for information on how to use Eclipse to develop applications that run on Android, this is not the r

2011-03-07 10:51:00 1066

原创 鸟哥Linux私房菜

<br />学习Linux管理和应用的资源,在这里

2011-03-04 12:35:00 446

原创 解决Android Gingerbread (2.3) 编译错误

<br />下载了android 2.3源码,但是当编译的时候,遇到了如下问题:<br /><br />build/core/main.mk:77: You are attempting to build on a 32-bit system.<br />build/core/main.mk:78: Only 64-bit build environments are supported beyond froyo/2.2.<br /><br />原因是编译gingerbread默认需要64位系统和Jav

2011-02-28 15:58:00 897

原创 配置android编译环境和源码下载

来自google官方文档:http://source.android.com/source/download.htmlandroid的官方文档常常被墙掉,无法访问。Get Android Source CodeThis document describes how to set up your local work environment, how to use Repo to get the Android files, and how to build the files on your machine

2011-02-28 13:49:00 1322

转载 常用的ubuntu使用技巧

前言 下面的命令大都需要在 控制台 / 终端 / shell 下输入。 控制台, 终端, 和 shell 意味着同样一件事 - 一个命令行界面, 他可以用来控制系统。 打开一个控制台: 应用程序 --> 附件 --> 终端 任何一个使用 'sudo' 作为前缀的命令都需要拥有管理员 (或 root) 访问权限。 所以你会被提示输入你自己的密码。 安装升级 查看软件xxx安装内容 dpkg -L xxx 查找软件库中的软件 apt-cache search 正则表达式或aptitude search 软件包显

2011-02-28 12:39:00 1743

原创 How to install gCvs on ubuntu 10.04

Introduction:  gCVS is a GTK port of WinCVS, a Windows-based CVS client, it can be used on ubuntu as well, although, its function is not powerful, its biggest advantage is easy to use for those who are not familiar with command line.How to install:step1: A

2011-02-25 16:16:00 10397

转载 ubuntu10.04安装KScope

在Ubuntu10.04上安装KScope,使用如下脚本可完成:1.复制到文件内,文件命名为yourname.sh2.更改文件权限为可执行 sudo chmod +x youname.sh3.sudo ./yourname.sh4.ok,不出意外的话,安装成功,可以使用了#!/bin/bash# This script helps you install Kscope on Ubuntu10.04.# You can also use it to fix "Kscope doesn'

2011-02-25 11:03:00 905

原创 How to start/restart/stop apache server on ubuntu

<br />1. start<br />   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start<br />2. restart<br />    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart<br />3. stop<br />   sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop

2011-02-24 15:01:00 772

原创 bzip2用法详解

<br />     功能说明:.bz2文件的压缩程序。<br /><br />   语  法:bzip2 [-cdfhkLstvVz][--repetitive-best][--repetitive-fast][- 压缩等级][要压缩的文件]<br /><br />   补充说明:bzip2采用新的压缩演算法,压缩效果比传统的LZ77/LZ78压缩演算法来得好。若没有加上任何参数,bzip2压缩完文件后会产生.bz2的压缩文件,并删除原始的文件。<br /><br />

2011-02-17 14:48:00 2135

转载 Git Reference

 The reference comes from hereGit ReferenceReferenceAbout§Site SourceGetting and Creating ProjectsinitcloneBasic Snapshottingaddstatusdiffcommitresetrm, mvBranching and MergingbranchcheckoutmergelogtagSharing and Updating Projectsfetch, pullpushremoteInspe

2011-01-28 13:33:00 642

原创 How to show line number in eclipse

<br />To turn on line numbering in Eclipse, simply do the following;<br />1) Windows -> Preferences<br />2) General – > Editors -> Text Editors<br />and click the “Show Line Numbers” checkbox.

2011-01-28 13:27:00 2256 1

转载 Linux Input drivers v1.0

(c) 1999-2001 Vojtech Pavlik <vojtech@ucw.cz><br /> Sponsored by SuSE<br /> $Id: input.txt,v 1.8 2002/05/29 03:15:01 bradleym Exp $<br />----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br /><br />0. Disclaime

2011-01-25 13:16:00 785


如果PDF文档是密码保护的,但是忘记密码,该软件可用来提取密码,是非常有用的软件。 亲自测试过,如果电脑不是太旧,密码很快就能提取出来。


GSM 11.11(英文版)

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Specification of the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface (GSM 11.11 version 5.9.1)


GSM 11.14 第八版

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+); Specification of the SIM Application Toolkit for the Subscriber Identity Module - Mobile Equipment (SIM - ME) interface (GSM 11.14 version 8.2.0 Release 1999)


Linux® Bible(2010 Edition,英文版)

Boot Up to Ubuntu®, Fedora®, KNOPPIX, Debian®, openSUSE®, and 13 Other Distributions Linux管理的圣经级大作。


英文版JAVA2 EE 6 API和手册[chm格式]

Java 2 Enterprise Edition 6 API Documentation and Tutorial


Overview Of The GSM System and Protocol Architecture

Overview Of The GSM System and Protocol Architecture


GPRS for Mobile Internet

This book helps you understand how the GPRS system is used as a major technology building block for the emerging mobile Internet; the book also provides you with detailed coverage of a wide range of important topics.



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