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What a waste!

Egypt's pigsWhat a wasteMay 7th 2009 | CAIROFrom The Economist print editionIs it wise to kill the capital’s rubbish-ridding pigs?屠杀首都的垃圾清理猪明智吗?IN A city not much noted for efficiency,...

2009-05-14 12:25:40 247

原创 布什的告别演说Bush Farewell Speech

Fellow citizens: For eight years, it has been my honor to serve as your President. The first decade of this new century has been a period of consequence - a time set apart. Tonight, with a thankful he...

2009-03-23 08:54:26 263

原创 写作中中的“闪光”句型

1、China is witnessing a [color=red]fierce [/color]debate both about its economic system and the sort of great power it wants to be—and it is a debate the government does not like.

2009-03-20 09:33:45 100

原创 敏捷过程

敏捷过程(agile process)是一种以人为核心、迭代、循序渐进的开发方法。它是由17个工程师为了解决日益庞大的开发团队和繁琐的开发过程、大量的文档中解脱开发人员的工作量达成的一项共识。在敏捷过程中,软件项目的构建被切分成多个子项目,各个子项目的成果都经过测试,具备集成和可运行的特征。简言之,就是把一个大项目分为多个相互联系,但也可独立运行的小项目,并分别完成,在此过程中软件一直处于可使用状...

2009-03-17 16:28:18 571

原创 Globalization

[size=medium]Globalization is [color=blue]a double-edged sword[/color] to the countries all over the world. Benefits of globalization are obvious. One big global market is established, on which ea...

2009-03-13 22:59:13 233

原创 Widening Gap between the Rich and the Poor

[size=medium][b]These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and the poor. In my opinion, though [color=brown]it is a inevitable phenomenon in the process of reform[/color], the ev...

2009-03-13 22:30:53 807

原创 放弃也是一种美丽


2009-03-11 16:40:07 122

原创 汉译英中常见词句

Four Cardinal Principles 四项基本原则Party's basic line and program 党的基本路线和纲领make arduous efforts and forge ahead 艰苦奋斗,继往开来build socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特色的社会主义realize m...

2009-03-11 15:38:15 127

原创 词句学习 2009/03/07

[color=blue]In this regard[/color] 在这点上[color=orange]weather the storm[/color] 度过难关[b][color=blue]make joint efforts to overcome the difficulties[/color][/b] 共同努力,克服困难[b]on the sidelines ...

2009-03-07 22:17:35 109

原创 各种笑

1. The old woman gave a loud [b][color=red]cackle[/color] [/b] 2. Burton gave a kindly [b][color=red]chuckle[/color][/b]. 轻声地笑3. She [b][color=darkred]giggled[/color][/b]. 咯咯地笑...

2009-03-05 10:40:41 151

原创 Measures to Revitalize the Textile Industry

Measures to Revitalize the Textile Industry1. [b]Enlarge domestic[/b] textile [b]consumption[/b], [b]innovate new production, expand rural markets [/b]and promote the use of textile products in re...

2009-03-04 09:00:19 111

原创 词句学习 2009/03/04

[b]be tantamount to 等于,相似[/b][b]Jerusalem [/b][dʒəˈruːsələm] the holy city of the Jews, sacred also to Christians and Muslims, lying in the Judaean hills about 30 km (20 miles) from the River ...

2009-03-03 20:13:53 111

原创 作文中常用句型

[b]As far as I am concerned. [/b]至少对我来说是这样。[b]Nowadays there are more and more people who ...[/b][b]Nowadays more and more people have noticed the fact that ....[/b][b]What are the reasons...

2009-03-03 09:26:35 94

原创 词句学习 2009/03/02

[b]there is no [some] sense in doing... 做...是没有[有一些]道理的[意义的][/b]

2009-03-02 20:34:30 121


[b]detest [/b]verb[with obj.]dislike intensely憎恶she really did detest his mockery.她真的非常讨厌他的嘲弄。[b]contemplative [/b][kənˈtɛmplətɪv] adjectiveexpressing or involving prolonged tho...

2009-03-01 21:50:41 121


[b]from the first [/b]从头, 从一开始It was evident from the first that he never intended to carry out his promise.他不打算履行诺言从一开始就是很明显的。[b]leading character [/b] = leading actor主角[b]costume...

2009-02-28 22:11:54 125

historic & historical

[b]historical [/b]adjectiveof or concerning history; concerning past events历史的,有关历史的;有关过去事件的historical evidence.历史证据。■belonging to the past, not the present属于过去的famous histori...

2009-02-28 22:07:52 488


1、[b]favorable [/b] D.J.[ˈfeɪvərəbəl, ˈfeɪvrə-] K.K.[ˈfevərəbəl, ˈfevrə-] adj. 赞同的;称赞的 They are favorable to the proposal. 他们赞同这项提议。 The book received a favorable r...

2009-02-28 16:45:10 863

原创 词句学习

[b]godfather [/b]n.教父He really wants to fulfil his role as godfather properly.他确实想好好履行作为教父的职责。[b]ostensible [/b]D.J.[ɔˈstensəbəl] K.K.[ɑˈstɛnsəbəl] adj.(指理由等)假装的,表面的The ostensi...

2009-02-28 10:47:25 140

原创 rank 用法

verb [with obj. and adverbial]give (someone or something) a rank or place within a grading system 把…分等;给…评定等级 rank them in order of preference.按喜好排定顺序。she is ranked number four in th...

2009-02-27 15:57:43 511

原创 词条分类

低保制度: subsistance security system便衣警察: plainclothes police抢注: preemtive registration名嘴: popular TV presenter猎头: headhunter传统型枕套: pillow sham卡萨布兰卡: kasablanca三K党:ku klux kla...

2009-02-19 20:54:14 446

原创 山寨:大学版


2009-02-18 13:45:39 83

原创 Should Universities in China Expand Their Enrollme

[size=medium]Should Universities in China Expand Their EnrollmentIn the past several years, universities in China have been greatly expanding their enrollment. More and more students, most of whom h...

2009-02-18 09:46:13 194

原创 On Sustainable Development in China

[size=medium]It is well-known that peace and development are the two principal themes of the present world. For China, which has enjoyed peace for a very long time, its theme is sustainable developmen...

2009-02-18 09:45:29 214

原创 Is It Advisable to Buy a House by Loan?

Nowadays there are more and more people who have purchased or want to purchase houses of their own by using bank loans. What are the reasons for such a phenomenon? Recently, a very influential real es...

2009-02-18 09:44:56 147

原创 On Building A New Socialist Countryside

This year, I came back to my hometown to spend the Spring Festival with my parents. When we finished eating our family reunion dinner, my father asked me such questions as “What’s a new socialist coun...

2009-02-18 09:44:05 171

原创 Migrant Farmer Workers in China

Since the implementation of China's ploicy of reform and opening to the outside world, more and more farmers in the countryside have been swarming to cities and towns to engage in tertiary industries ...

2009-02-18 09:43:20 284

原创 On Building a Harmonious Society

On Building a Harmonious SocietyNow, building a harmonious society has become a hot topic. Articles related to constructing a harmonious society have sprung up like mushrooms. We can easily read suc...

2009-02-18 09:42:35 322

原创 The Catastrophic Snow at the Beginning of 2008

At the beginning of 2008, some provinces in South China, East China and Central China such as Guangdong Province, Guizhou Province, Anhui Province, Jiangxi Province and Hubei Province were hit by a ca...

2009-02-18 09:41:22 101


Associated Press (AP) and Reuters : n. 美联社和路透社principal character : n. 主人公Czechoslovakia:n. 捷克斯洛伐克newlyweds : n. 新婚的人,新婚夫妇masterpiece:n. 杰作、名作centrepiece: n. 置于桌子中央的装饰品(尤指鲜花);(整体中)最引...

2009-02-18 08:58:59 125



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