uvp homework 1-Figure out 5 controls that do not make sense to you

  Inspired by the bilingual education mode of Mr ZHANG's lecture and with respect to the courseware format, I decide to hand in this homework in my nonnative and clumsy English with greatest honor  as well as record my progress in UWP course. Now the main text.
  As a absolutely novice in UWP developing and a coding rookie, I tried all the controls in the tool box and here are the five elements that left some peculiar impression on me, not to say totally "not make sense", but a bit weird sense.
  The first-COMBOBOX, it draws my attention cauze of its name "combo", a grossly common noun in all RPG games. AS a result, I search the Combobox on the Internet and find something amusing.
I create a basic ComboBox and and 3 contents in it. I found it so terrific since it makes me feels like I am keeping in touch with some most common controls in many of my UWP apps in windows 10, and, comparing with HTML development, in my memory, there no such ComboBox controls in it. So, in order to fulfill such function, we often use Textbox and Drop-down list box in HTML compiling. I search Baidu and take a liberty to think by using CSS to coalese the two controls could we simulate the function of a ComboBox. What an amazing control in UWP!

   Second, StackPanel, I draw it in the above panel and find it is just like a Grid in format and function, so during my searching and thinking, I find some differences. Grid, just like its name,  is a control to create a rectangle seperated by rows and columns as the developer's wish, just like this.
On the contrary, the StackPanel is usually to create a format with only a row or column to illunimate some choices or announcements like the ComboBox or so?
it is a StackPanel creation found on a CSDN blog
a ComboBox i used it above in topic 1.
I found some similarities between them, but since my comprehension is so limited that i could only bring about this question.

  Third, Navigationview.
I tried it since its funny name, so i create a simple Navigationview and find it is so fabulous!Just like pressing windows icon on my keyboard!

However, i still have some questions, what is the "Setting" icon's function and how to use it, i search Baidu, but it seems that my questions have not been answered yet, most of the queations are about  the Navigationview development but no the "Setting" icon.

Next, the Flipview, the word "flip" dont make sense to me, so i drag it into the panel and run it , nothing happened, so i search Microsoft Official (https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/uwp/design/controls-and-patterns/flipview)and it shows me a template and i immitate a sample on Baidu, like this.
So cool, isn't it? It bring me a swift mode to view these pictures, there no doubt to call it "Flip-View", just flip and view all.

  The last, "Pivot", a very powerful control i found in UWP and read about it in one of my classmate's blog. I search in Microsoft official and find this.
A bit small, but it is a very very common design in most apps of Android, Windows, IOS,etc.
I copy a piece of code from Microsoft.

<Pivot x:Name="rootPivot" Title="PIVOT TITLE">
        <CommandBar ClosedDisplayMode="Compact">
            <AppBarButton Icon="Back" Label="Previous" Click="BackButton_Click"/>
            <AppBarButton Icon="Forward" Label="Next" Click="NextButton_Click"/>
    <PivotItem Header="Pivot Item 1">
        <!--Pivot content goes here-->
        <TextBlock Text="Content of pivot item 1."/>
    <PivotItem Header="Pivot Item 2">
        <!--Pivot content goes here-->
        <TextBlock Text="Content of pivot item 2."/>
    <PivotItem Header="Pivot Item 3">
        <!--Pivot content goes here-->
        <TextBlock Text="Content of pivot item 3."/>
At last, i still face some basic problems in survice calling, i remeber the JSON WEB survice API, Mr ZHANG taught on class, but i can not handle it properly by myself and a decide using several days to read the materials teacher gave us and to comprehend it since it is a very essential method to develop our own app and connect to daily Internet!

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