
Computer languages and facial hair – take two

About four years ago, I wrote an article about relationship between facial hair and computer languages success (this is cached page, the original article has been lost). Today, I want to recall this article and see what happened with my theory.

Let’s start from Fortran, Ada and Simula. Fortran inventor, John Backus, died in Oregon last year. Ada inventor, Jean Ichbiah died three months earlier from brain cancer in Paris. Kristen Nygaard, the father of Simula, died of a heart attack. Let’s pause to remember those giants.

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What’s about F#? His inventor, Dr. Don Syme has neither beard, nor moustaches. Thus it looks like there is no real future expected to this language


What happens with Prolog inventor, Alain Colmerauer? He still has no beard. This means, that the great future is not expected to Prolog as well.


Let’s see what’s going on with C? Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie and Kenneth L. Thompson. They are fine. Still have very good bears, so C has long long life. Currently this computer language is used in 16% of open source projects (according SourceForge)

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Next in row – Smalltalk aka Alan Curtis Kay. He has moustaches today, but no one really using Smalltalk. What’s the problem? He’s Flex concept got small bust those days. But all problems around Flex concept are stopping it from being very popular in real life.


Objective - C – Brad Cox. It does not look like he has at least moustaches those days. Even his Java+ concept faded in past


C++ still about 18% of industry, however it seemed like C++ just disappears from from computer horizons. Let’s try to understand why. Just compare Bjarne Stroustrup’s facial hair at the beginning of C++ gold era


A couple of years ago


And those days


Don’t you see the real degradation of his beard and moustaches? Bjarne, throw your shaver out of window and fast to save C++!

Now let’s see what’s going on with Thomas E. Kurtz, the inventor of Basic. When he has those moustaches BASIC was the language of simple yet not very effective programming


However, today this light weigh language losing it’s popularity (less then 2% of the industry). This why:


What’s about Perl, that still holding more, than 6% of industry? Larry Wall, keep those grand moustaches!


Now my favorite – Ruby and Python. Last year two those languages become super popular in web environment. Has anything changed in their inventors facial hair? Both Van Rossum (Python) and Yukihiro Matsumoto (Python) got beards. BTW, Matz did it because of my article (see comments). Keep doing!

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But what’s going on with C# and Java? Anders Hejlsberg still has neither beard, nor moustache, thus it’s after four years, the industry share of C# is around 4%, while James Gosling’s beard got better within 18% of open source projects

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What’s next? There are some new languages in horizon. There are no really new, but there are new concepts, like RubyCLR with Sam Ramji, that looks like has small chances to be really popular


As well as Scott Guthrie with WPF and Silverlight (well it’s not really him, but other architects in Microsoft are not much hairy)


JSON (aka JSLint) with Douglas Crockford has very good chances. Keep doing, Douglas.


When IronPython (and other DLR-based languages) are hard to see see good chances for Jim Hugunin


Let’s take a look into functional and modular modern languages such as Haskell. Its arch-fathers Simon Peyton-Jones, Paul Hudak  and Philip Wadler neutralize one each other, so, it’s very hard to predict it’s fortune. However if we’ll normalize their hair we can get very good chances for Haskell.

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Last time, I completely forgot about PHP by Rasmus Lerdorf. This language is rather popular and it is not because of it’s nature. See Rasmus face to understand why.


To summarize, it’s looks like my old assumption is still valid, even for new languages so what are you waiting for? Want to be famous and make significant history? Grow a beard!

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《UNIX环境高级编程》与《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》是两本非常著名的计算机图书,它们从不同角度对Unix和Linux系统进行了全面的介绍。 《UNIX环境高级编程》一书由W. Richard Stevens和Stephen A. Rago合著,是一本深入介绍Unix系统编程的经典教材。这本书主要关注于Unix系统上的C编程,详细讲解了Unix系统调用、文件IO、进程控制、信号处理、多线程等方面的知识。它通过丰富的示例代码和清晰的解释,帮助读者理解Unix系统底层的工作原理,提高编程技巧。 而《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》则是由鸟哥(胡须哥)编写的一本关于Linux系统的入门书籍。这本书主要面向于系统管理员和Linux初学者,详细介绍了Linux的安装、配置、管理和使用技巧。它包括了Linux的各种基础知识,如文件系统、用户管理、网络配置、服务管理等,并且提供了大量的实例和教程,帮助读者快速上手和解决实际问题。 总结来说,《UNIX环境高级编程》侧重于Unix系统编程的底层知识,适合具有一定编程基础和对Unix系统内部有较深了解的人士。而《鸟哥的Linux私房菜》则是一本入门级别的Linux系统教材,适合Linux初学者和系统管理员,更侧重于如何使用和管理Linux系统。 需要注意的是,虽然两本书的两者涉及的内容有所重叠,但是它们针对的用户群体和目的不同,因此选择适合自己的目标读者群体来选择合适的学习材料。同时,这两本书也都是非常经典的计算机图书,无论是作为工具书查阅还是作为深入学习的教材都具有很高的参考价值。


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