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原创 About Exception

1) rise exceptionTo raise an exception, you use the raise statement with an argument that is either a class (which should subclass Exception for the "catch clause") or an instance.>>> raise Ex

2013-05-31 22:54:12 786

原创 Multiple inheritance

class Calculator: def calculate(self, expression): self.value = eval(expression)class Talker: def talk(self): print 'Hi, my value is', self.valueclass TalkingCalculat

2013-05-31 22:47:47 827

原创 Some function to handle class and its interface info

1) get some class infothe following example show basic inheritanceclass Filter: def init(self): self.blocked = [] def filter(self, sequence): return [x for x in s

2013-05-31 22:41:13 796

原创 The Meaning of Class Definitions

we have to keep in mind that the meaning of class definitions are simply code sections that are executed !>>>class C: print 'Class C being defined...'Class C being defined...>>>class Me

2013-05-31 22:17:10 847

原创 About Class

1) method and functionOne big difference between methods and other functions is that methods always receive the object they are part of as their first argument, usually called self.>>> class Class

2013-05-31 21:55:48 821

原创 Parameters

1)positional,keyword and default parameterFor positional parameters,values are assigned to different parameters according to their positions;  def hello_1(greeting, name): print '%s, %s!' %

2013-05-26 09:23:05 993

原创 Scope

The problem of shadowingReading the value of global variables is not a problem in general, but one thing may make it problematic. If a local variable or parameter exists with the same name as the gl

2013-05-26 08:32:10 717

原创 Three special statements: pass, del, and exec

1)Nothing Happened by pass Sometimes you need to do nothing. This may not be very often, but when it happens, it's good to know that you have the pass statement:>>> pass>>>another example:

2013-05-26 08:14:03 1167

原创 Some iteration utilities

Python has several functions that can be useful when iterating over a sequence (or other iterable object). Some of these are available in the itertools module , but there are some built-in functions

2013-05-25 22:38:33 820

原创 About typeid()

#include #include using namespace std;class A{public: virtual void haha(){}};class B :public A{};int main() { A* a = new B; cout<< typeid(a).name()<<endl; cout<< typeid(*a).name

2013-05-02 22:25:54 611


RTTI(run-time type identification) ,like exceptions ,depends on type information residing in the virtual function table. If you try to use RTTI on a class that has no virtual functions, you will get

2013-05-02 22:04:20 803

原创 About exception

1  clear up in the try{ }catch{ }if exception happen, the system first clear up the objects which have been created in the try block,then go into the catch block;if objects in array happen error d

2013-05-02 21:57:52 670



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