android attr.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project

     Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     You may obtain a copy of the License at

     Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     limitations under the License.

<!-- Formatting note: terminate all comments with a period, to avoid breaking
     the documentation output. To suppress comment lines from the documentation
     output, insert an eat-comment element after the comment lines.

    <!-- These are the standard attributes that make up a complete theme. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Theme">
        <!-- ============== -->
        <!-- Generic styles -->
        <!-- ============== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Default color of foreground imagery. -->
        <attr name="colorForeground" format="color" />
        <!-- Default color of foreground imagery on an inverted background. -->
        <attr name="colorForegroundInverse" format="color" />
        <!-- Color that matches (as closely as possible) the window background. -->
        <attr name="colorBackground" format="color" />
        <!-- This is a hint for a solid color that can be used for caching
             rendered views.  This will be the color of the background when
             there is a solid background color; it will be null when the
             background is a texture or translucent. -->
        <attr name="colorBackgroundCacheHint" format="color" />
        <!-- Default disabled alpha for widgets that set enabled/disabled alpha programmatically. -->
        <attr name="disabledAlpha" format="float" />
        <!-- Default background dim amount when a menu, dialog, or something similar pops up. -->
        <attr name="backgroundDimAmount" format="float" />
        <!-- Control whether dimming behind the window is enabled.  The default
             theme does not set this value, meaning it is based on whether the
             window is floating. -->
        <attr name="backgroundDimEnabled" format="boolean" />

        <!-- =========== -->
        <!-- Text styles -->
        <!-- =========== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Default appearance of text: color, typeface, size, and style. -->
        <attr name="textAppearance" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default appearance of text against an inverted background:
             color, typeface, size, and style. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceInverse" format="reference" />

        <!-- The most prominent text color.  -->
        <attr name="textColorPrimary" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Secondary text color. -->
        <attr name="textColorSecondary" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Tertiary text color. -->
        <attr name="textColorTertiary" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Primary inverse text color, useful for inverted backgrounds. -->
        <attr name="textColorPrimaryInverse" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Secondary inverse text color, useful for inverted backgrounds. -->
        <attr name="textColorSecondaryInverse" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Tertiary inverse text color, useful for inverted backgrounds. -->
        <attr name="textColorTertiaryInverse" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Inverse hint text color. -->
        <attr name="textColorHintInverse" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Bright text color. Only differentiates based on the disabled state. -->
        <attr name="textColorPrimaryDisableOnly" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Bright inverse text color. Only differentiates based on the disabled state. -->
        <attr name="textColorPrimaryInverseDisableOnly" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Bright text color. This does not differentiate the disabled state. As an example,
             buttons use this since they display the disabled state via the background and not the
             foreground text color. -->
        <attr name="textColorPrimaryNoDisable" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Dim text color. This does not differentiate the disabled state. -->
        <attr name="textColorSecondaryNoDisable" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Bright inverse text color. This does not differentiate the disabled state. -->
        <attr name="textColorPrimaryInverseNoDisable" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Dim inverse text color. This does not differentiate the disabled state. -->
        <attr name="textColorSecondaryInverseNoDisable" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Text color for urls in search suggestions, used by things like global search and the browser. @hide -->
        <attr name="textColorSearchUrl" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Search widget more corpus result item background. -->
        <attr name="searchWidgetCorpusItemBackground" format="reference|color" />

        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for "large" text. Defaults to primary text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceLarge" format="reference" />
        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for "medium" text. Defaults to primary text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceMedium" format="reference" />
        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for "small" text. Defaults to secondary text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceSmall" format="reference" />

        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for "large" inverse text. Defaults to primary inverse text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceLargeInverse" format="reference" />
        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for "medium" inverse text. Defaults to primary inverse text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceMediumInverse" format="reference" />
        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for "small" inverse text. Defaults to secondary inverse text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceSmallInverse" format="reference" />

        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for system search result title. Defaults to primary inverse text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceSearchResultTitle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for system search result subtitle. Defaults to primary inverse text color. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle" format="reference" />

        <!-- Text color, typeface, size, and style for the text inside of a button. -->
        <attr name="textAppearanceButton" format="reference" />

        <!-- A styled string, specifying the style to be used for showing
             inline candidate text when composing with an input method.  The
             text itself will be ignored, but the style spans will be applied
             to the candidate text as it is edited. -->
        <attr name="candidatesTextStyleSpans" format="reference|string" />

        <!-- Drawable to use for check marks. -->
        <attr name="textCheckMark" format="reference" />
        <attr name="textCheckMarkInverse" format="reference" />

        <!-- Drawable to use for multiple choice indicators. -->
        <attr name="listChoiceIndicatorMultiple" format="reference" />

        <!-- Drawable to use for single choice indicators. -->
        <attr name="listChoiceIndicatorSingle" format="reference" />

        <!-- ============= -->
        <!-- Button styles -->
        <!-- ============= -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Normal Button style. -->
        <attr name="buttonStyle" format="reference" />

        <!-- Small Button style. -->
        <attr name="buttonStyleSmall" format="reference" />

        <!-- Button style to inset into an EditText. -->
        <attr name="buttonStyleInset" format="reference" />

        <!-- ToggleButton style. -->
        <attr name="buttonStyleToggle" format="reference" />

        <!-- ============== -->
        <!-- Gallery styles -->
        <!-- ============== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- The preferred background for gallery items. This should be set
             as the background of any Views you provide from the Adapter. -->
        <attr name="galleryItemBackground" format="reference" />

        <!-- =========== -->
        <!-- List styles -->
        <!-- =========== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- The preferred list item height. -->
        <attr name="listPreferredItemHeight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The drawable for the list divider. -->
        <!-- The list item height for search results. @hide -->
        <attr name="searchResultListItemHeight" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="listDivider" format="reference" />
        <!-- TextView style for list separators. -->
        <attr name="listSeparatorTextViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- The preferred left padding for an expandable list item (for child-specific layouts,
             use expandableListPreferredChildPaddingLeft). This takes into account
             the indicator that will be shown to next to the item. -->
        <attr name="expandableListPreferredItemPaddingLeft" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The preferred left padding for an expandable list item that is a child.
             If this is not provided, it defaults to the expandableListPreferredItemPaddingLeft. -->
        <attr name="expandableListPreferredChildPaddingLeft" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The preferred left bound for an expandable list item's indicator. For a child-specific
             indicator, use expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorLeft. -->
        <attr name="expandableListPreferredItemIndicatorLeft" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The preferred right bound for an expandable list item's indicator. For a child-specific
             indicator, use expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorRight. -->
        <attr name="expandableListPreferredItemIndicatorRight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The preferred left bound for an expandable list child's indicator. -->
        <attr name="expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorLeft" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The preferred right bound for an expandable list child's indicator. -->
        <attr name="expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorRight" format="dimension" />

        <!-- ============= -->
        <!-- Window styles -->
        <!-- ============= -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Drawable to use as the overall window background.  There are a
             few special considerations you should use when settings this
             <li> This information will be used to infer the pixel format
                  for your window's surface.  If the drawable has any
                  non-opaque pixels, your window will be translucent
                  (32 bpp).
             <li> If you want to draw the entire background
                  yourself, you should set this drawable to some solid
                  color that closely matches that background (so the
                  system's preview of your window will match), and
                  then in code manually set your window's background to
                  null so it will not be drawn.
             </ul> -->
        <attr name="windowBackground" format="reference" />
        <!-- Drawable to use as a frame around the window. -->
        <attr name="windowFrame" format="reference" />
        <!-- Flag indicating whether there should be no title on this window. -->
        <attr name="windowNoTitle" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Flag indicating whether this window should fill the entire screen. -->
        <attr name="windowFullscreen" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Flag indicating whether this is a floating window. -->
        <attr name="windowIsFloating" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Flag indicating whether this is a translucent window. -->
        <attr name="windowIsTranslucent" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Flag indicating that this window's background should be the
          user's current wallpaper. -->
        <attr name="windowShowWallpaper" format="boolean" />
        <!-- This Drawable is overlaid over the foreground of the Window's content area, usually
             to place a shadow below the title.  -->
        <attr name="windowContentOverlay" format="reference" />
        <!-- The style resource to use for a window's title bar height. -->
        <attr name="windowTitleSize" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The style resource to use for a window's title text. -->
        <attr name="windowTitleStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- The style resource to use for a window's title area. -->
        <attr name="windowTitleBackgroundStyle" format="reference" />

        <!-- Reference to a style resource holding
             the set of window animations to use, which can be
             any of the attributes defined by
             {@link android.R.styleable#WindowAnimation}. -->
        <attr name="windowAnimationStyle" format="reference" />

        <!-- Defines the default soft input state that this window would
             like when it is displayed. -->
        <attr name="windowSoftInputMode">
            <!-- Not specified, use what the system thinks is best.  This
                 is the default. -->
            <flag name="stateUnspecified" value="0" />
            <!-- Leave the soft input window as-is, in whatever state it
                 last was. -->
            <flag name="stateUnchanged" value="1" />
            <!-- Make the soft input area hidden when normally appropriate
                 (when the user is navigating forward to your window). -->
            <flag name="stateHidden" value="2" />
            <!-- Always make the soft input area hidden when this window
                 has input focus. -->
            <flag name="stateAlwaysHidden" value="3" />
            <!-- Make the soft input area visible when normally appropriate
                 (when the user is navigating forward to your window). -->
            <flag name="stateVisible" value="4" />
            <!-- Always make the soft input area visible when this window
                 has input focus. -->
            <flag name="stateAlwaysVisible" value="5" />

            <!-- The window resize/pan adjustment has not been specified,
                 the system will automatically select between resize and pan
                 modes, depending
                 on whether the content of the window has any layout views
                 that can scroll their contents.  If there is such a view,
                 then the window will be resized, with the assumption being
                 that the resizeable area can be reduced to make room for
                 the input UI. -->
            <flag name="adjustUnspecified" value="0x00" />
            <!-- Always resize the window: the content area of the window is
                 reduced to make room for the soft input area. -->
            <flag name="adjustResize" value="0x10" />
            <!-- Don't resize the window to make room for the soft input area;
                 instead pan the contents of the window as focus moves inside
                 of it so that the user can see what they are typing.  This is
                 generally less desireable than panning because the user may
                 need to close the input area to get at and interact with
                 parts of the window. -->
            <flag name="adjustPan" value="0x20" />

        <!-- Flag allowing you to disable the preview animation for a window.
             The default value is false; if set to true, the system can never
             use the window's theme to show a preview of it before your
             actual instance is shown to the user. -->
        <attr name="windowDisablePreview" format="boolean" />

        <!-- Flag indicating that this window should not be displayed at all.
             The default value is false; if set to true, and this window is
             the main window of an Activity, then it will never actually
             be added to the window manager.  This means that your activity
             must immediately quit without waiting for user interaction,
             because there will be no such interaction coming. -->
        <attr name="windowNoDisplay" format="boolean" />

        <!-- ============ -->
        <!-- Alert Dialog styles -->
        <!-- ============ -->
        <eat-comment />
        <attr name="alertDialogStyle" format="reference" />

        <!-- ============ -->
        <!-- Panel styles -->
        <!-- ============ -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- The background of a panel when it is inset from the left and right edges of the screen. -->
        <attr name="panelBackground" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- The background of a panel when it extends to the left and right edges of the screen. -->
        <attr name="panelFullBackground" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Default color of foreground panel imagery. -->
        <attr name="panelColorForeground" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Color that matches (as closely as possible) the panel background. -->
        <attr name="panelColorBackground" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Default appearance of panel text. -->
        <attr name="panelTextAppearance" format="reference" />

        <!-- =================== -->
        <!-- Other widget styles -->
        <!-- =================== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Default AbsListView style. -->
        <attr name="absListViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default AutoCompleteTextView style. -->
        <attr name="autoCompleteTextViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default Checkbox style. -->
        <attr name="checkboxStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default ListView style for drop downs. -->
        <attr name="dropDownListViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default EditText style. -->
        <attr name="editTextStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default ExpandableListView style. -->
        <attr name="expandableListViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- ExpandableListView with white background. -->
        <attr name="expandableListViewWhiteStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default Gallery style. -->
        <attr name="galleryStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default GestureOverlayView style. -->
        <attr name="gestureOverlayViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default GridView style. -->
        <attr name="gridViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- The style resource to use for an ImageButton. -->
        <attr name="imageButtonStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- The style resource to use for an ImageButton that is an image well. -->
        <attr name="imageWellStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default ListView style. -->
        <attr name="listViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- ListView with white background. -->
        <attr name="listViewWhiteStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default PopupWindow style. -->
        <attr name="popupWindowStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default ProgressBar style. This is a medium circular progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Horizontal ProgressBar style. This is a horizontal progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleHorizontal" format="reference" />
        <!-- Small ProgressBar style. This is a small circular progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleSmall" format="reference" />
        <!-- Small ProgressBar in title style. This is a small circular progress bar that will be placed in title bars. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleSmallTitle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Large ProgressBar style. This is a large circular progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleLarge" format="reference" />
        <!-- Inverse ProgressBar style. This is a medium circular progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleInverse" format="reference" />
        <!-- Small inverse ProgressBar style. This is a small circular progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleSmallInverse" format="reference" />
        <!-- Large inverse ProgressBar style. This is a large circular progress bar. -->
        <attr name="progressBarStyleLargeInverse" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default SeekBar style. -->
        <attr name="seekBarStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default RatingBar style. -->
        <attr name="ratingBarStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Indicator RatingBar style. -->
        <attr name="ratingBarStyleIndicator" format="reference" />
        <!-- Small indicator RatingBar style. -->
        <attr name="ratingBarStyleSmall" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default RadioButton style. -->
        <attr name="radioButtonStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default ScrollView style. -->
        <attr name="scrollViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default HorizontalScrollView style. -->
        <attr name="horizontalScrollViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default Spinner style. -->
        <attr name="spinnerStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default Star style. -->
        <attr name="starStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default TabWidget style. -->
        <attr name="tabWidgetStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default TextView style. -->
        <attr name="textViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default WebTextView style. -->
        <attr name="webTextViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default WebView style. -->
        <attr name="webViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for drop down items. -->
        <attr name="dropDownItemStyle" format="reference" />
         <!-- Default style for spinner drop down items. -->
        <attr name="spinnerDropDownItemStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for drop down hints. -->
        <attr name="dropDownHintAppearance" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default spinner item style. -->
        <attr name="spinnerItemStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default MapView style. -->
        <attr name="mapViewStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style with small quickcontact window. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyleWindowSmall" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style with medium quickcontact window. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyleWindowMedium" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style with large quickcontact window. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyleWindowLarge" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style with small quickcontact window. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyleSmallWindowSmall" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style with medium quickcontact window. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyleSmallWindowMedium" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default quickcontact badge style with large quickcontact window. -->
        <attr name="quickContactBadgeStyleSmallWindowLarge" format="reference" />

        <!-- =================== -->
        <!-- Preference styles   -->
        <!-- =================== -->
        <eat-comment />

        <!-- Default style for PreferenceScreen. -->
        <attr name="preferenceScreenStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for PreferenceCategory. -->
        <attr name="preferenceCategoryStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for Preference. -->
        <attr name="preferenceStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for informational Preference. -->
        <attr name="preferenceInformationStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for CheckBoxPreference. -->
        <attr name="checkBoxPreferenceStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for YesNoPreference. -->
        <attr name="yesNoPreferenceStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for DialogPreference. -->
        <attr name="dialogPreferenceStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for EditTextPreference. -->
        <attr name="editTextPreferenceStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default style for RingtonePreference. -->
        <attr name="ringtonePreferenceStyle" format="reference" />
        <!-- The preference layout that has the child/tabbed effect. -->
        <attr name="preferenceLayoutChild" format="reference" />


    <!-- **************************************************************** -->
    <!-- Other non-theme attributes. -->
    <!-- **************************************************************** -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Size of text. Recommended dimension type for text is "sp" for scaled-pixels (example: 15sp).
         Supported values include the following:<p/>
        <li><b>px</b> Pixels</li>
        <li><b>sp</b> Scaled pixels (scaled to relative pixel size on screen). See{@link android.util.DisplayMetrics} for more information.</li>
        <li><b>pt</b> Points</li>
        <li><b>dip</b> Device independent pixels. See {@link android.util.DisplayMetrics} for more information.</li>
    <attr name="textSize" format="dimension" />

    <!-- Default text typeface. -->
    <attr name="typeface">
        <enum name="normal" value="0" />
        <enum name="sans" value="1" />
        <enum name="serif" value="2" />
        <enum name="monospace" value="3" />

    <!-- Default text typeface style. -->
    <attr name="textStyle">
        <flag name="normal" value="0" />
        <flag name="bold" value="1" />
        <flag name="italic" value="2" />

    <!-- Color of text (usually same as colorForeground). -->
    <attr name="textColor" format="reference|color" />

    <!-- Color of highlighted text. -->
    <attr name="textColorHighlight" format="reference|color" />

    <!-- Color of hint text (displayed when the field is empty). -->
    <attr name="textColorHint" format="reference|color" />

    <!-- Color of link text (URLs). -->
    <attr name="textColorLink" format="reference|color" />

    <!-- Where to ellipsize text. -->
    <attr name="ellipsize">
        <enum name="none" value="0" />
        <enum name="start" value="1" />
        <enum name="middle" value="2" />
        <enum name="end" value="3" />
        <enum name="marquee" value="4" />

    <!-- The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an
         input method decide how to let the user enter text.  The constants
         here correspond to those defined by
         {@link android.text.InputType}.  Generally you can select
         a single value, though some can be combined together as
         indicated.  Setting this attribute to anything besides
         <var>none</var> also implies that the text is editable. -->
    <attr name="inputType">
        <!-- There is no content type.  The text is not editable. -->
        <flag name="none" value="0x00000000" />
        <!-- Just plain old text.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_NORMAL}. -->
        <flag name="text" value="0x00000001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             request capitalization of all characters.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_CHARACTERS}. -->
        <flag name="textCapCharacters" value="0x00001001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             request capitalization of the first character of every word.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_WORDS}. -->
        <flag name="textCapWords" value="0x00002001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             request capitalization of the first character of every sentence.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_CAP_SENTENCES}. -->
        <flag name="textCapSentences" value="0x00004001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             request auto-correction of text being input.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECT}. -->
        <flag name="textAutoCorrect" value="0x00008001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             specify that this field will be doing its own auto-completion and
             talking with the input method appropriately.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_AUTO_COMPLETE}. -->
        <flag name="textAutoComplete" value="0x00010001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             allow multiple lines of text in the field.  If this flag is not set,
             the text field will be constrained to a single line.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_MULTI_LINE}. -->
        <flag name="textMultiLine" value="0x00020001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             indicate that though the regular text view should not be multiple
             lines, the IME should provide multiple lines if it can.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_IME_MULTI_LINE}. -->
        <flag name="textImeMultiLine" value="0x00040001" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>text</var> and its variations to
             indicate that the IME should not show any
             dictionary-based word suggestions.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS}. -->
        <flag name="textNoSuggestions" value="0x00080001" />
        <!-- Text that will be used as a URI.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_URI}. -->
        <flag name="textUri" value="0x00000011" />
        <!-- Text that will be used as an e-mail address.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_ADDRESS}. -->
        <flag name="textEmailAddress" value="0x00000021" />
        <!-- Text that is being supplied as the subject of an e-mail.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_EMAIL_SUBJECT}. -->
        <flag name="textEmailSubject" value="0x00000031" />
        <!-- Text that is the content of a short message.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_SHORT_MESSAGE}. -->
        <flag name="textShortMessage" value="0x00000041" />
        <!-- Text that is the content of a long message.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_LONG_MESSAGE}. -->
        <flag name="textLongMessage" value="0x00000051" />
        <!-- Text that is the name of a person.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PERSON_NAME}. -->
        <flag name="textPersonName" value="0x00000061" />
        <!-- Text that is being supplied as a postal mailing address.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_POSTAL_ADDRESS}. -->
        <flag name="textPostalAddress" value="0x00000071" />
        <!-- Text that is a password.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PASSWORD}. -->
        <flag name="textPassword" value="0x00000081" />
        <!-- Text that is a password that should be visible.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_VISIBLE_PASSWORD}. -->
        <flag name="textVisiblePassword" value="0x00000091" />
        <!-- Text that is being supplied as text in a web form.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_WEB_EDIT_TEXT}. -->
        <flag name="textWebEditText" value="0x000000a1" />
        <!-- Text that is filtering some other data.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_FILTER}. -->
        <flag name="textFilter" value="0x000000b1" />
        <!-- Text that is for phonetic pronunciation, such as a phonetic name
             field in a contact entry.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_TEXT} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_TEXT_VARIATION_PHONETIC}. -->
        <flag name="textPhonetic" value="0x000000c1" />
        <!-- A numeric only field.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER}. -->
        <flag name="number" value="0x00000002" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>number</var> and its other options to
             allow a signed number.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_SIGNED}. -->
        <flag name="numberSigned" value="0x00001002" />
        <!-- Can be combined with <var>number</var> and its other options to
             allow a decimal (fractional) number.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_NUMBER} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_NUMBER_FLAG_DECIMAL}. -->
        <flag name="numberDecimal" value="0x00002002" />
        <!-- For entering a phone number.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_PHONE}. -->
        <flag name="phone" value="0x00000003" />
        <!-- For entering a date and time.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_NORMAL}. -->
        <flag name="datetime" value="0x00000004" />
        <!-- For entering a date.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_DATE}. -->
        <flag name="date" value="0x00000014" />
        <!-- For entering a time.  Corresponds to
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_CLASS_DATETIME} |
             {@link android.text.InputType#TYPE_DATETIME_VARIATION_TIME}. -->
        <flag name="time" value="0x00000024" />

    <!-- Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editor
         to improve the integration with your application.  The constants
         here correspond to those defined by
         {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#imeOptions}. -->
    <attr name="imeOptions">
        <!-- There are no special semantics associated with this editor. -->
        <flag name="normal" value="0x00000000" />
        <!-- There is no specific action associated with this editor, let the
             editor come up with its own if it can.
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_NULL}. -->
        <flag name="actionUnspecified" value="0x00000000" />
        <!-- This editor has no action associated with it.
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_NONE}. -->
        <flag name="actionNone" value="0x00000001" />
        <!-- The action key performs a "go"
             operation to take the user to the target of the text they typed.
             Typically used, for example, when entering a URL.
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_GO}. -->
        <flag name="actionGo" value="0x00000002" />
        <!-- The action key performs a "search"
             operation, taking the user to the results of searching for the text
             the have typed (in whatever context is appropriate).
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_SEARCH}. -->
        <flag name="actionSearch" value="0x00000003" />
        <!-- The action key performs a "send"
             operation, delivering the text to its target.  This is typically used
             when composing a message.
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_SEND}. -->
        <flag name="actionSend" value="0x00000004" />
        <!-- The action key performs a "next"
             operation, taking the user to the next field that will accept text.
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_NEXT}. -->
        <flag name="actionNext" value="0x00000005" />
        <!-- The action key performs a "done"
             operation, closing the soft input method.
             Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_ACTION_DONE}. -->
        <flag name="actionDone" value="0x00000006" />
        <!-- Used to specify that the IME does not need
             to show its extracted text UI.  For input methods that may be fullscreen,
             often when in landscape mode, this allows them to be smaller and let part
             of the application be shown behind.  Though there will likely be limited
             access to the application available from the user, it can make the
             experience of a (mostly) fullscreen IME less jarring.  Note that when
             this flag is specified the IME may <em>not</em> be set up to be able
             to display text, so it should only be used in situations where this is
             not needed.
             <p>Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI}. -->
        <flag name="flagNoExtractUi" value="0x10000000" />
        <!-- Used in conjunction with a custom action, this indicates that the
             action should not be available as an accessory button when the
             input method is full-screen.
             Note that by setting this flag, there can be cases where the action
             is simply never available to the user.  Setting this generally means
             that you think showing text being edited is more important than the
             action you have supplied.
             <p>Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_ACCESSORY_ACTION}. -->
        <flag name="flagNoAccessoryAction" value="0x20000000" />
        <!-- Used in conjunction with a custom action,
             this indicates that the action should not be available in-line as
             a replacement for the "enter" key.  Typically this is
             because the action has such a significant impact or is not recoverable
             enough that accidentally hitting it should be avoided, such as sending
             a message.    Note that {@link android.widget.TextView} will
             automatically set this flag for you on multi-line text views.
             <p>Corresponds to
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION}. -->
        <flag name="flagNoEnterAction" value="0x40000000" />

    <!-- A coordinate in the X dimension. -->
    <attr name="x" format="dimension" />
    <!-- A coordinate in the Y dimension. -->
    <attr name="y" format="dimension" />

    <!-- Specifies how to place the content of an object, both
         on the x- and y-axis, within the object itself. -->
    <attr name="gravity">
        <!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="top" value="0x30" />
        <!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
        <!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="left" value="0x03" />
        <!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="right" value="0x05" />
        <!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
        <!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
        <flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
        <!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
        <!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
        <flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
        <!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="center" value="0x11" />
        <!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
        <flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
        <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
             the child clipped to its container's bounds.
             The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
             edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
        <flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
        <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
             the child clipped to its container's bounds.
             The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
             edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
        <flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />

    <!-- Controls whether links such as urls and email addresses are
         automatically found and converted to clickable links.  The default
         value is "none", disabling this feature. -->
    <attr name="autoLink">
        <!-- Match no patterns (default). -->
        <flag name="none" value="0x00" />
        <!-- Match Web URLs. -->
        <flag name="web" value="0x01" />
        <!-- Match email addresses. -->
        <flag name="email" value="0x02" />
        <!-- Match phone numbers. -->
        <flag name="phone" value="0x04" />
        <!-- Match map addresses. -->
        <flag name="map" value="0x08" />
        <!-- Match all patterns (equivalent to web|email|phone|map). -->
        <flag name="all" value="0x0f" />

    <!-- Reference to an array resource that will populate a list/adapter. -->
    <attr name="entries" format="reference" />

    <!-- Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent.
         Defines how to place the view, both its x- and y-axis, within its parent view group. -->
    <attr name="layout_gravity">
        <!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="top" value="0x30" />
        <!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
        <!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="left" value="0x03" />
        <!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="right" value="0x05" />
        <!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
        <!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
        <flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
        <!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
        <!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
        <flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
        <!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
        <flag name="center" value="0x11" />
        <!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
        <flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
        <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
             the child clipped to its container's bounds.
             The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
             edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
        <flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
        <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
             the child clipped to its container's bounds.
             The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
             edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
        <flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />

    <!-- Standard orientation constant. -->
    <attr name="orientation">
        <!-- Defines an horizontal widget. -->
        <enum name="horizontal" value="0" />
        <!-- Defines a vertical widget. -->
        <enum name="vertical" value="1" />

    <!-- ========================== -->
    <!-- Key Codes                  -->
    <!-- ========================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- This enum provides the same keycode values as can be found in
        {@link android.view.KeyEvent}. -->
    <attr name="keycode">
        <enum name="KEYCODE_UNKNOWN" value="0" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT" value="1" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT" value="2" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_HOME" value="3" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_BACK" value="4" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_CALL" value="5" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_ENDCALL" value="6" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_0" value="7" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_1" value="8" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_2" value="9" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_3" value="10" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_4" value="11" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_5" value="12" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_6" value="13" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_7" value="14" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_8" value="15" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_9" value="16" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_STAR" value="17" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_POUND" value="18" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_DPAD_UP" value="19" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN" value="20" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT" value="21" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_DPAD_RIGHT" value="22" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER" value="23" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP" value="24" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN" value="25" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_POWER" value="26" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_CAMERA" value="27" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_CLEAR" value="28" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_A" value="29" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_B" value="30" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_C" value="31" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_D" value="32" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_E" value="33" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_F" value="34" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_G" value="35" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_H" value="36" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_I" value="37" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_J" value="38" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_K" value="39" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_L" value="40" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_M" value="41" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_N" value="42" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_O" value="43" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_P" value="44" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_Q" value="45" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_R" value="46" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_S" value="47" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_T" value="48" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_U" value="49" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_V" value="50" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_W" value="51" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_X" value="52" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_Y" value="53" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_Z" value="54" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_COMMA" value="55" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_PERIOD" value="56" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_ALT_LEFT" value="57" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_ALT_RIGHT" value="58" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT" value="59" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SHIFT_RIGHT" value="60" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_TAB" value="61" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SPACE" value="62" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SYM" value="63" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_EXPLORER" value="64" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_ENVELOPE" value="65" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_ENTER" value="66" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_DEL" value="67" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_GRAVE" value="68" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MINUS" value="69" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_EQUALS" value="70" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_LEFT_BRACKET" value="71" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_RIGHT_BRACKET" value="72" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_BACKSLASH" value="73" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SEMICOLON" value="74" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_APOSTROPHE" value="75" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SLASH" value="76" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_AT" value="77" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_NUM" value="78" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_HEADSETHOOK" value="79" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_FOCUS" value="80" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_PLUS" value="81" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MENU" value="82" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_NOTIFICATION" value="83" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_SEARCH" value="84" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE" value="85" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MEDIA_STOP" value="86" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT" value="87" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS" value="88" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MEDIA_REWIND" value="89" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MEDIA_FAST_FORWARD" value="90" />
        <enum name="KEYCODE_MUTE" value="91" />

    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <!-- These define collections of attributes that can are with classes. -->
    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->

    <!-- ========================== -->
    <!-- Special attribute classes. -->
    <!-- ========================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- The set of attributes that describe a Windows's theme. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Window">
        <attr name="windowBackground" />
        <attr name="windowContentOverlay" />
        <attr name="windowFrame" />
        <attr name="windowNoTitle" />
        <attr name="windowFullscreen" />
        <attr name="windowIsFloating" />
        <attr name="windowIsTranslucent" />
        <attr name="windowShowWallpaper" />
        <attr name="windowAnimationStyle" />
        <attr name="windowSoftInputMode" />
        <attr name="windowDisablePreview" />
        <attr name="windowNoDisplay" />
        <attr name="textColor" />
        <attr name="backgroundDimEnabled" />
        <attr name="backgroundDimAmount" />

    <!-- The set of attributes that describe a AlertDialog's theme. -->
    <declare-styleable name="AlertDialog">
        <attr name="fullDark" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="topDark" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="centerDark" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="bottomDark" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="fullBright" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="topBright" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="centerBright" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="bottomBright" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="bottomMedium" format="reference|color" />
        <attr name="centerMedium" format="reference|color" />

    <!-- Window animation class attributes. -->
    <declare-styleable name="WindowAnimation">
        <!-- The animation used when a window is being added. -->
        <attr name="windowEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!-- The animation used when a window is being removed. -->
        <attr name="windowExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!-- The animation used when a window is going from INVISIBLE to VISIBLE. -->
        <attr name="windowShowAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!-- The animation used when a window is going from VISIBLE to INVISIBLE. -->
        <attr name="windowHideAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity, this is the animation that is
              run on the next activity (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="activityOpenEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity, this is the animation that is
              run on the previous activity (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="activityOpenExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When closing the current activity, this is the animation that is
              run on the next activity (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="activityCloseEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When closing the current activity, this is the animation that is
              run on the current activity (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="activityCloseExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening an activity in a new task, this is the animation that is
              run on the activity of the new task (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskOpenEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening an activity in a new task, this is the animation that is
              run on the activity of the old task (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskOpenExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When closing the last activity of a task, this is the animation that is
              run on the activity of the next task (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskCloseEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening an activity in a new task, this is the animation that is
              run on the activity of the old task (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskCloseExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When bringing an existing task to the foreground, this is the
              animation that is run on the top activity of the task being brought
              to the foreground (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskToFrontEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When bringing an existing task to the foreground, this is the
              animation that is run on the current foreground activity
              (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskToFrontExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When sending the current task to the background, this is the
              animation that is run on the top activity of the task behind
              it (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskToBackEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When sending the current task to the background, this is the
              animation that is run on the top activity of the current task
              (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="taskToBackExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity that shows the wallpaper, while
              currently not showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that
              is run on the new wallpaper activity (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="wallpaperOpenEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity that shows the wallpaper, while
              currently not showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that
              is run on the current activity (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="wallpaperOpenExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity that hides the wallpaper, while
              currently showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that
              is run on the new activity (which is entering the screen). -->
        <attr name="wallpaperCloseEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity that hides the wallpaper, while
              currently showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that
              is run on the old wallpaper activity (which is exiting the screen). -->
        <attr name="wallpaperCloseExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity that is on top of the wallpaper
              when the current activity is also on top of the wallpaper,
              this is the animation that is run on the new activity
              (which is entering the screen).  The wallpaper remains
              static behind the animation. -->
        <attr name="wallpaperIntraOpenEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When opening a new activity that is on top of the wallpaper
              when the current activity is also on top of the wallpaper,
              this is the animation that is run on the current activity
              (which is exiting the screen).  The wallpaper remains
              static behind the animation. -->
        <attr name="wallpaperIntraOpenExitAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When closing a foreround activity that is on top of the wallpaper
              when the previous activity is also on top of the wallpaper,
              this is the animation that is run on the previous activity
              (which is entering the screen).  The wallpaper remains
              static behind the animation. -->
        <attr name="wallpaperIntraCloseEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!--  When closing a foreround activity that is on top of the wallpaper
              when the previous activity is also on top of the wallpaper,
              this is the animation that is run on the current activity
              (which is exiting the screen).  The wallpaper remains
              static behind the animation. -->
        <attr name="wallpaperIntraCloseExitAnimation" format="reference" />


    <!-- A {@link android.view.ViewStub} lets you lazily include other XML layouts
         inside your application at runtime. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ViewStub">
        <!-- Supply an identifier for the layout resource to inflate when the ViewStub
             becomes visible or when forced to do so. The layout resource must be a
             valid reference to a layout. -->
        <attr name="layout" format="reference" />
        <!-- Overrides the id of the inflated View with this value. -->
        <attr name="inflatedId" format="reference" />

    <!-- ===================================== -->
    <!-- View package parent layout attributes -->
    <!-- ===================================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- This is the basic set of layout attributes that are common to all
         layout managers.  These attributes are specified with the rest of
         a view's normal attributes (such as {@link android.R.attr#background},
         but will be parsed by the view's parent and ignored by the child.
        <p>The values defined here correspond to the base layout attribute
        class {@link android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams}. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ViewGroup_Layout">
        <!-- Specifies the basic width of the view.  This is a required attribute
             for any view inside of a containing layout manager.  Its value may
             be a dimension (such as "12dip") for a constant width or one of
             the special constants. -->
        <attr name="layout_width" format="dimension">
            <!-- The view should be as big as its parent (minus padding).
                 This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and
                 is replaced by {@code match_parent}. -->
            <enum name="fill_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The view should be as big as its parent (minus padding).
                 Introduced in API Level 8. -->
            <enum name="match_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The view should be only big enough to enclose its content (plus padding). -->
            <enum name="wrap_content" value="-2" />

        <!-- Specifies the basic height of the view.  This is a required attribute
             for any view inside of a containing layout manager.  Its value may
             be a dimension (such as "12dip") for a constant height or one of
             the special constants. -->
        <attr name="layout_height" format="dimension">
            <!-- The view should be as big as its parent (minus padding).
                 This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and
                 is replaced by {@code match_parent}. -->
            <enum name="fill_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The view should be as big as its parent (minus padding).
                 Introduced in API Level 8. -->
            <enum name="match_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The view should be only big enough to enclose its content (plus padding). -->
            <enum name="wrap_content" value="-2" />

    <!-- This is the basic set of layout attributes for layout managers that
         wish to place margins around their child views.
         These attributes are specified with the rest of
         a view's normal attributes (such as {@link android.R.attr#background},
         but will be parsed by the view's parent and ignored by the child.
        <p>The values defined here correspond to the base layout attribute
        class {@link android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams}. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ViewGroup_MarginLayout">
        <attr name="layout_width" />
        <attr name="layout_height" />
        <!--  Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom
              sides of this view. This space is outside this view's bounds. -->
        <attr name="layout_margin" format="dimension"  />
        <!--  Specifies extra space on the left side of this view.
              This space is outside this view's bounds. -->
        <attr name="layout_marginLeft" format="dimension"  />
        <!--  Specifies extra space on the top side of this view.
              This space is outside this view's bounds. -->
        <attr name="layout_marginTop" format="dimension" />
        <!--  Specifies extra space on the right side of this view.
              This space is outside this view's bounds. -->
        <attr name="layout_marginRight" format="dimension"  />
        <!--  Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view.
              This space is outside this view's bounds. -->
        <attr name="layout_marginBottom" format="dimension"  />

    <!-- Use <code>input-method</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes an
         {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethod} service, which is
         referenced from its
         {@link android.view.inputmethod.InputMethod#SERVICE_META_DATA}
         meta-data entry.  Described here are the attributes that can be
         included in that tag. -->
    <declare-styleable name="InputMethod">
        <!-- Component name of an activity that allows the user to modify
             the settings for this service. -->
        <attr name="settingsActivity" format="string" />
        <!-- Set to true in all of the configurations for which this input
             method should be considered an option as the default. -->
        <attr name="isDefault" format="boolean" />

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- Widget package class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <declare-styleable name="AbsListView">
         <!-- Drawable used to indicate the currently selected item in the list. -->
        <attr name="listSelector" format="color|reference" />
        <!-- When set to true, the selector will be drawn over the selected item.
             Otherwise the selector is drawn behind the selected item. The default
             value is false. -->
        <attr name="drawSelectorOnTop" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Used by ListView and GridView to stack their content from the bottom. -->
        <attr name="stackFromBottom" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When set to true, the list uses a drawing cache during scrolling.
             This makes the rendering faster but uses more memory. The default
             value is true. -->
        <attr name="scrollingCache" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When set to true, the list will filter results as the user types. The
             List's adapter must support the Filterable interface for this to work. -->
        <attr name="textFilterEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Sets the transcript mode for the list. In transcript mode, the list
             scrolls to the bottom to make new items visible when they are added. -->
        <attr name="transcriptMode">
            <!-- Disables transcript mode. This is the default value. -->
            <enum name="disabled" value="0"/>
            <!-- The list will automatically scroll to the bottom when
                 a data set change notification is received and only if the last item is
                 already visible on screen. -->
            <enum name="normal" value="1" />
            <!-- The list will automatically scroll to the bottom, no matter what items
                 are currently visible. -->
            <enum name="alwaysScroll" value="2" />
        <!-- Indicates that this list will always be drawn on top of solid, single-color
             opaque background. This allows the list to optimize drawing. -->
        <attr name="cacheColorHint" format="color" />
        <!-- Enables the fast scroll thumb that can be dragged to quickly scroll through
             the list. -->
        <attr name="fastScrollEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When set to true, the list will use a more refined calculation
             method based on the pixels height of the items visible on screen. This
             property is set to true by default but should be set to false if your adapter
             will display items of varying heights. When this property is set to true and
             your adapter displays items of varying heights, the scrollbar thumb will
             change size as the user scrolls through the list. When set to fale, the list
             will use only the number of items in the adapter and the number of items visible
             on screen to determine the scrollbar's properties. -->
        <attr name="smoothScrollbar" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="AbsSpinner">
        <!-- Reference to an array resource that will populate the Spinner.  For static content,
             this is simpler than populating the Spinner programmatically. -->
        <attr name="entries" />
    <declare-styleable name="AnalogClock">
        <attr name="dial" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="hand_hour" format="reference"/>
        <attr name="hand_minute" format="reference"/>
    <declare-styleable name="Button">
    <declare-styleable name="Chronometer">
        <!-- Format string: if specified, the Chronometer will display this
             string, with the first "%s" replaced by the current timer value
             in "MM:SS" or "H:MM:SS" form.
             If no format string is specified, the Chronometer will simply display
             "MM:SS" or "H:MM:SS". -->
        <attr name="format" format="string" localization="suggested" />
    <declare-styleable name="CompoundButton">
        <!-- Indicates the initial checked state of this button. -->
        <attr name="checked" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Drawable used for the button graphic (e.g. checkbox, radio button, etc). -->
        <attr name="button" format="reference"/>
    <declare-styleable name="CheckedTextView">
        <!-- Indicates the initial checked state of this text. -->
        <attr name="checked" />
        <!-- Drawable used for the check mark graphic. -->
        <attr name="checkMark" format="reference"/>
    <declare-styleable name="EditText">
    <declare-styleable name="FrameLayout">
        <!-- Defines the drawable to draw over the content. This can be used as an overlay.
             The foreground drawable participates in the padding of the content if the gravity
             is set to fill. -->
        <attr name="foreground" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Defines the gravity to apply to the foreground drawable. The gravity defaults
             to fill. -->
        <attr name="foregroundGravity">
            <!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="top" value="0x30" />
            <!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
            <!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="left" value="0x03" />
            <!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="right" value="0x05" />
            <!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
            <!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
            <flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
            <!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
            <!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
            <flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
            <!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="center" value="0x11" />
            <!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
            <flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
            <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
                 the child clipped to its container's bounds.
                 The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
                 edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
            <flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
            <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
                 the child clipped to its container's bounds.
                 The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
                 edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
            <flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />
        <!-- Defines whether the foreground drawable should be drawn inside the padding.
             This property is turned on by default. -->
        <attr name="foregroundInsidePadding" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Determines whether to measure all children or just those in
             the VISIBLE or INVISIBLE state when measuring. Defaults to false. -->
        <attr name="measureAllChildren" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="ExpandableListView">
        <!-- Indicator shown beside the group View. This can be a stateful Drawable. -->
        <attr name="groupIndicator" format="reference" />
        <!-- Indicator shown beside the child View. This can be a stateful Drawable. -->
        <attr name="childIndicator" format="reference" />
        <!-- The left bound for an item's indicator. To specify a left bound specific to children,
             use childIndicatorLeft. -->
        <attr name="indicatorLeft" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The right bound for an item's indicator. To specify a right bound specific to children,
             use childIndicatorRight. -->
        <attr name="indicatorRight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The left bound for a child's indicator. -->
        <attr name="childIndicatorLeft" format="dimension" />
        <!-- The right bound for a child's indicator. -->
        <attr name="childIndicatorRight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Drawable or color that is used as a divider for children. (It will drawn
             below and above child items.) The height of this will be the same as
             the height of the normal list item divider. -->
        <attr name="childDivider" format="reference|color" />
    <declare-styleable name="Gallery">
        <attr name="gravity" />
        <!-- Sets how long a transition animation should run (in milliseconds)
             when layout has changed.  Only relevant if animation is turned on. -->
        <attr name="animationDuration" format="integer" min="0" />
        <attr name="spacing" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Sets the alpha on the items that are not selected. -->
        <attr name="unselectedAlpha" format="float" />
    <declare-styleable name="GridView">
        <attr name="horizontalSpacing" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="verticalSpacing" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="stretchMode">
            <enum name="none" value="0"/>
            <enum name="spacingWidth" value="1" />
            <enum name="columnWidth" value="2" />
            <enum name="spacingWidthUniform" value="3" />
        <attr name="columnWidth" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="numColumns" format="integer" min="0">
            <enum name="auto_fit" value="-1" />
        <attr name="gravity" />
    <declare-styleable name="ImageSwitcher">
    <declare-styleable name="ImageView">
        <!-- Sets a drawable as the content of this ImageView. -->
        <attr name="src" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Controls how the image should be resized or moved to match the size
             of this ImageView. -->
        <attr name="scaleType">
            <enum name="matrix" value="0" />
            <enum name="fitXY" value="1" />
            <enum name="fitStart" value="2" />
            <enum name="fitCenter" value="3" />
            <enum name="fitEnd" value="4" />
            <enum name="center" value="5" />
            <enum name="centerCrop" value="6" />
            <enum name="centerInside" value="7" />
        <!-- Set this to true if you want the ImageView to adjust its bounds
             to preserve the aspect ratio of its drawable. -->
        <attr name="adjustViewBounds" format="boolean" />
        <!-- An optional argument to supply a maximum width for this view.
             See {see android.widget.ImageView#setMaxWidth} for details. -->
        <attr name="maxWidth" format="dimension" />
        <!-- An optional argument to supply a maximum height for this view.
             See {see android.widget.ImageView#setMaxHeight} for details. -->
        <attr name="maxHeight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Set a tinting color for the image. -->
        <attr name="tint" format="color" />
        <!-- If true, the image view will be baseline aligned with based on its
             bottom edge. -->
        <attr name="baselineAlignBottom" format="boolean" />
         <!-- If true, the image will be cropped to fit within its padding. -->
        <attr name="cropToPadding" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="ToggleButton">
        <!-- The text for the button when it is checked. -->
        <attr name="textOn" format="string" />
        <!-- The text for the button when it is not checked. -->
        <attr name="textOff" format="string" />
        <!-- The alpha to apply to the indicator when disabled. -->
        <attr name="disabledAlpha" />
    <declare-styleable name="RelativeLayout">
        <attr name="gravity" />
        <!-- Indicates what view should not be affected by gravity. -->
        <attr name="ignoreGravity" format="reference" />
    <declare-styleable name="LinearLayout">
        <!-- Should the layout be a column or a row?  Use "horizontal"
             for a row, "vertical" for a column.  The default is
             horizontal. -->
        <attr name="orientation" />
        <attr name="gravity" />
        <!-- When set to false, prevents the layout from aligning its children's
             baselines. This attribute is particularly useful when the children
             use different values for gravity. The default value is true. -->
        <attr name="baselineAligned" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When a linear layout is part of another layout that is baseline
          aligned, it can specify which of its children to baseline align to
          (that is, which child TextView).-->
        <attr name="baselineAlignedChildIndex" format="integer" min="0"/>
        <!-- Defines the maximum weight sum. If unspecified, the sum is computed
             by adding the layout_weight of all of the children. This can be
             used for instance to give a single child 50% of the total available
             space by giving it a layout_weight of 0.5 and setting the weightSum
             to 1.0. -->
        <attr name="weightSum" format="float" />
        <!-- When set to true, all children with a weight will be considered having
             the minimum size of the largest child. If false, all children are
             measured normally. -->
        <attr name="useLargestChild" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="ListView">
        <!-- Reference to an array resource that will populate the ListView.  For static content,
             this is simpler than populating the ListView programmatically. -->
        <attr name="entries" />
        <!-- Drawable or color to draw between list items. -->
        <attr name="divider" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Height of the divider. Will use the intrinsic height of the divider if this
             is not specified. -->
        <attr name="dividerHeight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Defines the choice behavior for the ListView. By default, lists do not have
             any choice behavior. By setting the choiceMode to singleChoice, the List
             allows up to one item to be in a chosen state. By setting the choiceMode to
             multipleChoice, the list allows any number of items to be chosen. -->
        <attr name="choiceMode">
            <!-- Normal list that does not indicate choices. -->
            <enum name="none" value="0" />
            <!-- The list allows up to one choice. -->
            <enum name="singleChoice" value="1" />
            <!-- The list allows multiple choices. -->
            <enum name="multipleChoice" value="2" />
        <!-- When set to false, the ListView will not draw the divider after each header view.
             The default value is true. -->
        <attr name="headerDividersEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When set to false, the ListView will not draw the divider before each footer view.
             The default value is true. -->
        <attr name="footerDividersEnabled" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="MenuView">
        <!-- Default appearance of menu item text. -->
        <attr name="itemTextAppearance" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default horizontal divider between rows of menu items. -->
        <attr name="horizontalDivider" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default vertical divider between menu items. -->
        <attr name="verticalDivider" format="reference" />
        <!-- Default background for the menu header. -->
        <attr name="headerBackground" format="color|reference" />
        <!-- Default background for each menu item. -->
        <attr name="itemBackground" format="color|reference" />
        <!-- Default animations for the menu. -->
        <attr name="windowAnimationStyle" />
        <!-- Default disabled icon alpha for each menu item that shows an icon. -->
        <attr name="itemIconDisabledAlpha" format="float" />
    <declare-styleable name="IconMenuView">
        <!-- Defines the height of each row. -->
        <attr name="rowHeight" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Defines the maximum number of rows displayed. -->
        <attr name="maxRows" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines the maximum number of items per row. -->
        <attr name="maxItemsPerRow" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines the maximum number of items to show. -->
        <attr name="maxItems" format="integer" />
        <!-- 'More' icon. -->
        <attr name="moreIcon" format="reference" />

    <declare-styleable name="ProgressBar">
        <!-- Defines the maximum value the progress can take. -->
        <attr name="max" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines the default progress value, between 0 and max. -->
        <attr name="progress" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines the secondary progress value, between 0 and max. This progress is drawn between
             the primary progress and the background.  It can be ideal for media scenarios such as
             showing the buffering progress while the default progress shows the play progress. -->
        <attr name="secondaryProgress" format="integer" />
        <!-- Allows to enable the indeterminate mode. In this mode the progress
         bar plays an infinite looping animation. -->
        <attr name="indeterminate" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Restricts to ONLY indeterminate mode (state-keeping progress mode will not work). -->
        <attr name="indeterminateOnly" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Drawable used for the indeterminate mode. -->
        <attr name="indeterminateDrawable" format="reference" />
        <!-- Drawable used for the progress mode. -->
        <attr name="progressDrawable" format="reference" />
        <!-- Duration of the indeterminate animation. -->
        <attr name="indeterminateDuration" format="integer" min="1" />
        <!-- Defines how the indeterminate mode should behave when the progress
        reaches max. -->
        <attr name="indeterminateBehavior">
            <!-- Progress starts over from 0. -->
            <enum name="repeat" value="1" />
            <!-- Progress keeps the current value and goes back to 0. -->
            <enum name="cycle" value="2" />
        <attr name="minWidth" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="maxWidth" />
        <attr name="minHeight" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="maxHeight" />
        <attr name="interpolator" format="reference" />

    <declare-styleable name="SeekBar">
        <!-- Draws the thumb on a seekbar. -->
        <attr name="thumb" format="reference" />
        <!-- An offset for the thumb that allows it to extend out of the range of the track. -->
        <attr name="thumbOffset" format="dimension" />

    <declare-styleable name="RatingBar">
        <!-- The number of stars (or rating items) to show. -->
        <attr name="numStars" format="integer" />
        <!-- The rating to set by default. -->
        <attr name="rating" format="float" />
        <!-- The step size of the rating. -->
        <attr name="stepSize" format="float" />
        <!-- Whether this rating bar is an indicator (and non-changeable by the user). -->
        <attr name="isIndicator" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="RadioGroup">
        <!-- The id of the child radio button that should be checked by default
             within this radio group. -->
        <attr name="checkedButton" format="integer" />
        <!-- Should the radio group be a column or a row?  Use "horizontal"
             for a row, "vertical" for a column.  The default is
             vertical. -->
        <attr name="orientation" />
    <declare-styleable name="TableLayout">
        <!-- The zero-based index of the columns to stretch. The column indices
             must be separated by a comma: 1, 2, 5. Illegal and duplicate
             indices are ignored. You can stretch all columns by using the
             value "*" instead. Note that a column can be marked stretchable
             and shrinkable at the same time. -->
        <attr name="stretchColumns" format="string" />
       <!-- The zero-based index of the columns to shrink. The column indices
             must be separated by a comma: 1, 2, 5. Illegal and duplicate
             indices are ignored. You can shrink all columns by using the
             value "*" instead. Note that a column can be marked stretchable
             and shrinkable at the same time. -->
        <attr name="shrinkColumns" format="string" />
        <!-- The zero-based index of the columns to collapse. The column indices
             must be separated by a comma: 1, 2, 5. Illegal and duplicate
             indices are ignored. -->
        <attr name="collapseColumns" format="string" />
    <declare-styleable name="TableRow">

    <declare-styleable name="TableRow_Cell">
        <!-- The index of the column in which this child should be. -->
        <attr name="layout_column" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines how many columns this child should span.  Must be >= 1.-->
        <attr name="layout_span" format="integer" />
    <declare-styleable name="TabWidget">
        <!-- Drawable used to draw the divider between tabs. -->
        <attr name="divider" />
        <!-- Determines whether the strip under the tab indicators is drawn or not. -->
        <attr name="tabStripEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Drawable used to draw the left part of the strip underneath the tabs. -->
        <attr name="tabStripLeft" format="reference" />
        <!-- Drawable used to draw the right part of the strip underneath the tabs. -->
        <attr name="tabStripRight" format="reference" />
    <declare-styleable name="TextAppearance">
        <!-- Text color. -->
        <attr name="textColor" />
        <!-- Size of the text. Recommended dimension type for text is "sp" for scaled-pixels (example: 15sp). -->
        <attr name="textSize" />
        <!-- Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text. -->
        <attr name="textStyle" />
        <!-- Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text. -->
        <attr name="typeface" />
        <!-- Color of the text selection highlight. -->
        <attr name="textColorHighlight" />
        <!-- Color of the hint text. -->
        <attr name="textColorHint" />
        <!-- Color of the links. -->
        <attr name="textColorLink" />
    <declare-styleable name="TextSwitcher">
    <declare-styleable name="TextView">
        <!-- Determines the minimum type that getText() will return.
             The default is "normal".
             Note that EditText and LogTextBox always return Editable,
             even if you specify something less powerful here. -->
        <attr name="bufferType">
            <!-- Can return any CharSequence, possibly a
             Spanned one if the source text was Spanned. -->
            <enum name="normal" value="0" />
            <!-- Can only return Spannable. -->
            <enum name="spannable" value="1" />
            <!-- Can only return Spannable and Editable. -->
            <enum name="editable" value="2" />
        <!-- Text to display. -->
        <attr name="text" format="string" localization="suggested" />
        <!-- Hint text to display when the text is empty. -->
        <attr name="hint" format="string" />
        <!-- Text color. -->
        <attr name="textColor" />
        <!-- Color of the text selection highlight. -->
        <attr name="textColorHighlight" />
        <!-- Color of the hint text. -->
        <attr name="textColorHint" />
        <!-- Base text color, typeface, size, and style. -->
        <attr name="textAppearance" />
        <!-- Size of the text. Recommended dimension type for text is "sp" for scaled-pixels (example: 15sp). -->
        <attr name="textSize" />
        <!-- Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the text. -->
        <attr name="textScaleX" format="float" />
        <!-- Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text. -->
        <attr name="typeface" />
        <!-- Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text. -->
        <attr name="textStyle" />
        <!-- Text color for links. -->
        <attr name="textColorLink" />
        <!-- Makes the cursor visible (the default) or invisible. -->
        <attr name="cursorVisible" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall. -->
        <attr name="maxLines" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels tall. -->
        <attr name="maxHeight" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be exactly this many lines tall. -->
        <attr name="lines" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall.
             You could get the same effect by specifying this number in the
             layout parameters. -->
        <attr name="height" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at least this many lines tall. -->
        <attr name="minLines" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels tall. -->
        <attr name="minHeight" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at most this many ems wide. -->
        <attr name="maxEms" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels wide. -->
        <attr name="maxWidth" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be exactly this many ems wide. -->
        <attr name="ems" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide.
             You could get the same effect by specifying this number in the
             layout parameters. -->
        <attr name="width" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at least this many ems wide. -->
        <attr name="minEms" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels wide. -->
        <attr name="minWidth" />
        <!-- Specifies how to align the text by the view's x- and/or y-axis
             when the text is smaller than the view. -->
        <attr name="gravity" />
        <!-- Whether the text is allowed to be wider than the view (and
             therefore can be scrolled horizontally). -->
        <attr name="scrollHorizontally" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Whether the characters of the field are displayed as
             password dots instead of themselves.
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="password" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Constrains the text to a single horizontally scrolling line
             instead of letting it wrap onto multiple lines, and advances
             focus instead of inserting a newline when you press the
             enter key.  Note: for editable text views, it is better
             to control this using the textMultiLine flag in the inputType
             attribute.  (If both singleLine and inputType are supplied,
             the inputType flags will override the value of singleLine.)
             {@deprecated This attribute is deprecated and is replaced by the textMultiLine flag
             in the inputType attribute.  Use caution when altering existing layouts, as the
             default value of singeLine is false (multi-line mode), but if you specify any
             value for inputType, the default is single-line mode.  (If both singleLine and
             inputType attributes are found,  the inputType flags will override the value of
             singleLine.) } -->
        <attr name="singleLine" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Specifies whether the TextView is enabled or not. {@deprecated Use state_enabled instead}. -->
        <attr name="enabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes
             focus instead of moving the cursor to the start or end. -->
        <attr name="selectAllOnFocus" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Leave enough room for ascenders and descenders instead of
             using the font ascent and descent strictly.  (Normally true). -->
        <attr name="includeFontPadding" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Set an input filter to constrain the text length to the
             specified number. -->
        <attr name="maxLength" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- Place a shadow of the specified color behind the text. -->
        <attr name="shadowColor" format="color" />
        <!-- Horizontal offset of the shadow. -->
        <attr name="shadowDx" format="float" />
        <!-- Vertical offset of the shadow. -->
        <attr name="shadowDy" format="float" />
        <!-- Radius of the shadow. -->
        <attr name="shadowRadius" format="float" />
        <attr name="autoLink" />
        <!-- If set to false, keeps the movement method from being set
             to the link movement method even if autoLink causes links
             to be found. -->
        <attr name="linksClickable" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method.
             The default is false.
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="numeric">
            <!-- Input is numeric. -->
            <flag name="integer" value="0x01" />
            <!-- Input is numeric, with sign allowed. -->
            <flag name="signed" value="0x003" />
            <!-- Input is numeric, with decimals allowed. -->
            <flag name="decimal" value="0x05" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method
             and that these specific characters are the ones that it will
             If this is set, numeric is implied to be true.
             The default is false. -->
        <attr name="digits" format="string" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView has a phone number input
             method. The default is false.
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="phoneNumber" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView should use the specified
             input method (specified by fully-qualified class name).
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="inputMethod" format="string" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method
             and should automatically capitalize what the user types.
             The default is "none".
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="capitalize">
            <!-- Don't automatically capitalize anything. -->
            <enum name="none" value="0" />
            <!-- Capitalize the first word of each sentence. -->
            <enum name="sentences" value="1" />
            <!-- Capitalize the first letter of every word. -->
            <enum name="words" value="2" />
            <!-- Capitalize every character. -->
            <enum name="characters" value="3" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method
             and automatically corrects some common spelling errors.
             The default is "false".
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="autoText" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method.
             It will be a textual one unless it has otherwise been specified.
             For TextView, this is false by default.  For EditText, it is
             true by default.
             {@deprecated Use inputType instead.} -->
        <attr name="editable" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If set, the text view will include its current complete text
             inside of its frozen icicle in addition to meta-data such as
             the current cursor position.  By default this is disabled;
             it can be useful when the contents of a text view is not stored
             in a persistent place such as a content provider. -->
        <attr name="freezesText" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If set, causes words that are longer than the view is wide
             to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle.
             You will often also want to set scrollHorizontally or singleLine
             as well so that the text as a whole is also constrained to
             a single line instead of still allowed to be broken onto
             multiple lines. -->
        <attr name="ellipsize" />
        <!-- The drawable to be drawn above the text. -->
        <attr name="drawableTop" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- The drawable to be drawn below the text. -->
        <attr name="drawableBottom" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- The drawable to be drawn to the left of the text. -->
        <attr name="drawableLeft" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- The drawable to be drawn to the right of the text. -->
        <attr name="drawableRight" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- The padding between the drawables and the text. -->
        <attr name="drawablePadding" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Extra spacing between lines of text. -->
        <attr name="lineSpacingExtra" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Extra spacing between lines of text, as a multiplier. -->
        <attr name="lineSpacingMultiplier" format="float" />
        <!-- The number of times to repeat the marquee animation. Only applied if the
             TextView has marquee enabled. -->
        <attr name="marqueeRepeatLimit" format="integer">
            <!-- Indicates that marquee should repeat indefinitely. -->
            <enum name="marquee_forever" value="-1" />
        <attr name="inputType" />
        <attr name="imeOptions" />
        <!-- An addition content type description to supply to the input
             method attached to the text view, which is private to the
             implementation of the input method.  This simply fills in
             the {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#privateImeOptions
             EditorInfo.privateImeOptions} field when the input
             method is connected. -->
        <attr name="privateImeOptions" format="string" />
        <!-- Supply a value for
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#actionLabel EditorInfo.actionLabel}
             used when an input method is connected to the text view. -->
        <attr name="imeActionLabel" format="string" />
        <!-- Supply a value for
             {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#actionId EditorInfo.actionId}
             used when an input method is connected to the text view. -->
        <attr name="imeActionId" format="integer" />
        <!-- Reference to an
             {@link android.R.styleable#InputExtras &lt;input-extras&gt;}
             XML resource containing additional data to
             supply to an input method, which is private to the implementation
             of the input method.  This simply fills in
             the {@link android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo#extras
             EditorInfo.extras} field when the input
             method is connected. -->
        <attr name="editorExtras" format="reference" />
    <!-- An <code>input-extras</code> is a container for extra data to supply to
         an input method.  Contains
         one more more {@link #Extra <extra>} tags.  -->
    <declare-styleable name="InputExtras">
    <declare-styleable name="AutoCompleteTextView">
        <!-- Defines the hint displayed in the drop down menu. -->
        <attr name="completionHint" format="string" />
        <!-- Defines the hint view displayed in the drop down menu. -->
        <attr name="completionHintView" format="reference" />
        <!-- Defines the number of characters that the user must type before
         completion suggestions are displayed in a drop down menu. -->
        <attr name="completionThreshold" format="integer" min="1" />
        <!-- Selector in a drop down list. -->
        <attr name="dropDownSelector" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Amount of pixels by which the drop down should be offset vertically. -->
        <attr name="dropDownVerticalOffset" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Amount of pixels by which the drop down should be offset horizontally. -->
        <attr name="dropDownHorizontalOffset" format="dimension" />
        <!-- View to anchor the auto-complete dropdown to. If not specified, the text view itself
             is used. -->
        <attr name="dropDownAnchor" format="reference" />
        <!-- Specifies the basic width of the dropdown. Its value may
             be a dimension (such as "12dip") for a constant width,
             fill_parent or match_parent to match the width of the
             screen, or wrap_content to match the width of
             the anchored view. -->
        <attr name="dropDownWidth" format="dimension">
            <!-- The dropdown should fill the width of the screen.
                 This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and
                 is replaced by {@code match_parent}. -->
            <enum name="fill_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The dropdown should fit the width of the screen.
                 Introduced in API Level 8. -->
            <enum name="match_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The dropdown should fit the width of its anchor. -->
            <enum name="wrap_content" value="-2" />
        <!-- Specifies the basic height of the dropdown. Its value may
             be a dimension (such as "12dip") for a constant height,
             fill_parent or match_parent to fill the height of the
             screen, or wrap_content to match the height of
             the content of the drop down. -->
        <attr name="dropDownHeight" format="dimension">
            <!-- The dropdown should fit the height of the screen.
                 This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and
                 is replaced by {@code match_parent}. -->
            <enum name="fill_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The dropdown should fit the height of the screen.
                 Introduced in API Level 8. -->
            <enum name="match_parent" value="-1" />
            <!-- The dropdown should fit the height of the content. -->
            <enum name="wrap_content" value="-2" />
        <attr name="inputType" />
    <declare-styleable name="PopupWindow">
        <attr name="popupBackground" format="reference|color" />
    <declare-styleable name="ViewAnimator">
        <attr name="inAnimation" format="reference" />
        <attr name="outAnimation" format="reference" />
    <declare-styleable name="ViewFlipper">
        <attr name="flipInterval" format="integer" min="0" />
        <!-- When true, automatically start animating -->
        <attr name="autoStart" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="ViewSwitcher">
    <declare-styleable name="ScrollView">
        <!-- Defines whether the scrollview should stretch its content to fill the viewport. -->
        <attr name="fillViewport" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="HorizontalScrollView">
        <!-- Defines whether the scrollview should stretch its content to fill the viewport. -->
        <attr name="fillViewport" />
    <declare-styleable name="Spinner">
        <!-- The prompt to display when the spinner's dialog is shown. -->
        <attr name="prompt" format="reference" />
    <declare-styleable name="DatePicker">
        <!-- The first year (inclusive), for example "1940". -->
        <attr name="startYear" format="integer" />
        <!-- The last year (inclusive), for example "2010". -->
        <attr name="endYear" format="integer" />

    <declare-styleable name="TwoLineListItem">
        <attr name="mode">
            <!-- Always show only the first line. -->
            <enum name="oneLine" value="1" />
            <!-- When selected show both lines, otherwise show only the first line.
                 This is the default mode. -->
            <enum name="collapsing" value="2" />
            <!-- Always show both lines. -->
            <enum name="twoLine" value="3" />

    <!-- SlidingDrawer specific attributes. These attributes are used to configure
         a SlidingDrawer from XML. -->
    <declare-styleable name="SlidingDrawer">
        <!-- Identifier for the child that represents the drawer's handle. -->
        <attr name="handle" format="reference" />
        <!-- Identifier for the child that represents the drawer's content. -->
        <attr name="content" format="reference" />
        <!-- Orientation of the SlidingDrawer. -->
        <attr name="orientation" />
        <!-- Extra offset for the handle at the bottom of the SlidingDrawer. -->
        <attr name="bottomOffset" format="dimension"  />
        <!-- Extra offset for the handle at the top of the SlidingDrawer. -->
        <attr name="topOffset" format="dimension"  />
        <!-- Indicates whether the drawer can be opened/closed by a single tap
             on the handle.  (If false, the user must drag or fling, or click
             using the trackball, to open/close the drawer.)  Default is true. -->
        <attr name="allowSingleTap" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Indicates whether the drawer should be opened/closed with an animation
             when the user clicks the handle. Default is true. -->
        <attr name="animateOnClick" format="boolean" />

    <!-- GestureOverlayView specific attributes. These attributes are used to configure
         a GestureOverlayView from XML. -->
    <declare-styleable name="GestureOverlayView">
        <!-- Width of the stroke used to draw the gesture. -->
        <attr name="gestureStrokeWidth" format="float" />
        <!-- Color used to draw a gesture. -->
        <attr name="gestureColor" format="color" />
        <!-- Color used to draw the user's strokes until we are sure it's a gesture. -->
        <attr name="uncertainGestureColor" format="color" />
        <!-- Time, in milliseconds, to wait before the gesture fades out after the user
             is done drawing it. -->
        <attr name="fadeOffset" format="integer" />
        <!-- Duration, in milliseconds, of the fade out effect after the user is done
             drawing a gesture. -->
        <attr name="fadeDuration" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines the type of strokes that define a gesture. -->
        <attr name="gestureStrokeType">
            <!-- A gesture is made of only one stroke. -->
            <enum name="single" value="0" />
            <!-- A gesture is made of multiple strokes. -->
            <enum name="multiple" value="1" />
        <!-- Minimum length of a stroke before it is recognized as a gesture. -->
        <attr name="gestureStrokeLengthThreshold" format="float" />
        <!-- Squareness threshold of a stroke before it is recognized as a gesture. -->
        <attr name="gestureStrokeSquarenessThreshold" format="float" />
        <!-- Minimum curve angle a stroke must contain before it is recognized as a gesture. -->
        <attr name="gestureStrokeAngleThreshold" format="float" />
        <!-- Defines whether the overlay should intercept the motion events when a gesture
             is recognized. -->
        <attr name="eventsInterceptionEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Defines whether the gesture will automatically fade out after being recognized. -->
        <attr name="fadeEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Indicates whether horizontal (when the orientation is vertical) or vertical
             (when orientation is horizontal) strokes automatically define a gesture. -->
        <attr name="orientation" />

    <declare-styleable name="QuickContactBadge">
        <attr name="quickContactWindowSize">
            <enum name="modeSmall" value="1" />
            <enum name="modeMedium" value="2" />
            <enum name="modeLarge" value="3" />

    <!-- ======================================= -->
    <!-- Widget package parent layout attributes -->
    <!-- ======================================= -->
    <eat-comment />

    <declare-styleable name="AbsoluteLayout_Layout">
        <attr name="layout_x" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="layout_y" format="dimension" />
    <declare-styleable name="LinearLayout_Layout">
        <attr name="layout_width" />
        <attr name="layout_height" />
        <attr name="layout_weight" format="float" />
        <attr name="layout_gravity" />
    <declare-styleable name="FrameLayout_Layout">
        <attr name="layout_gravity" />
    <declare-styleable name="RelativeLayout_Layout">
        <!-- Positions the right edge of this view to the left of the given anchor view ID.
             Accommodates right margin of this view and left margin of anchor view. -->
        <attr name="layout_toLeftOf" format="reference" />
        <!-- Positions the left edge of this view to the right of the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates left margin of this view and right margin of anchor view. -->
        <attr name="layout_toRightOf" format="reference" />
        <!-- Positions the bottom edge of this view above the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates bottom margin of this view and top margin of anchor view. -->
        <attr name="layout_above" format="reference" />
        <!-- Positions the top edge of this view below the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates top margin of this view and bottom margin of anchor view. -->
        <attr name="layout_below" format="reference" />
        <!-- Positions the baseline of this view on the baseline of the given anchor view ID. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignBaseline" format="reference" />
        <!-- Makes the left edge of this view match the left edge of the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates left margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignLeft" format="reference" />
        <!-- Makes the top edge of this view match the top edge of the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates top margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignTop" format="reference" />
        <!-- Makes the right edge of this view match the right edge of the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates right margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignRight" format="reference" />
        <!-- Makes the bottom edge of this view match the bottom edge of the given anchor view ID.
            Accommodates bottom margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignBottom" format="reference" />
        <!-- If true, makes the left edge of this view match the left edge of the parent.
            Accommodates left margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignParentLeft" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, makes the top edge of this view match the top edge of the parent.
            Accommodates top margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignParentTop" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, makes the right edge of this view match the right edge of the parent.
            Accommodates right margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignParentRight" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, makes the bottom edge of this view match the bottom edge of the parent.
            Accommodates bottom margin. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignParentBottom" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, centers this child horizontally and vertically within its parent. -->
        <attr name="layout_centerInParent" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, centers this child horizontally within its parent. -->
        <attr name="layout_centerHorizontal" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, centers this child vertically within its parent. -->
        <attr name="layout_centerVertical" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If set to true, the parent will be used as the anchor when the anchor cannot be
             be found for layout_toLeftOf, layout_toRightOf, etc. -->
        <attr name="layout_alignWithParentIfMissing" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="VerticalSlider_Layout">
        <attr name="layout_scale" format="float" />

    <!-- attributes for internal rotary widget used in lock screen and phone app
      @hide -->
    <declare-styleable name="RotarySelector">
        <!-- Use "horizontal" or "vertical".  The default is horizontal. -->
        <attr name="orientation" />

    <!-- @hide -->
    <declare-styleable name="WeightedLinearLayout">
        <attr name="majorWeight" format="float" />
        <attr name="minorWeight" format="float" />

    <!-- ========================= -->
    <!-- Drawable class attributes -->
    <!-- ========================= -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Base attributes that are available to all Drawable objects. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Drawable">
        <!-- Provides initial visibility state of the drawable; the default
             value is false.  See
             {@link}. -->
        <attr name="visible" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="StateListDrawable">
        <attr name="visible" />
        <!-- If true, allows the drawable's padding to change based on the
             current state that is selected.  If false, the padding will
             stay the same (based on the maximum padding of all the states).
             Enabling this feature requires that the owner of the drawable
             deal with performing layout when the state changes, which is
             often not supported. -->
        <attr name="variablePadding" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If true, the drawable's reported internal size will remain
             constant as the state changes; the size is the maximum of all
             of the states.  If false, the size will vary based on the
             current state. -->
        <attr name="constantSize" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Enables or disables dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the
             same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance: a ARGB 8888 bitmap with
             an RGB 565 screen). -->
        <attr name="dither" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="AnimationDrawable">
        <attr name="visible" />
        <attr name="variablePadding" />
        <!-- If true, the animation will only run a single time and then
             stop.  If false (the default), it will continually run,
             restarting at the first frame after the last has finished. -->
        <attr name="oneshot" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="AnimationDrawableItem">
        <!-- Amount of time (in milliseconds) to display this frame. -->
        <attr name="duration" format="integer" />
        <!-- Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.  If not
             given, the drawable must be defined by the first child tag. -->
        <attr name="drawable" format="reference" />

    <declare-styleable name="GradientDrawable">
        <attr name="visible" />
        <attr name="shape">
            <enum name="rectangle" value="0" />
            <enum name="oval" value="1" />
            <enum name="line" value="2" />
            <enum name="ring" value="3" />
        <!-- Inner radius of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. For instance,
             if innerRadiusRatio=9, then the inner radius equals the ring's width divided by 9.
             This value is ignored if innerRadius is defined. Default value is 9. -->
        <attr name="innerRadiusRatio" format="float" />
        <!-- Thickness of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width. For instance,
             if thicknessRatio=3, then the thickness equals the ring's width divided by 3.
             This value is ignored if innerRadius is defined. Default value is 3. -->
        <attr name="thicknessRatio" format="float" />
        <!-- Inner radius of the ring. When defined, innerRadiusRatio is ignored. -->
        <attr name="innerRadius" format="dimension" />
        <!-- Thickness of the ring. When defined, thicknessRatio is ignored. -->
        <attr name="thickness" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="useLevel" />

    <declare-styleable name="GradientDrawableSize">
        <attr name="width" />
        <attr name="height" />

    <declare-styleable name="GradientDrawableGradient">
        <attr name="startColor" format="color" />
        <!-- Optional center color. For linear gradients, use centerX or centerY to place the center color. -->
        <attr name="centerColor" format="color" />
        <attr name="endColor" format="color" />
        <attr name="useLevel" format="boolean" />
        <attr name="angle" format="float" />
        <attr name="type">
            <enum name="linear" value="0" />
            <enum name="radial" value="1" />
            <enum name="sweep"  value="2" />
        <attr name="centerX" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="centerY" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="gradientRadius" format="float|fraction" />

    <declare-styleable name="GradientDrawableSolid">
        <attr name="color" format="color" />

    <declare-styleable name="GradientDrawableStroke">
        <attr name="width" />
        <attr name="color" />
        <attr name="dashWidth" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="dashGap" format="dimension" />

    <declare-styleable name="DrawableCorners">
        <attr name="radius" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="topLeftRadius" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="topRightRadius" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="bottomLeftRadius" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="bottomRightRadius" format="dimension" />

    <declare-styleable name="GradientDrawablePadding">
        <attr name="left" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="top" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="right" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="bottom" format="dimension" />

    <declare-styleable name="LayerDrawableItem">
        <attr name="left" />
        <attr name="top" />
        <attr name="right" />
        <attr name="bottom" />
        <attr name="drawable" />
        <attr name="id" />

    <declare-styleable name="LevelListDrawableItem">
        <!-- The minimum level allowed for this item. -->
        <attr name="minLevel" format="integer" />
        <!-- The maximum level allowed for this item. -->
        <attr name="maxLevel" format="integer" />
        <attr name="drawable" />

    <declare-styleable name="RotateDrawable">
        <attr name="visible" />
        <attr name="fromDegrees" format="float" />
        <attr name="toDegrees" format="float" />
        <attr name="pivotX" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="pivotY" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="drawable" />

    <declare-styleable name="AnimatedRotateDrawable">
        <attr name="visible" />
        <attr name="frameDuration" format="integer" />
        <attr name="framesCount" format="integer" />
        <attr name="pivotX" />
        <attr name="pivotY" />
        <attr name="drawable" />

    <declare-styleable name="InsetDrawable">
        <attr name="visible" />
        <attr name="drawable" />
        <attr name="insetLeft" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="insetRight" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="insetTop" format="dimension" />
        <attr name="insetBottom" format="dimension" />

    <!-- Drawable used to draw bitmaps. -->
    <declare-styleable name="BitmapDrawable">
        <!-- Identifier of the bitmap file. This attribute is mandatory. -->
        <attr name="src" />
        <!-- Enables or disables antialiasing. -->
        <attr name="antialias" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Enables or disables bitmap filtering. Filtering is used when the bitmap is
             shrunk or stretched to smooth its apperance. -->
        <attr name="filter" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Enables or disables dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the
             same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance: a ARGB 8888 bitmap with
             an RGB 565 screen). -->
        <attr name="dither" />
        <!-- Defines the gravity for the bitmap. The gravity indicates where to position
             the drawable in its container if the bitmap is smaller than the container. -->
        <attr name="gravity" />
        <!-- Defines the tile mode. When the tile mode is enabled, the bitmap is repeated.
             Gravity is ignored when the tile mode is enabled. -->
        <attr name="tileMode">
            <!-- Do not tile the bitmap. This is the default value. -->
            <enum name="disabled" value="-1" />
            <!-- Replicates the edge color. -->
            <enum name="clamp" value="0" />
            <!-- Repeats the bitmap in both direction. -->
            <enum name="repeat" value="1" />
            <!-- Repeats the shader's image horizontally and vertically, alternating
                 mirror images so that adjacent images always seam. -->
            <enum name="mirror" value="2" />

    <!-- Drawable used to draw 9-patches. -->
    <declare-styleable name="NinePatchDrawable">
        <!-- Identifier of the bitmap file. This attribute is mandatory. -->
        <attr name="src" />
        <!-- Enables or disables dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the
             same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance: a ARGB 8888 bitmap with
             an RGB 565 screen). -->
        <attr name="dither" />

    <!-- Drawable used to draw a single color. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ColorDrawable">
        <!-- The color to use. -->
        <attr name="color" />

    <declare-styleable name="ScaleDrawable">
        <!-- Scale width, expressed as a percentage of the drawable's bound. The value's
             format is XX%. For instance: 100%, 12.5%, etc.-->
        <attr name="scaleWidth" format="string" />
        <!-- Scale height, expressed as a percentage of the drawable's bound. The value's
             format is XX%. For instance: 100%, 12.5%, etc.-->
        <attr name="scaleHeight" format="string" />
        <!-- Specifies where the drawable is positioned after scaling. The default value is
             left. -->
        <attr name="scaleGravity">
            <!-- Push object to the top of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="top" value="0x30" />
            <!-- Push object to the bottom of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="bottom" value="0x50" />
            <!-- Push object to the left of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="left" value="0x03" />
            <!-- Push object to the right of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="right" value="0x05" />
            <!-- Place object in the vertical center of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="center_vertical" value="0x10" />
            <!-- Grow the vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
            <flag name="fill_vertical" value="0x70" />
            <!-- Place object in the horizontal center of its container, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="center_horizontal" value="0x01" />
            <!-- Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
            <flag name="fill_horizontal" value="0x07" />
            <!-- Place the object in the center of its container in both the vertical and horizontal axis, not changing its size. -->
            <flag name="center" value="0x11" />
            <!-- Grow the horizontal and vertical size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container. -->
            <flag name="fill" value="0x77" />
            <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the top and/or bottom edges of
                 the child clipped to its container's bounds.
                 The clip will be based on the vertical gravity: a top gravity will clip the bottom
                 edge, a bottom gravity will clip the top edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
            <flag name="clip_vertical" value="0x80" />
            <!-- Additional option that can be set to have the left and/or right edges of
                 the child clipped to its container's bounds.
                 The clip will be based on the horizontal gravity: a left gravity will clip the right
                 edge, a right gravity will clip the left edge, and neither will clip both edges. -->
            <flag name="clip_horizontal" value="0x08" />
        <!-- Reference to a drawable resource to draw with the specified scale. -->
        <attr name="drawable" />

    <declare-styleable name="ClipDrawable">
        <!-- The orientation for the clip. -->
        <attr name="clipOrientation">
            <!-- Clip the drawable horizontally. -->
            <flag name="horizontal" value="1" />
            <!-- Clip the drawable vertically. -->
            <flag name="vertical" value="2" />
        <!-- Specifies where to clip within the drawable. The default value is
             left. -->
        <attr name="gravity" />
        <!-- Reference to a drawable resource to draw with the specified scale. -->
        <attr name="drawable" />

    <!-- Defines the padding of a ShapeDrawable. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ShapeDrawablePadding">
        <!-- Left padding. -->
        <attr name="left" />
        <!-- Top padding. -->
        <attr name="top" />
        <!-- Right padding. -->
        <attr name="right" />
        <!-- Bottom padding. -->
        <attr name="bottom" />

    <!-- Drawable used to draw shapes. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ShapeDrawable">
        <!-- Defines the color of the shape. -->
        <attr name="color" />
        <!-- Defines the width of the shape. -->
        <attr name="width" />
        <!-- Defines the height of the shape. -->
        <attr name="height" />

    <!-- ========================== -->
    <!-- Animation class attributes -->
    <!-- ========================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <declare-styleable name="AnimationSet">
        <attr name="shareInterpolator" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="Animation">
        <!-- Defines the interpolator used to smooth the animation movement in time. -->
        <attr name="interpolator" />
        <!-- When set to true, fillAfter is taken into account. -->
        <attr name="fillEnabled" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When set to true, the animation transformation is applied before the animation has
             started. The default value is true. If fillEnabled is not set to true, fillBefore
             is assumed to be true. -->
        <attr name="fillBefore" format="boolean" />
        <!-- When set to true, the animation transformation is applied after the animation is
             over. The default value is false. If fillEnabled is not set to true and the animation
             is not set on a View, fillAfter is assumed to be true. -->
        <attr name="fillAfter" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Amount of time (in milliseconds) for the animation to run. -->
        <attr name="duration" />
        <!-- Delay in milliseconds before the animation runs, once start time is reached. -->
        <attr name="startOffset" format="integer" />
        <!-- Defines how many times the animation should repeat. The default value is 0. -->
        <attr name="repeatCount" format="integer">
            <enum name="infinite" value="-1" />
        <!-- Defines the animation behavior when it reaches the end and the repeat count is
             greater than 0 or infinite. The default value is restart. -->
        <attr name="repeatMode">
            <!-- The animation starts again from the beginning. -->
            <enum name="restart" value="1" />
            <!-- The animation plays backward. -->
            <enum name="reverse" value="2" />
        <!-- Allows for an adjustment of the Z ordering of the content being
             animated for the duration of the animation.  The default value is normal. -->
        <attr name="zAdjustment">
            <!-- The content being animated be kept in its current Z order. -->
            <enum name="normal" value="0" />
            <!-- The content being animated is forced on top of all other
                 content for the duration of the animation. -->
            <enum name="top" value="1" />
            <!-- The content being animated is forced under all other
                 content for the duration of the animation. -->
            <enum name="bottom" value="-1" />
        <!-- Special option for window animations: if this window is on top
             of a wallpaper, don't animate the wallpaper with it. -->
        <attr name="detachWallpaper" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="RotateAnimation">
        <attr name="fromDegrees" />
        <attr name="toDegrees" />
        <attr name="pivotX" />
        <attr name="pivotY" />

    <declare-styleable name="ScaleAnimation">
        <attr name="fromXScale" format="float" />
        <attr name="toXScale" format="float" />
        <attr name="fromYScale" format="float" />
        <attr name="toYScale" format="float" />
        <attr name="pivotX" />
        <attr name="pivotY" />

    <declare-styleable name="TranslateAnimation">
        <attr name="fromXDelta" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="toXDelta" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="fromYDelta" format="float|fraction" />
        <attr name="toYDelta" format="float|fraction" />

    <declare-styleable name="AlphaAnimation">
        <attr name="fromAlpha" format="float" />
        <attr name="toAlpha" format="float" />

    <declare-styleable name="LayoutAnimation">
        <!-- Fraction of the animation duration used to delay the beginning of
         the animation of each child. -->
        <attr name="delay" format="float|fraction" />
        <!-- Animation to use on each child. -->
        <attr name="animation" format="reference" />
        <!-- The order in which the animations will be started. -->
        <attr name="animationOrder">
            <!-- Animations are started in the natural order. -->
            <enum name="normal" value="0" />
            <!-- Animations are started in the reverse order. -->
            <enum name="reverse" value="1" />
            <!-- Animations are started randomly. -->
            <enum name="random" value="2" />
        <!-- Interpolator used to interpolate the delay between the start of
         each animation. -->
        <attr name="interpolator" />

    <declare-styleable name="GridLayoutAnimation">
        <!-- Fraction of the animation duration used to delay the beginning of
         the animation of each column. -->
        <attr name="columnDelay" format="float|fraction" />
        <!-- Fraction of the animation duration used to delay the beginning of
         the animation of each row. -->
        <attr name="rowDelay" format="float|fraction" />
        <!-- Direction of the animation in the grid. -->
        <attr name="direction">
            <!-- Animates columns from left to right. -->
            <flag name="left_to_right" value="0x0" />
            <!-- Animates columns from right to left. -->
            <flag name="right_to_left" value="0x1" />
            <!-- Animates rows from top to bottom. -->
            <flag name="top_to_bottom" value="0x0" />
            <!-- Animates rows from bottom to top. -->
            <flag name="bottom_to_top" value="0x2" />
        <!-- Priority of the rows and columns. When the priority is none,
         both rows and columns have the same priority. When the priority is
         column, the animations will be applied on the columns first. The same
         goes for rows. -->
        <attr name="directionPriority">
            <!-- Rows and columns are animated at the same time. -->
            <enum name="none"   value="0" />
            <!-- Columns are animated first. -->
            <enum name="column" value="1" />
            <!-- Rows are animated first. -->
            <enum name="row"    value="2" />

    <declare-styleable name="AccelerateInterpolator">
        <!-- This is the amount of deceleration to add when easing in. -->
        <attr name="factor" format="float" />

    <declare-styleable name="DecelerateInterpolator">
        <!-- This is the amount of acceleration to add when easing out. -->
        <attr name="factor" />

    <declare-styleable name="CycleInterpolator">
        <attr name="cycles" format="float" />

    <declare-styleable name="AnticipateInterpolator">
        <!-- This is the amount of tension. -->
        <attr name="tension" format="float" />

    <declare-styleable name="OvershootInterpolator">
        <!-- This is the amount of tension. -->
        <attr name="tension" />

    <declare-styleable name="AnticipateOvershootInterpolator">
        <!-- This is the amount of tension. -->
        <attr name="tension" />
        <!-- This is the amount by which to multiply the tension. -->
        <attr name="extraTension" format="float" />

    <!-- ========================== -->
    <!-- State attributes           -->
    <!-- ========================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Drawable states.
         The mapping of Drawable states to a particular drawables is specified
         in the "state" elements of a Widget's "selector" element.
         Possible values:
         </ul>  -->
    <declare-styleable name="DrawableStates">
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_focused" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_window_focused" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_enabled" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State identifier indicating that the object <var>may</var> display a check mark.
              See {@link R.attr#state_checked} for the identifier that indicates whether it is
              actually checked. -->
        <attr name="state_checkable" format="boolean"/>
        <!--  State identifier indicating that the object is currently checked.  See
              {@link R.attr#state_checkable} for an additional identifier that can indicate if
              any object may ever display a check, regardless of whether state_checked is
              currently set. -->
        <attr name="state_checked" format="boolean"/>
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_selected" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_active" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_single" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_first" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_middle" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_last" format="boolean" />
        <!--  State value for {@link StateListDrawable}.-->
        <attr name="state_pressed" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="ViewDrawableStates">
        <attr name="state_pressed" />
        <attr name="state_focused" />
        <attr name="state_selected" />
        <attr name="state_window_focused" />
        <attr name="state_enabled" />
    <!-- State array representing a menu item that is currently checked. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MenuItemCheckedState">
        <attr name="state_checkable" />
        <attr name="state_checked" />
    <!-- State array representing a menu item that is checkable but is not currently checked. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MenuItemUncheckedState">
        <attr name="state_checkable" />
    <!-- State array representing a menu item that is currently focused and checked. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MenuItemCheckedFocusedState">
        <attr name="state_checkable" />
        <attr name="state_checked" />
        <attr name="state_focused" />
    <!-- State array representing a menu item that is focused and checkable but is not currently checked. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MenuItemUncheckedFocusedState">
        <attr name="state_checkable" />
        <attr name="state_focused" />
    <!-- State array representing an expandable list child's indicator. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ExpandableListChildIndicatorState">
        <!-- State identifier indicating the child is the last child within its group. -->
        <attr name="state_last" />
    <!-- State array representing an expandable list group's indicator. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ExpandableListGroupIndicatorState">
        <!-- State identifier indicating the group is expanded. -->
        <attr name="state_expanded" format="boolean" />
        <!-- State identifier indicating the group is empty (has no children). -->
        <attr name="state_empty" format="boolean" />
    <declare-styleable name="PopupWindowBackgroundState">
        <!-- State identifier indicating the popup will be above the anchor. -->
        <attr name="state_above_anchor" format="boolean" />

    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <!-- Support for Searchable activities. -->
    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Searchable activities and applications must provide search configuration information
        in an XML file, typically called searchable.xml.  This file is referenced in your manifest.
        For a more in-depth discussion of search configuration, please refer to
        {@link}. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Searchable">
          <!--<strong>This is deprecated.</strong><br/>The default
              application icon is now always used, so this attribute is
        <attr name="icon" />
        <!-- This is the user-displayed name of the searchable activity.  <i>Required
            attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="label" />
        <!-- If supplied, this string will be displayed as a hint to the user.  <i>Optional
            attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="hint" />
        <!-- If supplied, this string will be displayed as the text of the "Search" button.
          <i>Optional attribute.</i>
          {@deprecated This will create a non-standard UI appearance, because the search bar UI is
                       changing to use only icons for its buttons.}-->
        <attr name="searchButtonText" format="string" />
        <attr name="inputType" />
        <attr name="imeOptions" />

        <!-- Additional features are controlled by mode bits in this field.  Omitting
            this field, or setting to zero, provides default behavior.  <i>Optional attribute.</i>
        <attr name="searchMode">
          <!-- If set, this flag enables the display of the search target (label) within the
               search bar.  If neither bad mode is selected, no badge will be shown. -->
          <flag name="showSearchLabelAsBadge" value="0x04" />
          <!--<strong>This is deprecated.</strong><br/>The default
              application icon is now always used, so this option is
          <flag name="showSearchIconAsBadge" value="0x08" />
          <!-- If set, this flag causes the suggestion column SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA to
               be considered as the text for suggestion query rewriting.  This should only
               be used when the values in SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA are suitable for user
               inspection and editing - typically, HTTP/HTTPS Uri's. -->
          <flag name="queryRewriteFromData" value="0x10" />
          <!-- If set, this flag causes the suggestion column SUGGEST_COLUMN_TEXT_1 to
               be considered as the text for suggestion query rewriting.  This should be used
               for suggestions in which no query text is provided and the SUGGEST_COLUMN_INTENT_DATA
               values are not suitable for user inspection and editing. -->
          <flag name="queryRewriteFromText" value="0x20" />

        <!-- Voice search features are controlled by mode bits in this field.  Omitting
            this field, or setting to zero, provides default behavior.
            If showVoiceSearchButton is set, then launchWebSearch or launchRecognizer must
            also be set.  <i>Optional attribute.</i>
        <attr name="voiceSearchMode">
          <!-- If set, display a voice search button.  This only takes effect if voice search is
               available on the device. -->
          <flag name="showVoiceSearchButton" value="0x01" />
          <!-- If set, the voice search button will take the user directly to a built-in
               voice web search activity.  Most applications will not use this flag, as it
               will take the user away from the activity in which search was invoked. -->
          <flag name="launchWebSearch" value="0x02" />
          <!-- If set, the voice search button will take the user directly to a built-in
               voice recording activity.  This activity will prompt the user to speak,
               transcribe the spoken text, and forward the resulting query
               text to the searchable activity, just as if the user had typed it into
               the search UI and clicked the search button. -->
          <flag name="launchRecognizer" value="0x04" />

        <!-- If provided, this specifies the language model that should be used by the
             voice recognition system.  See
             {@link android.speech.RecognizerIntent#EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL } for more information.
             If not provided, the default value
             {@link android.speech.RecognizerIntent#LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM } will be used. -->
        <attr name="voiceLanguageModel" format="string" />
        <!-- If provided, this specifies a prompt that will be displayed during voice input. -->
        <attr name="voicePromptText" format="string" />
        <!-- If provided, this specifies the spoken language to be expected, and that it will be
             different than the one set in the {@link java.util.Locale#getDefault()}. -->
        <attr name="voiceLanguage" format="string" />
        <!-- If provided, enforces the maximum number of results to return, including the "best"
             result which will always be provided as the SEARCH intent's primary query.  Must be one
             or greater.  If not provided, the recognizer will choose how many results to return.
        <attr name="voiceMaxResults" format="integer" />

        <!-- If provided, this is the trigger indicating that the searchable activity
            provides suggestions as well.  The value must be a fully-qualified content provider
            authority (e.g. "") and should match the
            "android:authorities" tag in your content provider's manifest entry.  <i>Optional
            attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="searchSuggestAuthority" format="string" />
        <!-- If provided, this will be inserted in the suggestions query Uri, after the authority
            you have provide but before the standard suggestions path. <i>Optional attribute.</i>
        <attr name="searchSuggestPath" format="string" />
        <!-- If provided, suggestion queries will be passed into your query function
            as the <i>selection</i> parameter.  Typically this will be a WHERE clause for your
            database, and will contain a single question mark, which represents the actual query
            string that has been typed by the user.  If not provided, then the user query text
            will be appended to the query Uri (after an additional "/".)  <i>Optional
            attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="searchSuggestSelection" format="string" />

        <!-- If provided, and not overridden by an action in the selected suggestion, this
            string will be placed in the action field of the {@link android.content.Intent Intent}
            when the user clicks a suggestion.  <i>Optional attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="searchSuggestIntentAction" format="string" />
        <!-- If provided, and not overridden by an action in the selected suggestion, this
            string will be placed in the data field of the {@link android.content.Intent Intent}
            when the user clicks a suggestion.  <i>Optional attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="searchSuggestIntentData" format="string" />

        <!-- If provided, this is the minimum number of characters needed to trigger
             search suggestions. The default value is 0. <i>Optional attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="searchSuggestThreshold" format="integer" />

        <!-- If provided and <code>true</code>, this searchable activity will be
             included in any global lists of search targets.
             The default value is <code>false</code>. <i>Optional attribute.</i>. -->
        <attr name="includeInGlobalSearch" format="boolean" />

        <!-- If provided and <code>true</code>, this searchable activity will be invoked for all
             queries in a particular session. If set to <code>false</code> and the activity
             returned zero results for a query, it will not be invoked again in that session for
             supersets of that zero-results query. For example, if the activity returned zero
             results for "bo", it would not be queried again for "bob".
             The default value is <code>false</code>. <i>Optional attribute.</i>. -->
        <attr name="queryAfterZeroResults" format="boolean" />
        <!-- If provided, this string will be used to describe the searchable item in the
             searchable items settings within system search settings. <i>Optional
             attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="searchSettingsDescription" format="string" />

        <!-- If provided and <code>true</code>, URLs entered in the search dialog while searching
             within this activity would be detected and treated as URLs (show a 'go' button in the
             keyboard and invoke the browser directly when user launches the URL instead of passing
             the URL to the activity). If set to <code>false</code> any URLs entered are treated as
             normal query text.
             The default value is <code>false</code>. <i>Optional attribute.</i>. -->
        <attr name="autoUrlDetect" format="boolean" />


    <!-- In order to process special action keys during search, you must define them using
            one or more "ActionKey" elements in your Searchable metadata.  For a more in-depth
            discussion of action code handling, please refer to {@link}.
    <declare-styleable name="SearchableActionKey">
        <!-- This attribute denotes the action key you wish to respond to.  Note that not
            all action keys are actually supported using this mechanism, as many of them are
            used for typing, navigation, or system functions.  This will be added to the
            {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH ACTION_SEARCH} intent that is passed to your
            searchable activity.  To examine the key code, use
            {@link android.content.Intent#getIntExtra getIntExtra(SearchManager.ACTION_KEY)}.
            <p>Note, in addition to the keycode, you must also provide one or more of the action
            specifier attributes.  <i>Required attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="keycode" />

        <!-- If you wish to handle an action key during normal search query entry, you
            must define an action string here.  This will be added to the
            {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH ACTION_SEARCH} intent that is passed to your
            searchable activity.  To examine the string, use
            {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra getStringExtra(SearchManager.ACTION_MSG)}.
            <i>Optional attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="queryActionMsg"  format="string" />

        <!-- If you wish to handle an action key while a suggestion is being displayed <i>and
            selected</i>, there are two ways to handle this.  If <i>all</i> of your suggestions
            can handle the action key, you can simply define the action message using this
            attribute.  This will be added to the
            {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH ACTION_SEARCH} intent that is passed to your
            searchable activity.  To examine the string, use
            {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra getStringExtra(SearchManager.ACTION_MSG)}.
            <i>Optional attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="suggestActionMsg"  format="string" />

        <!-- If you wish to handle an action key while a suggestion is being displayed <i>and
            selected</i>, but you do not wish to enable this action key for every suggestion,
            then you can use this attribute to control it on a suggestion-by-suggestion basis.
            First, you must define a column (and name it here) where your suggestions will include
            the action string.  Then, in your content provider, you must provide this column, and
            when desired, provide data in this column.
            The search manager will look at your suggestion cursor, using the string
            provided here in order to select a column, and will use that to select a string from
            the cursor.  That string will be added to the
            {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_SEARCH ACTION_SEARCH} intent that is passed to
            your searchable activity.  To examine the string, use
            {@link android.content.Intent#getStringExtra
            getStringExtra(SearchManager.ACTION_MSG)}.  <i>If the data does not exist for the
            selection suggestion, the action key will be ignored.</i><i>Optional attribute.</i> -->
        <attr name="suggestActionMsgColumn" format="string" />


    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <!-- Support for MapView. -->
    <!-- ***************************************************************** -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- The set of attributes for a MapView. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MapView">
        <!-- Value is a string that specifies the Maps API Key to use. -->
        <attr name="apiKey" format="string" />

    <!-- **************************************************************** -->
    <!-- Menu XML inflation. -->
    <!-- **************************************************************** -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Base attributes that are available to all Menu objects. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Menu">

    <!-- Base attributes that are available to all groups. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MenuGroup">

        <!-- The ID of the group. -->
        <attr name="id" />

        <!-- The category applied to all items within this group.
             (This will be or'ed with the orderInCategory attribute.) -->
        <attr name="menuCategory">
            <!-- Items are part of a container. -->
            <enum name="container" value="0x00010000" />
            <!-- Items are provided by the system. -->
            <enum name="system" value="0x00020000" />
            <!-- Items are user-supplied secondary (infrequently used). -->
            <enum name="secondary" value="0x00030000" />
            <!-- Items are alternative actions. -->
            <enum name="alternative" value="0x00040000" />

        <!-- The order within the category applied to all items within this group.
             (This will be or'ed with the category attribute.) -->
        <attr name="orderInCategory" format="integer" />

        <!-- Whether the items are capable of displaying a check mark. -->
        <attr name="checkableBehavior">
            <!-- The items are not checkable. -->
            <enum name="none" value="0" />
            <!-- The items are all checkable. -->
            <enum name="all" value="1" />
            <!-- The items are checkable and there will only be a single checked item in
                 this group. -->
            <enum name="single" value="2" />

        <!-- Whether the items are shown/visible. -->
        <attr name="visible" />

        <!-- Whether the items are enabled. -->
        <attr name="enabled" />


    <!-- Base attributes that are available to all Item objects. -->
    <declare-styleable name="MenuItem">

        <!-- The ID of the item. -->
        <attr name="id" />

        <!-- The category applied to the item.
             (This will be or'ed with the orderInCategory attribute.) -->
        <attr name="menuCategory" />

        <!-- The order within the category applied to the item.
             (This will be or'ed with the category attribute.) -->
        <attr name="orderInCategory" />

        <!-- The title associated with the item. -->
        <attr name="title" format="string" />

        <!-- The condensed title associated with the item.  This is used in situations where the
             normal title may be too long to be displayed. -->
        <attr name="titleCondensed" format="string" />

        <!-- The icon associated with this item.  This icon will not always be shown, so
             the title should be sufficient in describing this item. -->
        <attr name="icon" />

        <!-- The alphabetic shortcut key.  This is the shortcut when using a keyboard
             with alphabetic keys. -->
        <attr name="alphabeticShortcut" format="string" />

        <!-- The numeric shortcut key.  This is the shortcut when using a numeric (e.g., 12-key)
             keyboard. -->
        <attr name="numericShortcut" format="string" />

        <!-- Whether the item is capable of displaying a check mark. -->
        <attr name="checkable" format="boolean" />

        <!-- Whether the item is checked.  Note that you must first have enabled checking with
             the checkable attribute or else the check mark will not appear. -->
        <attr name="checked" />

        <!-- Whether the item is shown/visible. -->
        <attr name="visible" />

        <!-- Whether the item is enabled. -->
        <attr name="enabled" />


    <!-- **************************************************************** -->
    <!-- Preferences framework. -->
    <!-- **************************************************************** -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Base attributes available to PreferenceGroup. -->
    <declare-styleable name="PreferenceGroup">
        <!-- Whether to order the Preference under this group as they appear in the XML file.
             If this is false, the ordering will follow the Preference order attribute and
             default to alphabetic for those without the order attribute. -->
        <attr name="orderingFromXml" format="boolean" />

    <!-- WARNING:  If adding attributes to Preference, make sure it does not conflict
                   with a View's attributes.  Some subclasses (e.g., EditTextPreference)
                   proxy all attributes to its EditText widget. -->
    <eat-comment />

    <!-- Base attributes available to Preference. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Preference">
        <!-- The key to store the Preference value. -->
        <attr name="key" format="string" />
        <!-- The title for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen. -->
        <attr name="title" />
        <!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen. -->
        <attr name="summary" format="string" />
        <!-- The order for the Preference (lower values are to be ordered first). If this is not
             specified, the default orderin will be alphabetic. -->
        <attr name="order" format="integer" />
        <!-- The layout for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen. This should
             rarely need to be changed, look at widgetLayout instead. -->
        <attr name="layout" />
        <!-- The layout for the controllable widget portion of a Preference. This is inflated
             into the layout for a Preference and should be used more frequently than
             the layout attribute. For example, a checkbox preference would specify
             a custom layout (consisting of just the CheckBox) here. -->
        <attr name="widgetLayout" format="reference" />
        <!-- Whether the Preference is enabled. -->
        <attr name="enabled" />
        <!-- Whether the Preference is selectable. -->
        <attr name="selectable" format="boolean" />
        <!-- The key of another Preference that this Preference will depend on.  If the other
             Preference is not set or is off, this Preference will be disabled. -->
        <attr name="dependency" format="string" />
        <!-- Whether the Preference stores its value to the shared preferences. -->
        <attr name="persistent" />
        <!-- The default value for the preference, which will be set either if persistence
             is off or persistence is on and the preference is not found in the persistent
             storage.  -->
        <attr name="defaultValue" format="string|boolean|integer|reference|float" />
        <!-- Whether the view of this Preference should be disabled when
             this Preference is disabled. -->
        <attr name="shouldDisableView" format="boolean" />

    <!-- Base attributes available to CheckBoxPreference. -->
    <declare-styleable name="CheckBoxPreference">
        <!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
             CheckBoxPreference is checked. If separate on/off summaries are not
             needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
        <attr name="summaryOn" format="string" />
        <!-- The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the
             CheckBoxPreference is unchecked. If separate on/off summaries are not
             needed, the summary attribute can be used instead. -->
        <attr name="summaryOff" format="string" />
        <!-- The state (true for on, or false for off) that causes dependents to be disabled. By default,
             dependents will be disabled when this is unchecked, so the value of this preference is false. -->
        <attr name="disableDependentsState" format="boolean" />

    <!-- Base attributes available to DialogPreference. -->
    <declare-styleable name="DialogPreference">
        <!-- The title in the dialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogTitle" format="string" />
        <!-- The message in the dialog. If a dialogLayout is provided and contains
             a TextView with ID android:id/message, this message will be placed in there. -->
        <attr name="dialogMessage" format="string" />
        <!-- The icon for the dialog. -->
        <attr name="dialogIcon" format="reference" />
        <!-- The positive button text for the dialog. Set to @null to hide the positive button. -->
        <attr name="positiveButtonText" format="string" />
        <!-- The negative button text for the dialog. Set to @null to hide the negative button. -->
        <attr name="negativeButtonText" format="string" />
        <!-- A layout to be used as the content View for the dialog. By default, this shouldn't
             be needed. If a custom DialogPreference is required, this should be set. For example,
             the EditTextPreference uses a layout with an EditText as this attribute. -->
        <attr name="dialogLayout" format="reference" />

    <!-- Base attributes available to ListPreference. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ListPreference">
        <!-- The human-readable array to present as a list. Each entry must have a corresponding
             index in entryValues. -->
        <attr name="entries" />
        <!-- The array to find the value to save for a preference when an entry from
             entries is selected. If a user clicks on the second item in entries, the
             second item in this array will be saved to the preference. -->
        <attr name="entryValues" format="reference" />

    <!-- Base attributes available to RingtonePreference. -->
    <declare-styleable name="RingtonePreference">
        <!-- Which ringtone type(s) to show in the picker. -->
        <attr name="ringtoneType">
            <!-- Ringtones. -->
            <flag name="ringtone" value="1" />
            <!-- Notification sounds. -->
            <flag name="notification" value="2" />
            <!-- Alarm sounds. -->
            <flag name="alarm" value="4" />
            <!-- All available ringtone sounds. -->
            <flag name="all" value="7" />
        <!-- Whether to show an item for a default sound. -->
        <attr name="showDefault" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Whether to show an item for 'Silent'. -->
        <attr name="showSilent" format="boolean" />

    <!-- Base attributes available to VolumePreference. -->
    <declare-styleable name="VolumePreference">
        <!-- Different audio stream types. -->
        <attr name="streamType">
            <enum name="voice" value="0" />
            <enum name="system" value="1" />
            <enum name="ring" value="2" />
            <enum name="music" value="3" />
            <enum name="alarm" value="4" />

    <declare-styleable name="InputMethodService">
        <!-- Background to use for entire input method when it is being
             shown in fullscreen mode with the extract view, to ensure
             that it completely covers the application.  This allows,
             for example, the candidate view to be hidden
             while in fullscreen mode without having the application show through
             behind it.-->
        <attr name="imeFullscreenBackground" format="reference|color" />
        <!-- Animation to use when showing the fullscreen extract UI after
             it had previously been hidden. -->
        <attr name="imeExtractEnterAnimation" format="reference" />
        <!-- Animation to use when hiding the fullscreen extract UI after
             it had previously been shown. -->
        <attr name="imeExtractExitAnimation" format="reference" />

    <declare-styleable name="KeyboardView">
        <!-- Default KeyboardView style. -->
        <attr name="keyboardViewStyle" format="reference" />

        <!-- Image for the key. This image needs to be a StateListDrawable, with the following
             possible states: normal, pressed, checkable, checkable+pressed, checkable+checked,
             checkable+checked+pressed. -->
        <attr name="keyBackground" format="reference" />

        <!-- Size of the text for character keys. -->
        <attr name="keyTextSize" format="dimension" />

        <!-- Size of the text for custom keys with some text and no icon. -->
        <attr name="labelTextSize" format="dimension" />

        <!-- Color to use for the label in a key. -->
        <attr name="keyTextColor" format="color" />

        <!-- Layout resource for key press feedback.-->
        <attr name="keyPreviewLayout" format="reference" />

        <!-- Vertical offset of the key press feedback from the key. -->
        <attr name="keyPreviewOffset" format="dimension" />

        <!-- Height of the key press feedback popup. -->
        <attr name="keyPreviewHeight" format="dimension" />

        <!-- Amount to offset the touch Y coordinate by, for bias correction. -->
        <attr name="verticalCorrection" format="dimension" />

        <!-- Layout resource for popup keyboards. -->
        <attr name="popupLayout" format="reference" />

        <attr name="shadowColor" />
        <attr name="shadowRadius" />

    <declare-styleable name="KeyboardViewPreviewState">
        <!-- State for {@link android.inputmethodservice.KeyboardView KeyboardView}
                key preview background. -->
        <attr name="state_long_pressable" format="boolean" />

    <declare-styleable name="Keyboard">
        <!-- Default width of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width. -->
        <attr name="keyWidth" format="dimension|fraction" />
        <!-- Default height of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width. -->
        <attr name="keyHeight" format="dimension|fraction" />
        <!-- Default horizontal gap between keys. -->
        <attr name="horizontalGap" format="dimension|fraction" />
        <!-- Default vertical gap between rows of keys. -->
        <attr name="verticalGap" format="dimension|fraction" />

    <declare-styleable name="Keyboard_Row">
        <!-- Row edge flags. -->
        <attr name="rowEdgeFlags">
            <!-- Row is anchored to the top of the keyboard. -->
            <flag name="top" value="4" />
            <!-- Row is anchored to the bottom of the keyboard. -->
            <flag name="bottom" value="8" />
        <!-- Mode of the keyboard. If the mode doesn't match the
             requested keyboard mode, the row will be skipped. -->
        <attr name="keyboardMode" format="reference" />

    <declare-styleable name="Keyboard_Key">
        <!-- The unicode value or comma-separated values that this key outputs. -->
        <attr name="codes" format="integer|string" />
        <!-- The XML keyboard layout of any popup keyboard. -->
        <attr name="popupKeyboard" format="reference" />
        <!-- The characters to display in the popup keyboard. -->
        <attr name="popupCharacters" format="string" />
        <!-- Key edge flags. -->
        <attr name="keyEdgeFlags">
            <!-- Key is anchored to the left of the keyboard. -->
            <flag name="left" value="1" />
            <!-- Key is anchored to the right of the keyboard. -->
            <flag name="right" value="2" />
        <!-- Whether this is a modifier key such as Alt or Shift. -->
        <attr name="isModifier" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Whether this is a toggle key. -->
        <attr name="isSticky" format="boolean" />
        <!-- Whether long-pressing on this key will make it repeat. -->
        <attr name="isRepeatable" format="boolean" />
        <!-- The icon to show in the popup preview. -->
        <attr name="iconPreview" format="reference" />
        <!-- The string of characters to output when this key is pressed. -->
        <attr name="keyOutputText" format="string" />
        <!-- The label to display on the key. -->
        <attr name="keyLabel" format="string" />
        <!-- The icon to display on the key instead of the label. -->
        <attr name="keyIcon" format="reference" />
        <!-- Mode of the keyboard. If the mode doesn't match the
             requested keyboard mode, the key will be skipped. -->
        <attr name="keyboardMode" />

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- AppWidget package class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />
    <!-- Use <code>appwidget-provider</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes an AppWidget provider.  See {@link android.appwidget android.appwidget}
         package for more info.
    <declare-styleable name="AppWidgetProviderInfo">
        <!-- Minimum width of the AppWidget. -->
        <attr name="minWidth"/>
        <!-- Minimum height of the AppWidget. -->
        <attr name="minHeight"/>
        <!-- Update period in milliseconds, or 0 if the AppWidget will update itself. -->
        <attr name="updatePeriodMillis" format="integer" />
        <!-- A resource id of a layout. -->
        <attr name="initialLayout" format="reference" />
        <!-- A class name in the AppWidget's package to be launched to configure.
             If not supplied, then no activity will be launched. -->
        <attr name="configure" format="string" />

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- App package class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />
    <!-- Use <code>device-admin</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes a
         {@link}, which is
         referenced from its
         meta-data entry.  Described here are the attributes that can be
         included in that tag. -->
    <declare-styleable name="DeviceAdmin">
        <!-- Control whether the admin is visible to the user, even when it
             is not enabled.  This is true by default.  You may want to make
             it false if your admin does not make sense to be turned on
             unless some explicit action happens in your app. -->
        <attr name="visible" />

    <!-- Use <code>wallpaper</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes an
         {@link android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService}, which is
         referenced from its
         {@link android.service.wallpaper.WallpaperService#SERVICE_META_DATA}
         meta-data entry.  Described here are the attributes that can be
         included in that tag. -->
    <declare-styleable name="Wallpaper">
        <attr name="settingsActivity" />

        <!-- Reference to a the wallpaper's thumbnail bitmap. -->
        <attr name="thumbnail" format="reference" />

        <!-- Name of the author of this component, e.g. Google. -->
        <attr name="author" format="reference" />

        <!-- Short description of the component's purpose or behavior. -->
        <attr name="description" />

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- Accounts package class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />
    <!-- Use <code>account-authenticator</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes an account authenticator.
    <declare-styleable name="AccountAuthenticator">
        <!-- The account type this authenticator handles. -->
        <attr name="accountType" format="string"/>
        <!-- The user-visible name of the authenticator. -->
        <attr name="label"/>
        <!-- The icon of the authenticator. -->
        <attr name="icon"/>
        <!-- Smaller icon of the authenticator. -->
        <attr name="smallIcon" format="reference"/>
        <!-- A preferences.xml file for authenticator-specific settings. -->
        <attr name="accountPreferences" format="reference"/>

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- Accounts package class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />
    <!-- Use <code>account-authenticator</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes an account authenticator.
    <declare-styleable name="SyncAdapter">
        <!-- the authority of a content provider. -->
        <attr name="contentAuthority" format="string"/>
        <attr name="accountType"/>
        <attr name="userVisible" format="boolean"/>
        <attr name="supportsUploading" format="boolean"/>

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- Contacts meta-data attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />
    <!-- TODO: remove this deprecated styleable. -->
    <eat-comment />
    <declare-styleable name="Icon">
        <attr name="icon" />
        <attr name="mimeType" />

    <!-- TODO: remove this deprecated styleable -->
    <eat-comment />
    <declare-styleable name="IconDefault">
        <attr name="icon" />

    <!-- Maps a specific contact data MIME-type to styling information. -->
    <declare-styleable name="ContactsDataKind">
        <!-- Mime-type handled by this mapping. -->
        <attr name="mimeType" />
        <!-- Icon used to represent data of this kind. -->
        <attr name="icon" />
        <!-- Column in data table that summarizes this data. -->
        <attr name="summaryColumn" format="string" />
        <!-- Column in data table that contains details for this data. -->
        <attr name="detailColumn" format="string" />
        <!-- Flag indicating that detail should be built from SocialProvider. -->
        <attr name="detailSocialSummary" format="boolean" />

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- TabSelector class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <declare-styleable name="SlidingTab">
        <!-- Use "horizontal" for a row, "vertical" for a column.  The default is horizontal. -->
        <attr name="orientation" />

    <!-- =============================== -->
    <!-- LockPatternView class attributes -->
    <!-- =============================== -->
    <eat-comment />

    <declare-styleable name="LockPatternView">
        <!-- Aspect to use when drawing LockPatternView. Choices are "square"(default), "lock_width"
             or "lock_height" -->
        <attr name="aspect" format="string" />

    <!-- Use <code>recognition-service</code> as the root tag of the XML resource that
         describes a {@link android.speech.RecognitionService}, which is reference from
         its {@link android.speech.RecognitionService#SERVICE_META_DATA} meta-data entry.
         Described here are the attributes that can be included in that tag. -->
    <declare-styleable name="RecognitionService">
        <attr name="settingsActivity" />






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