resources: HBase in Action, Nick Dimiduk & Amandep Khurana
1. Storing data
HTablePool pool = new HTablePool(); //create a pool to connect tables
HTableInterface usersTable = pool.getTable("users"); //get a connection with table "users"
Put p = new Put(Bytes.toBytes("TheRealMT")); //create a rowkey, did not put this record into HBase yet
p.add(Bytes.toBytes("ïnfo"), //info is a column family
Bytes.toBytes("password"),//password is a column qualifier(is also called column or qual)
Bytes.toBytes("abc123"));//abc123 is the value of a cell
usersTable.put(p); //put this record into a table
usersTable.close();//close the connection with table "üser"
2. Under the hood