
DataSource工厂 : DataSourceFactory
  1. DataSource工厂根据配置创建数数据源
  2. parsePoolProperties解析properties创建PoolConfiguration poolProperties = new PoolProperties();
  3. 创建数据源org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource
  4. 创建连接池DataSourceProxy.createPool(ConnectionPool)
  1. 初始化线程池ConnectionPool.init
  2. 校验线程池参数checkPoolConfiguration
  3. 创建busy队列LinkedBlockingQueue
  4. 创建idle队列,如果指定为公平的则为FairBlockingQueue,否则LinkedBlockingQueue
  5. 初始化线程池清理线程池任务initializePoolCleaner
public void initializePoolCleaner(PoolConfiguration properties) {
    //if the evictor thread is supposed to run, start it now
    if (properties.isPoolSweeperEnabled()) {
        poolCleaner = new PoolCleaner(this, properties.getTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis());
    } //end if
PoolCleaner(ConnectionPool pool, long sleepTime) {
    this.pool = new WeakReference<>(pool);
    this.sleepTime = sleepTime;
    if (sleepTime <= 0) {
        log.warn("Database connection pool evicter thread interval is set to 0, defaulting to 30 seconds");
        this.sleepTime = 1000 * 30;
    } else if (sleepTime < 1000) {
        log.warn("Database connection pool evicter thread interval is set to lower than 1 second.");
  1. 注册registerCleaner定时任务
  2. 线程池清理的pool实例属性是对线程池的一个弱引用
  3. 弱引用get线程池对象,如果为空,注销定时任务
  4. 如果pool没有close则进行一系列检查
  • 配置启用移除abandon连接或者suspectTimeout大于0,检查abandon连接
  • checkAbandoned检查abandon连接
  1. 遍历busy队列
  2. 如果idle队列包含该连接或者已经释放,跳过该连接
  3. 是否应该abandon并且(当前时间-上次连接池"touched"连接时间)已经超过abandonTimeout配置
protected boolean shouldAbandon() {
    if (!poolProperties.isRemoveAbandoned()) return false;
    if (poolProperties.getAbandonWhenPercentageFull()==0) return true;
    float used = busy.size();
    float max  = poolProperties.getMaxActive();
    float perc = poolProperties.getAbandonWhenPercentageFull();
    return (used/max*100f)>=perc;
  1. 是则busy中移除该连接并且标识设置null标识setToNull,执行abandon,释放链接,发送通知至jmx
  2. suspectTimeout不为0并且(当前时间-上次连接池"touched"(上次borrowConnection的时间)连接时间)已经超过配置,则suspect
  3. 如果已经处于被怀疑标识返回,否则打标识
  • 线程池idle队列size大于minIdle
  • checkIdle检查idle连接
  1. 遍历idle队列
  2. busy队列包含该连接,跳过该链接校验
  3. shouldReleaseIdle是否应该释放连接
protected boolean shouldReleaseIdle(long now, PooledConnection con, long time) {
    if (con.getConnectionVersion() < getPoolVersion()) return true;
    else return (con.getReleaseTime()>0) && ((now - time) > con.getReleaseTime()) && (getSize()>getPoolProperties().getMinIdle());
  1. 版本小于当前版本,释放链接
  2. getMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis大于0并且当前时间-上次连接池"touched"连接时间超过minEvictableIdleTimeMillis配置并且当前连接池size大于minIdle,释放链接
  • testAllIdle测试所有空闲连接
  1. 遍历idle队列
  2. 如果busy包含该连接则跳过该链接
  3. 校验validate
  4. 如果getValidator自定义校验不为空使用自定义校验规则校验
  5. 否则使用initsql校验,没有initsql则使用getValidationQuery校验sql进行校验,如果没有校验sql则使用jdbc驱动校验方式校验(超时时间为validationQueryTimeout)
  6. 存在校验sql,则执行校验sql校验,校验成功更新校验时间戳,
  7. 校验失败返回false并释放连接
  • 如果启用jmx则create JMX MBean
  • 如果配置了JdbcInterceptor拦截器,则通知连接池已启动
  • 初始化线程池
  1. 按照initialSize初始化大小配置初始化
  2. borrowConnection获取连接
  3. 拉取idle队列,如果不为空,连接该连接并返回borrowConnection,borrowedCount递增
  • 3.1 判断是否需要强制重连forceReconnect=shouldForceReconnect用户名密码是否变更,或者isMaxAgeExpired上次连接时间距离当前时间是否超过maxAge配置
  • 3.2 如果连接被discarded并且没有初始化,forceReconnect置为true
  • 3.3 如果不需要强制重连,连接没有被discarded并且validateOnBorrow成功(校验逻辑执行成功),设置timestamp时间戳(即一次touched)并将怀疑超时对象标识设置为false,将连接offer提交至busy(失败则打印debug日志),返回连接
  • 3.4 如果走到这步说明要么连接已经有了另外一个实体,被废弃或者校验失败
  • 3.5 重连并递增reconnectedCount
  • 3.6 如果testOnConnect或者initsql不为空,则validateInit,否则如果开启了testOnBorrow则validateBorrow
  • 3.7 如果校验通过添加至busy,添加失败打印debug日志:“Connection doesn’t fit into busy array, connection will not be traceable.”
  • 3.8 如果校验失败,打印:“Failed to validate a newly established connection.”
  1. 连接池size小于maxActive配置
  2. 如果size递增后大于maxActive,则减1恢复size后继续,否则创建连接createConnection
//if we get here, see if we need to create one
//this is not 100% accurate since it doesn't use a shared
//atomic variable - a connection can become idle while we are creating
//a new connection
if (size.get() < getPoolProperties().getMaxActive()) {
    //atomic duplicate check
    if (size.addAndGet(1) > getPoolProperties().getMaxActive()) {
        //if we got here, two threads passed through the first if
    } else {
        //create a connection, we're below the limit
        return createConnection(now, con, username, password);
} //end if

//calculate wait time for this iteration
long maxWait = wait;
  • 5.1 创建PooledConnection,保存用户密码
  • 5.2 PooledConnection.connect连接,如果已经release抛出异常:“A connection once released, can’t be reestablished.”
  • 5.3 如果connection不为空,先断开连接再连接,如果存在DataSource调用connectUsingDataSource,否则调用jdbc驱动连接,返回连接
  1. 走到此处说明没有idle并且连接数大于等于maxActive,则等待空闲,timetowait=获取maxWait配置计算等待超时时间(maxWait-前两步花费的时间),等待次数递增waitcount
  2. idle拉取超时时间为timetowait(即:每次获取空闲连接失败并且创建失败,则等待空闲队列空闲的时间为maxWait减去之前两步花去的时间,3步总共花费maxWait毫秒数
  3. 超时报错抛出异常"Pool wait interrupted…"
  4. 如果maxWait=0并且队列拉取的con为空,抛出异常:“NoWait: Pool empty. Unable to fetch a connection, none available[”+busy.size()+" in use]."
  5. 如果maxWait不为空并且队列拉取的con为空,并且当前时间-now(开始循环逻辑的时间)大于等于maxWait,则抛出异常
throw new PoolExhaustedException("[" + Thread.currentThread().getName()+"] " +
                    "Timeout: Pool empty. Unable to fetch a connection in " + (maxWait / 1000) +
                    " seconds, none available[size:"+size.get() +"; busy:"+busy.size()+"; idle:"+idle.size()+"; lastwait:"+timetowait+"].");
  1. 否则代表未超时继续循环
  2. 成功则返回PooledConnection,完成初始化的borrowConnection流程(即初始化连接数的PooledConnection创建)
  3. 创建失败则抛出异常:“Unable to create initial connections of pool.”
  4. 遍历初始化连接池调用returnConnection
finally {
    //return the members as idle to the pool
    for (int i = 0; i < initialPool.length; i++) {
        if (initialPool[i] != null) {
            try {this.returnConnection(initialPool[i]);}catch(Exception x){/*NOOP*/}
        } //end if
    } //for
} //catch
  • returnConnection:return the members as idle to the pool,Returns a connection to the pool
  1. 如果已经close则释放连接
  2. 如果入参PooledConnection con不为空,returnedCount递增
  3. 如果连接已经被标注为被怀疑超时的对象,日志开启的情况下则打印日志
  4. busy队列移除该连接成功,如果shouldClose则释放并打印debug日志:“Connection [”+con+"] will be closed and not returned to the pool."
  5. 如果shouldClose为false
protected boolean shouldClose(PooledConnection con, int action) {
    if (con.getConnectionVersion() < getPoolVersion()) return true;
    if (con.isDiscarded()) return true;
    if (isClosed()) return true;
    if (!con.validate(action)) return true;
    if (!terminateTransaction(con)) return true;
    if (con.isMaxAgeExpired()) return true;
    else return false;
  1. 如果idle大于等于最大值并且没有开启清扫任务,不提交连接至idle,释放连接,否则,提交连接至idle,如果offer提交失败,释放连接;打印debug日志
if (((idle.size()>=poolProperties.getMaxIdle()) && !poolProperties.isPoolSweeperEnabled()) || (!idle.offer(con))) {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
        log.debug("Connection ["+con+"] will be closed and not returned to the pool, idle["+idle.size()+"]>=maxIdle["+poolProperties.getMaxIdle()+"] idle.offer failed.");
  1. isPooledSweeperEnabled是否开启了清扫任务并且配置合理
  • 7.1 evict驱逐任务周期不为0,并且开启了removeAbandon移除狂热对象并且移除狂热对象超时配置大于0,直接返回true。
public boolean isPoolSweeperEnabled() {
    boolean timer = getTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis()>0;
    boolean result = timer && (isRemoveAbandoned() && getRemoveAbandonedTimeout()>0);
    result = result || (timer && getSuspectTimeout()>0);
    result = result || (timer && isTestWhileIdle() && getValidationQuery()!=null);
    result = result || (timer && getMinEvictableIdleTimeMillis()>0);
    return result;
  1. busy队列移除该连接失败,释放连接,打印debug日志:“Connection [”+con+"] will be closed and not returned to the pool, busy.remove failed."
  2. 初始化完成
  • DataSource.ConnectionPool.getConnection
  1. 从连接池中获取连接
public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {
    //check out a connection
    PooledConnection con = borrowConnection(-1,null,null);
    return setupConnection(con);
  • FairBlockingQueue(idle队列的可配置实现)
  • offer超时方法未实现,实际调用的offer无超时方法
  • offer提交
  • 如果waiters大于0说明已经开始排队,则当前提交的对象附加到CountDownLatch上并且countDown唤醒异步拉取的任务
public boolean offer(E e) {
    //during the offer, we will grab the main lock
    final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
    ExchangeCountDownLatch<E> c = null;
    try {
        //check to see if threads are waiting for an object
        if (waiters.size() > 0) {
            //if threads are waiting grab the latch for that thread
            c = waiters.poll();
            //give the object to the thread instead of adding it to the pool
            if (isLinux) c.countDown();
        } else {
            //we always add first, so that the most recently used object will be given out
    } finally {
    //if we exchanged an object with another thread, wake it up.
    if (!isLinux && c!=null) c.countDown();
    //we have an unbounded queue, so always return true
    return true;
  • 否则添加至items头部addFirst
  • poll同步拉取,直接调用items的linkedlist的poll方法
public E poll() {
    ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;

    Object var2;
    try {
        var2 = this.items.poll();
    } finally {

    return var2;
  • poll异步拉取
  • 如果items拉取为空,则将拉取任务以CountDownLatch方式提交至waiters,返回CountDownLatch的Future
public Future<E> pollAsync() {
    Future<E> result = null;
    final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
    //grab the global lock
    try {
        //check to see if we have objects in the queue
        E item = items.poll();
        if (item==null) {
            //queue is empty, add ourselves as waiters
            ExchangeCountDownLatch<E> c = new ExchangeCountDownLatch<>(1);
            //return a future that will wait for the object
            result = new ItemFuture<>(c);
        } else {
            //return a future with the item
            result = new ItemFuture<>(item);
    } finally {
    return result;
  • poll超时拉取
  • 如果items拉取为空,并且超时配置大于0
  • 将拉取任务以CountDownLatch方式提交至waiters,CountDownLatch等待设置的超时时间,如果超时waiters移除该次任务并返回null,否则获取正常的CountDownLatch附加的元素返回
public E poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException {
    E result = null;
    final ReentrantLock lock = this.lock;
    //acquire the global lock until we know what to do
    try {
        //check to see if we have objects
        result = items.poll();
        if (result==null && timeout>0) {
            //the queue is empty we will wait for an object
            ExchangeCountDownLatch<E> c = new ExchangeCountDownLatch<>(1);
            //add to the bottom of the wait list
            //unlock the global lock
            boolean didtimeout = true;
            InterruptedException interruptedException = null;
            try {
                //wait for the specified timeout
                didtimeout = !c.await(timeout, unit);
            } catch (InterruptedException ix) {
                interruptedException = ix;
            if (didtimeout) {
                //if we timed out, or got interrupted
                // remove ourselves from the waitlist
                try {
                } finally {
            //return the item we received, can be null if we timed out
            result = c.getItem();
            if (null!=interruptedException) {
                //we got interrupted
                if ( null!=result) {
                    //we got a result - clear the interrupt status
                    //don't propagate cause we have removed a connection from pool
                } else {
                    throw interruptedException;
        } else {
            //we have an object, release
    } finally {
        if (lock.isHeldByCurrentThread()) {
    return result;




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