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转载 DC中wire_load_model与wire_load_mode
说起wire load model,IC设计EDA流程工程师就会想到DC的两种工具模式:线负载模式(wire load mode)和拓扑模式(topographicalmode)。为什么基本所有深亚微米项目都使用拓扑模式而不是wireload模式?现在还有必要了解wire load model么?其实wire load model是十分经典基础的模型,除了DC,许多EDA工具依然采用...
2019-06-10 20:33:57 12675
转载 11.5 EDK - XPS hangs when there's no correct permission to access xflow.opt file
DescriptionI create a new EDK BSB design. Synthesis runs with no issues, but the implementation hangs without an error message.Below is the message in the XPS console:xflow -wd impleme
2017-03-02 16:28:12 341
转载 作用域
class Demo{ public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } //先执行表达式1,再判断条
2015-01-28 23:04:53 343
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