Software Engineering at Google翻译-III-9-Code Review(代码审查)


Code Review

作者: Tom Manshreck and Caitlin Sadowski

编辑: Lisa Carey




For more information on Critique, see Chapter 19.


代码审查流程(Code Review Flow)



  1. 用户将更改写入其工作区中的代码库。 然后,作者创建了更改的快照:上传到代码审查工具的补丁和相应的描述。 此更改会与代码库产生差异,用于评估更改了哪些代码。
  2. 作者可以使用这个初始补丁来应用自动评审注释或进行自我评审。当作者对变更的差异感到满意时,他们会发送
  3. 作者修改了更改,并根据反馈上传了新的快照,然后回复给审阅者。步骤3和步骤4可以重复多次。
  4. 在评审人员对更改的最新状态感到满意后,他们同意更改并通过将其标记为“对我来说很好”(LGTM)来接受它。默认情况下只需要一个LGTM,尽管惯例可能要求所有审阅者同意更改。
  5. 在一个变更被标记为LGTM之后,只要代码库能够解决所有的注释,并且变更得到批准,作者就可以将变更提交到代码库中。







谷歌是怎么做代码审查的(How Code Review Works at Google)


  • 另一名工程师检查代码的正确性和理解性,确认代码是合适的,并且符合作者的要求。这通常是一个团队成员,尽管也不需要是。这反映在LGTM权限“位”中,这将在同行评审者同意代码“看起来不错”后设置。

  • 代码所有者之一的批准,该代码适合于代码库的这一部分(可以签入特定的目录)。如果作者是这样的所有者,这种认可可能是隐含的。谷歌的代码库是一个树形结构,具有特定目录的分层所有者。(见第16章)。所有者是他们特定目录的看门人。更改可以由任何工程师提出,也可以由任何其他工程师进行LGTM 'ed,但相关目录的所有者还必须批准将此添加到他们的代码库中。这样的所有者可能是技术主管或其他被认为是代码库特定领域专家的工程师。通常由每个团队决定分配所有权特权的范围是广还是窄。

  • 获得具有语言“可读性”的人的认可3,确认代码符合该语言的风格和最佳实践,并检查代码是否按照我们预期的方式编写。如果作者具有这样的可读性,这种认可也可能是隐含的。这些工程师是从全公司范围内的工程师中挑选出来的,他们被授予了该编程语言的可读性。



Mary reviewer可以关注代码的正确性和代码更改的总体有效性;代码所有者可以关注此更改是否适合他们的代码库部分,而不必关注每一行代码的细节。换句话说,审批人通常会寻找与同行审批人不同的东西。毕竟,有人试图将代码检入到他们的项目/目录中。他们更关心这样的问题:“这段代码维护起来容易还是困难?”“这会增加我的技术债务吗?”“在我们的团队中,我们是否有维护它的专业知识?”









代码评审的好处(Code Review Benefits)




  • 检查代码正确性
  • 确保其他工程师能够理解代码更改
  • 强制代码库的一致性
  • 从心理上促进团队所有权
  • 实现知识共享
  • 提供代码评审本身的历史记录


代码的正确性(Code Correctness)







代码的易读性(Comprehension of Code)




代码的一致性(Code Consistency)






心理和文化上的益处(Psychological and Cultural Benefits)






知识共享(Knowledge Sharing)






代码评审的最佳实践(Code Review Best Practices)

保持礼貌和专业(Be Polite and Professional)
Code review can, admittedly, introduce friction and delay to an organization. Most of these issues are not problems with code review per se, but with their chosen implementation of code review. Keeping the code review process running smoothly at Google is no different, and it requires a number of best practices to ensure that code review is worth the effort put into the process. Most of those practices emphasize keeping the process nimble and quick so that code review can scale properly.
无可否认,代码评审会给组织带来分歧和延误。这些问题中的大多数都不是代码审查本身的问题,而是它们选择的代码审查实现的问题。保持代码审查过程在谷歌上平稳运行也是一样的,它需要大量的最佳实践来确保代码审查过程值得投入的努力。大多数实践强调保持过程的敏捷和快速,这样代码评审就可以适当地伸缩。 英文原文
As pointed out in the Culture section of this book, Google heavily fosters a culture of trust and respect. This filters down into our perspective on code review. A software engineer needs an LGTM from only one other engineer to satisfy our requirement on code comprehension, for example. Many engineers make comments and LGTM a change with the understanding that the change can be submitted after those changes are made, without any additional rounds of review. That said, code reviews can introduce anxiety and stress to even the most capable engineers. It is critically important to keep all feedback and criticism firmly in the professional realm.


In general, reviewers should defer to authors on particular approaches and only point out alternatives if the author’s approach is deficient. If an author can demonstrate that several approaches are equally valid, the reviewer should accept the preference of the author. Even in those cases, if defects are found in an approach, consider the review a learning opportunity (for both sides!). All comments should remain strictly professional. Reviewers should be careful about jumping to conclusions based on a code author’s particular approach. It’s better to ask questions on why something was done the way it was before assuming that approach is wrong.


Reviewers should be prompt with their feedback. At Google, we expect feedback from a code review within 24 (working) hours. If a reviewer is unable to complete a review in that time, it’s good practice (and expected) to respond that they’ve at least seen the change and will get to the review as soon as possible. Reviewers should avoid responding to the code review in piecemeal fashion. Few things annoy an author more than getting feedback from a review, addressing it, and then continuing to get unrelated further feedback in the review process.


As much as we expect professionalism on the part of the reviewer, we expect professionalism on the part of the author as well. Remember that you are not your code, and that this change you propose is not “yours” but the team’s. After you check that piece of code into the codebase, it is no longer yours in any case. Be receptive to questions on your approach, and be prepared to explain why you did things in certain ways. Remember that part of the responsibility of an author is to make sure this code is understandable and maintainable for the future.
正如我们期望审稿人的专业性一样,我们也期望作者的专业性。记住,你不是你的代码,你提出的这个改变不是“你的”,而是团队的。在您将这段代码签入代码库后,它在任何情况下都不再是您的。要乐于接受关于你的方法的问题,并准备好解释为什么你会以某种方式做事。请记住,作者的部分职责是确保这些代码在将来是可理解和可维护的。 origin1
It’s important to treat each reviewer comment within a code review as a TODO item; a particular comment might not need to be accepted without question, but it should at least be addressed. If you disagree with a reviewer’s comment, let them know, and let them know why and don’t mark a comment as resolved until each side has had a chance to offer alternatives. One common way to keep such debates civil if an author doesn’t agree with a reviewer is to offer an alternative and ask the reviewer to PTAL (please take another look). Remember that code review is a learning opportunity for both the reviewer and the author. That insight often helps to mitigate any chances for disagreement.
将代码评审中的每个评审人的注释视为TODO项目是很重要的;可能不需要毫无疑问地接受某个特定的评论,但至少应该处理它。如果你不同意评审员的意见,让他们知道,并让他们知道原因,在双方都有机会提供替代方案之前,不要将意见标记为已解决。如果作者不同意审稿人的观点,一种让这种争论保持公正性的常见方法是提供另一种选择,并请审稿人提供PTAL(请再看一遍)。记住,代码审查对于审查者和作者来说都是一个学习的机会。这种洞察力通常有助于减少出现分歧的机会。 英文原文
Code review can, admittedly, introduce friction and delay to an organization. Most of these issues are not problems with code review per se, but with their chosen implementation of code review. Keeping the code review process running smoothly at Google is no different, and it requires a number of best practices to ensure that code review is worth the effort put into the process. Most of those practices emphasize keeping the process nimble and quick so that code review can scale properly.
尽量小的修改(Write Small Changes)
Probably the most important practice to keep the code review process nimble is to keep changes small. A code review should ideally be easy to digest and focus on a single issue, both for the reviewer and the author. Google’s code review process discourages massive changes consisting of fully formed projects, and reviewers can rightfully reject such changes as being too large for a single review. Smaller changes also prevent engineers from wasting time waiting for reviews on larger changes, reducing downtime. These small changes have benefits further down in the software development process as well. It is far easier to determine the source of a bug within a change if that particular change is small enough to narrow it down.
保持代码审查过程灵活的最重要的实践可能是保持变更小。对于审查员和作者来说,理想情况下,代码审查应该易于理解,并且集中于单个问题。谷歌的代码评审过程不鼓励由完全成形的项目组成的大规模更改,评审人员可以正确地拒绝这些更改,因为它们对于单个评审来说太大了。较小的变更还可以防止工程师浪费时间等待较大变更的审查,从而减少停机时间。这些小的变化在软件开发过程中也有好处。如果特定的更改足够小,可以缩小范围,那么在更改中确定bug的来源就容易得多。 英文原文
That said, it’s important to acknowledge that a code review process that relies on small changes is sometimes difficult to reconcile with the introduction of major new features. A set of small, incremental code changes can be easier to digest individually, but more difficult to comprehend within a larger scheme. Some engineers at Google admittedly are not fans of the preference given to small changes. Techniques exist for managing such code changes (development on integration branches, management of changes using a diff base different than HEAD), but those techniques inevitably involve more overhead. Consider the optimization for small changes just that: an optimization, and allow your process to accommodate the occasional larger change.


“Small” changes should generally be limited to about 200 lines of code. A small change should be easy on a reviewer and, almost as important, not be so cumbersome that additional changes are delayed waiting for an extensive review. Most changes at Google are expected to be reviewed within about a day. (This doesn’t necessarily mean that the review is over within a day, but that initial feedback is provided within a day.) About 35% of the changes at Google are to a single file. Being easy on a reviewer allows for quicker changes to the codebase and benefits the author as well. The author wants a quick review; waiting on an extensive review for a week or so would likely impact follow-on changes. A small initial review also can prevent much more expensive wasted effort on an incorrect approach further down the line.


Because code reviews are typically small, it’s common for almost all code reviews at Google to be reviewed by one and only one person. Were that not the case—if a team were expected to weigh in on all changes to a common codebase—there is no way the process itself would scale. By keeping the code reviews small, we enable this optimization. It’s not uncommon for multiple people to comment on any given change— most code reviews are sent to a team member, but also CC’d to appropriate teams— but the primary reviewer is still the one whose LGTM is desired, and only one LGTM is necessary for any given change. Any other comments, though important, are still optional.


Keeping changes small also allows the “approval” reviewers to more quickly approve any given changes. They can quickly inspect whether the primary code reviewer did due diligence and focus purely on whether this change augments the codebase while maintaining code health over time.


编写好的变更说明(Write Good Change Descriptions)
A change description should indicate its type of change on the first line, as a summary. The first line is prime real estate and is used to provide summaries within the code review tool itself, to act as the subject line in any associated emails, and to become the visible line Google engineers see in a history summary within Code Search (see Chapter 17), so that first line is important.


Although the first line should be a summary of the entire change, the description should still go into detail on what is being changed and why. A description of “Bug fix” is not helpful to a reviewer or a future code archeologist. If several related modifications were made in the change, enumerate them within a list (while still keeping it on message and small). The description is the historical record for this change, and tools such as Code Search allow you to find who wrote what line in any particular change in the codebase. Drilling down into the original change is often useful when trying to fix a bug.

虽然第一行应该是整个变更的总结,但是描述仍然应该详细说明变更的内容和原因。关于“Bug修复”的描述对于审查者或未来的代码考古学家来说并没有什么帮助。如果在更改中进行了几个相关的修改,则在列表中枚举它们(同时仍然保持其为消息且较小)。描述是此更改的历史记录,而诸如Code Search之类的工具允许您查找代码库中任何特定更改中的哪一行是由谁编写的。在试图修复bug时,深入研究原始更改通常很有用。

Descriptions aren’t the only opportunity for adding documentation to a change. When writing a public API, you generally don’t want to leak implementation details, but by all means do so within the actual implementation, where you should comment liberally. If a reviewer does not understand why you did something, even if it is correct, it is a good indicator that such code needs better structure or better comments (or both). If, during the code review process, a new decision is reached, update the change description, or add appropriate comments within the implementation. A code review is not just something that you do in the present time; it is something you do to record what you did for posterity.


尽量控制审查人员数量(Keep Reviewers to a Minimum)
Most code reviews at Google are reviewed by precisely one reviewer.9 Because the code review process allows the bits on code correctness, owner acceptance, and language readability to be handled by one individual, the code review process scales quite well across an organization the size of Google.


There is a tendency within the industry, and within individuals, to try to get additional input (and unanimous consent) from a cross-section of engineers. After all, each additional reviewer can add their own particular insight to the code review in question. But we’ve found that this leads to diminishing returns; the most important LGTM is the first one, and subsequent ones don’t add as much as you might think to the equation. The cost of additional reviewers quickly outweighs their value.


The code review process is optimized around the trust we place in our engineers to do the right thing. In certain cases, it can be useful to get a particular change reviewed by multiple people, but even in those cases, those reviewers should focus on different aspects of the same change.


尽可能自动化(Automate Where Possible)
Code review is a human process, and that human input is important, but if there are components of the code process that can be automated, try to do so. Opportunities to automate mechanical human tasks should be explored; investments in proper tooling reap dividends. At Google, our code review tooling allows authors to automatically submit and automatically sync changes to the source control system upon approval (usually used for fairly simple changes).


One of the most important technological improvements regarding automation over the past few years is automatic static analysis of a given code change (see Chapter 20). Rather than require authors to run tests, linters, or formatters, the current Google code review tooling provides most of that utility automatically through what is known as presubmits. A presubmit process is run when a change is initially sent to a reviewer. Before that change is sent, the presubmit process can detect a variety of problems with the existing change, reject the current change (and prevent sending an awkward email to a reviewer), and ask the original author to fix the change first. Such automation not only helps out with the code review process itself, it also allows the reviewers to focus on more important concerns than formatting.


代码评审的类型(Types of Code Reviews)

All code reviews are not alike! Different types of code review require different levels of focus on the various aspects of the review process. Code changes at Google generally fall into one of the following buckets (though there is sometimes overlap):
  • Greenfield reviews and new feature development
  • Behavioral changes, improvements, and optimizations
  • Bug fixes and rollbacks
  • Refactorings and large-scale changes


  • 新功能的评估和开发
  • 行为改变、改进和优化
  • Bug修复和回滚
  • 重构和大规模变更
Greenfield Code Reviews
The least common type of code review is that of entirely new code, a so-called greenfield review. A greenfield review is the most important time to evaluate whether the code will stand the test of time: that it will be easier to maintain as time and scale change the underlying assumptions of the code. Of course, the introduction of entirely new code should not come as a surprise. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, code is a liability, so the introduction of entirely new code should generally solve a real problem rather than simply provide yet another alternative. At Google, we generally require new code and/or projects to undergo an extensive design review, apart from a code review. A code review is not the time to debate design decisions already made in the past (and by the same token, a code review is not the time to introduce the design of a proposed API).


To ensure that code is sustainable, a greenfield review should ensure that an API matches an agreed design (which may require reviewing a design document) and is tested fully, with all API endpoints having some form of unit test, and that those tests fail when the code’s assumptions change. (See Chapter 11). The code should also have proper owners (one of the first reviews in a new project is often of a single OWNERS file for the new directory), be sufficiently commented, and provide supplemental documentation, if needed. A greenfield review might also necessitate the introduction of a project into the continuous integration system. (See Chapter 23).


Most changes at Google generally fall into the broad category of modifications to existing code within the codebase. These additions may include modifications to API endpoints, improvements to existing implementations, or optimizations for other factors such as performance. Such changes are the bread and butter of most software engineers.


In each of these cases, the guidelines that apply to a greenfield review also apply: is this change necessary, and does this change improve the codebase? Some of the best modifications to a codebase are actually deletions! Getting rid of dead or obsolete code is one of the best ways to improve the overall code health of a codebase.


Any behavioral modifications should necessarily include revisions to appropriate tests for any new API behavior. Augmentations to the implementation should be tested in a Continuous Integration (CI) system to ensure that those modifications don’t break any underlying assumptions of the existing tests. As well, optimizations should of course ensure that they don’t affect those tests and might need to include performance benchmarks for the reviewers to consult. Some optimizations might also require benchmark tests.


Bug修复和回滚(Bug Fixes and Rollbacks)
Inevitably, you will need to submit a change for a bug fix to your codebase. When doing so, avoid the temptation to address other issues. Not only does this risk increasing the size of the code review, it also makes it more difficult to perform regression testing or for others to roll back your change. A bug fix should focus solely on fixing the indicated bug and (usually) updating associated tests to catch the error that occurred in the first place.


Addressing the bug with a revised test is often necessary. The bug surfaced because existing tests were either inadequate, or the code had certain assumptions that were not met. As a reviewer of a bug fix, it is important to ask for updates to unit tests if applicable.


Sometimes, a code change in a codebase as large as Google’s causes some dependency to fail that was either not detected properly by tests or that unearths an untested part of the codebase. In those cases, Google allows such changes to be “rolled back,” usually by the affected downstream customers. A rollback consists of a change that essentially undoes the previous change. Such rollbacks can be created in seconds because they just revert the previous change to a known state, but they still require a code review.


It also becomes critically important that any change that could cause a potential rollback (and that includes all changes!) be as small and atomic as possible so that a rollback, if needed, does not cause further breakages on other dependencies that can be difficult to untangle. At Google, we’ve seen developers start to depend on new code very quickly after it is submitted, and rollbacks sometimes break these developers as a result. Small changes help to mitigate these concerns, both because of their atomicity, and because reviews of small changes tend to be done quickly.


重构和大规模变更(Refactorings and Large-Scale Changes)
Many changes at Google are automatically generated: the author of the change isn’t a person, but a machine. We discuss more about the large-scale change (LSC) process in Chapter 22, but even machine-generated changes require review. In cases where the change is considered low risk, it is reviewed by designated reviewers who have approval privileges for our entire codebase. But for cases in which the change might be risky or otherwise requires local domain expertise, individual engineers might be asked to review automatically generated changes as part of their normal workflow.


At first look, a review for an automatically generated change should be handled the same as any other code review: the reviewer should check for correctness and applicability of the change. However, we encourage reviewers to limit comments in the associated change and only flag concerns that are specific to their code, not the underlying tool or LSC generating the changes. While the specific change might be machine generated, the overall process generating these changes has already been reviewed, and individual teams cannot hold a veto over the process, or it would not be possible to scale such changes across the organization. If there is a concern about the underlying tool or process, reviewers can escalate out of band to an LSC oversight group for more information.


We also encourage reviewers of automatic changes to avoid expanding their scope. When reviewing a new feature or a change written by a teammate, it is often reasonable to ask the author to address related concerns within the same change, so long as the request still follows the earlier advice to keep the change small. This does not apply to automatically generated changes because the human running the tool might have hundreds of changes in flight, and even a small percentage of changes with review comments or unrelated questions limits the scale at which the human can effectively operate the tool.


重构和重大变更(Refactorings and Large-Scale Changes)


Code review is one of the most important and critical processes at Google. Code review acts as the glue connecting engineers with one another, and the code review process is the primary developer workflow upon which almost all other processes must hang, from testing to static analysis to CI. A code review process must scale appropriately, and for that reason, best practices, including small changes and rapid feedback and iteration, are important to maintain developer satisfaction and appro‐ priate production velocity



  • Code review has many benefits, including ensuring code correctness, comprehension, and consistency across a codebase.
  • Always check your assumptions through someone else; optimize for the reader.
  • Provide the opportunity for critical feedback while remaining professional.
  • Code review is important for knowledge sharing throughout an organization.
  • Automation is critical for scaling the process.
  • The code review itself provides a historical record.
  • 代码评审有很多好处,包括确保代码的正确性、理解性和代码库的一致性。
  • 总是通过别人来验证你的假设;为读者优化。
  • 在保持专业的同时,提供批判性反馈的机会。
  • 代码评审对于整个组织的知识共享非常重要。
  • 自动化是扩展流程的关键。
  • 代码评审本身提供了一个历史记录。

  1. We also use Gerrit to review Git code, primarily for our open source projects. However, Critique is the pri‐
    mary tool of a typical software engineer at Google. ↩︎

  2. Steve McConnell, Code Complete (Redmond: Microsoft Press, 2004). ↩︎

  3. At Google, “readability” does not refer simply to comprehension, but to the set of styles and best practices that allow code to be maintainable to other engineers. See Chapter 3. ↩︎

  4. Some changes to documentation and configurations might not require a code review, but it is often still pref‐erable to obtain such a review. ↩︎

  5. “Advances in Software Inspection,” IEEE Transactions on So€ware Engineering, SE-12(7): 744–751, July 1986.
    Granted, this study took place before robust tooling and automated testing had become so important in the
    software development process, but the results still seem relevant in the modern software age. ↩︎

  6. Rigby, Peter C. and Christian Bird. 2013. “Convergent software peer review practices.” ESEC/FSE 2013: Pro‐ceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering, August 2013: 202-212. ↩︎

  7. Caitlin Sadowski, Emma Söderberg, Luke Church, Michal Sipko, and Alberto Bacchelli, “Modern code review: a case study at Google.↩︎

  8. Ibid ↩︎

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