windbg - command manual

Help commands

0:000> !help
diskspace <DriveLetter>[:] - Displays free disk space for specified volume
address [address]          - Displays the address space layout
        [-UsageType]       - Displays the address space regions of the given type
analyze [-v]               - Analyzes current exception or bugcheck
cpuid [processor]          - Displays CPU version info for all CPUs
elog_str <message>         - Logs simple message to host event log
cppexr <exraddress>        - Displays a C++ EXCEPTION_RECORD
error [errorcode]          - Displays Win32 & NTSTATUS error string
exchain                    - Displays exception chain for current thread
for_each_frame <cmd>       - Executes command for each frame in current
for_each_local <cmd> $$<n> - Executes command for each local variable in
                             current frame, substituting fixed-name alias
                             $u<n> for each occurrence of $$<n>
gle [-all]                 - Displays last error & status for current thread
imggp <imagebase>          - Displays GP directory entry for 64-bit image
imgreloc <imagebase>       - Relocates modules for an image
list [-? | parameters]     - Displays lists
obja <address>             - Displays OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES[32|64]
owner [symbol!module]      - Detects owner for current exception or
                             bugcheck from triage.ini
rtlavl <address>           - Displays RTL_AVL_TABLE
std_map <address>          - Displays a std::map<>
str <address>              - Displays ANSI_STRING or OEM_STRING
ustr <address>             - Displays UNICODE_STRING

Type ".hh [command]" for more detailed help

0:000> .help /D *
 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z All

. commands matching *:
   .abandon - abandon the current process
   .allow_exec_cmds [0|1] - control execution commands
   .allow_image_mapping [0|1] - control on-demand image file mapping
   .apply_dbp [<options>] - add current data breakpoint state to a
                            register context
   .asm [<options>] - set disassembly options
   .asm- [<options>] - clear disassembly options
   .attach <proc> - attach to <proc> at next execution
   .block { <commands> } - brackets a set of commands for nested execution
   .bpsync [0|1] - special breakpoint behavior for multithreaded debuggees
   .break - break out of the enclosing loop
   .breakin - break into KD
   .cache [<options>] - virtual memory cache control
   .call <fn>(<arg1>, <arg2>, ...) - run a function in the debuggee
   .catch { <commands> } - catch failures in commands
   .chain - list current extensions
   .childdbg <0|1> - turn child process debugging on or off
   .clients - list currently active clients
   .closehandle [<options>] [<handle>] - close the given handle
   .continue - continue the enclosing loop
   .copysym [<options>] <path> - copy current symbol files to a directory
   .create <command line> - create a new process
   .createdir [<options>] [<path>] - control process creation options
   .cxr <address> - dump context record at specified address
                    k* after this gives cxr stack
   .dbgdbg - attach a debugger to the current debugger
   .debug_sw_wow [0|1] - allow interaction with software WOW emulation
   .detach - detach from the current process/dump
   .dml_file <file> - output DML content from file
   .dml_flow <start> <addr> - show basic block code flow
   .dml_start [<options>] - navigable overview of debugger activities
   .do { <commands> } (<cond>) - execute <commands> until <cond> is zero
   .drivers - This command was removed -- use 'lm' or .reload -l)
   .dump [<options>] <filename> - create a dump file on the host system
   .dvalloc [<options>] <bytes> - VirtualAlloc memory in the debuggee
   .dvfree [<options>] <offset> <bytes> - VirtualFree memory in the debuggee
   .echo ["<string>"|<string>] - echo string
   .echotime - output debugger time
   .echotimestamps [0|1] - toggle timestamp output on events
   .ecxr - dump context record for current exception
   .effmach [<machine>] - change current machine type
   .else { <commands> } - if/then/else conditional execution
   .elsif (<cond>) { <commands> } [<else clauses>] - if/then/else conditional
   .enable_long_status [0|1] - dump LONG types in default base
   .enable_unicode [0|1] - dump USHORT array/pointers and unicode strings
   .endsrv <id> - disable the given engine server
   .endpsrv - cause the current session's remote server to exit
   .enumtag - enumerate available tagged data
   .event_code - display cached event instructions
   .eventlog - display log of recent events
   .events - display and select available events
   .eventstr - display any event strings registered by debuggee
   .exepath [<dir>[;...]] - set executable search path
   .exepath+ [<dir>[;...]] - append executable search path
   .expr - control expression evaluator
   .exptr <address> - do .exr and .cxr for EXCEPTION_POINTERS
   .exr <address> - dump exception record at specified address
   .extmatch [<opts>] <pattern> - display all extensions matching pattern
   .extpath <opts> [<dir>[;...]] - set extension search path
   .extpath+ <opts> [<dir>[;...]] - append extension search path
   .f+ - set current stack frame to caller of current frame
   .f- - set current stack frame to callee of current frame
   .fiber <address> - sets context of fiber at address
                      resets context if no address specified
   .fiximports <pattern> - attempts to link imports for images
   .fnent <address> - dump function entry for the given code address
   .fnret <fnaddr> [<retval>] - display formatted return value
   .for ( <init> ; <cond> ; <step> ) { <commands> } - execute <commands> and
                                                      <step> until <cond> is
   .force_radix_output [0|1] - dump integer types in default base
   .force_system_init [<options>] - force pending systems to initialize if possible
   .force_tb - forcibly allow branch tracing
   .foreach [opts] ( <alias> { <tcmds> } ) { <ecmds> } - execute <ecmds> for
                                                         each token in the
                                                         output of <tcmds>
   .fpo <options> - control override FPO information
   .frame [<frame>] - set current stack frame for locals
   .formats <expr> - displays expression result in many formats
   .help [<options>] - display this help
   .holdmem <options> [range] - hold and compare memory data
   .if (<cond>) { <commands> } [<else clauses>] - if/then/else conditional
   .ignore_missing_pages [0|1] - control kernel summary dump missing
                                 page error message
   .imgscan <options> - scan memory for PE images
   .jdinfo <jdi_addr> - interpret AeDebug information
   .kframes <count> - set default stack trace depth
   .kill - kill the current process
   .lastevent - display the last event that occurred
   .leave - exit the enclosing .catch
   .lines - toggle line symbol loading
   .load <name> - add this extension DLL to the extension chain
   .loadby <name> <mod> - add the extension DLL in the module
                          directory to the extension chain
   .locale [<locale>] - set the current locale
   .logfile - display log status
   .logopen [<file>] - open new log file
   .logappend [<file>] - append to log file
   .logclose - close log file
   .netsyms [0|1] - allow/disallow net symbol paths
   .netuse [<options>] - manage net connections
   .noshell - disable shell commands
   .noversion - disable extension version checking
   .ofilter <pattern> - filter debuggee output against the given pattern
   .ocommand <prefix> - treat output with the given prefix as a command
   .opendump <file> - open a dump file
   .outmask <mask> - set bits in the current output mask
   .outmask- <mask> - clear bits in the current output mask
   .pcmd [<options>] - control per-prompt command
   .pop [<options>] - pop state
   .prefer_dml [0|1] - control DML mode default
   .printf "<format>", <args...> - formatted output
   .process [<address>] - sets implicit process
                          resets default if no address specified
   .process_info - display security related information of current process
   .prompt_allow [<options>] - control what information can be displayed
                               at the prompt
   .push [<options>] - push state
   .quit_lock [<options>] - locks session against unexpected quit
   .readmem <file> <range> - read raw memory from a file
   .record_branches [0|1] - controls recording of processor branching
   .reload [<image.ext>[=<address>,<size>]] - reload symbols
   .restart - request a session restart
   .remote <pipename> - start remote.exe server
   .secure [0|1] - disallow operations dangerous for the host
   .send_file <options> - send files to remote server
   .server <options> - start engine server
   .servers - list active remoting servers
   .setdll <name> - debugger will search for extensions in this DLL first
   .shell [<command>] - execute shell command
   .show_read_failures [<opts>] - control extra read failure output
   .show_sym_failures [<opts>] - control extra symbol failure output
   .sleep <milliseconds> - debugger sleeps for given duration
                           useful for allowing access to a machine that's
                           broken in on an ntsd -d
   .srcfix [<path extra>] - fix source search path
   .srcfix+ [<path extra>] - append fixed source search path
   .srcnoisy [0|1] - control verbose source loading output
   .srcpath [<dir>[;...]] - set source search path
   .srcpath+ [<dir>[;...]] - append source search path
   .step_filter [<opts>] ["<pattern>[;<pattern>...]"] - Set symbol patterns
                                                        to skip when stepping
   .symfix [<localsym>] - fix symbol search path
   .symfix+ [<localsym>] - append fixed symbol search path
   .symopt <flags> - set symbol options
   .symopt+ <flags> - set symbol options
   .symopt- <flags> - clear symbol options
   .sympath [<dir>[;...]] - set symbol search path
   .sympath+ [<dir>[;...]] - append symbol search path
   .thread [<address>] - sets context of thread at address
                         resets default context if no address specified
   .time - displays session time information
   .timezone - display timezone information
   .ttime - displays thread time information
   .tlist - list running processes
   .typeopt <flags> - set/clear type options
   .unload <name> - remove this extension DLL from the list of extension DLLs
   .unloadall - remove all extension DLLs from the list of extensions DLLs
   .wake - wake up a .sleep'ing debugger
   .while (<cond>) { <commands> } - execute <commands> while <cond> is non-zero
   .writemem <file> <range> - write raw memory to a file
   .rrestart - register current session for Application Restart
   .urestart - unregister current session from Application Restart
   .inline - query the state whether debuggers should query inline functions
   .stkwalk_force_frame_pointer - query or set the state whether debuggers should unwind stack solely based on frame pointer

Regular commands:
K, KB x                    - Displays stack trace of current thread (x frames). 
                             Kb causes the display to include the first thress parameters
                 passwd to each function

.frame x                   - Display frame information

R                          - Displays register set. reax - displays the eax register.

t                          - Trace = Step into (F11)

p                          - Step Over (F10)
                             Step Out  (Shift + F11)

u                          - Unassemble next few instructions
u <start_address>
u <start_address> <end_address>

Bl                         - List breakpoints
be, bd, bc                 - Enable / disable / clear breakpoint
bp                         - Set a breakpoint
                             Set unresolved breakpoint. Breakpoint is resolved by symbolic name, not abslute address.
bu                         - Use this to set breakpoint at a bu foo function whose containing module has not yet been loaded.

*                          - Ignores the command (* Hello World)

G <address_X /symbol>      - Go Resume execution until address_X
GH                         - Go, exception handled
GN                         - Go, exception not handled

Q                          - Quit

dv                         - Display local variables
dd  <address>              - Display dword values at specified address
ds, da, du                 - Dump string
dt,                        - Dump type. Will dump the contents of the memory using typedef as a template

Eb, ed, ea, eu             - edit value of a variable (byte, dword, ascii, unicode)

lm                         - List loaded modules, (Lmi, lmi, LmD, !dlls)

~                          - Lists all threads
~n<command>                - Switch to s specific thread by thread-id and execute a command on the thread (~2kb)

X module!<pattern>         - 
.dump                      -
.lines                     - 
ln adr                     - Will show the symbol nearest to that location.

vertarget                  - Shows information about the system on which you are debugging

ba                         - Sets a data breakpoint. You can break on read/write/execute attempt ba w4 adr of a memory location.
ba r/w/e size adr          - ba r 4 0x4000000

.lastevent                 - Displays last exception record (Enable/disable/notify-noly/ignore)
Sx, Sxe, Sxd, Sxn          - First chance exception / event
Sxi exception_X exception_X   - Examples of event module unload/thread creation.

Meta or Dot-Commands
.help /D a*

.reload                    - Reloads symbols using the symbol path you would have set.

;                          - Command separator

?                          - Evaluate expression

|                          - Display process information

.chain                     - Lists all loaded debugger extensions.

.echo <string>             - Echo/print any string

.exr  <address_X>          - Display exception record at X.
.cxr  <address_X>          - Display context record at X.

.trap                      - Dump a trap frame

0:000> !
acl <address> [flags]        - Displays the ACL
atom <address>               - Displays the atom or table(s) for the process
avrf [-? | parameters]       - Displays or modifies App Verifier settings
cs [-? | parameters]         - Displays critical sections for the process
cxr                          - Obsolete, .cxr is new command
dlls [-h | parameters]       - Displays loaded DLLS
exr                          - Obsolete, .exr is new command
findthis [-? | options]     - Search the registers for the this pointer
gflag [-?|<value>]           - Displays the global flag
heap [-? | parameters]       - Displays heap info
help                         - Displays this list
kuser                        - Displays KUSER_SHARED_DATA
peb [address]                - Displays the PEB structure
psr <value>|@ipsr [flags]    - Displays an IA64 Processor Status Word
sd <address> [flags]         - Displays the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR
shipassert                   - Displays ship asserts
sid <address> [flags]        - Displays the SID
slist [-? | parameters]      - Displays singly-linked list
stl [options] <varname>      - Dumps an STL variable
stltree [options] <address>  - Dumps an STL set, map, multiset, or multimap
teb [address]                - Displays the TEB structure
tls <slot | -1> [teb | 0]    - Dumps TLS slots. !tls /? for usage
token [-n|-?] <handle|addr>  - Displays TOKEN
tp <command>                 - Dump threadpool information

Type ".hh [command]" for more detailed help

ld *

Extension Commands
!load, !unload

Remote Debug
Server:  .server tcp:port=5005
         .server tcp:port=5005,password=123
Client:  tcp:Port=5005,server=x.x.x.x
fastboot android10版本 ubuntu linux平台 fastboot version 28.0.2-PD02.200305.0422 $ fastboot -h usage: fastboot [OPTION...] COMMAND... flashing: update ZIP Flash all partitions from an package. flashall Flash all partitions from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT. On A/B devices, flashed slot is set as active. Secondary images may be flashed to inactive slot. flash PARTITION [FILENAME] Flash given partition, using the image from $ANDROID_PRODUCT_OUT if no filename is given. basics: devices [-l] List devices in bootloader (-l: with device paths). getvar NAME Display given bootloader variable. reboot [bootloader] Reboot device. locking/unlocking: flashing lock|unlock Lock/unlock partitions for flashing flashing lock_critical|unlock_critical Lock/unlock 'critical' bootloader partitions. flashing get_unlock_ability Check whether unlocking is allowed (1) or not(0). advanced: erase PARTITION Erase a flash partition. format[:FS_TYPE[:SIZE]] PARTITION Format a flash partition. set_active SLOT Set the active slot. oem [COMMAND...] Execute OEM-specific command. gsi wipe|disable Wipe or disable a GSI installation (fastbootd only). boot image: boot KERNEL [RAMDISK [SECOND]] Download and boot kernel from RAM. flash:raw PARTITION KERNEL [RAMDISK [SECOND]] Create boot image and flash it. --dtb DTB Specify path to DTB for boot image header version 2. --cmdline CMDLINE Override kernel command line. --base ADDRESS Set kernel base address (default: 0x10000000). --kernel-offset Set kernel offset (default: 0x00008000). --ramdisk-offset Set ramdisk offset (default: 0x01000000)




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