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原创 转:android开发之wifi网络操作初步


2012-02-22 18:01:11 136

原创 使用SocketChannel的NIO客户机服务器通信示例。(转)

 这只是长征路上的一小步,以后还有待改进。NIO Selector示意图:客户端代码:import java.io.IOException;import java.net.InetSocketAddress;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;import java.nio.channels....

2012-02-22 17:08:25 112

原创 转:使用非阻塞ServerSocketChannel、SocketChannel代替ServerSocket和Socket

在使用传统的ServerSocket和Socket的时候 很多时候程序是会阻塞的比如 serversocket.accept() , socket.getInputStream().read() 的时候都会阻塞 accept()方法除非等到客户端socket的连接或者被异常中断 否则会一直等待下去read()方法也是如此 除非在输入流中有了足够的数据 否则该方法也会一直等待下去知道数据的到...

2012-02-22 16:46:57 232

原创 (转)Android Socket 开发

根据之前的经验,应用软件的网络通信无非就是Socket和HTTP,其中Socket又可以用TCP和UDP,HTTP的话就衍生出很多方式,基础的HTTP GET和POST请求,然后就是WebService的SOAP。在这些方式中,Socket当然是最基础的。因此先从Socket开始。服务端就不需要过多的说明了,无论采用什么语言什么平台都可以,只要遵循基本的Socket监听模式就行。...

2012-02-21 18:14:36 286

原创 android socket通讯,PC和模拟器,两个模拟器之间的通信

 =====================================================================================我已经试验成功: ps:模拟器做服务器,PC机做客户端。如果通过wifi连接的话直接访问IP就行,不用重定向。      PC访问模拟器用localhost即127.0.0.1,模拟器 访问模拟器用10....

2012-02-21 17:28:02 592 1

原创 (转)android Service 服务的生命周期——四大组件之Service

(转)android Service 服务的生命周期——四大组件之Service  1、Service的概念  2、Service的生命周期  3、实例:控制音乐播放的Service 一、Service的概念Service是Android程序中四大基础组件之一,它和Activity一样都是Context的子类,只不过它没有UI界面,是在后台运行的组件。 ...

2012-02-21 17:26:46 208

原创 (转)android broadcastReceiver生命周期及两种应用——四大组件之BroadcastReceiver

android broadcastReceiver生命周期及两种应用一:Android 广播的生命周期        一个广播接收者有一个回调方法:void onReceive(Context curContext, Intent broadcastMsg)。当一个广播消息到达接收者时,Android调用它的onReceive()方法并传递给它包含消息的Intent对象。广播接...

2012-02-21 17:25:18 94

原创 (转)PC客户端与Android服务端的Socket同步通信(USB)

 需求:     1.一个android端的service后台运行的程序,作为socket的服务器端;用于接收Pc client端发来的命令,来处理数据后,把结果发给PC client     2.PC端程序,作为socket的客户端,用于给android手机端发操作命令 难点分析:     1.手机一定要有adb模式,即插上USB线时马上提示的对话框选adb。好多对手机的...

2012-02-21 17:23:53 108

原创 java多线程总结

今天编写多线程遇到了个问题,所以上网找了些java多线程的资料,现做一下总结。----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 先来说一下我的问题:父线程开启一个子线程,子线程中Thread.sleep(timeout),如果父线程没有退出,子线程可以从...

2012-02-15 17:46:24 111

原创 转:关于Tomcat虚拟主机域名的设置

 1.设置本地主机域名    Hosts是一个没有扩展名的系统文件,可以用记事本等工具打开,其作用就是将一些常用的网址域名与其对应的IP地址建立一个关联“数据库”,当用户在浏览器中输入一个需要登录的网址时,系统会首先自动从Hosts文件中寻找对应的IP地址,一旦找到,系统会立即打开对应网页,如果没有找到,则系统再会将网址提交DNS域名解析服务器进行IP地址的解析。    通过修改本地...

2012-01-11 18:10:42 82

原创 转:Tomcat配置技巧大全

 现在开发Java Web应用,建立和部署Web内容是一件很简单的工作。使用Jakarta Tomcat作为Servlet和JSP容器的人已经遍及全世界。Tomcat具有免费、跨平台等诸多特性,并且更新得很快,现在非常的流行。 你所需要做的就是:按照你的需求配置Tomcat,只要你正确配置,Tomcat一般都能适合你的要求。下面是一系列关于Tomcat的配置技巧,这些技巧源...

2012-01-11 18:09:12 107

原创 转:点击弹出窗口之外的区域关闭该窗口的方法

之前做了一个弹出窗口使用alertdialog来实现的,效果很不错google都给加了特效,如窗口的边框,窗口的标题以及后面activity的蒙灰,然后用返回键关闭,原本都做好了可是需求忽然变了,想要加一个关闭按钮,可是alertdialog的title位置挡着,没办法在右上角加一个title,如图 ,所以想了一个新的交互方式,点击窗口之外来关闭窗口,可是查了好久发现google根...

2011-12-28 22:08:49 692

原创 Android 中 PopupWindow 响应返回键并关闭的问题

 PopupWindow 跟我们的 Activity 不一样,因为我们在构造 PW 的时候往往不是继承来的,而是 new 出来的。所以不能使用重写 PW 的 onKeyDown() 之类的方法来截获键盘事件。好在 PW 本身的特性让我们很容易就能做到用返回键来退出,当然我们也可以截获键盘事件,这样就有两种方法了。最简单——在 new 的时候,使用下面的方法: ...

2011-12-28 21:05:59 407

原创 转发:html:select标签用法

 html:select标签用法<html:select property="if_end"> <option value="0">否</option> <option value="1">是</option> </html:select> 将option中

2011-12-02 15:19:00 148

原创 给form表单元素添加提示tooltip

html中加tooltip的方法http://hi.baidu.com/huyangtree/blog/item/75d9c13687f322355ab5f509.html1。 如果是image,可以用alt和title属性2。 如果是其他元素,可以用title属性http://www.javascriptkit.com/howto/toolmsg.shtml3。 如果是i...

2011-12-02 12:53:47 3944

原创 js,jquery,数组操作小结

  ----------------------------------------------------------定义数组----------------------------------------------------------$(function(){ var aArray = {};//定义一个数组 aArray['name'] = "张三"; ...

2011-11-29 17:23:10 116

原创 Android 中的string.xml用法小结

下面为Strings.xml文件中一些常用标签: <b></b>加粗字体 <i></i> 斜体字体 <u></u> 给字体加下划线 \n 换行 \u0020表示空格 \u2026表示省略号 使用<b>和<b>来打印出<b></b&

2011-11-24 21:39:00 239

原创 window.open 参数详解

window.open 参数经常上网的朋友可能会到过这样一些网站,一进入首页立刻会弹出一个窗口,或者按一个连接或按钮弹出,通常在这个窗口里会显示一些注意事项、版权信息、警告、欢迎光顾之类的话或者作者想要特别提示的信息。其实制作这样的页面效果非常的容易,只要往该页面的HTML里加入几段Javascript代码即可实现。下面俺就带您剖析它的奥秘。【1...

2011-11-17 17:52:48 333

eccv_Real-Time Compresssive Tracking

Abstract.It is a challenging task to develop effective and efficient appearance models for robust object tracking due to factors such as pose variation, illumination change, occlusion, and motion blur. Existing online tracking algorithms often update models with samples from observations in recent frames. While much success has been demonstrated, numerous issues remain to be addressed. First, while these adaptive appearance models are data-dependent, there does not exist sufficient amount of data for online algorithms to learn at the outset. Second, online tracking algorithms often encounter the drift problems. As a result of self-taught learning, these mis-aligned samples are likely to be added and degrade the appearance models. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective and efficient tracking algorithm with an appearance model based on features extracted from the multi-scale image feature space with data-independent basis. Our appearance model employs nonadaptive random projections that preserve the structure of the image feature space of objects. A very sparse measurement matrix is adopted to efficiently extract the features for the appearance model. We compress samples of foreground targets and the background using the same sparse measurement matrix. The tracking task is formulated as a binary classification via a naive Bayes classifier with online update in the compressed domain. The proposed compressive tracking algorithm runs in real-time and performs favorably against state-of-the-art algorithms on challenging sequences in terms of efficiency, accuracy and robustness.


Improved Boosting Algorithms

Abstract. We describe several improvements to Freund and Schapire’s AdaBoost boosting algorithm, particularly in a setting in which hypotheses may assign confidences to each of their predictions. We give a simplified analysis of AdaBoost in this setting, and we show how this analysis can be used to find improved parameter settings as well as a refined criterion for training weak hypotheses. We give a specific method for assigning confidences to the predictions of decision trees, a method closely related to one used by Quinlan. This method also suggests a technique for growing decision trees which turns out to be identical to one proposed by Kearns and Mansour. We focus next on how to apply the new boosting algorithms to multiclass classification problems, particularly to the multi-label case in which each example may belong to more than one class. We give two boosting methods for this problem, plus a third method based on output coding. One of these leads to a new method for handling the single-label case which is simpler but as effective as techniques suggested by Freund and Schapire. Finally, we give some experimental results comparing a few of the algorithms discussed in this paper. Keywords: Boosting algorithms, multiclass classification, output coding, decision trees



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