Opencms 技术文档

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OpenCms 8.5.2 Documentation
Wednesday, July, 10, 2013
Document version 1.3
OpenCms 8.5.2 Documentation
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Document version 1.3
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1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 5
2 Page editor.................................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Toolbar ..................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 Edit points ................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Add content .............................................................................................................. 6
2.3.1 Creating new content ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.3.2 Searching existing content ................................................................................................................ 8
2.4 Clipboard .................................................................................................................. 8
2.5 Context menu ........................................................................................................... 9
2.5.1 Properties .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.2 Attributes ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.3 Availability ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.5.4 Lock report ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.5 Assign categories ............................................................................................................................ 10
2.5.6 SEO options .................................................................................................................................... 10
2.5.7 Undo changes ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.5.8 Show workplace .............................................................................................................................. 10
2.6 Publish ................................................................................................................... 10
3 Sitemap editor .......................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Open the editor ...................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Sitemap editor toolbar ............................................................................................ 11
3.3 Publish ................................................................................................................... 12
3.4 Create page ........................................................................................................... 12
3.4.1 Container pages .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.4.2 Edit model pages ............................................................................................................................. 12
3.4.3 Type pages ...................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.4 Function pages ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.5 Clipboard ................................................................................................................ 13
3.6 Display all resources .............................................................................................. 14
3.7 Context menu ......................................................................................................... 14
3.8 Edit point ................................................................................................................ 14
3.9 Page types ............................................................................................................. 15
3.9.1 Model pages .................................................................................................................................... 15
3.9.2 Detail pages .................................................................................................................................... 15
3.9.3 Function detail page ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.9.4 Navigation level ............................................................................................................................... 18
3.9.5 Hidden entries ................................................................................................................................. 19
4 Content editor ........................................................................................................... 20
4.1 Widgets .................................................................................................................. 21
4.1.1 String widget .................................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.2 Boolean widget ................................................................................................................................ 21
4.1.3 Display widget ................................................................................................................................. 22
4.1.4 Select widget ................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.5 Text area widget .............................................................................................................................. 22
4.1.6 Radio button widget ......................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.7 Multi select widget ........................................................................................................................... 23
4.1.8 Combo widget ................................................................................................................................. 23
4.1.9 Resource type combo widget .......................................................................................................... 23
4.1.10 HTML widget ................................................................................................................................... 23
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4.1.11 Localization widget .......................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.12 Color picker widget .......................................................................................................................... 24
4.1.13 Date picker widget ........................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.14 Category widget .............................................................................................................................. 25
4.1.15 Group widget ................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.16 Multi group widget ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.17 VFS file widget ................................................................................................................................ 26
4.1.18 VFS image widget ........................................................................................................................... 27
4.1.19 Image gallery widget ....................................................................................................................... 28
4.1.20 Download gallery widget.................................................................................................................. 28
4.1.21 HTML gallery widget ........................................................................................................................ 28
4.1.22 Table gallery widget ........................................................................................................................ 29
4.1.23 Link gallery widget ........................................................................................................................... 29
4.2 Select widget configuration .................................................................................... 30
4.3 Implement Custom Widgets ................................................................................... 30
4.4 Implementing widgets for nested contents .............................................................. 31
5 Inline editor ............................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Fields supporting inline edit .................................................................................... 32
5.2 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 33
5.2.1 Formatters ....................................................................................................................................... 33
5.2.2 Nested contents .............................................................................................................................. 33
5.2.3 Details ............................................................................................................................................. 33
6 Element group .......................................................................................................... 34
6.1 Description ............................................................................................................. 34
6.2 Combination with model pages .............................................................................. 34
6.3 Using the element group ........................................................................................ 34
7 Inheritance group ..................................................................................................... 36
7.1 Description ............................................................................................................. 36
7.2 Basic definitions ..................................................................................................... 36
7.3 Usage .................................................................................................................... 36
7.3.1 Creating new Inheritance groups ..................................................................................................... 36
7.3.2 Using existing Inheritance groups ................................................................................................... 36
7.3.3 Changing Inheritance groups .......................................................................................................... 36
7.4 Internals ................................................................................................................. 40
8 Collectors ................................................................................................................. 41
8.1 Implementation....................................................................................................... 41
8.2 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 41
8.3 Using collectors in JSP files ................................................................................... 41
8.4 Making lists droppable ............................................................................................ 42
8.5 Using detail pages with collectors........................................................................... 42
8.6 Code example ........................................................................................................ 42
9 XSD choice element ................................................................................................. 43
9.1 Definition ................................................................................................................ 43
9.2 Single and multiple choices .................................................................................... 44
9.3 Content editor ........................................................................................................ 44
9.4 Accessing values in JSP ........................................................................................ 44
9.5 Examples ............................................................................................................... 45
10 ADE configuration .................................................................................................... 46
10.1 Sitemap configuration............................................................................................. 46
10.2 Module configuration .............................................................................................. 46
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10.3 Configuration inheritance ....................................................................................... 46
11 Solr search integration ............................................................................................ 47
11.1 Abstract .................................................................................................................. 47
11.2 Searching for content in OpenCms......................................................................... 47
11.2.1 DEMO.............................................................................................................................................. 47
11.2.2 Quick start example ......................................................................................................................... 47
11.2.3 Advanced search features ............................................................................................................... 50
11.2.4 Using the standard OpenCms Solr collector.................................................................................... 50
11.3 Indexing content of OpenCms ................................................................................ 51
11.3.1 Search configuration ....................................................................................................................... 51
11.3.2 Indexed data .................................................................................................................................... 54
11.4 Behind the walls ..................................................................................................... 57
11.4.1 The request handler ........................................................................................................................ 57
11.4.2 Permission check ............................................................................................................................ 57
11.4.3 Configurable post processor ............................................................................................................ 57
11.4.4 Multilingual support ......................................................................................................................... 58
11.4.5 Multilingual dependency resolving ................................................................................................... 58
11.4.6 Extraction result cache .................................................................................................................... 58
11.5 Frequently asked questions.................................................................................... 58
11.5.1 How is Solr integrated in general? ................................................................................................... 58
11.5.2 How to sort text for specific languages? .......................................................................................... 59
11.5.3 How to highlight the search query in results? .................................................................................. 60
11.5.4 Solr mailing list questions ................................................................................................................ 61
12 SEO ........................................................................................................................... 62
12.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 62
12.2 Aliases ................................................................................................................... 62
12.2.1 Simple aliases ................................................................................................................................. 62
12.2.2 Rewrite aliases ................................................................................................................................ 62
12.2.3 Internals........................................................................................................................................... 63
12.2.4 SEO options dialog .......................................................................................................................... 63
12.2.5 Edit aliases dialog ........................................................................................................................... 65
12.2.6 Creating new aliases ....................................................................................................................... 66
12.2.7 Editing existing aliases .................................................................................................................... 66
12.2.8 Exporting and importing aliases ...................................................................................................... 66
12.3 Automatic robots.txt and XML sitemap generation ................................................. 67
12.3.1 XML sitemap generation.................................................................................................................. 67
12.3.2 Generation of robots.txt ................................................................................................................... 68
13 CMIS .......................................................................................................................... 69
13.1 Accessing OpenCms via CMIS .............................................................................. 69
13.2 CMIS integration .................................................................................................... 70
14 JSP basics ................................................................................................................ 75
14.1 JSP features .......................................................................................................... 75
14.2 The JSP <cms>-taglib ....................................................................................... 75
14.2.1 How to insert the "taglib" directive? ................................................................................................. 75
14.2.2 Available tags .................................................................................................................................. 75
14.2.3 Available EL functions ..................................................................................................................... 76
OpenCms 8.5.2 Documentation
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1 Introduction
This documentation has been developed by Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts. We
offer standard service and support packages for OpenCms, providing an optional layer of
security and convenience often required for mission critical OpenCms projects. For more
information about our services, please contact us at
It aims to help developers from getting started with OpenCms up to getting familiar with
advanced development topics regarding OpenCms. It uses links referring a locally installed
OpenCms version >= 8.5.1 including the OpenCms v8 Modules (modules-v8) together with the
OpenCms Developer Modules (dev-demo). In order to use the interactive development demo
from OpenCms 8 together with this documentation we assume you have OpenCms up and
running with a the OpenCms main servlet is reachable at:
http://localhost:8080/opencms/opencms. If so, you are able to use the links
inside this documentation that will open the according DEMO pages inside the "Wonderful world
of flowers".
If you don't have a running OpenCms including the Alkacon OpenCms Demo Modules yet, you
can download the latest OpenCms release here and read the OpenCms server installation
instructions that are located in the distributed ZIP (installation.html) and you will see how easy it
is to setup OpenCms.
This documentation is published under the GNU FDL Free Documentation License by Alkacon
Software GmbH. We certainly welcome all contributions and feedback to this documentation.
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2 Page editor
The Page editor is the main view that allows you to add, arrange and edit the contents of a page
while previewing it. Moreover, it provides access to all necessary user tasks like sitemap
manipulation, publishing and file attribute or property handling.
2.1 Toolbar
The toolbar can be toggled by clicking the colored edit point top-right, when browsing the
offline preview of the webpage. The toolbar is docked on the window top and shows available
options for editing the currently displayed page.
Available options
Publish: Opens the publish dialog.
Clipboard: Opens the clipboard, where favorites and recent changes can be accessed.
Add content: The "Add content" allows adding content to a page by drag & drop.
Edit point: Clicking "Edit point" marks editable elements on the page with grey points.
Context: Shows the Context menu for the current page.
Sitemap: Switches to the sitemap editor.
2.2 Edit points
By clicking on the Edit point on the toolbar, you can turn on / off the edit mode for all elements
on the page. The edit points appear on all editable elements.
2.3 Add content
2.3.1 Creating new content
Clicking the Add content opens the gallery dialog and shows a list of all possible content types
that can be added to the current container page.
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This dialog enables the content manager to create new content and also to retrieve existing
contents. In order to create a new content he simply drags a content type of his choice onto the
page and a new instance of that type is created internally.
While dragging an element those sections are highlighted where the element can be dropped:
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2.3.2 Searching existing content
In order to reuse existing content, click on the Add content icon, select one or more resource
types and click on the results tab. All elements displayed can be dragged onto the page. You
can refine your search by selecting single or multiple criteria in each tab (Types, Galleries,
Categories and Advanced). A click on the results tab will refresh the result list containing all
contents matching your given criteria.
2.4 Clipboard
By clicking on the on the Clipboard icon in the toolbar you can access your personal favorites
and a list of elements you have recently used. You can directly add content from the clipboard
to your page by drag & drop.
You can add a content element to your favorites by using the Add to favorites.
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2.5 Context menu
By selecting the context menu icon from the toolbar you can access:
● Properties: Display and edit the OpenCms properties of current container page.
● Attributes: Container page attributes, like date created, date last modified, etc.
● Availability: Opens the availability dialog
● Lock report: Lock state report of current container page
● Assign categories: Dialog to assign categories to current container page
● SEO options: Search engine optimization
● Undo changes: Recovers the last published version of the container page
● Show workplace: Open the OpenCms workplace
● Logout: Logout from the OpenCms workplace
2.5.1 Properties
To edit the container page’s properties, select the Properties option from the Context menu.
The newly designed property dialog allows changing of all properties of the. There are 3
different subsets of properties available: Basic, Individual and Shared Properties. The basic
properties are a configurable subset of available properties.
2.5.2 Attributes
The attributes dialog shows next to some general information about the container page more
additional metadata including: the page’s title, its resource type, file size, resource state (new,
changed, deleted, etc.) and the information about who and when the page was created.
Moreover it shows the last modification date and the project the page belongs to. The language
and the permissions the current user has are display also.
2.5.3 Availability
By selecting the Availability option from the context menu you can set several concerning the
container page’s online visibility. Available options are:
Publish scheduled date: Using the publish scheduled function, this page will be published
automatically on the set date/time.
Date released: By setting the release date, this page will be visible online from the chosen
date / time on (if published).
Date expired: By setting the expiration date, this page will be online (if published) until this
date / time and the will disappear from the public website but still remains as resource in
Dates can be set by keyboard input or by using the calendar widget that appear, when the date
field is clicked.
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2.5.4 Lock report
The Lock report dialog displays the locking state for the current page. If it has been locked by
another user you can retrieve information about the user and the according project here. This
dialog is also able to consider inherited locks.
2.5.5 Assign categories
This option opens a comfortable widget for assigning categories to the current page.
2.5.6 SEO options
Pops up a dialog that offers a mask that enables the content manager to set the most relevant
properties for SEO of a container page, meaning: Title, Description and Keywords. Additionally
it is possible to define aliases for the page. As for rewrite rules you can choose between
sending a temporary redirect (302 returned) or sending a permanent redirect (301) or just show
the page (200). Already set aliases are displayed below.
2.5.7 Undo changes
Choosing this entry will recover the last published state of the current container page.
2.5.8 Show workplace
To open the OpenCms workplace in a new window, select the Show workplace option from the
context menu. The OpenCms workplace features more advanced options to manage content
and resources and offers a lot of administration options. The workplace should only be
accessed by power users meaning administrators, developers or really advanced content
2.6 Publish
After you have finished your work and you want to make your changes visible to the public now,
you need to publish what will make the changed content visible in the online version of the
website. To publish the edited pages and also other changes you have done, click on the
Publish icon. The publish list contains all unpublished resources that have been added,
modified or deleted by the current user. Unchanged resources are never shown in the publish
list. If a resource is locked by another user it will not be shown in the publish list. For a better
overview the publish list is split into different sections each representing a user session. It is
possible to select single resources with a checkbox, or select / deselect all displayed resources
or select / deselect all resources of a certain session. On hovering an option – to remove a
single resource from the user's personal publish list – appears. If an item was removed from the
publish list, it will reappear if the dialog is opened again. Selecting an option will also affect
siblings or related resources if existent. This behavior can be turned off/on by the option called
"Include related resources" / “Include siblings”.
● Include related resources will publish all new / changed resources that are related to the
original resource (e.g. images or linked resources)
● Include siblings will publish resources that are directly link to the original resource and that
get changed when the original resource gets changed.
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3 Sitemap editor
The sitemap editor allows you to build the site’s navigation structure by creating new container
pages and changing the navigation information of the existing pages. The sitemap represents
the website’s structure displaying the container page tree. The user can drop new container
pages to different levels of the navigation tree, enter further information like title, create new sub
sitemaps or change the order of the pages with drag & drop. The sitemap hierarchy describes
the navigation structure of the website and is co-responsible for the URLs visible to the public. It
approximates the file tree in the Virtual File System (VFS) of OpenCms but does not cover it
3.1 Open the editor
From the page editor click the icon Sitemap in the toolbar. The sitemap editor displays the page
tree in the order they appear in the navigation. When moving the mouse over a page (sitemap
entry) two options are displayed on the right side of the bar: Context and Move.
3.2 Sitemap editor toolbar
Publish: Opens the publish dialog.
Clipboard: Shows deleted or recently modified pages.
Create page: Enables the content manager to create new pages in the sitemap.
Display all resources: Switches to the VFS explorer view that shows all resources.
Context menu: Shows the context menu for the sitemap.
Edit point: Returns to the page editor.
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3.3 Publish
3.4 Create page
With the Create page option from the sitemap toolbar you can add a new by drag & drop.
The opening dialog features three options: Container pages, Type pages, Function pages.
3.4.1 Container pages
Depending on the configured model pages provided by the template designer you can select
from different template pages meeting your requirements. You can drag a new container page
to wherever you need it in the sitemap.
If the displayed page contains sub-pages itself that are currently not displayed (you might want
to unfold them by clicking the (+) more symbol) you can insert the new page after the existing
page at the same navigation level. The folder structure can be unfolded while drag & drop by
moving the mouse over a folder icon.
3.4.2 Edit model pages
To edit model pages open the Container pages tab in the Create page dialog and select
the Edit option from the Context menu of a new container page. You have to confirm this
operation since you are about to edit the model for all new pages. This will not change already
existent pages. This option will open the model page in the page editor, so you can add or
remove default elements for new pages. Read more about model pages in section Model pages
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3.4.3 Type pages
It is not necessary to create a new page in the sitemap for every instance of a resource type
holding content. You should maintain a single detail page to show all contents of a specific
resource type. Detail pages are used to link from search results, content collector lists or teaser
elements. The detail content gets displayed in the center column of the detail page (depends on
template and columns) and can be accessed by an automatically generated URI, built from the
detail content’s Title property. Read more about the type pages in section Detail pages
3.4.4 Function pages
Selecting the Function pages option from the create page dialog offers a selection of pages for
special purpose: HTML redirect
A HTML Redirect might be accessible through the page navigation and redirects the browser to
another URI within the site or to an external link. It might also be excluded from navigation but
necessary if a page / sub-site has moved to another location and to prevent dead links from
users' bookmarks. Navigation level
Read more about navigation level in section Navigation level Function detail pages
Read more about function detail pages in section Function detail pages
3.5 Clipboard
When selecting the Clipboard option from the sitemap toolbar the clipboard opens in an overlay
window. It features two lists of pages recently edited in the sitemap editor.
Modified: The modified list will be displayed as default and contains pages that have recently
been modified in the sitemap editor. When you move the mouse over a list entry, to the right
side of the bar there appears an option to show the page in the sitemap editor. If clicked the
overlay window is closed and the selected page will show up blinking in the editor.
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Deleted: This list holds all pages that had been deleted from the sitemap without publishing the
deletion. Moving the mouse over a list entry will show up an Undelete option to the right side of
the bar, restoring the original state of the resource before it was deleted.
3.6 Display all resources
If necessary, the Display all resources option will show the site's folder tree and all contained
resources in the Virtual File System of OpenCms. When this option is selected, the create page
dialog as well as drag & drop feature is disabled. The user can browse the file tree and use the
Context menu to access other options. Note that this option might display resources that are not
necessarily accessible from the site as a user browses it and thus might be of resource types
that could not properly be rendered. When displaying all resources the available options for
each sitemap element are reduced to Context menu. Moving an element is deactivated.
3.7 Context menu
The Context menu displays available options the current sub sitemap.
● Show parent sitemap map
● Edit aliases
● Refresh
● Show workplace
● Logout
3.8 Edit point
The Edit point returns to the latest edited page with the Page editor.
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3.9 Page types
3.9.1 Model pages
For OpenCms 8 templates you have to create and configure at least one or more model pages
in order to enable the Create page dialog in the sitemap editor. When dragging a new page
into the sitemap tree, the model page is used as master copy to create a new page in the site
navigation. The contents dropped to the selected model page automatically appear on all new
pages. Typically the template developer creates and configures model pages once he has
finished the template and content type implementation but before editing the website’s contents.
Click here to open the model page demo
Click here to open the model page with element group demo Creation steps
1. Create a new container page in the explorer view.
2. If the template property is not set on the site folder, set the template property accordingly.
3. Create several model pages, one for each template, if the website should have pages with
different template configuration.
4. Place the model pages in the following folder of the sub sitemap:
/{sitefolder}/{sub sitemap path}/.content/.new/
5. Open the preview by clicking this page and drop those elements that should be copied when
creating a page of this model. Configuration
Configure the model page in the sitemap configuration file:
/{sitefolder}/{sub sitemap path}/.content/.config
In tab "Model pages" add a new node for each model page and select its path. Now the
configured model pages appear in the list of container pages of the Create page dialog in the
sitemap editor. In order to display a nice entry for the model, edit its Title and Description
property. If is set as default this page is also used to create the new page, when it is added over
the Context menu in the sitemap editor. Further use the check box of the page model
configuration to control the visibility of the inherited page models from the upper sitemaps.
Please note, you can combine the model pages with other techniques like element groups and
inheritance groups for better organizing common content parts on the website.
3.9.2 Detail pages
A detail page is a technique to create nice URLs for contents that are not dropped onto a
container page but created in the /.content/ directory, e.g. by using a collector.
Click here to open the detail page demo Use case
In OpenCms 8, all resources dropped into a container page are automatically created in a
directory, which is configured either in the module configuration or in the sitemap configuration.
Usually the resource path contains /.content/ in it. When resources are linked from a list, the
editor should not have to drop every linked resource in its own container page to get a nice URL
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for it. The idea is to create a single page in the navigation, which is called detail page, and to
use the URL of this detail page combined with the Title property of the resource to generate a
resource link without /.content/ in it.
Generated URL:
where /dev-demo/collector-with-detail-page/ is the path of the detail page and
generated_resource_title is the url postfix generated from the mapped property. Configuration
The configuration is related to the module containing the template and the resource type
definition. Add following mapping in the XML schema definition of the content type. If the type
does not have Title field, use a field, which comply with a title.
<mapping element="Title" mapto="urlName" />
Add the attribute detailview="true" to the <cms:container> tag in the template jsp,
where the xmlcontent should be displayed. Usually it is the center column.
<cms:container name="centercolumn" type="center" width="450" detailview="true" .../>
When using collector to list the resources, surround the resource path ${content.filename}
with <cms:link>. The <cms:link> takes care of generating the proper url.
<%@page buffer="none" session="false" taglibs="c,cms" %>
<cms:contentload collector="myCollector" param="..." editable="true">
<%-- Access the content --%>
<cms:contentaccess var="content" />
<c:set var="link"><cms:link>${content.filename}</cms:link></c:set>
<a href="${link}">${content.value.Title}</a>
</div> Usage
● Open the "Create page" dialog in the sitemap editor.
● From tab "Type pages" drop the page for the resource type that is listed by a collector.
● The detail page is automatically configured by OpenCms in the sitemap configuration file.
● Now links should be automatically generated in the collector list.
3.9.3 Function detail page
The function detail page is a detail page mechanism for dynamic functions. This documentation
part describes how to create and configure a detail page for a Dynamic function. It uses links
referring a locally installed OpenCms version >= 8.5.
Click here to open the dynamic function demo
Click here to open the function detail page demo Use case
Collect data in a form, which can appear on several pages of the website. Display the results of
the user request on one page in the navigation. For example, integration of a search form on
several pages of the website and displaying of the search results on one page in the navigation.
Since OpenCms 8.0.3 you can use function detail page to define such result pages.
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Alkacon® General steps
Following steps are required to create dynamic function and its function detail page:
● Create dynamic function element inside the module.
● Create and configure the function detail page for the created dynamic function.
● Drop the dynamic function to container pages.
● Drop the function detail page to the website structure using the sitemap editor. Create dynamic functions
As only users with the role TEMPLATE_DEVELOPER can edit the dynamic function elements,
the function should be created inside the module in folder:
/system/modules/[module name]/functions/
To hide the function element from "Add content" Dialog set following property:
The drag & drop option is enabled for user with the role WORKPLACE_USERS. Create function detail pages
● Implement the JSP with a form, which should be used on several container pages of the
website. Use the following value ${cms.functionDetail['Name of the function
detail page']} as attribute action of the <form> tag.
<%@page buffer="none" session="false" taglibs="c,fn,cms" %>
<div class="box box_schema1">
<form action="${cms.functionDetail['simplecalculator']}" method="post"> …
● Implement another JSP, which evaluates the form data and generates the HTML output for
the detail view.
● In explorer view create two dynamic function elements in folder
/system/modules/[module name]/functions/ of the module. One of the dynamic
functions should point to the form JSP and another to the detail page jsp.
● Edit the module configuration file /system/modules/[module name]/.config and
configure the function detail page in the tab "Functions". Add new field "Named function".
Define a unique name for the function detail. This should be the same name, which is used
in the form JSP as action parameter. After this configuration the function detail page
appears in the tab "Function pages" of the "Create page" dialog in the sitemap editor.
● Edit property on the template jsp. Set the property value
functionDetail=[container name attribute]. Use as the value the name
attribute of the container, in which the function results should be displayed. Usage
● Drop the dynamic function element with the form into container pages.
● Open the "Create page" dialog of the sitemap editor.
● Use the configured function detail page from tab "Function pages" as page model to add
new page to the navigation.
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3.9.4 Navigation level
Navigation level is a special navigation folder, which redirects to the first container page inside
this folder. Use this option, if you would like to list several sub pages in one navigation level
without an overview page.
Click here to open the navigation level demo Use case
On the website there is a list of product descriptions that should be listed in the navigation under
products. When the user selects the folder in the navigation, the first product item is selected
directly. There is no overview page. The first item in the list is displayed, too, after the order of
the items has been changed. OpenCms 8.5 introduces a new page type Navigation level to
define a navigation entry point, which automatically redirects to the first sub page of the
navigation level. Using the navigation level
● Open the tab Function pages in the sitemap editor.
● Drag & drop Navigation level into the sitemap.
● Add per drag & drop several sub pages under the new navigation entry. Implementation details
Navigation tag – The <cms:navigation> tag fully supports the navigation level. Build the link
to the navigation level in a usual manner. The classes CmsJspNavigationElement and
CmsJspNavBuilder automatically recognize the navigation level and directly generate the
link to the first item in the list. Nothing else is required.
Styling – The class CmsJspNavElement provides a new method to recognize the Navigation
level in the navigation. This information can be useful e.g. for styling. In following example the
css class current is used to mark the selected item in navigation. The navigation level element
is not marked:
<cms:navigation type="treeForFolder" startLevel="1" endLevel="4" var="nav"/>
<c:forEach items="${nav.items}" var="elem"> […]
<c:set var="link"><cms:link>${elem.resourceName}</cms:link></c:set>
<a href="${link}">
<c:if test="${nav.isActive[elem.resourceName] and !elem.navigationLevel }">
</c:if> >${elem.navText}</a> […]
Please check following JSP for the complete navigation example on github.
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3.9.5 Hidden entries
Hidden entries are container pages or other pages which are not visible in navigation menu
build with CmsJspNavBuilder. Description
Since OpenCms 8.5 resources, which should not be included in the navigation menu on the
website, can be directly hidden in the sitemap editor. The hidden pages are still visible in the
sitemap editor and can be edited.
This new feature is supposed to be useful for pages, which are hidden in navigation but
● appear directly under predefined url like contacts, search, location pages etc.
● detail pages for the resources Usage
● Open the sitemap
● Open the Context menu and select "Hide in navigation"
● Use context menu "Show in navigation" to enable the navigation properties for the page
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4 Content editor
The content editor in OpenCms 8.5 has been completely rewritten in HTML 5 for ease-of-use
and speed. The editor is automatically generated based on XML schemas describing the
structure of content types. It provides a rich user interface for the content managers that are
used to generate XML files based on the XML schemas. The generated XML is then stored in
the OpenCms repository.
Main features of the content editor are:
Runs on the client side and provides in a highly responsive user experience.
Automatically generated from an XML schema, do programming required.
Provides a large selection of rich user interface widgets.
Can be extended with custom user interface widgets for special uses cases.
Generates XML files that are validated against the XML schema and stored in the database.
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4.1 Widgets
Widgets are used to create a suitable content editor for XML content. The widgets to be used
are defined in the XSD (schema definition) of the content type. Compared to the old XML
content editor some configuration parameters have been added, changed or removed. The
following sections will describe each widget and its parameters with a short example.
Attention: The widget configuration only tells the content editor which GUI component to use
for value selection – not the data type to use. E.g. you can select a date with the date picker,
but if you don’t tell OpenCms to use the type OpenCmsDateTime it won’t be handled as thus.
The data type of an element defined in the XSD is responsible for the internal handling of the
values. The use of data types increases the data quality what affects not only content retrieval
and performance but also the overall data integrity e.g. keeping internal links intact.
In the following sections you will find code snippets showing how to use and configure the
distributed widgets. If a specific data type makes sense for the usage of a special widget the
code snippets will contain the <xsd:element>- node, otherwise the examples only show the
widgets configuration made in the <layout>-node assuming that the corresponding element
uses OpenCmsString as type attribute.
Available XML field types
OpenCmsBoolean – Represents a Boolean value (TRUE/FALSE)
OpenCmsCategory – Can handle one or more selected categories
OpenCmsColor – Stores a hexadecimal color value
OpenCmsDateTime – Handles a date value
OpenCmsHtml – Used for rich text editor fields (keeps internal relations e.g. text links intact)
OpenCmsLocale – Stores a locale value
OpenCmsPlainTextString – Stores the extracted text for a field containing HTML
OpenCmsString – Stores a simple String 1:1
OpenCmsVarLink – Can handle internal and external at once
OpenCmsVfsFile – Designated for storing internal file references
OpenCmsVfsImage – Refers internal images (handles image format, scaling, description …)
4.1.1 String widget
The String widget provides a simple text input field to enter plain text that is stored as String
value internally.
This widget does not need any configuration and can be defined as follows:
<xsd:element name="Input" type="OpenCmsString" />
4.1.2 Boolean widget
The Boolean widget provides a checkbox and stores a Boolean value internally.
This widget does not need any configuration and can be defined as follows:
<xsd:element name="Checkbox" type="OpenCmsBoolean" />
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4.1.3 Display widget
The display widget only shows a value without the possibility of modification. The value this
widget displays configured as attribute inside its layout node:
A configuration could look like:
<layout element="Di" widget="DisplayWidget" configuration="This is no default string"/>
4.1.4 Select widget
The select widget provides a drop down with a set of options.
The layout for this widget could look like:
<layout element="Select" widget="SelectorWidget" configuration="1*|2|3|4|5|6|7" />
Read section select widget configuration to get more information.
4.1.5 Text area widget
The text area widget provides a HTML text area input field that can be scrolled if the text is too
large to be displayed completely. The field can also be resized within the editor.
In the configuration parameter you can define the count of rows the text area should have when
it is opened initially. If no configuration is set, the default count of rows of fife is taken.
<layout element="Textarea" widget="TextareaWidget" configuration="7" />
4.1.6 Radio button widget
The radio button widget provides a group of radio buttons for single value selection.
The configuration could look like:
<layout element="Radiobutton" widget="RadioSelectWidget"
Radiobutton4|Radiobutton5|Radiobutton6" />
The configuration syntax is identical to the select widget configuration.
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4.1.7 Multi select widget
The multi select widget provides a group of check boxes to select one or more value.
The configuration could look like:
<layout element="Multi" widget="MultiSelectWidget" configuration="1*|2*|3*|4|5|6|7"/>
The syntax is identical to the select widget configuration.
4.1.8 Combo widget
A combo widget offers a pre-defined set of select options with the ability for individual text input.
The configuration could look like:
<layout element="Combobox" widget="ComboWidget" configuration="1|2|3|4|5|6|7" />
Its syntax is identical to the select widget configuration.
4.1.9 Resource type combo widget
This special combo box widget provides a list of all resource types configured for OpenCms.
This widget does not need a configuration String and the layout node should look like:
<layout element="TypeCombo" widget="TypeComboWidget" />
4.1.10 HTML widget
The HTML widget uses the TinyMCE that has been extended for a lot of special CMS features.
Options can be defined for each element of the type OpenCmsHtml using the widget
HtmlWidget. They have to be placed in the annotation section of a XSD. The configuration
attribute in the layout must contain the activated options as a comma separated String value:
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<xsd:element name="Text" type="OpenCmsHtml" />
<layout element="Text" widget="HtmlWidget"
configuration=" link,anchor,imagegallery,downloadgallery,formatselect"/>
Available options are:
● anchor: the anchor dialog button
● buttonbar:${button bar items, separated by ';'}: an individual button bar configuration.
● css:/vfs/path/to/cssfile.css: the absolute path in the OpenCms VFS to the CSS style sheet to
use to render the contents in the editor (availability depends on the integrated editor)
● formatselect: the format selector for selecting text format like paragraph or headings
● formatselect.options:${list of options, separated by ';'}: the options that should be available in
the format selector, e.g. formatselect.options:p;h1;h2
● fullpage: the editor creates an entire HTML page code
● ${gallerytype}: Shows a gallery dialog button, e.g. imagegallery displays the image gallery
button or downloadgallery displays the download gallery button
● height:${editorheight}: the editor height, specified in ‘px’ or ‘%’, e.g. 400px
● hidebuttons:${list of buttons to hide, separated by ';'}: the buttons to hide that usually appear
in the default button bar, e.g. hidebuttons:bold;italic;underline;strikethrough hides some
formatting buttons
● image: the image dialog button (availability depends on the integrated editor)
● link: the link dialog button
● source: shows the source code toggle button(s)
● stylesxml:/vfs/path/to/stylefile.xml: the absolute path in the OpenCms VFS to the user
defined styles that should be displayed in the style selector (availability depends on the
integrated editor)
● stylesformat:/vfs/path/to/stylefile.xml: the absolute path in the OpenCms VFS to the user
defined styles format that should be displayed in the style selector (availability depends on
the integrated editor)
● table: the table dialog button (availability depends on the integrated editor)
Some configurations like the button bar items should be defined in the global widget
configuration in the opencms-vfs.xml.
4.1.11 Localization widget
The localization widget provides a standard HTML form input field for overwriting localized
values of a resource bundle. The resource bundle is configured with the widget configuration
attribute. An optional key name to look up in the bundle can be given, too, in case it is different
from the element name: key=mykey.
The locale to get the value for can be configured, by adding a configuration directive: locale=en.
<layout element="Localization" widget="LocalizationWidget"
configuration="org.opencms.workplace.messages|key=mykey|locale=en" />
To use the stored localization values and have the values of the resource bundles as fallback,
use the CmsXmlMessages object.
4.1.12 Color picker widget
With the color picker widget you can choose a color.
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This widget does not need any configuration, just use the element type OpenCmsColor
<xsd:element name="Colorpicker" type="OpenCmsColor" />
4.1.13 Date picker widget
The date picker widget is an easy way specifying dates.
This widget does not need any configuration, just use the type OpenCmsDateTime
<xsd:element name="Calendar" type="OpenCmsDateTime" />
4.1.14 Category widget
The category widget provides a category selection in a comfortable way.
This widget has some optional configuration parameters:
● category: Path to the root category to restrict the shown categories to its children.
● onlyleafs: Starts the selection in a list view
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● parentSelection: Signals if to store the parents of the selected categories also
The category widget should be assigned to elements of the type OpenCmsCategory, what will
enable to store the multiple selections. For legacy reasons it is still possible to layout elements
of the type OpenCmsVfsFile with the category widget, but then you won’t be able to make a
multi selection. A configuration could look like:
<xsd:element name="Category" type="OpenCmsCategory" />
<layout element="Category" widget="CategoryWidget"
4.1.15 Group widget
The group widget is a special select box that offers o list of groups within OpenCms.
This widget does not need any configuration and can be configured like this:
<layout element="Group" widget="GroupWidget" />
4.1.16 Multi group widget
With the multi group widget you can select multiple groups at once.
This widget is configurable with the following options:
● groupfilter: regular expression to filter available groups
● groups: comma separated list of group names to show in the select box. Please note, if this
configuration option is used, groupfilter and includesubous are not considered anymore.
● includesubous: boolean flag to indicate if sub OUs should be scanned for groups to select
● oufqn: the fully qualified name of the OU to read the groups from
To map the selected group to a permission to set, use the following mapping configuration:
<mapping element="..."
mapto="permission:GROUP:+r+v|GROUP.ALL_OTHERS:|GROUP.Projectmanagers:+r+v+w+c" />
This means that the +r+v permission is written for the principal GROUP on the resource.
Additionally two permissions are written as default: for ALL_OTHERS, no allowed permission is
set, for Projectmanagers, "+r+v+w+c" is set.
This widget does not need any configuration and can be this way:
<layout element="GroupMulti" widget="GroupMultiSelectorWidget" />
4.1.17 VFS file widget
The VFS file widget provides a selection of a file in the VFS. It either can be typed in directly or
be choosing with the gallery. This gallery will come up by pushing the button on the right side of
the input field. A detail description of the popup can you find here: "GallerySelection"
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This widget has this configuration options:
● hidesiteselector, showsiteselector: The site selector is hidden or shown (default)
● excludefiles, includefiles: Files are hidden in the popup tree or shown (default)
● notprojectaware, projectaware: To show (default: not) only files of the current project
● startsite: The site the popup tree should be opened with
Configuration example:
<xsd:element name="VfsFile" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" />
<layout element="VfsFile" widget="VfsFileWidget"
configuration="startsite=/sites/|hidesiteselector" />
4.1.18 VFS image widget
The VFS image widget allows image and offers a couple of functions like resizing, cropping, etc.
The configuration has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:
● class: optional class name that implements a dynamic startup configuration and special
format values, must be a full qualified class name
● formatnames: list of format names to select, with pairs of selectable value and selectable
text, e.g. value1:optiontext1|value2:optiontext2
● formatvalues: corresponding format values to the format names list, can be dynamically
generated by the dynamic configuration class. The list of values should contain width and
height information, with a '?' as sign for dynamic size and with an 'x' as separator for width
and height. Example: ['200x?', '800x600']
● scaleparams: default scale parameters (no width, height or crop should be provided!)
● startup: the startup folder, can be dynamically generated by the provided class, in that
case, use 'dynamic' as value
● type: the startup folder type, can be 'gallery' or 'category'. Can be dynamically generated by
the provided class, in that case, use 'dynamic' as value
● usedescription: indicates if the description input field for the image should be
● useformat: indicates if the format select box for the image should be shown or not
An example configuration JSON:
{scaleparams: 'q:70,r:2,c:CCCC00',
type: 'gallery',startup: '/demo_en/images/',usedescription: true,useformat: true,
formatnames: 'imageleft:Image left|imageright:Image right|imagetop:Image top',
formatvalues: ['150x?', '250x300', '?x250']}
Complete example for configuring the VFS image widget a XSD:
<xsd:element name="VfsImage" type="OpenCmsVfsImage" />
<layout element="Widget" widget="VfsImageWidget" configuration="
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4.1.19 Image gallery widget
The image gallery widget provides a selection of a file in the image gallery. This gallery will
come up by pushing the button on the right side of the input field.
The configuration options are read from the configuration String of the widget. For nested XML
schemas the configuration String must be defined inside the nested content. The configuration
String has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:
● class: optional class implementing dynamic startup configurations and format values
● startup: the startup folder, set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom class
● type: can be 'gallery' or 'category', set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom
XSD configuration example:
<xsd:element name="ImageGallery" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" minOccurs="1"/>
<layout element="ImageGallery" widget="ImageGalleryWidget"
configuration="{type: 'gallery', startup: '/demo_en/images/'}"/>
4.1.20 Download gallery widget
The download gallery widget provides the selection of VSF resources.
The configuration options are read from the configuration String of the widget. For nested XML
schemas the configuration String must be defined inside the nested content. The configuration
String has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:
● class: optional class implementing dynamic startup configurations and format values
● startup: the startup folder, set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom class
● type: can be 'gallery' or 'category', set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom
Example configuration:
<xsd:element name="DownloadGallery" type="OpenCmsVsfFile" minOccurs="1"/>
<layout element="DownloadGallery" widget="LegacyDownloadGalleryWidget"
configuration="{type: 'gallery', startup: '/demo_en/images/'}"/>
4.1.21 HTML gallery widget
The HTML gallery widget provides a selection of a file in the HTML gallery. This gallery will
come up by pushing the button on the right side of the input field.
The configuration options are read from the configuration String of the widget. For nested XML
schemas the configuration String must be defined inside the nested content. The configuration
String has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:
● class: optional class implementing dynamic startup configurations and format values
● startup: the startup folder, set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom class
● type: can be 'gallery' or 'category', set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom
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Example configuration
<layout element="HtmlGallery" widget="HtmlGalleryWidget"
configuration="{type: 'gallery', startup: '/demo_en/html/'}"/>
4.1.22 Table gallery widget
The table gallery widget provides a selection of a file in the table gallery. This gallery will come
up by pushing the button on the right side of the input field.
The configuration options are read from the configuration String of the widget. For nested XML
schemas the configuration String must be defined inside the nested content. The configuration
String has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:
● class: optional class implementing dynamic startup configurations and format values
● startup: the startup folder, set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom class
● type: can be 'gallery' or 'category', set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom
Example configuration:
<layout element="TableGallery" widget="TableGalleryWidget"
configuration="{type: 'gallery', startup: '/demo_en/table/'}"/>
4.1.23 Link gallery widget
The link gallery widget provides a selection of a file in the link gallery. This gallery will come up
by pushing the button on the right side of the input field.
The configuration options are read from the configuration String of the widget. For nested XML
schemas the configuration String must be defined inside the nested content. The configuration
String has to be formatted as JSON object, with the following possible keys:
● class: optional class implementing dynamic startup configurations and format values
● startup: the startup folder, set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom class
● type: can be 'gallery' or 'category', set to ‘dynamic’ if you want to use the custom
{type: 'gallery', startup: '/demo_en/link/'}
Example of the xsd declaration:
<xsd:element name="LinkGallery" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" minOccurs="1"/>
<layout element="LinkGallery" widget="LinkGalleryWidget"
configuration="{type: 'gallery',
startup: '/demo_en/link/'}"/>
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4.2 Select widget configuration
If options are passed from XML content schema definitions as widget configuration options, the
following syntax is used for defining the option values:
value='{text}' default='{true|false}' option='{text}'
help='{text}|{more option definitions}
For example:
value='value1' default='true' option='option1' help='help1'|value='value2'
option='option2' help='help2'
The elements default, option and help are all optional, only a value must be present in the input.
There should be only one default set to true in the input, if more than one is detected, only the
first default found is actually used. If no option is given, the value of option defaults to the value
of the given value. If no help is given, the default is null.
Shortcut syntax options:
If you don't specify the value key, the value is assumed to start at the first position of an option
definition. In this case the value must not be surrounded by the ' chars. Example:
value='some value' default='true' can also be written as some value
Only if you use the short value definition as described above, a default value can be marked
with a * at the end of the value definition. Example: value='some value'
default='true' can also be written as some value*.
Only if you use the short value definition as described above, you can also append the option to
the value using a :. In this case no ' must surround the option. Please keep in mind that in this
case the value itself can not longer contain a : char, since it would then be interpreted as a
delimiter. Example: value='some value' option='some option' can also be written as
some value:some option.
Any combinations of the above described shortcuts are allowed in the configuration option
String. Here are some more examples of valid configuration option Strings:
1 default='true'|2|3|4|5|6|7
value='1' default='true'|value='2'|value='3'
1*:option text|2|3|4
1* option='option text' help='some'|2|3|4
Please note: If an entry in the configuration String is malformed, this error is silently ignored (but
written to the log channel of this class at INFOlevel.
4.3 Implement Custom Widgets
If the provided widgets do not fulfill your entire requirements, it is possible to implement custom
widgets for the content editor. The module named
‘’ that is shipped with the standard OpenCms
distribution shows how to implement custom widgets for the GWT based content editor without
the need to write/compile any line of GWT code.
The server side implementation is located at:
and the client side implementation is you will find in the VFS at:
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4.4 Implementing widgets for nested contents
It is also possible to implement widgets that can be used to edit a complete nested content. This
mechanism is only available for the Acacia content editor, not the older XML content editor.An
example for such a widget is given in the ‘’
module. You can edit the content
nt.html’ with the Acacia editor to see such a widget.
Widgets for rendering complex types / nested contents are configured the same way as widgets
for simple values in the schema of the XML content type using a layout element:
<layout element=”ElementName” widget=”…” configuration=”…” />
The widget attribute needs to be the fully qualified class name of a class which implements
org.opencms.widgets.I_CmsComplexWidget .
It is also possible to define a default widget for a nested content type itself, which is useful if that
type is included from multiple other content definitions. To do this, you need to add a
<defaultwidget> element to the <xsd:appinfo> section of the nested content type’s XSD:
<defaultwidget widget=”…” configuration=”…” />
You can always override that default for a specific element by using a <layout> configuration.
5 Inline editor
Inline editing is a new feature introduced with OpenCms 8.5, which improves the user
experience during editing of page contents. The inline editing enables the content manager to
change the contents directly on the preview page, without displacing any content element. The
form based content editor can still be used as usual for editing the complete content of the
resource. When the cursor is hovering text, which can be edited inline, an edit cursor appears:
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Clicking the inline editable field, the text is highlighted and optionally a format toolbar comes up:
Click here to open inline editing demo
5.1 Fields supporting inline edit
Inline editing can be enabled for content fields of the type OpenCmsString and HtmlWidget.
We intend to extend this list for the future versions.
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5.2 Configuration
Inline editing is configured inside a formatter JSP. Each formatter of a resource type defines its
own inline edit behavior. E.g. an article can be dropped to the center column as well as to the
side column, but the editor should only be able to edit the article in the center column. To
achieve this only the formatter used to render the article in the center column container should
enable the inline editing.
5.2.1 Formatters
There is an xmlcontent with a field Title. The inline editig feature for this xmlcontent field can
be configured in the formatter JSP in only two steps:
1 To enable the inline editing add a attribute rdfa="rdfa" to <cms:formatter> tag.
<cms:formatter var="content" val="value" rdfa="rdfa">
2 Add ${rdfa.fieldName} as attribute to the element, which surrounds the value.
<span ${rdfa.Text}>${value.Text}</span>
5.2.2 Nested contents
With EL the nested content field can be accessed like in following example:
<cms:formatter var="content" val="value" rdfa="rdfa">
<c:forEach items="${content.valueList.Paragraph}" var="paragraph">
${content.valueList.Paragraph} return a list of
CmsJspContentAccessValueWrapper objects
${paragraph.value.Headline} and ${paragraph.value.Text} access the values of the
nested fields. Just replace the .value with rdfa to get the css attributes required for inline
editing. To enable the inline editing add ${paragraph.rdfa.Headline} and
${paragraph.rdfa.Text} to the HTML tag, which surround the field content:
<cms:formatter var="content" val="value" rdfa="rdfa">
<c:forEach items="${content.valueList.Paragraph}" var="paragraph">
<h2 ${paragraph.rdfa.Headline}>${paragraph.value.Headline}</h2>
<span ${paragraph.rdfa.Text}>${paragraph.value.Text}</span>
5.2.3 Details
The rdfa attribute of the <cms:formatter> tag is used in a similar manner to the val
attribute. Assume the content has a field with the name Title. In EL with ${rdfa.Title}
you get the specific css attributes, which are required to enable the inline editing for this content
field. These automatically generated attributes has to be set as attribute on the HTML element,
which surrounds the field content. Note that the inline editing feature cannot be applied to field
contents, that are manipulated in a JSP e.g. with cms:stripHtml() or cms:trimToSite().
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6 Element group
An element group is a new content element in OpenCms 8, which references a group of other
content elements. Click here to open the element group demo
6.1 Description
An element group is a content element similar to Inheritance group, which allow the user to drop
other elements in it. The user can edit, delete or replace the elements inside the group as well
as changing their order. All changes on the element group affect all container pages to which
the element group is dropped. So the element group allows maintaining the referenced
elements in one place to take effect on many pages.
6.2 Combination with model pages
The most popular use case for element group is its combination with the model page. Drop the
element group to the appropriate container in the model page and organize all elements inside
the element groups, if you would like to have following effects on the site:
● Common content parts appear on all created pages, e.g. header, footer, side columns.
● All future changes in these containers effect all pages using this page model, for
○ editing
○ dropping new elements
○ deleting elements
○ changing order of elements
6.3 Using the element group
● Drop an element group to container page like any other content from the "Add content"
● Open the element group editor by clicking on the edit symbol. The element group dialog
opens in an overlay, where the title and the description of the element group can be edited.
● During the element group is edited the ADE toolbar is active and can be used as usual.
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● Drag and drop new elements from the "Add content" dialog to the element group.
● Edit or delete the existing elements of the element group.
● Reorder the elements inside the group.
● Save all changes by clicking the ok-button of the element group editor.
All changes on the elements inside of the element group like editing, removing elements,
moving elements insider the group as well as changing settings of the element are
populated to all pages using this page model.
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7 Inheritance group
Inheritance groups are a new content type in OpenCms 8.5 for use in container pages.
Click here to open the inheritance-group demo
7.1 Description
An inheritance group is similar to an element group in that they allow you to drop a set of
content elements into your page as a single object. But element groups don't allow you to
change the set of elements only for a specific subset of pages; when you make a change to an
element group, this change is visible across all pages using that element group. This is the
problem that Inheritance groups are meant to solve:
When changing an Inheritance group on a page, the content of the same group will only be
changed on the page and any pages which are descendants of the page's parent folder; In
other words, changes will be "inherited" by the group in child pages, but nowhere else. For
example, you may want to define an Inheritance group for the right column of your template,
define some common content which you want to be visible everywhere on your site, and then
add more specific contents for each subsection of your site.
7.2 Basic definitions
We will call a container page a.html a descendant page of another container page b.html if the
parent folder of a.html is a direct or indirect subfolder of the parent folder of b.html. Conversely,
we call b.html an ancestor page of a.html. When editing a container page, we call the parent
folder of that page the current folder. This is important because Inheritance group data is
attached to folders, not to individual container pages. So container pages in the same folder
can't have different content for the same Inheritance group.
7.3 Usage
7.3.1 Creating new Inheritance groups
You can create a new Inheritance group in the container Page editor by opening the galleries
menu and dragging the item "Inheritance group" from the "Types" tab onto your page. As with
other resources, the Inheritance group will only be created in the VFS once you edit it.
7.3.2 Using existing Inheritance groups
You can use an existing Inheritance group on your container page by opening the galleries
menu, selecting the type "Inheritance group" from the
Once created, Inheritance groups can be freely dropped onto container pages.
7.3.3 Changing Inheritance groups
To edit an Inheritance group, first you need to open a container page that contains the
Inheritance group. Hover over the Edit point of the Inheritance group and click the edit symbol.
Now the Inheritance group editor will pop up. You can now perform various actions:
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Alkacon® Changing the title and description
Using the text fields in the dialog, you can change the title and description of the Inheritance
group. The title and description are not displayed when rendering the Inheritance group, but are
mainly used for finding the Inheritance group using the galleries dialog. Adding content elements
You can add new content elements to the Inheritance group by opening the Add content dialog,
and drag it inside the Inheritance group.
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Note that when adding new elements to Inheritance groups on a page, those elements will
inherited by the same Inheritance group on any descendant page. By default, new elements will
appear on the bottom of the Inheritance group on descendant pages. Removing content elements
Clicking on the 'Remove' symbol in the Inheritance group editor will perform one of two actions,
depending on where the content element was added to the Inheritance group.
If the content element was added to the Inheritance group of the currently edited page or a page
in the current folder, the element will just be removed from the Inheritance group, and will not
appear in the Inheritance group on any descendant pages. But if the content element was
added to the Inheritance group in an ancestor folder, the element will be hidden, and will also be
hidden in the Inheritance group on descendant pages. The difference is that a hidden element
can be set to "visible" again in a descendant page. Reordering content elements
Inheritance groups can be reordered via drag-and-drop. Just pull the elements by their move
icons to rearrange them inside the Inheritance group. Inheritance status
If an element of an Inheritance group was not added for the current folder, a tree-like
"Inheritance info" icon will be available from the element's toggle menu. Hovering your mouse
over this icon will tell you from which folder this element was added to the Inheritance group.
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Alkacon® Showing previously hidden elements
The Inheritance group editor's "Show removed" button will toggle the display of elements which
have been hidden from the Inheritance group in an ancestor folder in the Inheritance group
editor. To show a hidden element in the current page, first click on the "Show removed" button
that displays the hidden elements. They are displayed with diagonal stripes on top to distinguish
them from the other elements. Now hover the “Edit point” of the element you want to show and
click the "Add content" (plus) button from the appearing toggle menu.
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Alkacon® Save
All changes to an Inheritance group will only take effect if you click on the "Save" button. The
Inheritance group editor will then be closed. Break up
When using this button, the Inheritance group will be replaced by its current, individual content
elements in the container page, just as with group containers. Note that this action takes effect
immediately, not just after pressing the "Save" button. Edit settings
Just like with other container page elements, the element settings of Inheritance group elements
can be edited. But note that element settings can only be changed for an element if that
element was added to the Inheritance group in the current folder. If the element was added to
the Inheritance group in a different folder, the option for editing element settings will not appear.
7.4 Internals
There are two resource types used for the implementation of Inheritance groups:
inheritance_group and inheritance_config. inheritance_group is the type of the contents which
are actually inserted into the container page when creating new Inheritance groups or dragging
existing Inheritance groups from the galleries into a page. They only contain the internal id of
the Inheritance group they represent.
The resources of type inheritance_config contain the actual contents of the Inheritance groups.
The Inheritance group changes for a folder will be stored in a file (of type inheritance_config)
named .inherited which is contained in the same folder. Since only one file per folder is used,
data for multiple Inheritance groups will be stored in the same file. The content of this config file
should not be edited manually.
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8 Collectors
Click here to open a simple collector demo
8.1 Implementation
In order to develop a collector, which can be used with <cms:collector> tag, the new
collector should implement I_CmsResourceCollector interface. The package
org.opencms.file.collectors already provides a standard implementation for this interface with
A_CmsResourceCollector. Extend this class, if you develop your own collector. Following
methods have to be implemented:
List<String> getCollectorNames();
getCollectorNames() return one or more collector names as list of strings.
String getCreateLink(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param)
throws CmsException, CmsDataAccessException;
getCreateLink(CmsObject, String, String) returns the link that must be executed
when a user clicks on the direct edit "new" button on a list created by the named collector. If this
method returns null, it indicated that the selected collector implementation does not support a
"create link", and so no "new" button will not be shown on lists generated with this collector.
String getCreateParam(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param)
throws CmsDataAccessException;
The method getCreateParam(CmsObject, String, String) returns the parameter that
must be passed to the getCreateLink(CmsObject, String, String). If this method
returns null, it indicates that the selected collector implementation does not support a "create
link", and so no "new" button will be should shown on lists generated with this collector.
List<CmsResource> getResults(CmsObject cms, String collectorName, String param)
throws CmsDataAccessException, CmsException;
getResults(CmsObject, String, String) returns a list of
org.opencms.file.CmsResource Objects that are gathered in the VFS using the named
8.2 Configuration
Edit opencms-vfs.xml and add following line to <collectors> node and restart the Servlet
Container afterwards
<collector class="" order="180" />
8.3 Using collectors in JSP files
Use the <cms:contentload> tag to collect the resources.
<cms:contentload collector="..." param="..." editable="true">
<cms:contentaccess var="content" /> ...
This tag requires following parameters:
collector – the name of the collector
param – collector parameter. The standard parameter syntax is: [path]|[resource type]|[count]
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editable – Set this attribute to true, to enable the direct edit option for the list.
With <cms:contentaccess var="content"/> you get access to the CmsXmlContent of
the current element inside the itteration.
<%@page buffer="none" session="false" taglibs="c,cms" %>
<%-- The JSP HTML should be surrounded by block element --%>
<%-- Read collector paramter, e.g. from request --%>
<c:set var="folder" value="${param.folder}"/>
<c:set var="type" value="${param.type}"/>
<c:set var="count" value="${param.count}"/>
<%-- Use <cms:contentload> with new collector--%>
<cms:contentload collector="myCollector" param="${folder}|${type}|${count}">
<%-- Access the content --%>
<cms:contentaccess var="content" />
<c:set var="link"><cms:link>${content.filename}</cms:link></c:set>
<li><a href="${link}">${content.value.Title}</a></li>
8.4 Making lists droppable
A common way to drop a JSP directly into a container page is to use the dynamic function.
● Create a new dynamic function. Usually this resource type is a part of the module and
should be created in folder /system/modules/mymodule/functions/. In Dev
Demo module the collector JSP is in folder:
● Select the JSP containing "myCollector". In Dev Demo it is the following jsp:
● To define the collector parameters set the initial request parameters in the dynamic
function. These parameters are used in collector.jsp:
○ folder=/dev-demo/collector-with-detail-page/.content/article/
○ type=ddarticle
○ count=5
Now you can open a container page in ADE and drop the new dynamic function into the
container page.
8.5 Using detail pages with collectors
● Go to the sitemap editor and open the "Create page" dialog.
● Drag a page from the “Types” tab for the resource type that is configured for the
● OpenCms configures the new detail page automatically for the sub-sitemap.
Now when you click on the link to open the resource, the detail page of the resource is opened.
In the list the detail page url is used.
8.6 Code example
Example of a simple collector class and JSP:
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9 XSD choice element
In OpenCms the XSD choice element extends the XML Schema definition. The XSD choice
provides a single or multiple choices of OpenCms types in arbitrary order. This documentation
part describes how to use the choice element within XSD and how to access the values in a
JSP with EL.
9.1 Definition
The <xsd:choice> node can be used in the same way as a <xsd:sequnce> to describe an
OpenCms type. It has to be defined in XML schema definition of a nested XML content. The
element in the root schema has to be optional. Add attribute minOccurs="0" on the element
to make it optional. Root XML Schema Dfinition:
<%@page buffer="none" session="false" taglibs="c,cms" %>
<%-- The JSP HTML should be surround by block element --%>
<%-- Read collector paramter, e.g. from request --%>
<c:set var="folder" value="${param.folder}"/>
<c:set var="type" value="${param.type}"/>
<c:set var="count" value="${param.count}"/>
<%-- Use <cms:contentload> with new collector--%>
<cms:contentload collector="myCollector"
param="${folder}|${type}|${count}" editable="true">
<%-- Access the content --%>
<cms:contentaccess var="content" />
<%-- Set the link to the content in the list and
do not forget to use <cms:link> tag --%>
<c:set var="link"><cms:link>${content.filename}</cms:link></c:set>
<a href="${link}">
Use the <xsd:choice> node to define the element of the selection. The elements, which
define the selection options of the <xsd:choice> have to be optional, too.
Nested XML schema defenition with <xsd:choice>:
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""
<xsd:include schemaLocation="opencms://opencms-xmlcontent.xsd"/>

<xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsDevDemoTextOption">
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3">
<xsd:element name="Text" type="OpenCmsString" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="Html" type="OpenCmsHtml" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="Link" type="OpenCmsVarLink" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:attribute name="language" type="OpenCmsLocale" use="optional"/>
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9.2 Single and multiple choices
The <xsd:choice> element can be used as single or multiple choice.
To use the single choice do not use any attributes on the <xsd:choice> node. This is the
default setting.
To use the multiple choice set following attributes:
● minOccurs="0" and
● maxOccurs="[max number of elements]", e.g. maxOccurs="5"
Single choice:
<xsd:element name="VariableLink" type="OpenCmsVarLink" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="LinkGallery" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="DownloadGallery" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" minOccurs="0" />
Multiple choice:
<xsd:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="5">
<xsd:element name="VariableLink" type="OpenCmsVarLink" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="LinkGallery" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" minOccurs="0" />
<xsd:element name="DownloadGallery" type="OpenCmsVfsFile" minOccurs="0" />
9.3 Content editor
9.4 Accessing values in JSP
The elements of a <xsd:choice> node can be accessed in the same way as elements of the
nested content. Before the content value is read, test the root element and the choice elements
for their existence. Check the existence of the nested root element:
<c:if test="${value.Options.exists}"> … </c:if>
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Check the value of the choice element. Use isSet for the examination. isSet returns true, if
the element exists and its value is not an empty string.
We exend the above example:
<c:if test="${value.Options.exists && value.Options.value.Text.isSet}">
In the same way access the other choice elements:
Complete example with a choice element inside a nested content (v8InfoBox):
<c:if test="${value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.exists
&& (value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.VariableLink.isSet
|| value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.LinkGallery.isSet
|| value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.DownloadGallery.isSet)}">
<c:when test="${value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.VariableLink.isSet}">
<c:set var="infolink">
<c:when test="${value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.LinkGallery.isSet}">
<c:set var="infolink">
<c:when test="${value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.DownloadGallery.isSet}">
<c:set var="infolink">
<c:set var="infotext">${infolink}</c:set> ...
<div class="boxbody_listentry">
<c:set var="link"><cms:link>${infolink}</cms:link></c:set>
<a href="${link}">${infotext}</a><br/>
${value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.exists} checks the existence of the choice element.
${value.FurtherInfo.value.Link.value.VariableLink.isSet} checks the value of
a choice element.
9.5 Examples
The full examples for the usage of the choice element can be find in the Development Demo as
well as in Template III.
1. The root XSD of the info box (v8-modules)
2. The nested XSD containing further info (v8-modules)
3. The nested XSD containing choice element (v8-modules)
4. The formatter JSP (v8-modules)
5. The root XSD of the article with settings (dev-demo)
6. The nested XSD containing choice element (dev-demo)
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10 ADE configuration
10.1 Sitemap configuration
The central place where the resource types available through the ADE's “Add Content” dialog
and other global settings are configured is the “.content/.config file. Settings for sub-sitemaps
follow the same mechanism with “.content/.config” file based in the sub-sitemap.
The Sitemap configuration file offers 4 tabs:
Resource types: Defines a resource type‘s name and name pattern, default folder,
formatter (optional) and more.
Model pages: Defines models to be used by the sitemap editor for generating new
container pages.
Property configuration: Defines which properties get displayed under "Basic Properties"
tab for the property dialog in ADE.
Detail pages: Defines detail pages used for specified resource type in the sitemap
10.2 Module configuration
In case a module adds a new resource type (as defined in the module's manifest) to OpenCms
and you want to make this automatically available to ADE after the module is installed, you can
place “.config” file of the type “module_config” inside the root folder of your module.
The Module configuration file offers three options:
Resource types: Defines a resource type‘s name and name pattern, default folder,
formatter and more.
Property configuration: Defines which properties get displayed under "Basic Properties"
tab for the property dialog in ADE.
Functions: Defines a dynamic function that is shipped with the module (A name for
identification and a JSP provider is required at least)
10.3 Configuration inheritance
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11 Solr search integration
11.1 Abstract
After searching with Apache's Lucene for years Apache Solr has grown and grown and can now
be called an enterprise search platform that is based on Lucene. It is a standalone enterprise
search server with a REST-like API. You put documents in it (called "indexing") via XML, JSON
or binary over HTTP. You query it via HTTP GET and receive XML, JSON, or binary results. To
get a more detailed knowledge what Solr exactly is and how it works, please visit the Apache
Solr project website. Searching with the powerful and flexible Apache Solr's REST-like interface
will drill down the development complexity. More over you can rely on existing graphical
interfaces that provide comfortable AJAX based search functionality to the end user of your
internet/intranet application.
11.2 Searching for content in OpenCms
OpenCms 8.5 integrates Apache Solr. And not only for full text search, but as a powerful
enterprise search platform as well.
11.2.1 DEMO
The OpenCms v8 modules are covering a Solr based OpenCms Search Demonstration using
the Open Source UI Ajax Solr (Ajax Solr Project on
Click here to run the OpenCms Solr Search DEMO
11.2.2 Quick start example Send a REST-like query
Imagine you want to show a list of "all articles, that have changed since yesterday, where
property 'X' has the value 'Y' :
&fq=lastmodified:[NOW-1DAY TO NOW]
Parameter explanation:
// The URI of the OpenCms Solr Select Handler configured in 'opencms-system.xml'
?fq=type:v8article // Filter query on the field type
// with the value 'v8article'
&fq=lastmodified:[NOW-1DAY TO NOW] // Filter query on the field lastmodified
// with a range query from 'NOW-1DAY TO NOW'
&fq=Title_prop:Flower // Filter query on the field Title_prop
// with the value 'v8article'
NOTE: Solr query Syntax
If you want to get familiar with the Solr query syntax you will get a general overview at Solr
query syntax. For advanced features Searching - Solr Reference Guide - Lucid Imagination will
lend a hand.
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Please note that many characters in the Solr Query Syntax (most notable the plus sign: "+") are
special characters in URLs, so when constructing request URLs manually, you must properly
URL-Encode these characters.
q= +popularity:[10 TO *] +section:0
For more information, see Yonik Seeley's blog on Nested Queries in Solr.
You can pass any "Solr valid" input to the new OpenCms Solr request handler
(handleSolrSelect). To get familiar with the Solr query syntax the Solr Wiki page lends itself:
Search and Indexing Retrieve the response
The response produced by Solr can be XML or JSON by default. With an additional parameter
'wt' you can specify the QueryResponseWriter that should be used by Solr. For the above
shown query example a result can look like this:
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">7</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="qt">dismax</str>
<str name="fl">*,score</str>
<int name="rows">50</int>
<str name="q">*:*</str>
<arr name="fq">
<str>contentdate:[NOW-1DAY TO NOW]</str>
<long name="start">0</long>
<result name="response" numFound="2" start="0">
<str name="id">51041618-77f5-11e0-be13-000c2972a6a4</str>
<str name="contentblob">[B:[B@6c1cb5</str>
<str name="path">/sites/default/.content/article/a_00003.html</str>
<str name="type">v8article</str>
<str name="suffix">.html</str>
<date name="created">2011-05-06T15:27:13Z</date>
<date name="lastmodified">2011-08-17T13:58:29Z</date>
<date name="contentdate">2012-09-03T10:41:13.56Z</date>
<date name="relased">1970-01-01T00:00:00Z</date>
<date name="expired">292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z</date>
<arr name="res_locales">
<arr name="con_locales">
<str name="template_prop">
<str name="style.layout_prop">/.content/style</str>
<str name="NavText_prop">OpenCms 8 Demo</str>
<str name="Title_prop">Flower Today</str>
<arr name="content_en">
<str>News from the world of flowers Flower Today In this [...]</str>
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<date name="timestamp">2012-09-03T10:45:47.055Z</date>
<float name="score">1.0</float>
<str name="id">ac56418f-77fd-11e0-be13-000c2972a6a4</str>
<str name="contentblob">[B:[B@1d0e4a2</str>
<str name="path">/sites/default/.content/article/a_00030.html</str>
<str name="type">v8article</str>
<str name="suffix">.html</str>
<date name="created">2011-05-06T16:27:02Z</date>
<date name="lastmodified">2011-08-17T14:03:27Z</date>
<date name="contentdate">2012-09-03T10:41:18.155Z</date>
<date name="relased">1970-01-01T00:00:00Z</date>
<date name="expired">292278994-08-17T07:12:55.807Z</date>
<arr name="res_locales">
<arr name="con_locales">
<str name="template_prop">
<str name="style.layout_prop">/.content/style</str>
<str name="NavText_prop">OpenCms 8 Demo</str>
<str name="Title_prop">Flower Dictionary</str>
<arr name="content_en">
<str>The different types of flowers Flower Dictionary There are [...]</str>
<date name="timestamp">2012-09-03T10:45:49.265Z</date>
<float name="score">1.0</float>
</response> Send a Java-API query
String query="fq=type:v8article&fq=lastmodified:[NOW-1DAY TO
CmsSolrResultList results = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getIndexSolr("Solr Online
Index").search(getCmsObject(), query);
for (CmsSearchResource sResource : results) {
String path = searchRes.getField(I_CmsSearchField.FIELD_PATH);
Date date =searchRes.getMultivaluedField(I_CmsSearchField.FIELD_DATE_LASTMODIFIED);
List<String> cats = searchRes.getMultivaluedField(I_CmsSearchField.FIELD_CATEGORY);
The class encapsulates a list of
'OpenCms resource documents' ({@link CmsSearchResource}).
This list can be accessed exactly like an {@link ArrayList} which entries are {@link
CmsSearchResource} that extend {@link CmsResource} and holds the Solr implementation of
{@link I_CmsSearchDocument} as member. This enables you to deal with the resulting list
as you do with well known {@link List} and work on it's entries like you do on {@link
CmsResource}. Use CmsSolrQuery class for querying Solr
CmsSolrIndex index = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getIndexSolr("Solr Online Index");
CmsSolrQuery squery = new CmsSolrQuery(getCmsObject(),
List<CmsResource> results =, squery);
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11.2.3 Advanced search features
Auto suggestion/completion/correction:
Facteted search:
Range queries:
Thesaurus/Synomys: Querying multiple cores (indexes)
'Core' is the wording in the Solr world for thinking of several indexes. Preferring the correct
speech, let's say core instead index. Multiple cores should only be required if you have
completely different applications but want a single Solr Server that manages all the data. See
Solr Core Administration for detailed information. So assuming you have configured multiple
Solr cores and you would like to query a specific one you have to tell Solr/OpenCms which
core/index you want to search on. This is done by a special parameter:
// The URI of the OpenCms Solr Select Handler
// configured in 'opencms-system.xml'
&core=My Solr Index Name // Searches on the core with the name 'My Solr Index Name'
&q=content_en:Flower // for the text 'Flower'
11.2.4 Using the standard OpenCms Solr collector
OpenCms version 8.5 delivers a standard Solr collector using byQuery as name to simply pass
a query string and byContext as name to pass a query string and led OpenCms use the user's
request context. The implementing class for this collector can be found at
<cms:contentload collector="byQuery" preload="true"
param="fq=parent-folders:/sites/default/&fq=type:ddarticle&sort=lastmodified desc">
<cms:contentinfo var="info" />
<c:if test='${info.resultSize != 0}'>
<cms:contentinfo var="info" />
<c:if test='${info.resultSize != 0}'>
<h3>Solr Collector Demo</h3>
<cms:contentload editable="false">
<cms:contentaccess var="content" />
<%-- Title of the article --%>
<%-- The text field of the article with image --%>
<div class="paragraph">
<%-- Set the requied variables for the image. --%>
<c:if test="${content.value.Image.isSet}">
<%-- Output of the image using cms:img tag --%>
<c:set var="imgwidth">${(cms.container.width - 20) / 3}</c:set>
<%-- Output the image. --%>
<cms:img src="${content.value.Image}" />
${cms:trimToSize(cms:stripHtml(content.value.Text), 300)}
<div class="clear"></div>
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11.3 Indexing content of OpenCms
11.3.1 Search configuration
In general the system wide search configuration for OpenCms is done in the file 'opencmssearch.
/webapps/<OPENCMS_WEBAPP>/WEB_INF/config/opencms-search.xml). Embedded/HTTP Solr Server
Since version 8.5 of OpenCms a new optional node with the XPath: opencms/search/solr
is available. To simply enable the OpenCms embedded Solr Server your opencmssearch.
xml should start like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE opencms SYSTEM "">
<solr enabled="true"/>
Optionally you can configure the Solr home directory and the main Solr configuration file
name solr.xml. OpenCms then concats those two paths to <solr_home><configfile> an example
for such a configuration would look like:
<solr enabled="true">
In order to disable Solr system wide remove the <solr/>-node or set the enabled attribute to
'false' like:
<solr enabled="false"/>
It is also possible to connect with an external HTTP Solr server, to do so replace the line <solr
enabled="true"/> with the following:
<solr enabled="true" serverUrl="http://mySolrServer" />
The OpenCms SolrSelect request handler does not support the external HTTP Solr Server. So
if your HTTP Solr Server is directly reachable by http://<your_server> there will no
permission check performed and indexed data that is secret will be accessible. What means
that you are self-responsible for resources that have permission restrictions set on the VFS of
OpenCms. But of course you can use the method, SolrQuery) or, String) and be
sure permissions are checked also for HTTP Solr Servers. Maybe a future version of OpenCms
will feature a secure access on HTTP Solr server. Search index(es)
By default OpenCms comes along with a "Solr Online" index. To add a new Solr index you can
use the default configuration as copy template.
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<index class="">
<name>Solr Online</name>
< source >solr_source< /source >
</index> Index sources
Index sources for Solr can be configured in the file opencms-search.cml exactly the same
way as you do for Lucene indexes. In order to use the advanced XSD field mapping for XML
contents, you must add the new document type xmlcontent-solr to the list of document
types that are indexed:
<indexer class=""/>
</indexsource> A new document type
With OpenCms version 8.5 there is a new document type called xmlcontent-solr. Its
implementation (CmsSolrDocumentXmlContent) performs a localized content extraction
that is used later on to fill the Solr input document. As explained in section Custom fields for
XML contents it is possible to define a mapping between elements defined in the XSD of an
XML resource type and a field of the Solr document. The values for those defined XSD field
mappings are also extracted by the document type named xmlcontent-solr.
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Alkacon® The Solr default field configuration
By default the field configuration for OpenCms Solr indexes is implemented by the class The most easiest Solr field
configuration declared in opencms-search.xml looks like the following. See also Extend the
<fieldconfiguration class="">
<description>The Solr search index field configuration.</description>
</fieldconfiguration> Migrating a Lucene index to a Solr index
An existing Lucene field configuration can easily be transformed into a Solr index. To do so
create a new Solr field configuration. Therefore you can use the snippet shown in section The
Solr default field configuration as template and copy the list of fields from the Lucene index you
want to convert into that skeleton.
There exists a specific strategy to map the Lucene field names to Solr field names:
● Exact name matching: OpenCms tries to determine an explicit Solr field that has the
exact name like the value of the name-attribute. E.g. OpenCms tries to find an explicit
Solr filed definition named meta for <field name="meta"> ... </field>. To
make use of this strategy you have to edit the schema.xml of Solr manually and add
an explicit field definition named according to the exact Lucene field names.
● Type specific fields: In the existing Lucene configuration type specific field definitions
are not designated, but the Solr schema.xml defines different data types for fields. If you
are interested in making use of those type specific advantages (like language specific
field analyzing/tokenizing) without manipulating the schema.xml of Solr, you have to
define a type attribute for those fields at least. The value of the attribute type can be any
name of each <dynamicField> configured in the schema.xml that starts with a *_. The
resulting field inside the Solr document is then named
● Fallback: If you don't have defined a type attribute and there does not exist an explicit
field in the schema.xml named according to the Lucene field name OpenCms uses
text_general as fallback. E.g. a Lucene field <field name="title"
index="true"> ... </field> will be stored as a dynamic field named title_txt
in the Solr index.
An originally field configuration like:
<description>The standard OpenCms 8.0 search field configuration.</description>
<field name="content" store="compress" index="true" excerpt="true">
<mapping type="content"/>
<field name="title-key" display="-" store="true" index="untokenized" boost="0.0">
<mapping type="property">Title</mapping>
<field name="title" display="%(key.field.title)" store="false" index="true">
<mapping type="property">Title</mapping>
<field name="keywords" display="%(key.field.keywords)" store="true" index="true">
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<mapping type="property">Keywords</mapping>
<field name="description" store="true" index="true">
<mapping type="property">Description</mapping>
<field name="meta" display="%(key.field.meta)" store="false" index="true">
<mapping type="property">Title</mapping>
<mapping type="property">Keywords</mapping>
<mapping type="property">Description</mapping>
Could look after the conversion like this:
<fieldconfiguration class="">
<description>The standard OpenCms 8.0 Solr search field configuration.</description>
<field name="content" store="compress" index="true" excerpt="true">
<mapping type="content"/>
<field name="title-key" store="true" index="untokenized" boost="0.0" type="s">
<mapping type="property">Title</mapping>
<field name="title" store="false" index="true" type="prop">
<mapping type="property">Title</mapping>
<field name="keywords" store="true" index="true" type="prop">
<mapping type="property">Keywords</mapping>
<field name="description" store="true" index="true" type="prop">
<mapping type="property">Description</mapping>
<field name="meta" store="false" index="true" type="en">
<mapping type="property">Title</mapping>
<mapping type="property">Keywords</mapping>
<mapping type="property">Description</mapping>
11.3.2 Indexed data
The following sections will show what data is indexed by default and what possibilities are
offered by OpenCms to configure / implement additional field configurations / mappings. The Solr index schema (schema.xml)
Have a look at the Solr schema.xml first. In the file
<CATALINA_HOME>/webapps/<OPENCMS>/WEB-INF/solr/conf/schema.xml you will
find the field definitions that will be used by OpenCms that were briefly summarized before. Default index fields
OpenCms indexes several information for each resource by default:
● id - Structure id used as unique identifier for an document (The structure id of the
● path - Full root path (The root path of the resource e.g.
● path_hierarchy - The full path as (path tokenized field type: text_path)
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● parent-folders - Parent folders (multi-valued field containing an entry for each parent
● type - Type name (the resource type name)
● res_locales - Existing locale nodes for XML content and all available locales in case of
binary files
● created - The creation date (The date when the resource itself has being created)
● lastmodified - The date last modified (The last modification date of the resource itself)
● contentdate - The content date (The date when the resource's content has been
● released - The release and expiration date of the resource
● content - A general content field that holds all extracted resource data (all languages,
type text_general)
● contentblob - The serialized extraction result (content_blob) to improve the extraction
performance while indexing
● category - All categories as general text
● category_exact - All categories as exact string for faceting reasons
● text_<locale> - Extracted textual content optimized for the language specific search
(Default languages: en, de, el, es, fr, hu, it)
● timestamp - The time when the document was indexed last time
● *_prop - All properties of a resource as searchable and stored text (field name:
<Property_Definition_Name>_prop as text_general)
● *_exact - All properties of a resource as exact not stored string (field name:
<Property_Definition_Name>_exact as string) Custom fields for XML contents
Declarative field configuration with field mappings can also be bone via the XSD-Content-
Definition of an XML resource type as defined in the DefaultAppinfoTypes.xsd
<xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsDefaultAppinfoSearchsetting">
<xsd:element name="solrfield"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="element" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<xsd:attribute name="searchcontent"
type="xsd:boolean" use="optional" default="true" />
<xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsDefaultAppinfoSolrField">
<xsd:element name="mapping"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
<xsd:attribute name="targetfield" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
<xsd:attribute name="sourcefield" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="copyfields" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="locale" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="default" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
<xsd:attribute name="boost" type="xsd:string" use="optional" />
You are able to declare search field mappings for XML content elements directly in the XSD
Content Definition. A XSD using this feature can then look like:
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<searchsetting element="Title" searchcontent="true">
<solrfield targetfield="atitle">
<mapping type="property">Author</mapping>
<searchsetting element="Teaser">
<solrfield targetfield="ateaser">
<mapping type="item" default="Homepage n.a.">Homepage</mapping>
<mapping type="content"/>
<mapping type="property-search">search.special</mapping>
<mapping type="attribute">dateReleased</mapping>
<mapping type="dynamic"
<searchsetting element="Text" searchcontent="true">
<solrfield targetfield="ahtml" boost="2.0"/>
<searchsetting element="Release" searchcontent="false">
<solrfield targetfield="arelease" sourcefield="*_dt" />
<searchsetting element="Author" searchcontent="true">
<solrfield targetfield="aauthor" locale="de"
copyfields="test_text_de,test_text_en" />
<searchsetting element="Homepage" searchcontent="true">
<solrfield targetfield="ahomepage" default="Homepage n.a." />
</searchsettings> Dynamic field mappings
If the requirements for the field mapping are more "dynamic" than just: 'static piece of
content' -> 'specified field defined in the Solr schema', you are able to
implement the the interface Custom field configuration
Declarative field configurations with field mappings can be defined in the file opencmssearch.
xml. You can use exactly the same features as already known for OpenCms Lucene
field configurations.
● Please see Migrating a Lucene index to a Solr index Extend the CmsSolrFieldConfiguration
If the standard configuration options are still not flexible enough you are able to extends from
the class: and define a
custom Solr field configuration in the opencms-search.xml:
<fieldconfiguration class="your.package.YourSolrFieldConfiguration">
<description>The Solr search index field configuration.</description>
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11.4 Behind the walls
11.4.1 The request handler
The class org.opencms.main.OpenCmsSolrHandler offers the same functionality as the
default select request handler of an standard Solr server installation. In the OpenCms default
system configuration (opencms-system.xml) the Solr request handler is configured:
<requesthandler class="org.opencms.main.OpenCmsSolrHandler" />
Alternativly the request handler class can be used as Servlet, therefore add the handler class to
the WEB-INF/web.xml of your OpenCms application:
The OpenCms Solr servlet.
11.4.2 Permission check
OpenCms performs a permission check for all resulting documents and throws those away that
the current user is not allowed to retrieve and expands the result for the next best matching
documents on the fly. This security check is very cost intensive and should be
replaced/improved with a pure index based permission check.
11.4.3 Configurable post processor
OpenCms offers the capability for post search processing Solr documents after the document
has been checked for permissions. This capability allows you to add fields to the found
document before the search result is returned. In order to make use of the post processor you
have to add an optional parameter for the search index as follows:
<index class="">
<name>Solr Offline</name>
<param name="">
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The specified class for the parameter must be an implementation
11.4.4 Multilingual support
There is a default strategy implemented for the multi-language support within OpenCms Solr
search index. For binary documents the language is determined automatically based on the
extracted text. The default mechanism is implemented with:
For XML contents we have the concrete language/locale information and the localized fields are
ending with underscore followed by the locale. E.g.: content_en, content_de or text_en, text_de.
By default all the field mappings definied within the XSD of a resource type are extended by the
11.4.5 Multilingual dependency resolving
Based on the file name of a resource in OpenCms there exists a concept to index documents
that are distributed over more than one resource in OpenCms. The standard implementation
can be found at:
11.4.6 Extraction result cache
For better index performance the extracted result is cached for siblings @see
11.5 Frequently asked questions
11.5.1 How is Solr integrated in general?
Independent from OpenCms a standard Solr Server offers a HTTP-Interface that is reachable
at: http://localhost:8983/solr/select in a default Apache Solr Installation:
You are able to attach each valid Solr query documented at to this URL.
The HTTP response can either be JSON or XML and the answer of the query
http://localhost:8983/solr/select?q=*:*&rows=2 could look like:
<lst name="responseHeader">
<int name="status">0</int>
<int name="QTime">32</int>
<lst name="params">
<str name="q">*:*</str>
<int name="rows">2</int>
<long name="start">0</long>
<result name="response" numFound="139" start="0">
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Solr is implemented in Java and there exists a Apache library called solrj, that enables to
access a running Solr server by writing Java code:
The Solr integration in OpenCms offers both Interfaces: Java and HTTP. The default URL for
sending Solr queries against OpenCms is:
this handler can answer any syntactically correct Solr query
The following code shows a simple example how to program against the Java API:
CmsObject cmsO = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request,
String query = ((request.getParameter("query") != null && request.getParameter("query")
!= "") ? "q=" + request.getParameter("query") : "") + "&fq=type:ddarticle&sort=path
CmsSolrResultList hits = OpenCms.getSearchManager().getIndexSolr("Solr
Offline").search(cmsO, query);
if (hits.size() > 0) { %>
<h4>New way:
<fmt:message key="v8.solr.results" />
<%= hits.getNumFound() %> found / rows <%= hits.getRows() %></h4>
<div class="boxbody"><%
for (CmsSearchResource resource : hits) { %>
<div class="boxbody_listentry">
<div class="twocols">
<div>Path: <strong><%= resource.getRootPath() %></strong></div>
<div>German: <strong>
<%= resource.getDocument().getFieldValueAsString("Title_de") %></strong>
<div>English: <strong>
<%= resource.getDocument().getFieldValueAsString("Title_en") %></strong>
</div> <%
11.5.2 How to sort text for specific languages?
In this example, text is sorted according to the default German rules provided by Java. The
rules for sorting German in Java are defined in a package called a Java Locale.
Locales are typically defined as a combination of language and country, but you can specify just
the language if you want. For example, if you specify "de" as the language, you will get sorting
that works well for German language. If you specify "de" as the language and "CH" as the
country, you will get German sorting specifically tailored for Switzerland. You can see a list of
supported Locales here. And in drder to get more general information about how text analysis is
working with Solr have a look at Language Analysis page.
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<!-- define a field type for German collation -->
<fieldType name="collatedGERMAN" class="solr.TextField">
<tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
<filter class="solr.CollationKeyFilterFactory"
<!-- define a field to store the German collated manufacturer names -->
<field name="manuGERMAN" type="collatedGERMAN" indexed="true" stored="false" />
<!-- copy the text to this field. We could create French, English, Spanish versions
too, and sort differently for different users! -->
<copyField source="manu" dest="manuGERMAN"/>
11.5.3 How to highlight the search query in results? Does OpenCms support result highlighting?
Yes, use the OpenCms Solr Select handler at:
and you will find the highlighting section below the list of documents within the returned
<lst name="highlighting">
<lst name="a710bb16-1e04-11e2-b767-6805ca037347">
<arr name="content_en">
<str><em>YIPI</em> <em>YOHO</em> text text text</str>
</lst> Does the Java API of OpenCms support highlighting?
Currently the OpenCms search API does not support full featured Solr highlighting. But you can
make use of the Solr default highlighting mechanism or course @see [1] or [2] and:
1. Call that returns a
SolrQueryResponse that is documented at:
2. Or you can use the above mentioned OpenCms Solr Select handler at:
localhost:8080/opencms/opencms/handleSolrSelect Is highlighting a performance killer?
Yes, for this reason highlighting is turned off before the first search is executed. After all not
permitted resources are filtered out of the result list, the highlighting is performed again.
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Alkacon® Solr indexing questions Please explain the differences between the "Solr Online and Offline"?
As the name of the indexes let assume Offline indexes are also containing changes that have
not yet been published and Online indexes only contain thoses resources that have already
been published. The "Online EN VFS" is a Lucene based index and also contains only those
resources that have been published. When executing a Solr query, does only the solr index get used?
No, permissions are checked by OpenCms API afterwards. Where to find general information about Solr?
If you are interested in Solr in general the Solr wiki is a good starting point: The Documentation from CMS side you will find within the distributed
PDF file. Is there a way to create a full backup of the complete index?
You can copy the index folder 'WEB-INF/index/${INDEX_NAME}’' by hand. How to rebuild indexes with a fail-safe?
Edit the opencms-search.xml within your WEB-INF/config directory and add the following node
to your index:
<param name="">true</param>
This will create a snapshot as explained here: Solr result size gets limited to 50 by default, how to get more than 50 results?
In order to return only permission checked resources (what is an expensive task) we only return
this limited number of results. For paging over results please have a look at at the Solr
parameters: rows and start: since version
8.5.x you can increase the resulting documents to a size of your choice.
11.5.4 Solr mailing list questions A class cast exception is thrown, what can I do?
You have to set the right classes for the index, and the field configuration otherwise the Lucene
search index implementation is used.
<index class="">[...]</index>
<fieldconfiguration class="">[...]
</fieldconfiguration> Is it possible to map elements with maxoccurres > 1?
Since version >= 8.5.1 they are mapped to a multivalved field. How to index OpenCmsDateTime elements?
<searchsetting element="Release" searchcontent="false">
<solrfield targetfield="arelease" sourcefield="*_dt" />
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12 SEO
12.1 Introduction
OpenCms 8.5 contains two new features for the purpose of Search Engine Optimization:
Aliases and SEO files. Aliases allow you to have alternative URLs for your pages which don't
correspond to actual paths in the VFS. SEO files can be used to automatically generate XML
sitemaps and robots.txt files for your site.
12.2 Aliases
12.2.1 Simple aliases
There are two types of aliases which can be defined: Simple aliases and Rewrite aliases.
Simple aliases consist of an alias path, a target resource, and an action that determines what
happens when the path is requested from OpenCms. Simple aliases are directly connected to
their target resource, so they will continue to point to that resource even if it is moved or
renamed. Valid alias paths consist of one or more segments which each consist of a "/" and one
or more characters. This means that they may not end with a trailing "/". There are three
possible actions which can be peformed if the path of an alias is requested from OpenCms:
● Temporary redirect (302): A temporary redirect will be sent to the browser, with the
current link to the target resource as the new URL
● Permanent redirect (301): A permanent redirect will be sent to the browser, with the
current link to the target resource as the new URL
● Show page: OpenCms will try to load the target resource directly in the current request
12.2.2 Rewrite aliases
While a simple alias maps a single path to a single resource, rewrite aliases can be used to
define aliases for whole classes of paths by specifying a regular expression to match a path and
a replacement string to apply if the pattern matches. OpenCms will test an incoming path
against rewrite alias patterns and apply the first matching rewrite alias. There is no order
defined for the matching, so you should not define rewrite aliases with overlapping patterns.
The pattern for a rewrite alias follows standard Java regular expression syntax, while the
replacement string follows the syntax for the parameter of the method
java.util.regex.Matcher#replaceFirst, i.e. the content of capture groups from the regular
expressions can be accessed using dollar syntax ($1, $2,...). The pattern will always be
matched against the whole path. Rewrite aliases have precedence over simple aliases, i.e. if a
rewrite alias matches the current request's path, a simple alias for that path will not match.
There are three possible actions for rewrite aliases:
● Temporary redirect (302): A temporary redirect will be sent to the browser, with the
substitution result as the new URL
● Permanent redirect (301): A permanent redirect will be sent to the browser, with the
substitution result as the new URL
● Passthrough: The path resulting from the pattern replacement will be passed to the next
resource handler configured in the <resourceinit> element after the alias handler.
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12.2.3 Internals
All alias matching for incoming requests is handled by the class
org.opencms.main.CmsAliasResourceHandler, which is by default configured in the opencmssystem.
xml configuration file in the <resourceinit> element. Even if this handler is removed from
the configuration, it is still possible to edit aliases through the user interface, although they will
have no effect.
For paths which actually exist in the VFS, and for paths that start with "/system/", the alias
resource handler will not be used.
Note that aliases are only active for a single site. For example, it is possible to use the same
alias path for different simple aliases on different sites.
Note that, due to the limitations of redirects, request parameters will not be preserved if a POST
request's path matches an alias path and a redirect action is performed.
12.2.4 SEO options dialog
A new SEO options Context menu entry is available in the Page editor's Context menu and in
the Context menu for sitemap entries:
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When this item is selected from the Context menu, the SEO options dialog opens:
The SEO options dialog allows you to change the Title, Description and Keywords properties,
and to edit the simple aliases for the resource. Note that changes will only be applied once you
click the "Save" button.
You can edit an existing alias by changing its path in the text box or changing the action using
the action select box. The "Delete" button can be used to remove the alias.
You can add a new alias by entering the alias path in the text box for new alias paths, selecting
the action from the select box, and clicking the "Add" button.
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12.2.5 Edit aliases dialog
The "Edit aliases" dialog allows you to view or edit all aliases (simple and rewrite) for the current
site. You can open it from the sitemap editor's main Context menu.
When this item is selected from the Context menu, the SEO options dialog opens:
This dialog allows you to edit new aliases, edit existing aliases, and import and export aliases
for the current site to/from a CSV file.
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12.2.6 Creating new aliases
You can create a new alias by entering the alias path and target page (or pattern and
replacement, respectively), selecting an action and clicking the "Add" button.
12.2.7 Editing existing aliases
Existing aliases (either simple or rewrite aliases) can be edited in their respective tables. You
can change an existing alias' attributes by clicking on the corresponding table entry. If you enter
invalid alias paths, the "Status" field of the corresponding table will display an "Error" label; you
can get a more detailed message when hovering your mouse over this label.
You can delete existing aliases by selecting the checkboxes in the "X" column of the
corresponding table rows, and then clicking the "Delete" button above the table.
12.2.8 Exporting and importing aliases
You can click the "Export" button to download a CSV file containing the currently defined aliases
for the site. Note that this will not include any unsaved alias changes from the dialog.
Clicking the "Import" button will open another dialog that allows you to import a previously
exported CSV file.
First click the "Select File" button to select a CSV file to import. Then click the "Import" button.
It is possible that the CSV file was generated by a program which uses a different field
separator than ',', so you can also set the field separator to use when parsing the file before
clicking on "Import". The aliases will then be imported, and status messages will be displayed in
the text field on the bottom of the dialog. The import CSV file format looks like the following:
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Each line consists of two, three or four fields. If the line contains 3 fields, it is interpreted as a
simple alias, with the following field definitions:
● Field 1: The alias path
● Field 2: The site path of the alias target
● Field 3: The action for the rewrite.
○ page: Show the page
○ permanentRedirect: Send permanent redirect
○ redirect: Send temporary redirect
Lines with 2 fields will also be interpreted as simple alias paths, with the alias mode implicitly set
to "permanentRedirect". If the line contains 4 fields, it is interpreted as a rewrite alias, with the
following field definitions:
● Field 1: The alias pattern
● Field 2: The replacement string
● Field 3: The action for the rewrite
○ passthrough: Pass the rewritten path to the next resource handler
○ permanentRedirect, redirect: as above
● Field 4: Must be the constant value "rewrite"
12.3 Automatic robots.txt and XML sitemap generation
OpenCms provides automatic generation of XML sitemaps and robots.txt files which reference
those sitemaps. Both of these are provided by the new seo_file resource type. When a resource
of this type is requested from OpenCms, OpenCms will dynamically generate the sitemap or
robots.txt data and send them to the client.
12.3.1 XML sitemap generation
Create a new resource of the type "SEO file" in the folder for which you want to generate the
XML sitemap. Open this file with the content editor. Make sure the mode "XML sitemap" is
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By default, the XML sitemap will contain all navigation entries in and below the current folder,
the URLs for all detail pages whose base container pages are in or below the current folder, and
all aliases whose alias paths are below the current folder and whose action is defined as "Show
"Include folder" entries allows you to define folders whose whole contents, including resources
from subfolders, will be included in the XML sitemap.
"Exclude folder" entries allow you to define folders whose whole contents, including resources
from subfolders, will be excluded from the XML sitemap.
If you check the "Container page dates" option, the last modification date of containerpages will
be computed from the last modification date of their contents.
Note that the XML sitemap output will always correspond to the Online project state of
resources, and will only contain pages which are visible to the Guest user.
12.3.2 Generation of robots.txt
To use this feature, create a new file of type "SEO file" in the root folder of your site. Using this
feature only makes sense if your host is set up so that the OpenCms site is mapped to the root
of your domain, i.e. that will be retrieved from the OpenCms site's
root folder.
Edit the SEO file and set the mode to "robots.txt". By default, when the robots.txt file is
requested from OpenCms, it will only contain references to the existing XML sitemaps of your
site. To add additional entries, you need to add them to the "robots.txt content" field of your
SEO file.
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With OpenCms 8.5, it is possible to access the content inside the OpenCms Virtual File System
using CMIS, the Content Management Interoperability Services. The next section will consist of
a small practical example of accessing a running OpenCms instance via CMIS, while the
section after that will contain more detailed information about the CMIS implementation of
OpenCms. Please note that this document does not describe the CMIS standard in depth. You
can read the CMIS specification at
13.1 Accessing OpenCms via CMIS
Version 8.5 and later come with CMIS connectivity out of the box, so no configuration is
required on the OpenCms side. We assume that an OpenCms instance is running locally under
http://localhost:8080/opencms, where opencms is the web application name.
We will be using the Apache Chemistry Workbench for this example. This is a Java GUI client
application for accessing arbitrary CMIS repositories. You can download it from
Start the Apache Chemistry Workbench and click the "Connection" button. The following dialog
will open:
The CMIS standard defines both an AtomPub binding and a SOAP web service binding.
OpenCms supports both of them, but we are using the AtomPub binding for this example, so
enter the connection URL "http://localhost:8080/opencms/cmisatom" and select the "AtomPub"
radio button.
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Enter the user name and password of the OpenCms user as which you want to log in (all
operations performed via CMIS are executed in the context of an OpenCms user). Then click on
the "Load repositories" button.
Two repositories will be displayed: cmis-online, with which you can access contents from
OpenCms' Online project, but not make any modifications, and cmis-offline, which allows you to
access and make changes to the offline contents. Select "cmis-offline" and click the Login
The GUI will now display the resources from the root folder of the VFS. You can navigate to
other folders by double clicking on them. Double clicking on other resources will load the
resources from the VFS and display them. Please note that CMIS only allows you to access the
raw content of the resources. More specifically, you cannot get the rendered output of XML
content via CMIS, only its source code.
On the workbench's right side, you can select different tabs for access various information about
or perform actions on the currently selected resource on the left. For example, the "Actions" tab
allows you to perform actions like deleting the current resource, while in the "Properties" tab,
you can view or modify the properties for the currently selected resource.
13.2 CMIS integration
CMIS is a standard for accessing content repositories over web services. OpenCms provides a
CMIS interface through which CMIS client software can access the OpenCms VFS. For that
purpose, OpenCms comes with two additional servlets configured in the WEB-INF/web.xml file
for the two possible binding types defined by the CMIS standard, AtomPub and SOAP. The
servlets are mapped to the paths /cmisatom and /services, respectively.
Additionally, some servlet context listeners are defined in the web.xml file. These servlets are
provided by the Apache Chemistry server implementation framework. If you do not intend to use
CMIS at all, you can just comment out the CMIS section in the web.xml file marked by "Start
of/End of CMIS configuration", which will reduce the startup time of the OpenCms web
application. These servlets provide access to any CMIS repositories which have been
configured in opencms-importexport.xml. CMIS repositories, like WebDav repositories, are
configured under the <repositories> element. By default, this configuration has two configured
<repository name="cmis-offline" class="org.opencms.cmis.CmsCmisRepository">
<param name="project">Offline</param>
<param name="description">Offline project CMIS repository</param>
<param name="index">Solr Offline</param>
<repository name="cmis-online" class="org.opencms.cmis.CmsCmisRepository">
<param name="project">Online</param>
<param name="description">Online project CMIS repository</param>
<param name="index">Solr Online</param>
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The <repositories> section of the configuration is also used to configure WebDAV repositories
for OpenCms. OpenCms distinguishes configured CMIS repositories from WebDAV repositories
by the fact that the value of the "class" attribute refers to the name of a Java class which
implements the interface org.opencms.cmis.I_CmsCmisRepository.
Currently the only class implementing this interface that comes with OpenCms is
org.opencms.cmis.CmsCmisRepository. This class supports various configuration parameters
which are defined under the “params” element:
The "working project" for the CMIS repository. This is a required parameter. If this is the
Online project, the repository will only provide read access to the Online project of the
If this is any other project, the CMIS repository will access the Offline state of the VFS,
and any changes are performed inside the configured project. Note that, from the point
of view of the CMIS standard, different repositories are independent objects. This means
that if you are writing a client application that needs to access both offline and online
contents from OpenCms through CMIS, you will need to connect to both an Offline and
an Online repository.
A description text that may be displayed by CMIS clients for the repository.
The name of the OpenCms Solr index used for querying the repository. This will not
work with a Lucene index. This uses OpenCms' standard Solr search facilities, which are
described elsewhere in this manual.If this parameter is omitted, the CMIS
implementation will report the repository as "not queryable".
The class name of a "rendition provider class". CMIS has the concept of 'renditions',
which are alternative views of the the same content, e.g. thumbnails of images, and the
class which is configured here can provide such renditions. The class needs to
implement the interface org.opencms.cmis.I_CmsCmisRenditionProvider. No classes
implementing this interface are included in the standard OpenCms distribution.
The class name of a "property provider" class. With this parameter, it is possible to add
special properties to the CMIS view of the OpenCms VFS which do not directly
correspond to any resource properties or attributes, but are instead read or written by
calling methods on an instance of the provided class. You can use this to make custom
code in OpenCms available through CMIS calls. The configured classes need to
implement the interface org.opencms.cmis.I_CmsPropertyProvider. No classes
implementing this interface are included in the standard OpenCms distribution.
OpenCms makes resources and relations available as CMIS objects. All files have the CMIS
type "cmis:document". All folders have the CMIS type "cmis:folder". Relations have the CMIS
type "opencms:RELATIONTYPE", where RELATIONTYPE is the relation type name defined in
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Files and folders can be created, deleted and modified through CMIS, assuming the repository
project is not the Online project and the current user has the permissions to perform the
operation. Relations can only be created or deleted if the relation type is nor marked as “defined
in content” (See the method org.opencms.relation.CmsRelationType.isDefinedInContent()).
For each OpenCms property "X", there are two CMIS properties available on both
cmis:document and cmis:folder: opencms:X and opencms-inherited:X. The opencms:X property
for a CMIS document or folder will contain the property value for the resource which is directly
set on the resource, while the opencms-inherited:X property will contain the value which was
either directly set on the resource or inherited from a parent folder. The opencms:X property can
be both read and written, while the opencms-inherited:X property is read-only. Writing to the
opencms:X property with CMIS will set both the structure and the resource value of the property
in OpenCms.
Some standard CMIS properties are filled with resource attributes or other useful resource
information from OpenCms:
cmis:objectId - the internal OpenCms structure id of the resource
cmis:path - the root path of the resource
cmis:lastModifiedBy - the name of the user who last modified the resource
cmis:lastModificationDate - the date at which the resource was last modified
cmis:createdBy - the name of the user who created the resource
cmis:creationDate - the date when the resource was created
opencms-special:resource-type - Contains the OpenCms resource type name
opencms-dynamic:PROPERTYNAME - A dynamic property which is handled by a custom
property provider class configured in opencms-importexport.xml, as described above.
It is not possible to create completely new OpenCms properties through CMIS. You can only
define new properties from OpenCms itself. These new properties may not be immediately
visible through the CMIS interface, as the list of valid OpenCms properties in the CMIS
implementation is only refreshed every 5 minutes.
When uploading new files into OpenCms via CMIS, the OpenCms resource type will be
automatically determined from the file extension of the uploaded file. You can override this by
specifying the opencms-special:resource-type property with the OpenCms resource type as a
value when creating a new document through CMIS.
Limitations of the CMIS implementation
The CMIS implementation of OpenCms does not support all optional CMIS features, and not all
OpenCms functionality. The unsupported features are:
● Versioning and PWCs
● Unfiled and multifiled resources
● Changing permissions/access control entries
● Changelogs
● Policies
● CMIS-SQL support
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Although queries don't support CMIS-SQL, querying is still possible using Solr queries. If
a Solr index is configured for a repository as described above, OpenCms will report that
repository as queryable, but standard CMIS clients that rely on CMIS-SQL being
available for queryable repositories may not work.
Publishing files is not supported, since the CMIS standard has no concept of “Offline” and
“Online” mode like OpenCms. The Offline and Online repositories in the standard configuration
are completely independent from the CMIS point of view. Although the CMIS implementation
provides basic access control lists for resources, those are very incomplete compared to the
OpenCms permission system, and are not sufficient to determine whether a user can perform
an action through CMIS. So if you writing a client application to access OpenCms through
CMIS, you need to use the "allowable actions" API call to determine whether an operation can
be performed before actually trying to perform it.
Example CMIS client program
Thanks to CMIS, you can use any client library which correctly implements CMIS to write
custom client applications that access the VFS. One such exmple application that uses the
Apache Chemistry client libraries is appended below. This example application uploads
documents from a folder in the local file system to the RFS. You can find more information
about developing client applications with Apache Chemistry in Java at
* Demo for uploading files to CMIS.
public class CmisUploader {
/** The repository id. */
public static final String REPOSITORY_ID = "cmis-offline";
/** The session factory. */
private static SessionFactory sessionFactory = SessfromionFactoryImpl.newInstance();
private String m_repositoryUrl;
/** The session. */
private Session m_session = null;
public CmisUploader(String repositoryUrl) {
m_repositoryUrl = repositoryUrl;
* Main method.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String repositoryUrl = args[0];
String source = args[1];
String target = args[2];
CmisUploader uploader = new CmisUploader(repositoryUrl);
uploader.copyFiles(source, target);
* Copies files from a local folder to a CMIS folder.
public void copyFiles(String sourceFolder, String targetFolder) throws Exception {
File sourcefolder = new File(sourceFolder);
for (File child : sourcefolder.listFiles()) {
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if (child.isFile()) {
uploadFileToCmis(child.getAbsolutePath(), targetFolder);
* Uploads a single file from the local file system to a CMIS folder.
public void uploadFileToCmis(String fileSystemPath, String targetFolder) throws Exception {
Session session = getSession();
File file = new File(fileSystemPath);
String name = file.getName();
byte[] fileContent = readFile(file);
Folder parent = (Folder)(session.getObjectByPath(targetFolder));
String targetPath = (targetFolder + "/" + name).replaceAll("/+", "/");
try {
System.out.println("Not creating " + targetPath + " since it already exists. ");
} catch (CmisObjectNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Creating " + targetPath);
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put(PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID, "cmis:document");
properties.put(PropertyIds.NAME, name);
ContentStream contentStream = new ContentStreamImpl(
new ByteArrayInputStream(fileContent));
parent.createDocument(properties, contentStream, VersioningState.MAJOR);
* Gets the session, creating it if possible.
private Session getSession() {
if (m_session == null) {
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
// OpenCms user name and password
parameters.put(SessionParameter.USER, "Admin");
parameters.put(SessionParameter.PASSWORD, "admin");
parameters.put(SessionParameter.ATOMPUB_URL, m_repositoryUrl);
parameters.put(SessionParameter.BINDING_TYPE, BindingType.ATOMPUB.value());
parameters.put(SessionParameter.REPOSITORY_ID, "cmis-offline");
m_session = sessionFactory.createSession(parameters);
return m_session;
* Utility method for reading a file's content.
private byte[] readFile(File file) throws IOException {
byte[] fileContent = new byte[(int)file.length()];
FileInputStream istream = new FileInputStream(file);;
return fileContent;
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14 JSP basics
This part of the documentation describes the basics of JSP application development with
OpenCms. It provides an overview and some background information about the technology
used for the OpenCms JSP integration. Other sections available in the Alkacon OpenCms
documentation accompany this introduction and serve as further reference material. Please
note that this is not an introduction to JSP developing, there are certainly many good tutorials or
books for that around.
14.1 JSP features
● Add and manage JSP in the OpenCms Workplace
● Supports WYSIWYG editable pages which use JSP templates
● Use the same JSP template for editable pages and interactive forms
● JSP Taglib for common OpenCms tasks
● JSP API to directly access OpenCms functionality
● Separate online and offline versions of the same JSP
● The FlexCache, a powerful declarative caching mechanism
● Optional output streaming on a per-page basis
● Optional static export of JSP
14.2 The JSP <cms>-taglib
14.2.1 How to insert the "taglib" directive?
If you like to use the OpenCms JSP taglib, you must insert the "taglib" directive in your JSP
page to specify where the OpenCms taglib definition can be found. This can be done in two
different ways:
1. With standard JSP-/Servlet-Technology:
<%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="" %>
This directive must be set before any cms tags are used. If used like shown in the example,
the prefix "cms" is unique for the OpenCms Taglib. In our examples, all tags of the OpenCms
taglib start with the prefix "cms:".
2. With OpenCms specific short form:
<%@page buffer="none" session="false" taglibs="c,cms" %>
14.2.2 Available tags
The following list of <cms>-tags is available in the OpenCms standard taglib. An tag can be
executed by calling:
<cms:tagName attributes...></cms:tagName>
● cms:container - Enables the template mechanism for container pages.
● cms:contentaccess - Provides access to the content for the JSP EL.
● cms:contentcheck - Provides conditional logic for checking the element of a XML
● cms:contentinfo - Provides access to the result set of a contentload.
● cms:contentload - Loads XML content items from the OpenCms VFS.
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● cms:contentloop - Allows looping through XML content node element values.
● cms:contentshow - Provides access to individual XML content node element values.
● cms:decorate - Provides decoration of HTML content.
● cms:device - Provides different HTML output for various device types.
● cms:editable - Enables the direct editing within a template.
● cms:elementsetting - Provides access to the settings of an ADE container element.
● cms:enable-ade - Enables the advanced direct editing within a template.
● cms:export - Writes JSP code from a JSP to files in the static export.
● cms:formatter - Loads single XML content items for ADE formatters.
● cms:headincludes - Includes required css or javascript resources, placed in html/head.
● cms:img - Supports image scaling using the OpenCms native image scaling
● cms:include - Includes other JSP elements dynamically at runtime.
● cms:info - Enables access to some system information like OpenCms version etc.
● cms:jquery - Allows to include jquery and some jquery plugins code and style sheets.
● cms:label - Reads localized values from the resource bundles (Java property files like that hold user messages.
● cms:link - Builds a valid OpenCms URL for a given resource.
● cms:navigation - Provides access to the navigation information.
● cms:nocache - Sends no-cache headers to the browser.
● cms:param - Adds a parameter to the outer tag (if supported).
● cms:parse - Decorates HTML with custom A_CmsConfiguredHtmlParser
implementations given in the parserClass attribute.
● cms:property - Enables read access to the current VFS file's properties.
● cms:resourceaccess - Provides access to the resources for the JSP EL.
● cms:resourceload - Loads resources from the OpenCms VFS.
● cms:secureparams - Enables automatic parameter escaping for the current flex
● cms:template - Splits a JSP page into elements to be included by the 'cms:include'
● cms:user - Enables access to the properties of the currently logged in user.
● cms:usertracking - Performs user tracking actions like visit resources or
14.2.3 Available EL functions
The following list of EL-functions is available in the OpenCms standard taglib. An EL-function
can be accessed by calling:
● cms:vfs - Provides simple access to a OpenCms JSP / EL content vfs access bean.
● cms:convertDate - Allows conversion of Long values to Dates. Can also handle Strings
that represent a Long or a Date.
● cms:convertLocale - Allows conversion of Objects to Locales. Can also handle Strings
that are locales, or Locales itself.
● cms:convertList - Returns a list of attribute values specified by the attribute name of
the items of the given list.
● cms:getCmsObject - Returns the current OpenCms user context from the page
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● cms:getListSize - Returns the size of the given list.
● cms:stripHtml - Strips all HTML markup from the given input.
● cms:trimToSize - Returns a substring of the input, which is not longer then the given int
● cms:convertUUID - Allows conversion of String values to CmsUUIDs. Can also handle
byte[] that are CmsUUIDs, or CmsUUID itself.
● cms:getRequestParam - Returns the value of a parameter from a String that is
formatted for a GET request.
● cms:getRequestLink - Returns the link without parameters from a String that is
formatted for a GET request.
● cms:escape - Encodes a String in a way that is compatible with the JavaScript escape
● cms:unescape - Decodes a String in a way that is compatible with the JavaScript
unescape function.
● cms:navUri - Returns the current navigation URI.




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