Getting Started with Go and Unix Systems Programming

What is systems programming ?

System programming is a special area of programming on Unix machines.

You can group the various areas of systems software and related system calls in the following sets:

  • File I/O
  • Advanced file I/O
  • System files and configuration
  • Files and directories
  • Process control
  • Threads
  • Server processes
  • Interprocess communication
  • Signal processing
  • Network programming

Learning systems programming

The only way you can learn systems programming is by developing your own utilities using this book as a reference and a tutorial.

About Go

Go is a modern generic purpose open source programming language that officially announced at the end of 2009.

Spiritual fathers: Robert Griesemer , Ken Thomson, asn Rob Pike , who designed Go as a language for professional programmers who want to build reliable and robust software.

Getting ready for Go

Find your version of Go using this command:

[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ 
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ go version
go version go1.10.3 gccgo (GCC) 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-15) linux/amd64
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ 
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ 

[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ vi hello.go
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ ls -ltr
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 maxwell maxwell  16 Oct 10 12:47 banzhang.txt
-rwxrwxr-x 1 maxwell maxwell 265 Oct 11 07:14
drwxrwxr-x 5 maxwell maxwell 276 Oct 12 21:50 datas
drwxrwxr-x 3 maxwell maxwell  52 Oct 14 15:51 software
drwxr-xr-x 4 maxwell maxwell 125 Oct 14 17:05 datasets
drwxrwxr-x 5 maxwell maxwell 146 Nov 15 20:10 shelllearning
drwxrwxr-x 2 maxwell maxwell  18 Nov 15 20:53 20221115_shelllearning
-rw-rw-r-- 1 maxwell maxwell 119 Dec  7 20:55 hello.go
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ go run hello.go
Hello World!
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ cat hello.go
package main
 import "fmt"
  // This is a demonstrative comment! 
  func main() {
     fmt.Println("Hello World!")
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA ~]$ 

Two useful Go tools

The two most useful of them are gofmt and godoc.

you can find more information about gofmt :

The following is a poorly formatted version of the hw.go program that is hard to read and understand.

[maxwell@MaxwellDBA goproject]$ cat unglyHW.go
package main


// This is a demonstrative comment!
        func main(){
 fmt.Println("Hello World!" )
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA goproject]

Processing the previous code , which is saved as unglyHW.go with gofmt, generated the following easy to read and comprehend output:

[maxwell@MaxwellDBA goproject]$ gofmt unglyHW.go
package main

import "fmt"

// This is a demonstrative comment!
func main() {
        fmt.Println("Hello World!")
[maxwell@MaxwellDBA goproject]$ 

Note: Remembering that the gofmt utility does not automatically save the generated outputs is important , which means that you should either use the -w options followed by a valid filename or redirect the output of gofmt to a new file.

The godoc utility allows you to see the documentation of existing Go packages and functions. You can find more information about godoc at

Advantages and disadvantages of Go

The list of the Go Strong features includes the following:

  • easy to read and easy to understand
  • The Go compiler is there to help you to print warning and error meesage that help you solve the actual problem.
  • portable
  • modern programming language
  • support for procedural,concurrent,and distributed programming.
  • support Garbage Collection(GC)
  • does not have a preprocessor and does high-speed compilation.
  • build web application
  • uses static linking by default. which means that the produced binary files can be easily transferred.
  • go can be used from the command line.
  • Go keeps concepts orthogonal

The list of Go disadvantages includes the following:

  • does not have direct support for object-oriented programming.

The various states of a Unix process


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