The Mythical Man-Month

Good cooking fakes time. If you are made to wait, it is to serve you better, and to please you.


More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all other causes combined.


they reflect an unvoiced assumption which is quite untrue,i.e., that all will go well.


Second, our estimating techniques fallaciously confuse effort with progress, hiding the assumption that men and months are interchangeable.


Third, because we are uncertain of our estimates, software managers often lack the courteous stubbornness of Antoine's chef.


Fourth, schedule progress is poorly monitored. Techniques proven and routine in other engineering disciplines are considered radical innovations in software engineering.


Fifth, when schedule slippage is recognized, the natural (and traditional) response is to add manpower.



Perhaps this modern sorcery especially attracts those who believe in happy endings and fairy godmothers.


Perhaps the hundreds of nitty frustrations drive away all but those who habitually focus on the end goal.


But however the selection process works, the result is indisputable:


The pervasiveness of optimism among programmers deserves more than a flip analysis.


This description, which Miss Sayers uses to illuminate not only human creative activity but also the Christian doctrine of the Trinity, will help us in our present task.


For the human makers of things, the incompletenesses and inconsistencies of our ideas become clear only during implementation.


Thus it is that writing, experimentation, "working out" are essential disciplines for the theoretician.


In many creative activities the medium of execution is intractable.


Lumber splits; paints smear; electrical circuits ring.


These physical limitations of the medium constrain the ideas that may be expressed, and they also create unexpected difficulties in the implementation.


Implementation, then, takes time and sweat both because of the physical media and because of the inadequacies of the underlying ideas.


We tend to blame the physical media for most of our implementation difficulties;


for the media are not "ours" in the way the ideas are, and our pride colors our judgment.


Computer programming, however, creates with an exceedingly tractable medium.


The programmer builds from pure thought-stuff: concepts and very flexible representations thereof.


In a single task, the assumption that all will go well has a probabilistic effect on the schedule.


for there is a probability distribution for the delay that will be encountered, and "no delay" has a finite probability.



The second fallacious thought mode is expressed in the very unit of effort used in estimating and scheduling: the man-month.


Cost does indeed vary as the product of the number of men and the number of months.


Hence the man-month as a unit for measuring the size of a job is a dangerous and deceptive myth.

(因此我认为用 人月作为一种可测量的工作的大小是一种危险和带有欺骗性的神话)

It implies that men and months are interchangeable.


人员和时间之间的关系  --  完全可以分解的任务

Men and months are interchangeable commodities only when a task can be partitioned among many workers with no communication among them (Fig. 2.1).


This is true of reaping wheat or picking cotton; it is not even approximately true of systems programming.


人员和时间之间的关系  --  无法分解的任务

When a task cannot be partitioned because of sequential constraints, the application of more effort has no effect on the schedule(Fig. 2.2).


The bearing of a child takes nine months, no matter how many women are assigned.


Many software tasks have this characteristic because of the sequential nature of debugging.


人员和时间之间的关系 --  需要沟通可分解的任务

In tasks that can be partitioned but which require communication among the subtasks, the effort of communication must be added to the amount of work to be done.


Therefore the best that can be done is somewhat poorer than an even trade of men for months


人员和时间之间的关系  --  复杂关系下的任务

The added burden of communication is made up of two parts, training and intercommunication.


Each worker must be trained in the technology, the goals of the effort, the overall strategy, and the plan of work.

(和工作计划  每一个员工都需要在技术、项目目标、总体策略以及工作计划上进行培训)

This training cannot be partitioned, so this part of the added effort varies linearly with the number of workers.


Intercommunication is worse. If each part of the task must be separately coordinated with each other part/ the effort increases as n(n-I)/2.


Three workers require three times as much pairwise intercommunication as two; four require six times as much as two.


If, moreover, there need to be conferences among three, four, etc., workers to resolve things jointly, matters get worse yet.


The added effort of communicating may fully counteract the division of the original task and bring us to the situation of Fig. 2.4.


Since software construction is inherently a systems effort—an exercise in complex interrelationships—communication effort is great, and it quickly dominates the decrease in individual task time brought about by partitioning.

(因为软件开发本质上就是一件系统工作 --  错综复杂关系下的一种实践  --  沟通、交流的工作量非常大,它很快会消耗任务分解所节省下来的个人时间)

Systems Test

No parts of the schedule are so thoroughly affected by sequential constraints as component debugging and system test.


Furthermore, the time required depends on the number and subtlety of the errors encountered.


For some years I have been successfully using the following rule of thumb for scheduling a software task:


l/3 planning
l/6 coding
l/4 component test and early system test
l/4 system test, all components in hand.

This differs from conventional scheduling in several important ways:


1. The fraction devoted to planning is larger than normal. Even so, it is barely enough to produce a detailed and solid specification, and not enough to include research or exploration of totally new techniques.


2. The half of the schedule devoted to debugging of completed code is much larger than normal.


3. The part that is easy to estimate, i.e., coding, is given only one-sixth of the schedule.


In examining conventionally scheduled projects, I have found that few allowed one-half of the projected schedule for testing, but that most did indeed spend half of the actual schedule for that purpose.


Many of these were on schedule until and except in system testing.


Failure to allow enough time for system test, in particular, is peculiarly disastrous.


Since the delay comes at the end of the schedule, no one is aware of schedule trouble until almost the delivery date.


Bad news, late and without warning, is unsettling to customers and to managers.


Furthermore, delay at this point has unusually severe financial, as well as psychological, repercussions.


The project is fully staffed, and cost-per-day is maximum.


More seriously, the software is to support other business effort (shipping of computers, operation of new facilities, etc.) and the secondary costs of delaying these are very high, for it is almost time for software shipment.


Indeed, these secondary costs may far outweigh all others.


It is therefore very important to allow enough system test time in the original schedule.


Gutless Estimating

Observe that for the programmer, as for the chef, the urgency of the patron may govern the scheduled completion of the task, but it cannot govern the actual completion.


An omelette, promised in two minutes, may appear to be progressing nicely.


But when it has not set in two minutes, the customer has two choices—wait or eat it raw.

(但是当它在两分钟内没有完成,这个顾客就有两种选择 -- 等待或者生吃)

Software customers have had the same choices.


The cook has another choice; he can turn up the heat. The result is often an omelette nothing can save—burned in one part, raw in another.

(顾客还有其它的选择;他可以选择大火。不过结果是常常无法挽救的煎蛋 --  而且已经焦了,而另外一面还是生的。)

Now I do not think software managers have less inherent courage and firmness than chefs, nor than other engineering managers.


But false scheduling to match the patron's desired date is much more common in our discipline than elsewhere in engineering.


It is very difficult to make a vigorous, plausible, and job-risking defense of an estimate that is derived by no quantitative method, supported by little data, and certified chiefly by the hunches of the managers.


Clearly two solutions are needed. We need to develop and publicize productivity figures, bug-incidence figures, estimating rules, and so on.


The whole profession can only profit from sharing such data.


Until estimating is on a sounder basis, individual managers will need to stiffen their backbones and defend their estimates with the assurance that their poor hunches are better than wishderived estimates.


Regenerative Schedule Disaster (再生计划的灾难  --  assume、add people、madness、reschedule、trime the task、)

What does one do when an essential software project is behind schedule? dd manpower, naturally.

(当一个软件项目落后于进度时,通常的做法是什么呢? 自然是加派人手)

Assume that the whole estimate was uniformly low, so that Fig. 2.7 really describes the situation.


That is, allow enough time in the new schedule to ensure that the work can be carefully and thoroughly done, and that rescheduling will not have to be done again.


Trim the task.


In practice this tends to happen anyway, once the team observes schedule slippage.


Where the secondary costs of delay are very high, this is the only feasible action.


The manager's only alternatives are to trim it formally and carefully, to reschedule, or to watch the task get silently trimmed by hasty design and incomplete testing.


In the first two cases, insisting that the unaltered task be completed in four months is disastrous.


Consider the regenerative effects, for example, for the first alternative (Fig. 2.8).


The two new men, however competent and however quickly recruited, will require training in the task by one of the experienced men.


If this takes a month, 3 man-months will have been devoted to work not in the original estimate.


Furthermore, the task, originally partitioned three ways, must be repartitioned into five parts; hence some work already done will be lost, and system testing must be lengthened.


So at the end of the third month, substantially more than 7 manmonths of effort remain, and 5 trained people and one month are available.


thus such aspects as team organization and task division are different in kind, not merely in degree.


The temptation is very strong to repeat the cycle, adding yet more manpower. Therein lies madness.


If on March I one makes the conservative assumption that the whole schedule was optimistic, as Fig. 2.7 depicts, one wants to add 6 men just to the original task.


Without a doubt, the regenerative disaster will yield a poorer product, later, than would rescheduling with the original three men, unaugmented.


Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.


The number of months of a project depends upon its sequential constraints. The maximum number of men depends upon the number of independent subtasks.


More software projects have gone awry for lack of calendar time than for all other causes combined.







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