Saying hello to Struts 2 读书笔记

provides the practical and concrete details to bring the theoretical concepts from the first chapter down to earth.


This application isn’t intended to demonstrate the full complexity of the framework.


Declarative architecture

In this book, we use the phrase declarative architecture to refer to a type of configuration that allows developers to describe their application architecture at a higher level than direct programmatic manipulation.


Similar to how an HTML document simply describes its components and leaves the creation of their runtime instances to the browser, Struts 2 allows you to describe your architectural components through its high-level declarative architecture facility and leave the runtime creation of your application to the framework.


Two kinds of configuration

First, we need to clarify some terminology.


In the introduction to this chapter, we referred to the act of declaring your application’s Struts 2 components as configuration.


While there is nothing wrong with this nomenclature, it can be confusing.


Hidden beneath the far-reaching concept of configuration, we can distinguish between two distinct sets of activity that occur in a Struts 2 project.


One of these, the declarative architecture, is more central to actually building Struts 2 applications, while the other is more administrative in nature.


Conceptually, it’s important to distinguish between the two.



First, we have configuration in the traditional sense of the word.


These are the more administrative activities.


Because the Struts 2 framework is flexible, it allows you to tweak its behavior in many areas.


If you want to change the URL extension by which the framework recognizes which requests it should handle, you can configure the framework to recognize any extension that you like.


By default, Struts 2 looks for URLs ending in .action, but you could configure the framework to look for .do ( the Struts 1.x default extension) or even no extension at all.


Other examples of configurable parameters include maximum file upload size and the development mode flag.


Due to its administrative nature, we’ll explain this type of configuration as we come to topics in the book that can be configured.



The more important type of configuration, which we’ll refer to as declarative architecture, involves defining the Struts 2 components that your application will use and linking them together—or wiring them—to form your required workflow paths.


By workflow path, we mean which action fires when a particular URL is hit, and which results might be chosen by that action to complete processing.


Declarative architecture is a specialized type of configuration that allows developers to create an application’s architecture through description rather than programmatic intervention.


The developer describes the architectural components in high-level artifacts, such as XML files or Java annotations, from which the system will create the runtime instance of the application.


The developer needs only to declare which objects will serve as the actions, results, and interceptors of their application.


This process of declaration primarily consists of specifying which Java class will implement the necessary interface. Almost all of the Struts 2 architectural components are defined as interfaces.


In reality, the framework provides implementations for nearly all of the components you’ll ever need to use.


For instance, the framework comes with implementations of results to handle many types of viewlayer technologies.


Typically, a developer will only need to implement actions and wire them to built-in results and interceptors.


Furthermore, the use of intelligent defaults and annotations can further reduce the manual tasks needed in this area.

(此外,使用智能默认值和注解可以 进一步减少配置过程中所需要的手工任务)

Two mechanisms for declaring your architecture(声明你架构的两种方式:xml 和 annotation)

As you can see, whether your application’s Struts 2 components are declared in XML or in annotations, the framework translates them into the same runtime components.


In the case of the XML, we have the familiar XML configuration document with elements describing your application’s actions, results, and interceptors.


Now, the metadata is collected in Java annotations that reside directly within the Java source for the classes that implement your actions.


Regardless of which method you use, the framework produces the same runtime application.

The two mechanisms are redundant in the sense that you can use whichever you like without functional consequence.
Which style of declaration you choose is largely a matter of taste.

Many of you are already familiar with the use ofXMLfor declarative software development.
We just show this as an example of what XML-style declarative architecture looks like. 
Typically, an application will have severalXMLfiles containing elements like these that describe all of the components of the application. 
Even though most applications will have more than oneXMLfile, all of the files work together as one large description.
The framework uses a specific file as the entry point into this large description.
This entry point is the struts.xml file.
This file, which resides on the Java classpath, must be created by the developer.
While it’s possible to declare all your components in struts.xml, developers more commonly use this file only to include secondary XML files in order to modularize their applications.
We’ll see XML-based declarative architecture in action when we look at the Hello-World application in a few moments.

A relatively new feature of the Java language, annotations allow you to add metadata directly to Java source files.
One of the loftier goals of Java annotations is support for tools that can read metadata from a Java class and do something useful with that information.
We’ll explain how the framework finds the classes that it should scan for annotations when we demo the annotated version of HelloWorld, which we’ll do shortly. Listing 2.2 shows what these annotations look like.
Note that the annotations are made on the Java classes that implement the actions.
Listing 2.2 shows the code from the Login class, which itself will serve as the Login action.
Just like their counterpart elements in the XML, these annotations contain metadata that the framework uses to create the runtime components of your application.
We’ll fully explain this material throughout the course of the book, but it might be worthwhile to note the relationship between the Login action’s XML element in listing 2.1 and the annotations of listing 2.2, which are made directly on the source itself.
(我们将通过这本书来深入的讲解这些内容, 并且读者很有必要去了解去login动作在代码清单2-1中的XML元素和在代码清单2-2中的注解之间的关系)
The annotation-based mechanism is considered by many to be a more elegant solution than the XML mechanism.
For one thing, the annotation mechanism is heavily combined with convention-based deduction of information.
In other words, some of the information that must be explicitly specified in the XML elements can be deduced automatically from the Java package structure to which the annotated classes belong.
For instance, you don’t need to specify the name of the Java class, as that is clearly implicit in the physical location of the annotations.
Many developers also appreciate how annotations eliminate some of the XML file clutter that seems to increase year by year on the web application classpath.
We’ll demonstrate the fundamentals of annotation-based declarative architecture in the second version of the HelloWorld application provided later in this chapter.

Ultimately, choosing a mechanism for declaring architecture is up to the developer.
The most important thing is to understand the concepts of the Struts 2 declarative architecture.
If you understand those, moving between the XML or Java annotation– based mechanisms should be quite trivial.
The Struts 2 developers are ardently moving toward a zero-configuration system that uses convention over configuration, with annotations serving as an elegant override mechanism when conventions aren’t followed.
Many people are already using this system, but we think at this point it isn’t the best approach to learning the framework.
We do think that many of you will ultimately choose to use Java annotations to declare your application’s components because of their elegance.

Intelligent defaults(多数组件都已经被框架进行了声明)
Many commonly used Struts 2 components (or attributes of components) do not need to be declared by the developer.
Regardless of which declaration style you choose, these components and attribute settings are already declared by the framework so that you can more quickly implement the most common portions of application functionality.
Intelligent defaults provide out-of-the-box components that solve common domain workflows without requiring further configuration by the developer, allowing the most common application tasks to be realized with minimum development.
These predefined components are part of the Struts 2 intelligent defaults.

A quick hello
Then we’ll revisit the same application implemented with annotations, focusing on the annotations themselves.
The two HelloWorld applications, which differ only in the style of architectural declaration, will make this point concrete.

Deploying the sample application(部署简单的应用)
Furthermore, we think the benefits gained from learning to install a servlet container far outweigh any short-term gains to be had from any container-specific quick start we might try to provide.
If you’re experienced with Java web application development, you’ll already have your own container preferences and know how to deploy a web application in your chosen container.
(如果你在java web应用开发上有经验,那么你已经有了自己喜欢的servlet容器,并且已经知道如何在你选择的容器中部署应用程序)
If you’re new to Java web application development, you can probably expect to spend a few hours reading some online documentation and working through the installation process.
(如果你在java web应用开发上是新手,你可能需要花费一些时间来阅读在线文档和安装工作)
Choosing a servlet container can be overwhelming, but for newbies we recommend Apache Tomcat.
(对于如何选择servlet容器,对于我们新手来说我们推荐Apache Tomcat)
It’s arguably the most popular open source implementation of the Servlet Specification.
It’s both easy to obtain and certain to be as specified.
(读者可以非常容易的下载到Apache Tomcat,并且获得详细说明)
Though perhaps less fundamental than the choice of a servlet container, choosing an IDE and a build tool can be just as important.
Our goal is to provide build- and IDE-agnostic sample applications.
We recognize that we might save you some time by providing an Ant build file with Tomcat targets, for instance, but, if you don’t use Ant and Tomcat, that doesn’t help and may even hinder your progress.
We should note that the Struts 2 community, along with much of the Java open source community, has strongly adopted Maven 2 as their build/project management tool.
If you plan to have more than a fleeting relationship with the Struts 2 source code, a working knowledge of Maven practice would serve you well.
Provided you have a servlet container, the only thing left to do is deploy the sample application WAR file in accordance with the requirements of your container.
You can obtain the sample application from the Manning web site.
the sample application has been organized into a series of mini-applications.
Basically, we have two versions of the HelloWorld application and many versions of the Struts 2 Portfolio application.
However, the flexibility of the framework allows us to cleanly modularize the sample code for all of the chapters so that we can present distinct versions of the application for each chapter.
This allows us to, for instance, present a simple version of the Struts 2 Portfolio while covering the basics in early chapters, and then provide a full-featured version for later chapters.
As we go to press, we’ve responded to feedback from our Manning Early Access Program (MEAP) readers by adding a separate WAR file version of the HelloWorld sample application.
To fulfill both these requests, we’ve broken the XML-based HelloWorld out into a standalone web application.
Accordingly, you’ll find HelloWorld.war also bundled with the downloadable code on the Manning site.
This allows you to deploy the HelloWorld application without configuring the database, or other resources, that the full application depends upon.
Also, it provides you with a perfect skeleton application for jumpstarting your own projects.

The entire Struts2InAction.war file can be used as a template for understanding what’s required of a Struts 2 web application.
(整个Struts2InAction.war用来作为一种理解struts2 web应用需求的模板)
Most of the requirements for the application structure come from the requirements put on all web applications by the Servlet API.
(应用程序结构的大多数需求来源于servlet API对所有web应用程序施加的需求。)
First, all of the top-level directories, exceptWEB-INF, are in the document root of the web application. 
You can also put Velocity and FreeMarker templates here, as we’ll do, but those resources can also load from JAR files on the classpath.
One important thing to note about the document root is that these resources can potentially be served as static resources by the servlet container.
If not configured to prevent such access, a URL that directly points to resources in the document root can result in the servlet container spitting out that resource.
Because of this, the document root is not considered a secure place for sensitive material.
As for the other two directories, they’re essential.
The lib directory holds all of the JAR file dependencies that your application needs.
In the sample application, we’ve placed all of the JARs commonly used by Struts 2 web applications. 
If you add some features that we don’t use in this book, you might need to add additional JARs.
Also note that, if you want to see the absolute minimum set of JARs, you should check out HelloWorld.war, referenced in an earlier sidebar.
The classes directory holds all of the Java classes that your application will use.
These are essentially no different than the resources in the lib directory, but the classes directory contains an exploded directory structure containing the class files, no JARs.
In addition to the lib and classes directories, WEB-INF also contains the central configuration file of all web applications, web.xml.
This file, formally known as the deployment descriptor, contains definitions of all of the servlets, servlet filters, and other Servlet API components contained in this web application.
(这个文件的正式名称是部署描述符,它包含所有servlets定义,servlet过滤器和其它servlet API组件的定义。)
This filter will examine all the incoming requests looking for requests that target Struts 2 actions.
The other important thing about the configuration of the Filter-Dispatcher is the initialization parameter that we pass in.
The actionPackages parameter is necessary if you’re going to use annotations in your application.
It tells the framework which packages to scan for annotations.
We’ll see more about this when we get to the annotated version of HelloWorld in a few pages.
One other interesting thing to note is that we’ve included a non-Struts 2 servlet in our web application.
As we said earlier, a web application is defined as a group of servlets packaged together.
Many Struts 2 web applications won’t have any other servlets in them.
(所以许多Struts2 web应用程序将不会有包含任何servlets)
In fact, since Struts 2 uses a servlet filter rather than a servlet, many Struts 2 applications won’t have any servlets in them—unless you count compiled JSPs.
(事实上,由于Struts2 使用servlet拦截器而不是servlet,许多Struts2应用程序将不会包含任何servlets -- 除非你JSP编译得到的servlet也算)
Since it’s not uncommon to integrate other servlets with the framework, we’ve included another servlet, as seen in listing 2.3, in our web application.
Everything in our sample application is by the book except for the presence of the source directory in WEB-INF.
As we said, this has been done as a convenience. You’ll probably want to structure your build according to industry best practices.
We haven’t provided such a build because we think it only complicates the learning curve.

Exploring the HelloWorld application
The HelloWorld application aims to provide the simplest possible introduction to Struts 2.
However, it also tries to exercise all of the core Struts 2 architectural components.
(然而,它也尝试使用了Struts 2所有核心建构组件)
It’ll collect a user’s name from a form, use that to build a custom greeting for the user, and then present the user with a web page that displays the customized greeting.
This workflow, while ultrasimple, will clearly demonstrate the function and usage of all the Struts 2 components, such as actions, results, and interceptors.
Additionally, it’ll demonstrate the mechanics of how data flows through the framework, including the ValueStack and OGNL.
As Struts 2 is a sophisticated framework, we’ll be limited to a high-level view.

Provided you’ve deployed the application to your servlet container, select the HelloWorld link from the menu we saw earlier.


Note that we’re starting with the XML version, not the annotated version.



We’ll begin by looking at the architectural components used by HelloWorld.


We’ve also said that many developers use this root document to include other XML documents, allowing for modularization.


We’ve done this for the sample application, modularizing on the basis of chapters.


Though off topic, we should note that the constant element ① can be used to set framework properties;


You can also do this with property files, as we’ll see later.


Also off topic, we should note that struts.xml is a good place to define some global actions in a default package.


Since our main menu doesn’t belong to any of our modularized mini-applications, we place it here.


Finally back on topic, we see the most important aspect of the struts.xml file, a long list of includes that pull all of our chapter-based XML documents into the declarative architecture.


All of these files will be pulled into this main document, in line, to create a single large XML document.


This is true for all the examples in this book, but when we print listings here we’ll remove the comments for clarity.


The only other elements here are the struts root element and the package element.


The struts element is the mandatory document root of all Struts 2 XML files and the package element is an important container element for organizing your actions, results, and other component elements.

(struts元素是所有struts2 XML文件的强制性的文档根元素,package元素是一种重要的容器元素,用来组织应用程序的动作元素、结果元素和其它组件元素)

For now, the only thing we need to note about the package element is that it declares a namespace that’ll be used when the framework maps URLs to these actions.


Figure 2.6 shows how the namespace of the package is used to determine the URL that maps to our actions.


The URL combines the servlet context with the package namespace and the action name.


It merely forwards to the page that will present the user with a form to collect her name.


This keeps the application’s architecture consistent, prewires your workflow in anticipation of increases in complexity, and hides the real structure of your resources behind the logical namespace of the Struts 2 actions.


While we could technically use a URL that hits the form JSP directly, a well-accepted best practice is to route these requests through actions regardless of their lack of actual processing.


As you can see, such pass-through actions do not specify an implementation class.


They’ll automatically forward to the result they declare.


This action points directly at the NameCollector.jsp page, which renders the form that collects the name.


At this point, we provide this listing only for the sake of full disclosure.


The HelloWorld action satisfies that contract by providing an execute() method that returns a string.

(HelloWorld 动作通过提供一个返回字符串的execute()方法来满足这个契约)

The only other important thing to note is the presence of JavaBeans properties to hold the application domain data.


For now, recall that the action, as the MVC model component of the framework, both contains the business logic and serves as a locus of data transfer.


Though there are other ways the action can hold the data, one common way is using JavaBeans properties.


The framework will set incoming data onto these properties when preparing the action for execution.


First, let’s clear up some potential confusion regarding the location of data in the framework.


This is great because it allows convenient access to data from the action’s execute() method.


So that the rest of the framework can access the data, the action object itself is placed on the ValueStack.


The mechanics of the ValueStack are such that all properties of the action will then be exposed as toplevel properties of the ValueStack itself and, thus, accessible via OGNL.


As figure 2.7 shows, the action holds the data, giving its own Java code convenient access.


At the same time, the framework makes the properties of the action available on the ValueStack so that other regions of the framework can access the data as well.


In terms of our HelloWorld application, the two most important places this occurs are on the incoming form and the outgoing result page.


In the case of the incoming request, the form field name attribute is interpreted as an OGNL expression.


The expression is used to target a property on the ValueStack; in this case, the name property from our action.


The value from the form field is automatically moved onto that property by the framework.


On the other end, the result JSP pulls data off the customGreeting property by likewise using an OGNL expression, inside a tag, to reference a property on the ValueStack.


Obviously, this complicated process needs more than a quick sketch.We’ll cover it fully, particularly in chapters 5 and 6.


HelloWorld using annotations

As we’ve said, the annotations are placed directly in the source code of the actions.


If we tell the framework where we keep our action classes, it will automatically scan them for annotations.


The location of our actions is specified in an initialization parameter to the Struts 2 FilterDispatcher, defined in the web.xml deployment descriptor for the application.


But just telling the system where our action classes are isn’t enough. In addition, we must somehow identify which classes are actions.

( 但是只告诉框架动作类在哪里是不够的。另外,我们必须识别哪个类是动作类)

To mark our classes as actions, we either make our actions implement the com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action interface or use a naming convention where our class names end with the word Action.


Now that the framework knows how to find our annotations, let’s see how they actually work.


As we discuss annotations, we’ll refer back to their counterparts in the XML version of HelloWorld.


The most notable thing is that several of the elements disappear entirely.


Most importantly, the framework assumes that our namespace for this package will be derived from the Java package namespace of the action class.


The former, probably more correctly labeled configuration, involves tweaking or tuning the behavior and performance of the framework.


The latter plays a much more central role in the development of our web applications;


While annotations are considered by many to be more elegant than XML, we’ve opted to use XML because of its educational convenience.


With the high-level overviews, architectural glosses, and the obligatory HelloWorld out of the way, we’ve officially completed the introductory portion of the book.


summary  (我们来看看HelloWorld运营机制


First, all of the top-level directories, except WEB-INF, are in the document root of the web application.


One important thing to note about the document root is that these resources can potentially be served as static resources by the servlet container.


Because of this, the document root is not considered a secure place for sensitive material.


if you want to see the absolute minimum set of JARs, you should check out HelloWorld.war, referenced in an earlier sidebar.

(如果你想查看Struts 2必需的最小的JAR集合,可以参看之前讲解的HelloWorld.war文件)

This file, formally known as the deployment descriptor, contains definitions of all of the servlets, servlet filters, and other Servlet API components contained in this web application.

(WEN-INF文件的正式名称是部署描述符,它包含了web应用所有的servlet、servlet过滤器和其他servlet API组件的定义)

For a Struts 2 application, the most important elements in this deployment descriptor are the filter and filter-mapping elements that set up the Struts 2 Filter-Dispatcher.

(对于Struts 2应用来说,在部署描述符中最重要的元素是filter和filter-mapping元素,它们组成了Struts 2的Filter-Dispatcher)

This servlet filter is basically the Struts 2 framework.

(这个servlet过滤器是Struts 2框架的基础)

This filter will examine all the incoming requests looking for requests that target Struts 2 actions.

(它检查所有传入的请求,查找指向Struts 2动作的请求)

The other important thing about the configuration of the Filter- Dispatcher is the initialization parameter that we pass in.


The actionPackages parameter is necessary if you’re going to use annotations in your application.


In fact, since Struts 2 uses a servlet filter rather than a servlet, many Struts 2 applications won’t have any servlets in them—unless you count compiled JSPs. 

(实际上,由于Struts 2使用Servlet过滤器而不是Servlet,所以很多Struts 2应用程序不包含任何Servlet -- 除非JSP编译得到的Servlet也算在内。)

Since it’s not uncommon to integrate other servlets with the framework, we’ve included another servlet, as seen in listing 2.3, in our web application.


Also off topic, we should note that struts.xml is a good place to define some global actions in a default package.


Since our main menu doesn’t belong to any of our modularized mini-applications, we place it here.


The struts element is the mandatory document root of all Struts 2 XML files and the package element is an important container element for organizing your actions, results, and other component elements.

(struts元素是所有Struts 2 XML文件的强制性的文档根元素,package元素是一个重要的容器元素,用来组织应用程序的动作、结果、和其它组件元素)

For now, the only thing we need to note about the package element is that it declares a namespace that’ll be used when the framework maps URLs to these actions.






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