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原创 [4, Hard, C++] Median of Two Sorted Arrays

Problem:There are two sorted arrays nums1 and nums2 of size m and n respectively. Find the median of the two sorted arrays. The overall run time complexity should be O(log (m+n)).Analysis:

2016-02-13 08:22:53 463

原创 [3, Medium, C++] Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters

The 3rd problem of the leetcode. It uses the characteristic array to check a new character is repeated with the cached one.

2016-01-10 05:55:00 442

原创 [2, Medium, C++] Add Two Numbers

This is the 2nd problem of the Leetcode. It is a typical problem of the linked-list category.

2016-01-06 13:50:45 427

原创 [1, Medium, C++] Two Sum

The 1st problem of the leetcode.

2016-01-06 12:48:10 387

原创 [Leetcode 216, Medium] Combination sum III

[Leetcode 216, Medium] Combination sum III

2015-08-05 02:48:25 544

原创 [Leetcode 221, Medium] Maximal square

[Leetcode 221, Medium] Maximal square

2015-08-05 01:35:21 460

原创 [Leetcode 113, Medium] Path sum II

[Leetcode 113, Medium] Path sum II

2015-08-04 01:41:44 370

原创 [Leetcode 47, Hard] Permutations II

[Leetcode 47, Hard] Permutations II

2015-08-03 23:44:05 439

原创 [Leetcode 137, Medium] Single Number II

[Leetcode 137, Medium] ingle Number II

2015-08-03 22:45:03 423

原创 [Leetcode 233, Medium] Number of Digit One

[Leetcode 233, Medium] Number of Digit One

2015-08-03 03:49:22 488

原创 [Leetcode 242, Easy] Valid Anagram

[Leetcode 242, Easy] Valid Anagram

2015-08-03 03:46:51 609

原创 [leetcde 212, Hard] Word Search II

[leetcde 212, Hard] Word Search II

2015-07-30 07:11:25 800 2

原创 [Leetcode 227, Medium] Basic Calculator II

[Leetcode 227, Medium] Basic Calculator II

2015-07-30 07:08:31 516

原创 [Leetcode 240, Medium] Search a 2D Matrix II

[Leetcode 240, Medium] Search a 2D Matrix II

2015-07-30 07:06:01 470

原创 [Leetcode 241, Medium] Different Ways to Add Parentheses

[Leetcode 241, Medium] Different Ways to Add Parentheses

2015-07-30 07:03:18 813

原创 C++ outline and interview questions (3): Class

C++ outline and interview questions (3): Class

2015-07-29 01:29:44 812

原创 C++ outline and interview questions (2): Pointers

C++ - outline and interview questions 2 - Pointers

2015-07-28 21:57:26 765

原创 [Leetcode 68, Hard] Text Justification

[Leetcode 68, Hard] Text Justification

2015-07-27 08:15:14 825

原创 [Leetcode 44, Hard] Wildcard match

[Leetcode 44, Hard] Wildcard match

2015-07-27 08:09:20 752

原创 [Leetcode 124, Hard] Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

[Leetcode 124, Hard] Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum

2015-07-27 08:03:34 427

原创 [Leetcode 10, Hard] Regular Expression Matching

[Leetcode 10, Hard] Regular Expression Matching

2015-07-27 04:59:30 408

原创 [Leetcode 30, Hard] Substring with Concatenation of All Words

[Leetcode 30, Hard] Substring with Concatenation of All Words

2015-07-27 04:14:07 354

原创 [leetcode 80, Medium] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II

[leetcode 80, Medium] Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II

2015-07-26 11:10:15 348

原创 [Leetcode 81, Medium] Search in Rotated Sorted Array II

[Leetcode 81, Medium] Search in Rotated Sorted Array II

2015-07-26 10:41:56 407

原创 [Leetcode 114, Medium] Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

[Leetcode 114, Medium] Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List

2015-07-26 10:37:26 358

原创 [Leetcode 143, Medium] Reorder List

[Leetcode 143, Medium] Reorder List

2015-07-26 10:25:05 409

原创 [Leetcode 144, Medium] Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

[Leetcode 144, Medium] Binary Tree Preorder Traversal

2015-07-26 02:19:02 337

原创 [Leetcode 152, Medium] Maximum Product Subarray

[Leetcode 152, Medium] Maximum Product Subarray

2015-07-26 02:14:23 387

原创 [Leetcode 150, Medium] Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

[Leetcode 150, Medium] Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation

2015-07-25 10:59:30 459

原创 [Leetcode 151, Medium] Reverse Words in a String

[Leetcode 151, Medium] Reverse Words in a String

2015-07-25 10:43:54 462

原创 C++ outline and interview questions (1): Variable

C++ outline and interview questions (1): Variable

2015-07-25 01:05:12 1227

原创 [Leetcode 229, Medium] Majority Element II

[Leetcode 229, Medium] Majority Element II

2015-07-25 00:39:02 509

原创 [Leetcode 79, Medium] Word Search

[Leetcode 79, Medium] Word Search

2015-07-24 21:28:41 353

原创 [Leetcode 123, Hard] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

[Leetcode 123, Hard] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III

2015-07-24 08:40:45 383

原创 [Leetcode 122, Medium] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

[Leetcode 122, Medium] Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II

2015-07-24 08:37:44 317

原创 [Leetcode 154, Hard] Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

[Leetcode 154, Hard] Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II

2015-07-24 08:28:11 405

原创 Frequently used algorithms in Leetcode

Frequently used algorithms in Leetcode

2015-07-23 20:59:49 317

原创 [Leetcode 239, Hard] Sliding Window Maximum

[Leetcode 239, Hard] Sliding Window Maximum

2015-07-23 20:35:34 492

原创 [Leetcode 35, Medium] Search Insert Position

[Leetcode 35, Medium] Search Insert Position

2015-07-23 09:58:40 348

原创 [Leetcode 34, Medium] Search for a Range

[Leetcode 34, Medium] Search for a Range

2015-07-23 08:41:37 346



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