【Chaos Mesh官方文档】(Physical Node)Simulate JVM Application Faults


  1. 读我
  2. 关于CM
  3. 安装&部署
  4. 管理用户许可:这篇文章讲如何在CM中管理用户许可,包括创建不同角色的用户账号,绑定许可,管理令牌,启用或停用许可授权
  5. 配置混沌实验命名空间:这个章节带你在指定的命名空间配置混沌实验,从而避免其他没有指定的命名空间里注入错误
  6. 运行一个混沌实验
  7. 编排多个混沌实验
    向工作流发送HTTP请求:类似K8s Job,CM工作流对任何任务都支持任务节点,为了让用户体验更方便,CM在web界面提供一个基于Task的模板创建HTTP请求
  8. 混沌实验类型
    • Kubernetes
      • Pod错误:这篇文档讲如何使用CM将错误注入pod中从而模拟pod或容器错误
      • 网络错误:这篇文章讲如何使用NetworkChaos模拟网络错误
      • 压力场景:CM提供StressChaos在容器内模拟压力场景,这篇文章将如何创建StressChaos实验和准备相应配置文件
      • 文件IO错误:这篇文档讲如何使用CM创建IO混沌
      • DNS错误:这篇文档讲如何在CM中创建DNS混沌实验从而模拟DNS错误
      • 时间错误:CM提供TimeChaos实验类型,你可以使用这个类型模拟时间偏移场景,这篇文章讲如何创建一个TimeChaos实验及相关配置文件
      • JVM应用错误:
      • Linux内核错误:这篇文章讲如何使用KernelChaos模拟内核错误,这个特性使用BPF在内核相关路径注入IO相关,内存相关错误
      • HTTP错误:这篇文章讲如何通过CM创建HTTPChaos来模拟HTTP错误
    • 物理节点
      • Chaosd介绍:Chaosd是CM提供的混沌引擎测试工具
      • 物理机错误:这篇文档讲如何通过CM制造物理机混沌来在物理机或虚拟机上模拟网络,硬盘,时间,jvm等错误
      • 进程错误:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟进程错误,这个错误使用go语言提供的杀死指令来模拟进程被杀死或停止的场景
      • 网络错误:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟网络错误,这个模拟可以使用 iptables, ipsets, tc等通过修改路由和流量控制来完成
      • 宿主机错误:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟宿主机关闭的错误
      • 压力场景:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟压力场景,这个特性使用stress-ng在宿主机上产生CPU和内存压力
      • 硬盘错误:这篇文章讲如何通过Chaosd来模拟硬盘错误,这个特性帮助你模拟硬盘读写负载(通过dd)和硬盘填充(通过dd或者fallocate)
      • JVM应用错误:chaosd使用Byteman模拟jvm错误
      • 时间错误:这篇文章描述如何使用chaosd模拟时间偏移的场景.你可以通过命令行模式或者服务模式创建该场景
      • 查找和恢复Chaosd实验:你可以通过条件来查找实验并通过Chaosd使用UID来恢复实验.这篇文档讲如何通过chaosd查找和恢复实验并提供相关例子


Chaosd simulates the faults of JVM application through Byteman. The supported fault types are as follows:

Throw custom exceptions
Trigger garbage collection
Increase method latency
Modify return values of a method
Trigger faults by setting Byteman configuration files
Increase JVM pressure

This document describes how to use Chaosd to create the above fault types of JVM experiments.
Create experiments using the command-line mode​

This section introduces how to create the experiments of JVM application faults using the command-line mode.

Before creating the experiment, you can run the following command line to see the types of JVM application faults supported by Chaosd:

chaosd attack jvm -h

The result is as follows:

JVM attack related commands

chaosd attack jvm [command]

Available Commands:
exception throw specified exception for specified method
gc trigger GC for JVM
latency inject latency to specified method
return return specified value for specified method
rule-file inject fault with configured byteman rule file
stress inject stress to JVM

-h, --help help for jvm
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd. The value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–uid string the experiment ID

Use “chaosd attack jvm [command] --help” for more information about a command.

Throw custom exceptions using the command-line mode​
Commands for throwing custom exceptions​

To see the usage and configuration items of the command that throws custom exceptions, run the following command:

chaosd attack jvm exception --help

The result is as follows:

throw specified exception for specified method

chaosd attack jvm exception [options] [flags]

-c, --class string Java class name
–exception string the exception which needs to throw for action ‘exception’
-h, --help help for exception
-m, --method string the method name in Java class

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd. The value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)
–uid string the experiment ID

Configuration description for throwing custom exceptions​
Configuration item Abbreviation Description Value
class c The name of the Java class string type, required
exception None The thrown custom exception string type, required
method m The name of the method string type, required to be configured
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for throwing custom exceptions​

chaosd attack jvm exception -c Main -m sayhello --exception ‘java.io.IOException(“BOOM”)’ --pid 30045

The result is as follows:

[2021/08/05 02:39:39.106 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:208] [“byteman rule”] [rule=“\nRULE Main-sayhello-exception-q6nd0\nCLASS Main\nMETHOD sayhello\nAT ENTRY\nIF true\nDO \n\tthrow new java.io.IOException(“BOOM”);\nENDRULE\n”] [file=/tmp/rule.btm296930759]
Attack jvm successfully, uid: 26a45ae2-d395-46f5-a126-2b2c6c85ae9d

Trigger garbage collection using the command-line mode​
Commands for triggering garbage collection​

To see the usage and configuration items of the command that triggers garbage collection, run the following command:

chaosd attack jvm gc --help

trigger GC for JVM

chaosd attack jvm gc [flags]

-h, --help help for gc

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd. The value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)
–uid string the experiment ID

Configuration description for triggering garbage collection​
Configuration item Abbreviation Description Value
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for triggering garbage collection​

chaosd attack jvm gc --pid 89345

The result is as follows:

[2021/08/05 02:49:47.850 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:208] [“byteman rule”] [rule=“\nRULE --gc-u0mlf\nGC\nENDRULE\n”] [file=/tmp/rule.btm012481052]
Attack jvm successfully, uid: f360e70a-5359-49b6-8526-d7e0a3c6f696

Triggering garbage collection is a one-time operation, and the experiment does not require recovery.
Increase method latency using the command-line mode​
Commands for increasing method latency​

To see the usage and configuration items of the command that increases method latency, run the following command:

chaosd attack jvm latency --help

The result is as follows:

inject latency to specified method

chaosd attack jvm latency [options] [flags]

-c, --class string Java class name
-h, --help help for latency
–latency int the latency duration, unit ms
-m, --method string the method name in Java class

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd. The value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)
–uid string the experiment ID

Configuration description for increasing method latency​
Configuration item Abbreviation Description Value
class c The name of the Java class string type, required
latency None The duration of increasing method latency int type, required. The unit is milisecond.
method m The name of the method string type, required
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for increasing method latency​

chaosd attack jvm latency --class Main --method sayhello --latency 5000 --pid 100840

The result is as follows:

[2021/08/05 03:08:50.716 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:208] [“byteman rule”] [rule=“\nRULE Main-sayhello-latency-hlib2\nCLASS Main\nMETHOD sayhello\nAT ENTRY\nIF true\nDO \n\tThread.sleep(5000);\nENDRULE\n”] [file=/tmp/rule.btm359997255]
[2021/08/05 03:08:51.155 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:94] [“submit rules”] [output=“install rule Main-sayhello-latency-hlib2\n\n”]
Attack jvm successfully, uid: bbe00c57-ac9d-4113-bf0c-2a6f184be261

Modify return values of a method using the command-line mode​
Commands for modifying return values of a method​

To see the usage and configuration items of the command that modifies return values of a method, run the following command:

chaosd attack jvm return --help

return specified value for specified method

chaosd attack jvm return [options] [flags]

-c, --class string Java class name
-h, --help help for return
-m, --method string the method name in Java class
–value string the return value for action ‘return’. Only supports number and string types.

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd. The value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)
–uid string the experiment ID

Configuration description for modifying return values of a method​
Configuration item Abbreviation Description Value
class c The name of the Java class string type, required to be configured
method m The name of the method string type, required to be configured
value None Specifies the return value of the method string type, required to be configured. Currently, the item can be numeric and string types. If the item (return value) is string, double quotes are required, like “chaos”.
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is needed to be injected int type, required to be configured
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The faults is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for simulating the scenario of modifying return values of a method​

chaosd attack jvm return --class Main --method getnum --value 999 --pid 112694

The result is as follows:

[2021/08/05 03:35:10.603 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:208] [“byteman rule”] [rule=“\nRULE Main-getnum-return-i6gb7\nCLASS Main\nMETHOD getnum\nAT ENTRY\nIF true\nDO \n\treturn 999;\nENDRULE\n”] [file=/tmp/rule.btm051982059]
[2021/08/05 03:35:10.820 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:94] [“submit rules”] [output=“install rule Main-getnum-return-i6gb7\n\n”]
Attack jvm successfully, uid: e2f204f6-4bed-4d92-aade-2b4a47b02e5d

Trigger faults by setting Byteman configuration files using the command-line mode​

You can set the fault rules in the Byteman rule configuration file, and then inject the faults by specifying the path of the configuration file using Chaosd. Regarding the Byteman rule configuration, refer to byteman-rule-language.
Commands for triggering faults by setting Byteman configuration files​

To see the usage and configuration items of the command that triggers faults by setting Byteman configuration files, run the following command:

chaosd attack jvm rule-file --help

The result is as follows:

inject fault with configured byteman rule file

chaosd attack jvm rule-file [options] [flags]

-h, --help help for rule-file
-p, --path string the path of configured byteman rule file

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)
–uid string the experiment ID

Configuration description for triggering faults by setting Byteman configuration files​
Configuration item Abbreviation Description Value
path None Specifies the path of the Byteman configuration file string type, required
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for triggering faults by setting Byteman configuration files​

First, based on the specific Java program and referring to the Byteman rule language, write a rule configuration file. For example:

RULE modify return value
METHOD getnum
IF true
return 9999

Then, save the configuration file to the return.btm file. After that, run the following command to inject faults.

chaosd attack jvm rule-file -p ./return.btm --pid 112694

The result is as follows:

[2021/08/05 03:45:40.757 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:152] [“rule file data:RULE modify return value\nCLASS Main\nMETHOD getnum\nAT ENTRY\nIF true\nDO\n return 9999\nENDRULE\n”]
[2021/08/05 03:45:41.011 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:94] [“submit rules”] [output=“install rule modify return value\n\n”]
Attack jvm successfully, uid: 5ca2e06d-a7c6-421d-bb67-0c9908bac17a

Increase JVM stress using the command-line mode​
Commands for increasing JVM stress​

To see the usage and configuration items of the command that increases JVM stress, run the following command:

chaosd attack jvm stress --help

The result is as follows:

inject stress to JVM

chaosd attack jvm stress [options] [flags]

–cpu-count int the CPU core number
-h, --help help for stress
–mem-type int the memory type to be allocated. The value can be ‘stack’ or ‘heap’.

Global Flags:
–log-level string the log level of chaosd. The value can be ‘debug’, ‘info’, ‘warn’ and ‘error’
–pid int the pid of Java process which needs to attach
–port int the port of agent server (default 9288)
–uid string the experiment ID

Configuration description for increasing JVM stress​
Configuration item Abbreviation Description Value
cpu-count None The number of CPU cores used for increasing JVM stress int type. You must configure one item between cpu-count and mem-type.
mem-type None The type of OOM string type. Currently, both ‘stack’ and ‘heap’ OOM types are supported. You must configure one item between cpu-count and mem-type.
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for increasing JVM stress​

chaosd attack jvm stress --cpu-count 2 --pid 123546

The result is as follows:

[2021/08/05 03:59:51.256 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:208] [“byteman rule”] [rule=“\nRULE --stress-jfeiu\nSTRESS CPU\nCPUCOUNT 2\nENDRULE\n”] [file=/tmp/rule.btm773062009]
[2021/08/05 03:59:51.613 +00:00] [INFO] [jvm.go:94] [“submit rules”] [output=“install rule --stress-jfeiu\n\n”]
Attack jvm successfully, uid: b9b997b5-0a0d-4f1f-9081-d52a32318b84

Create experiments using the service mode​

You can follow the instructions below to create experiments using the service mode.

Execute Chaosd in service mode:

chaosd server --port 31767

Send HTTP POST request to the /api/attack/{uid} path of Chaosd service.

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{fault-configuration}’

For the fault-configuration part in the above command, you need to configure it according to the fault types. For the corresponding parameters, refer to the parameters and examples of each fault type in the following sections.


When running an experiment, remember to save the UID information of the experiment. When you want to end the experiment corresponding to the UID, you need to send an HTTP DELETE request to the /api/attack/{uid} path of Chaosd service.
Throw custom exceptions using the service mode​
Parameters for throwing custom exceptions​
Parameter Description Value
action The action of the experiment Set to “exception”
class The name of the Java class string type, required
exception The thrown custom exception string type, required
method The name of the method string type, required
pid The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port The port number attached to the Java process agent. The faults is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for throwing custom exceptions using the service mode​

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{“action”:“exception”,“class”:“Main”,“method”:“sayhello”,“exception”:“java.io.IOException(“BOOM”)”,“pid”:1828622}’

The result is as follows:

{“status”:200,“message”:“attack successfully”,“uid”:“c3c519bf-819a-4a7b-97fb-e3d0814481fa”}

Trigger garbage collection using service mode​
Parameters for triggering garbage collection​
Parameter Description Value
action The action of the experiment Set to “gc”
pid The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for triggering garbage collection using the service mode​

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{“action”:“gc”,“pid”:1828622}’

The result is as follows:

{“status”:200,“message”:“attack successfully”,“uid”:“c3c519bf-819a-4a7b-97fb-e3d0814481fa”}

Triggering garbage collection is a one-time operation. The experiment does not require recovery.
Increase method latency using service mode​
Parameters for increasing method latency​
Parameter Description Value
action The action of the experiment Set to “latency”
class The name of the Java class string type, required
latency The duration of increasing method latency int type, required. The unit is milisecond.
method The name of the method string type, required
pid The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port The Java process ID where the fault is needed to be injected int type, required
uid The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for increasing method latency using the service mode​

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{“action”:“latency”,“class”:“Main”,“method”:“sayhello”,“latency”:5000,“pid”:1828622}’

The result is as follows:

{“status”:200,“message”:“attack successfully”,“uid”:“a551206c-960d-4ac5-9056-518e512d4d0d”}

Modify return values of a method using service mode​
Parameters for modifying return values of a method​
Parameter Description Value
action The action of the experiment Set to “return”
class The name of the Java class string type, required
method The name of the method string type, required
value Specifies the return value of the method string type, required. Currently, the item can be numeric and string types. If the item (return value) is string, double quotes are required, like “chaos”.
pid The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for modifying return values of a method using the service mode​

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{“action”:“return”,“class”:“Main”,“method”:“getnum”,“value”:“999”,“pid”:1828622}’

The result is as follows:

{“status”:200,“message”:“attack successfully”,“uid”:“a551206c-960d-4ac5-9056-518e512d4d0d”}

Trigger faults by setting Byteman configuration files using service mode​

You can set the fault rules according to the Byteman rule configuration. Regarding to the Byteman rule configuration, refer to byteman-rule-language.
Parameters for triggering faults by setting Byteman configuration files​
Parameter Description Value
action The action of the experiment Set to “rule-data”
rule-data Specifies the Byteman configuration data string type, required
pid The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for triggering faults by setting Byteman configuration files using the service mode​

First, based on the specific Java program and referring to the Byteman rule language, write a rule configuration file. For example:

RULE modify return value
METHOD getnum
IF true
return 9999

Then, escape the line breaks in the configuration file to the newline character “\n”, and use the escaped text as the value of “rule-data”. Run the following command:

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{“action”:“rule-data”,“pid”:30045,“rule-data”:“\nRULE modify return value\nCLASS Main\nMETHOD getnum\nAT ENTRY\nIF true\nDO return 9999\nENDRULE\n”}’

The result is as follows:

{“status”:200,“message”:“attack successfully”,“uid”:“a551206c-960d-4ac5-9056-518e512d4d0d”}

Increase JVM stress using the service mode​
Parameters for increasing JVM stress​
Parameter Description Value
action The action of the experiment Set to “stress”
cpu-count The number of CPU cores used for increasing CPU stress int type. You must configure one item between cpu-count and mem-type.
mem-type The type of OOM string type. Currently, both ‘stack’ and ‘heap’ OOM types are supported. You must configure one item between cpu-count and mem-type.
pid None The Java process ID where the fault is to be injected int type, required
port None The port number attached to the Java process agent. The fault is injected into the Java process through this port number. int type. The default value is 9288.
uid None The experiment ID string type. This item is not required to be configured, because Chaosd randomly creates one.
Example for increasing JVM stress using the service mode​

curl -X POST -H “Content-Type:application/json” -d ‘{“action”:“stress”,“cpu-count”:1,“pid”:1828622}’

The result is as follows:

{“status”:200,“message”:“attack successfully”,“uid”:“a551206c-960d-4ac5-9056-518e512d4d0d”}





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