【Chaos Mesh官方文档】(Physical Machine)Simulate Network Faults


  1. 读我
  2. 关于CM
  3. 安装&部署
  4. 管理用户许可:这篇文章讲如何在CM中管理用户许可,包括创建不同角色的用户账号,绑定许可,管理令牌,启用或停用许可授权
  5. 配置混沌实验命名空间:这个章节带你在指定的命名空间配置混沌实验,从而避免其他没有指定的命名空间里注入错误
  6. 运行一个混沌实验
  7. 编排多个混沌实验
    向工作流发送HTTP请求:类似K8s Job,CM工作流对任何任务都支持任务节点,为了让用户体验更方便,CM在web界面提供一个基于Task的模板创建HTTP请求
  8. 混沌实验类型
    • Kubernetes
      • Pod错误:这篇文档讲如何使用CM将错误注入pod中从而模拟pod或容器错误
      • 网络错误:这篇文章讲如何使用NetworkChaos模拟网络错误
      • 压力场景:CM提供StressChaos在容器内模拟压力场景,这篇文章将如何创建StressChaos实验和准备相应配置文件
      • 文件IO错误:这篇文档讲如何使用CM创建IO混沌
      • DNS错误:这篇文档讲如何在CM中创建DNS混沌实验从而模拟DNS错误
      • 时间错误:CM提供TimeChaos实验类型,你可以使用这个类型模拟时间偏移场景,这篇文章讲如何创建一个TimeChaos实验及相关配置文件
      • JVM应用错误:
      • Linux内核错误:这篇文章讲如何使用KernelChaos模拟内核错误,这个特性使用BPF在内核相关路径注入IO相关,内存相关错误
      • HTTP错误:这篇文章讲如何通过CM创建HTTPChaos来模拟HTTP错误
    • 物理节点
      • Chaosd介绍:Chaosd是CM提供的混沌引擎测试工具
      • 物理机错误:这篇文档讲如何通过CM制造物理机混沌来在物理机或虚拟机上模拟网络,硬盘,时间,jvm等错误
      • 进程错误:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟进程错误,这个错误使用go语言提供的杀死指令来模拟进程被杀死或停止的场景
      • 网络错误:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟网络错误,这个模拟可以使用 iptables, ipsets, tc等通过修改路由和流量控制来完成
      • 宿主机错误:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟宿主机关闭的错误
      • 压力场景:这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟压力场景,这个特性使用stress-ng在宿主机上产生CPU和内存压力
      • 硬盘错误:这篇文章讲如何通过Chaosd来模拟硬盘错误,这个特性帮助你模拟硬盘读写负载(通过dd)和硬盘填充(通过dd或者fallocate)
      • JVM应用错误:chaosd使用Byteman模拟jvm错误
      • 时间错误:这篇文章描述如何使用chaosd模拟时间偏移的场景.你可以通过命令行模式或者服务模式创建该场景
      • 查找和恢复Chaosd实验:你可以通过条件来查找实验并通过Chaosd使用UID来恢复实验.这篇文档讲如何通过chaosd查找和恢复实验并提供相关例子


This document introduces how to use Chaosd to simulate network faults. The simulations can be completed by modifying network routing and traffic flow control using iptables, ipsets, tc, etc.这篇文章讲如何使用chaosd模拟网络错误,这个模拟可以使用 iptables, ipsets, tc等通过修改路由和流量控制来完成
Make sure the NET_SCH_NETEM module is installed in the Linux kernel. If you are using CentOS, you can install the module through the kernel-modules-extra package. Most other Linux distributions have installed it already by default.

Create network fault experiments using command-line mode​ 使用命令行创建网络故障实验



This section introduces how to create network fault experiments using command-line mode.这一节介绍如何通过命令行模式创建网络失败实验
Before creating an experiment, you can run the following command to check the types of network faults supported by Chaosd:在创建实验前,你可以运行下面命令来检查Chaosd支持的网络故障类型
chaosd attack network --help
The output is as follows:输出如下
Network attack related commands

  chaosd attack network [command]

Available Commands:
  corrupt corrupt network packet
  delay delay network
  duplicate duplicate network packet
  loss loss network packet

  -h, --help help for network
Global Flags:
  --log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'

Use "chaosd attack network [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Currently, you can simulate four experimental scenarios using Chaosd: network corruption, network latency, network duplication, and network loss.现在,你可以通过Chaosd模拟四种实验:网络损坏,网络延时,网络重复和网络丢失

Network corruption​网络损坏

You can run the command below to see the configuration of simulated network corruption using Chaosd.你可以运行下面指令来查看使用Chaosd模拟网络损坏的配置
The command for network corruption​网络损坏的指令
The command is as follows:指令如下
chaosd attack network corrupt --help
The output is as follows:输出如下
corrupt network packet

  chaosd attack network corrupt [flags]

  -c, --correlation string correlation is percentage (10 is 10%) (default "0")
  -d, --device string the network interface to impact
  -e, --egress-port string only impact egress traffic to these destination ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp
  -h, --help help for corrupt
  -H, --hostname string only impact traffic to these hostnames
  -i, --ip string only impact egress traffic to these IP addresses
--percent string percentage of packets to corrupt (10 is 10%) (default "1")
  -p, --protocol string only impact traffic using this IP protocol, supported: tcp, udp, icmp, all
  -s, --source-port string only impact egress traffic from these source ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp

Global Flags:
   --log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'
Configuration items related to network corruption​网络损坏相关配置项

The related configuration items are described as follows:

Configuration item配置项Abbreviation/缩写Description描述Value
correlation相关性cThe correlation between the percentage of current corrupt occurrence and the previous occurrence.当前包错误与前一次相关百分比Int. It is a percentage ranging from 0 to 100 (10 is 10%) (“0” by default ).整型.它是一个从0到100的百分比范围(10是10%,默认是0)
device设备dName of the impacted network interface card.受冲击的网卡名称String, such as “eth0”. The value is required.字符串,例如eth0,这个值是必填项
egress-port出端口eThe egress traffic that only impacts specific destination ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is TCP or UDP.出口流量仅仅影响特定目的端口.它只有在协议是TCP或UDP时配置String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.字符串.你需要使用’,'来分隔指定的端口或者指明端口范围,例如80,8001:8010
hostname主机名HThe host name impacted by traffic.受流量影响的主机名String, such as “chaos-mesh.org”.字符串,例如chaos-mesh.org
ipipiThe IP address impacted by egress traffic.受出口流量影响的IP地址String, such as “”.字符串,例如123.123.123.123
protocol协议pThe IP protocol impacted by traffic.受流量影响的IP协议String. Supported protocols: tcp, udp, icmp, all (all network protocols).字符串,支持的协议:tcp,udp,icmp,all(所有网络协议)
source-port源端口sThe egress traffic which only impact specific source ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is tcp or udp.出口流量仅仅影响特定目的端口.它只有在协议是TCP或UDP时配置String. Use a ‘,’ to delimit the specific port or to indicate the range of the ports, such as “80,8001:8010”.字符串.你需要使用’,'来分隔指定的端口或者指明端口范围,例如80,8001:8010
An example of network corruption​一个包损坏的例子

Run the following command to simulate network corruption:

chaosd attack network corrupt -d eth0 -i --percent 50

If the command runs successfully, the output is as follows:

Attack network successfully, uid: 4eab1e62-8d60-45cb-ac85-3c17b8ac4825

Network latency​网络延迟

You can run the command below to see the configuration of simulated network latency using Chaosd.

The command for network latency​网络延迟指令

The command is as follows:

chaosd attack network delay --help

The output is as follows:

delay network

  chaosd attack network delay [flags]

  -c, --correlation string   correlation is percentage (10 is 10%) (default "0")
  -d, --device string        the network interface to impact
  -e, --egress-port string   only impact egress traffic to these destination ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp
  -h, --help                 help for delay
  -H, --hostname string      only impact traffic to these hostnames
  -i, --ip string            only impact egress traffic to these IP addresses
  -j, --jitter string        jitter time, time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.
  -l, --latency string       delay egress time, time units: ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, h.
  -p, --protocol string      only impact traffic using this IP protocol, supported: tcp, udp, icmp, all
  -s, --source-port string   only impact egress traffic from these source ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'
Configuration items related to network latency​网络延迟相关配置项

The related configuration items are described as follows:

Configuration item配置项Abbreviation/缩写Description描述Value
correlation相关性cThe correlation between the current latency and the previous one.Int. It is a percentage ranging from 0 to 100 (10 is 10%) (“0” by default).
devicedName of the impacted network interface card.String, such as “eth0”. The value is required.
egress-porteThe egress traffic which only impact specific destination ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is TCP or UDP.String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.
hostnameHThe host name impacted by traffic.String, such as “chaos-mesh.org”.
ipiThe IP address impacted by egress traffic.String, such as “”.
jitter抖动jRange of the length of network delay time.网络延时长度范围String. The time units can be: ns, us (µs), ms, s, m, h, such as “1ms”.字符串,时间单位可以是ns,us(µs),ms,s,m,h例如1ms
latencylLength of network delay time.String. The time units can be: ns, us (μs), ms, s, m, h, such as “1ms”.
protocolpThe IP protocol impacted by traffic.String. It supports the following protocol types: tcp, udp, icmp, all (all network protocols).
source-portsThe egress traffic that only impacts specified source ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is TCP or UDP.String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.
An example of network latency​一个网络延时的例子

Run the following command to simulate network latency:

chaosd attack network delay -d eth0 -i -l 10ms

If the command runs successfully, the output is as follows:

Attack network successfully, uid: 4b23a0b5-e193-4b27-90a7-3e04235f32ab

Network duplication​网络包重复

You can run the command below to see the configuration of simulated network duplication using Chaosd:

The command for network duplication​

The command is as follows:

chaosd attack network duplicate --help

The output is as follows:

duplicate network packet

  chaosd attack network duplicate [flags]

  -c, --correlation string   correlation is percentage (10 is 10%) (default "0")
  -d, --device string        the network interface to impact
  -e, --egress-port string   only impact egress traffic to these destination ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp
  -h, --help                 help for duplicate
  -H, --hostname string      only impact traffic to these hostnames
  -i, --ip string            only impact egress traffic to these IP addresses
      --percent string       percentage of packets to duplicate (10 is 10%) (default "1")
  -p, --protocol string      only impact traffic using this IP protocol, supported: tcp, udp, icmp, all
  -s, --source-port string   only impact egress traffic from these source ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'
Configuration items related to network duplication​网络包重复相关配置项

The related configuration items are described as follows:

Configuration item配置项Abbreviation/缩写Description描述Value
correlationcThe correlation between the percentage of current duplication occurrence and the previous one.Int. It is a percentage which range is 0 to 100 (10 is 10%) (default “0”).
devicedName of the impacted network interface card.String, such as “eth0”. The value is required.
egress-porteThe egress traffic that only impacts specified destination ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is TCP or UDP.String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.
hostnameHThe host name impacted by traffic.String, such as “chaos-mesh.org”.
ipiThe IP address impacted by egress traffic.String, such as “”.
percent百分比noneRatio of network packet duplicate.网络包重复比例Int. It is a percentage which range is 0 to 100 (10 is 10%) (default “1”).整型.它是一个范围从0到100的百分比(10表示10%,默认1)
protocolpThe IP protocol impacted by traffic.String. It supports the following protocol types: tcp, udp, icmp, all (all network protocols).
source-portsThe egress traffic which only impact specific source ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is tcp or udp.String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.
An example of network duplication​网络包重复的例子

Run the following command to simulate network duplication:

chaosd attack network duplicate -d eth0 -i --percent 50

If the command runs successfully, the output is as follows:

Attack network successfully, uid: 7bcb74ee-9101-4ae4-82f0-e44c8a7f113c

Network loss​网络包丢失

You can run the command below to see the configuration of simulated network loss using Chaosd:

The command for network loss​网络包丢失的指令

The command is as follows:

chaosd attack network loss --help

The output is as follows:

loss network packet

  chaosd attack network loss [flags]

  -c, --correlation string   correlation is percentage (10 is 10%) (default "0")
  -d, --device string        the network interface to impact
  -e, --egress-port string   only impact egress traffic to these destination ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp
  -h, --help                 help for loss
  -H, --hostname string      only impact traffic to these hostnames
  -i, --ip string            only impact egress traffic to these IP addresses
      --percent string       percentage of packets to drop (10 is 10%) (default "1")
  -p, --protocol string      only impact traffic using this IP protocol, supported: tcp, udp, icmp, all
  -s, --source-port string   only impact egress traffic from these source ports, use a ',' to separate or to indicate the range, such as 80, 8001:8010. It can only be used in conjunction with -p tcp or -p udp

Global Flags:
      --log-level string   the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'
Configuration items related to network loss​网络包丢失相关配置项

The related configuration items are described as follows:

Configuration item配置项Abbreviation/缩写Description描述Value
correlationcThe correlation between the percentage of the current network loss and the previous one.Int. It is a percentage which range is 0 to 100 (10 is 10%) (default “0”).
devicedName of the impacted network interface card.String, such as “eth0”. The value is required.
egress-porteThe egress traffic that only impacts specified destination ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is TCP or UDP.String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.
hostnameHThe host name impacted by traffic.String, such as “chaos-mesh.org”.
ipiThe IP address impacted by egress traffic.String, such as “”.
percentnoneRatio of network packet loss.Int. It is a percentage which range is 0 to 100 (10 is 10%) (default “1”).
protocolpOnly impact traffic using this IP protocol.String. It supports the following protocol types: tcp, udp, icmp, all (all network protocols).
source-portsThe egress traffic which only impact specific source ports. It can only be configured when the protocol is tcp or udp.String. You need to use a ‘,’ to separate the specific port or to indicate the range of the port, such as “80,8001:8010”.
An example of network loss​一个网络包丢失的例子

Run the following command to simulate network loss:

chaosd attack network loss -d eth0 -i --percent 50

If the command runs successfully, the output is as follows:

Attack network successfully, uid: 1e818adf-3942-4de4-949b-c8499f120265

Create network fault experiments using service mode​使用服务模式创建网络故障

(To be added)





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