【darknet源码解析-08】cost_layer.h 和 cost_layer.c 解析

本系列为darknet源码解析,本次解析src/cost_layer.h 与 src/cost_layer.c 两个。在本文中,cost主要完成多种损失函数的前向计算以及损失损失函数反向传播。

COST_TYPE定义在include/darknet.h中,是枚举类型. 可以发现darknet提供了六种损失函数.

typedef enum{
cost_layer.h 的解析如下: 

#ifndef COST_LAYER_H
#define COST_LAYER_H
#include "layer.h"
#include "network.h"
typedef layer cost_layer;
// 获取定义的枚举类型的损失函数类别
COST_TYPE get_cost_type(char *s);
// 获取损失函数对应的字符串描述
char *get_cost_string(COST_TYPE a);
// 构建损失函数层
cost_layer make_cost_layer(int batch, int inputs, COST_TYPE type, float scale);
// 损失函数层的前向传播计算
void forward_cost_layer(const cost_layer l, network net);
// 损失韩式层的反向传播计算
void backward_cost_layer(const cost_layer l, network net);
void resize_cost_layer(cost_layer *l, int inputs);
#ifdef GPU
void forward_cost_layer_gpu(cost_layer l, network net);
void backward_cost_layer_gpu(const cost_layer l, network net);
cost_layer.c 的解析如下:

#include "cost_layer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "cuda.h"
#include "blas.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
 * 根据输入的损失函数名称,返回定义的枚举类型的损失函数类别
 * @param s 损失函数的名称
 * @return 损失函数类别: 枚举类型
 * 说明: 如果不匹配,默认采用 SSE
COST_TYPE get_cost_type(char *s)
    if (strcmp(s, "seg")==0) return SEG;
    if (strcmp(s, "sse")==0) return SSE;
    if (strcmp(s, "masked")==0) return MASKED;
    if (strcmp(s, "smooth")==0) return SMOOTH;
    if (strcmp(s, "L1")==0) return L1;
    if (strcmp(s, "wgan")==0) return WGAN;
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find cost type %s, going with SSE\n", s);
    return SSE;
 * 获得定义的枚举类型的损失函数字符串描述
 * @param a 损失函数类别: 枚举类型
 * @return 返回损失函数的字符串描述
 * 说明: 如果不匹配, 默认采用SSE
char *get_cost_string(COST_TYPE a)
        case SEG:
            return "seg";
        case SSE:
            return "sse";
        case MASKED:
            return "masked";
        case SMOOTH:
            return "smooth";
        case L1:
            return "L1";
        case WGAN:
            return "wgan";
    return "sse";
 * 构建损失函数层
 * @param batch 该层输入中一个batch所含有图片的张数,等于net.batch
 * @param inputs 损失函数层每张输入图片的元素个数
 * @param cost_type 损失函数类型
 * @param scale
 * @return 损失函数层 l
cost_layer make_cost_layer(int batch, int inputs, COST_TYPE cost_type, float scale)
    fprintf(stderr, "cost                                           %4d\n",  inputs);
    cost_layer l = {0};
    l.type = COST;
    l.scale = scale;
    l.batch = batch; //一个batch中图片张数
    l.inputs = inputs; // 损失函数层一张输入图片的元素个数
    l.outputs = inputs; // 损失函数层对应一张输入图片的输出元素个数
    l.cost_type = cost_type; // 损失函数类型
    l.delta = calloc(inputs*batch, sizeof(float)); //损失函数层的误差项(包含整个batch的)
    l.output = calloc(inputs*batch, sizeof(float)); //损失函数层所有输出 (包含整个batch的)
    l.cost = calloc(1, sizeof(float)); // 损失函数值
    // 损失函数层前向, 反向
    l.forward = forward_cost_layer;
    l.backward = backward_cost_layer;
    #ifdef GPU
    l.forward_gpu = forward_cost_layer_gpu;
    l.backward_gpu = backward_cost_layer_gpu;
    l.delta_gpu = cuda_make_array(l.output, inputs*batch);
    l.output_gpu = cuda_make_array(l.delta, inputs*batch);
    return l;
void resize_cost_layer(cost_layer *l, int inputs)
    l->inputs = inputs;
    l->outputs = inputs;
    l->delta = realloc(l->delta, inputs*l->batch*sizeof(float));
    l->output = realloc(l->output, inputs*l->batch*sizeof(float));
#ifdef GPU
    l->delta_gpu = cuda_make_array(l->delta, inputs*l->batch);
    l->output_gpu = cuda_make_array(l->output, inputs*l->batch);
// L1计算
void l1_cpu(int n, float *pred, float *truth, float *delta, float *error) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
        float diff = truth[i] - pred[i];
        error[i] = fabs(diff);
        delta[i] = diff > 0 ? 1 : -1;
// SSE, 即L2, 误差平方和,可以发现这里并没有乘以1/2. 一般往 
void l2_cpu(int n, float *pred, float *truth, float *delta, float *error) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
        float diff = truth[i] - pred[i];
        error[i] = diff * diff;
        delta[i] = diff;
 * 损失函数层的前向传播函数
 * @param l 当前损失函数层
 * @param net 整个网络
void forward_cost_layer(cost_layer l, network net)
    if (!net.truth) return; //如果
    if(l.cost_type == MASKED){ // MASKED只发现在darknet9000.cfg中使用
        int i;
        for(i = 0; i < l.batch*l.inputs; ++i){
            if(net.truth[i] == SECRET_NUM) net.input[i] = SECRET_NUM;
    if(l.cost_type == SMOOTH){ // 如果损失函数是 smooth l1
        smooth_l1_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input, net.truth, l.delta, l.output);
    }else if(l.cost_type == L1){ // 如果损失函数是 l1
        l1_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input, net.truth, l.delta, l.output);
    } else { // 否则
        l2_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input, net.truth, l.delta, l.output);
    // 求loss总和
    l.cost[0] = sum_array(l.output, l.batch*l.inputs);
// Y += alpha * X
void axpy_cpu(int N, float ALPHA, float *X, int INCX, float *Y, int INCY)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) Y[i*INCY] += ALPHA*X[i*INCX];
 * 损失函数层的反向传播函数
 * @param l 当前损失函数层
 * @param net 整个网络
void backward_cost_layer(const cost_layer l, network net)
    // net.data += l.scale * l.delta
    axpy_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.scale, l.delta, 1, net.delta, 1);
#ifdef GPU
void pull_cost_layer(cost_layer l)
    cuda_pull_array(l.delta_gpu, l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs);
void push_cost_layer(cost_layer l)
    cuda_push_array(l.delta_gpu, l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs);
int float_abs_compare (const void * a, const void * b)
    float fa = *(const float*) a;
    if(fa < 0) fa = -fa;
    float fb = *(const float*) b;
    if(fb < 0) fb = -fb;
    return (fa > fb) - (fa < fb);
void forward_cost_layer_gpu(cost_layer l, network net)
    if (!net.truth) return;
        scal_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, (1-l.smooth), net.truth_gpu, 1);
        add_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.smooth * 1./l.inputs, net.truth_gpu, 1);
    if(l.cost_type == SMOOTH){
        smooth_l1_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    } else if (l.cost_type == L1){
        l1_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    } else if (l.cost_type == WGAN){
        wgan_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    } else {
        l2_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    if (l.cost_type == SEG && l.noobject_scale != 1) {
        scale_mask_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.delta_gpu, 0, net.truth_gpu, l.noobject_scale);
        scale_mask_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.output_gpu, 0, net.truth_gpu, l.noobject_scale);
    if (l.cost_type == MASKED) {
        mask_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.delta_gpu, SECRET_NUM, net.truth_gpu, 0);
        cuda_pull_array(l.delta_gpu, l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs);
        qsort(l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs, sizeof(float), float_abs_compare);
        int n = (1-l.ratio) * l.batch*l.inputs;
        float thresh = l.delta[n];
        thresh = 0;
        printf("%f\n", thresh);
        supp_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, thresh, l.delta_gpu, 1);
        supp_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.thresh*1./l.inputs, l.delta_gpu, 1);
    cuda_pull_array(l.output_gpu, l.output, l.batch*l.inputs);
    l.cost[0] = sum_array(l.output, l.batch*l.inputs);
void backward_cost_layer_gpu(const cost_layer l, network net)
    axpy_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.scale, l.delta_gpu, 1, net.delta_gpu, 1);
cost_layer.c 源码分析如下:

#include "cost_layer.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "cuda.h"
#include "blas.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
 * 根据输入的损失函数名称,返回定义的枚举类型的损失函数类别
 * @param s 损失函数的名称
 * @return 损失函数类别: 枚举类型
 * 说明: 如果不匹配,默认采用 SSE
COST_TYPE get_cost_type(char *s)
    if (strcmp(s, "seg")==0) return SEG;
    if (strcmp(s, "sse")==0) return SSE;
    if (strcmp(s, "masked")==0) return MASKED;
    if (strcmp(s, "smooth")==0) return SMOOTH;
    if (strcmp(s, "L1")==0) return L1;
    if (strcmp(s, "wgan")==0) return WGAN;
    fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find cost type %s, going with SSE\n", s);
    return SSE;
 * 获得定义的枚举类型的损失函数字符串描述
 * @param a 损失函数类别: 枚举类型
 * @return 返回损失函数的字符串描述
 * 说明: 如果不匹配, 默认采用SSE
char *get_cost_string(COST_TYPE a)
        case SEG:
            return "seg";
        case SSE:
            return "sse";
        case MASKED:
            return "masked";
        case SMOOTH:
            return "smooth";
        case L1:
            return "L1";
        case WGAN: //没有CPU版本
            return "wgan";
    return "sse";
 * 构建损失函数层
 * @param batch 该层输入中一个batch所含有图片的张数,等于net.batch
 * @param inputs 损失函数层每张输入图片的元素个数
 * @param cost_type 损失函数类型
 * @param scale
 * @return 损失函数层 l
cost_layer make_cost_layer(int batch, int inputs, COST_TYPE cost_type, float scale)
    fprintf(stderr, "cost                                           %4d\n",  inputs);
    cost_layer l = {0};
    l.type = COST;
    l.scale = scale; // 用于误差反传的时候
    l.batch = batch; // 一个batch中图片张数
    l.inputs = inputs; // 损失函数层一张输入图片的元素个数
    l.outputs = inputs; // 损失函数层对应一张输入图片的输出元素个数
    l.cost_type = cost_type; // 损失函数类型
    l.delta = calloc(inputs*batch, sizeof(float)); //损失函数层的误差项(包含整个batch的)
    l.output = calloc(inputs*batch, sizeof(float)); //损失函数层所有输出 (包含整个batch的)
    l.cost = calloc(1, sizeof(float)); // 损失函数值
    // 损失函数层前向, 反向
    l.forward = forward_cost_layer;
    l.backward = backward_cost_layer;
    #ifdef GPU
    l.forward_gpu = forward_cost_layer_gpu;
    l.backward_gpu = backward_cost_layer_gpu;
    l.delta_gpu = cuda_make_array(l.output, inputs*batch);
    l.output_gpu = cuda_make_array(l.delta, inputs*batch);
    return l;
void resize_cost_layer(cost_layer *l, int inputs)
    l->inputs = inputs;
    l->outputs = inputs;
    l->delta = realloc(l->delta, inputs*l->batch*sizeof(float));
    l->output = realloc(l->output, inputs*l->batch*sizeof(float));
#ifdef GPU
    l->delta_gpu = cuda_make_array(l->delta, inputs*l->batch);
    l->output_gpu = cuda_make_array(l->output, inputs*l->batch);
// L1计算
// L1(x) = |x|
// dL1(x) = 1 if x > 0
//        = -1 otherwise
// L1对x的导数为常数.这就导致训练后期,预测值与GT的差异很小时,L1损失对预测值的导数的绝对值仍然为1, 
// 而learning rate如果不变,损失函数将在稳定值附近波动,难以继续收敛以达到更高精度.
void l1_cpu(int n, float *pred, float *truth, float *delta, float *error) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
        float diff = truth[i] - pred[i];
        error[i] = fabs(diff);
        delta[i] = diff > 0 ? 1 : -1;
// SSE, 即L2, 误差平方和,可以发现这里并没有乘以1/2. 一般往
//  L2(x) = x**2
// dL2(x) /dx = 2x 当x增大时,L2损失对x的导数也增大,这就导致训练初期,预测值与GT差异过大,损失对预测值的梯度十分大,训练不稳定
void l2_cpu(int n, float *pred, float *truth, float *delta, float *error) {
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; i ++) {
        float diff = truth[i] - pred[i];
        error[i] = diff * diff;
        delta[i] = diff;
// smooth_l1_loss(x) = 0.5* x**2 / beta |x| < 1,
//                   = |x| - 0.5 * beta otherwise. 
// d(smooth_l1_loss(x))/d(x) = x if |x| < 1
//                           = +/- 1 otherwise.
// smooth_l1 在x较小的时候,对x的梯度也会变小,而x很大时,对x的梯度的绝对值达到1,
// 也不会太大以至于破坏网络, smooth_l1 完美的避开了L1和L2损失函数的缺陷.
// 主流smooth方式,会设定beta = 9. 这里不做过多探讨.
void smooth_l1_cpu(int n, float *pred, float *truth, float *delta, float *error)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < n; ++i){
        float diff = truth[i] - pred[i];
        float abs_val = fabs(diff);
        if(abs_val < 1) {
            error[i] = diff * diff;
            delta[i] = diff;
        else {
            error[i] = 2*abs_val - 1;
            delta[i] = (diff < 0) ? 1 : -1;
 * 损失函数层的前向传播函数
 * @param l 当前损失函数层
 * @param net 整个网络
void forward_cost_layer(cost_layer l, network net)
    if (!net.truth) return; //如果
    if(l.cost_type == MASKED){ // MASKED只发现在darknet9000.cfg中使用
        int i;  // #define SECRET_NUM -1234 定义在include/darknet.h中
        for(i = 0; i < l.batch*l.inputs; ++i){
            if(net.truth[i] == SECRET_NUM) net.input[i] = SECRET_NUM;
    if(l.cost_type == SMOOTH){ // 如果损失函数是 smooth l1
        smooth_l1_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input, net.truth, l.delta, l.output);
    }else if(l.cost_type == L1){ // 如果损失函数是 l1
        l1_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input, net.truth, l.delta, l.output);
    } else { // 否则
        l2_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input, net.truth, l.delta, l.output);
    // 求loss总和
    l.cost[0] = sum_array(l.output, l.batch*l.inputs);
// Y += alpha * X
void axpy_cpu(int N, float ALPHA, float *X, int INCX, float *Y, int INCY)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < N; ++i) Y[i*INCY] += ALPHA*X[i*INCX];
 * 损失函数层的反向传播函数
 * @param l 当前损失函数层
 * @param net 整个网络
void backward_cost_layer(const cost_layer l, network net)
    // net.data += l.scale * l.delta
    axpy_cpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.scale, l.delta, 1, net.delta, 1);
#ifdef GPU
void pull_cost_layer(cost_layer l)
    cuda_pull_array(l.delta_gpu, l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs);
void push_cost_layer(cost_layer l)
    cuda_push_array(l.delta_gpu, l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs);
int float_abs_compare (const void * a, const void * b)
    float fa = *(const float*) a;
    if(fa < 0) fa = -fa;
    float fb = *(const float*) b;
    if(fb < 0) fb = -fb;
    return (fa > fb) - (fa < fb);
void forward_cost_layer_gpu(cost_layer l, network net)
    if (!net.truth) return;
        scal_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, (1-l.smooth), net.truth_gpu, 1);
        add_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.smooth * 1./l.inputs, net.truth_gpu, 1);
    if(l.cost_type == SMOOTH){
        smooth_l1_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    } else if (l.cost_type == L1){
        l1_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    } else if (l.cost_type == WGAN){
        wgan_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    } else {
        l2_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.input_gpu, net.truth_gpu, l.delta_gpu, l.output_gpu);
    if (l.cost_type == SEG && l.noobject_scale != 1) {
        scale_mask_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.delta_gpu, 0, net.truth_gpu, l.noobject_scale);
        scale_mask_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.output_gpu, 0, net.truth_gpu, l.noobject_scale);
    if (l.cost_type == MASKED) {
        mask_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, net.delta_gpu, SECRET_NUM, net.truth_gpu, 0);
        cuda_pull_array(l.delta_gpu, l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs);
        qsort(l.delta, l.batch*l.inputs, sizeof(float), float_abs_compare);
        int n = (1-l.ratio) * l.batch*l.inputs;
        float thresh = l.delta[n];
        thresh = 0;
        printf("%f\n", thresh);
        supp_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, thresh, l.delta_gpu, 1);
        supp_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.thresh*1./l.inputs, l.delta_gpu, 1);
    cuda_pull_array(l.output_gpu, l.output, l.batch*l.inputs);
    l.cost[0] = sum_array(l.output, l.batch*l.inputs);
void backward_cost_layer_gpu(const cost_layer l, network net)
    axpy_gpu(l.batch*l.inputs, l.scale, l.delta_gpu, 1, net.delta_gpu, 1);

                            版权声明:本文为博主原创文章,遵循 CC 4.0 BY-SA 版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接和本声明。

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YOLOlayer.h是一个头文件,其中定义了YOLO层的相关函数和结构体。该头文件包含了以下内容: 1. 构造YOLO层的函数make_yolo_layer,用于创建YOLO层的实例。 2. YOLO层的前向传播函数forward_yolo_layer,用于执行YOLO层的前向传播操作。 3. YOLO层的反向传播函数backward_yolo_layer,用于执行YOLO层的反向传播操作。 4. 调整YOLO层大小的函数resize_yolo_layer,用于调整YOLO层的输入尺寸。 5. 计算YOLO层检测结果数量的函数yolo_num_detections,用于计算YOLO层的检测结果数量。 此外,该头文件还包含了一些与GPU相关的函数,如forward_yolo_layer_gpu和backward_yolo_layer_gpu,用于在GPU上执行YOLO层的前向传播和反向传播操作。\[1\] YOLOlayer.h是darknet码中的一个文件,主要用于实现YOLO v3中的三个detection层,分别对应52*52*75,26*26*75和13*13*75的输出。这些层是YOLO v3论文的核心部分。\[2\] 此外,YOLOlayer.h还与TensorRT加速YOLOv5相关。可以通过GitHub手动获取对应版本的tensorrtx,也可以使用相应版本的指令进行安装。\[3\] #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* [【darknet解析-20】yolo_layer.h 和 yolo_layer.c 解析](https://blog.csdn.net/caicaiatnbu/article/details/102962445)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^koosearch_v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *3* [YOLOv5-v3.1,推理环境配置、Tensorrt加速一步到位(各种问题总结,吐血整理)](https://blog.csdn.net/knowledge112233/article/details/126262744)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^koosearch_v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]




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