GNN-CS224W: 6-7 Graph Neural Networks



GNN定义了一种可以批量encode graph 类型数据的方法的深度方法

可以利用local graph structure,也可以利用node feature

computational graph


  1. node 的local structure 定义了它的computational graph
  2. 每个节点都计算相同的depth

node的输入就是feature,link体现在node 的computational graph上


a simple method


一种简单的方法:将各个neighboer的vector 求和或者求平均再经过一层mlp

h v 0 = x v h_v^0=x_v hv0=xv

x v x_v xv表示节点 v v v的输入feature vector, h v 0 h_v^0 hv0表示节点 v v v在第0层的表示

∀ l ∈ { 0 , … , L − 1 } \forall l\in \{0,\dots,L-1\} l{0,,L1} ( L L L为层数)计算如下:
h v ( l + 1 ) = σ ( W l ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) h u ( l ) ∣ N ( v ) ∣ + B l h v ( l ) ) h_v^{(l+1)}=\sigma(W_l \sum\limits_{u \in N(v)} \frac{h_u^{(l)}}{|N(v)|} + B_l h_v^{(l)}) hv(l+1)=σ(WluN(v)N(v)hu(l)+Blhv(l))

  1. Neighborhood aggregation: W l ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) h u ( l ) ∣ N ( v ) ∣ W_l \sum\limits_{u \in N(v)} \frac{h_u^{(l)}}{|N(v)|} WluN(v)N(v)hu(l), 表示的是将邻居的上一层的embedding求平均再乘一个矩阵;
  2. Self transformation: B l h v ( l ) B_l h_v^{(l)} Blhv(l)表示上一层node v v v自己的embedding 乘以一个矩阵;
  3. 两个合起来就是node的第 l l l层的embedding, aggregate了自己的上一层embedding和自己neighbor的上一层的embedding
  4. W l W_l Wl B l B_l Bl对每一层的来说是共享的,各层之间是不同的
  5. 在第0层,各个node的embedding只是包括自己的信息,depth=0;第1层,包括了自己和直接neighbor的信息,depth=1;第2层集成了已经包括自己neighbor的neighbor,depth=2;第3层depth=3;…… 每多一层node的embedding包含的信息的depth就加1
  6. 计算固定的depth

z v = h v ( L ) z_v=h_v^{(L)} zv=hv(L)

第L层就是最终的node embedding

matrix form

将第 l l l层各个node的embedding表示为:
H ( l ) = [ h 1 ( l ) , … , h ∣ V ∣ ( l ) ] T H^{(l)}=[h_{1}^{(l)},\dots,h_{|V|}^{(l)}]^T H(l)=[h1(l),,hV(l)]T

H ( l ) H^{(l)} H(l)中节点的表示为某一行,如下图所示

A H ( l ) A H^{(l)} AH(l)为一个size为(node_num, embed_dim)的矩阵,每个node的对应的行表示它的neighbor的上一次的representation求和, A A A为adjacency matrix

Let D D D be diagonal matrix(对角矩阵,只有对角元素不为0的矩阵) where D v , v = D e g r e e ( v ) = ∣ N ( v ) ∣ D_{v,v}=Degree(v)=|N(v)| Dv,v=Degree(v)=N(v)

那么 D − 1 D^{-1} D1 ( D D D的逆矩阵) 也是diagonal matrix,并且 D v , v − 1 = 1 ∣ N ( v ) ∣ D_{v,v}^{-1}=\frac{1}{|N(v)|} Dv,v1=N(v)1。 (这里提到逆矩阵并没有意义,只要知道矩阵的对角线元素为 1 ∣ N ( v ) ∣ \frac{1}{|N(v)|} N(v)1即可)

D − 1 D^{-1} D1 A H ( l ) A H^{(l)} AH(l)相乘就是给每个node的representation除以了node的neighbor数量,于是Neighborhood aggregation可以表示成 D − 1 A H ( l ) D^{-1}AH^{(l)} D1AH(l)

H ( l + 1 ) = σ ( D − 1 A H ( l ) W l T + H ( l ) B l T ) H^{(l+1)}=\sigma(D^{-1}A H^{(l)} W_l^T + H^{(l)} B_l^T) H(l+1)=σ(D1AH(l)WlT+H(l)BlT)

not all GNNs can be expressed in matrix form, when aggregation function is complex

learning objective

  1. supervized


  2. unsupervized

    也可以Use the graph structure as the supervision,方法和deepwalk、node2vec类似,让node的embedding之间的product代表similarity


    L = ∑ z u , z v C E ( y u , v , D e c o d e r ( z u , z v ) ) \mathcal{L}=\sum\limits_{z_u, z_v} CE(y_{u,v}, Decoder(z_u, z_v)) L=zu,zvCE(yu,v,Decoder(zu,zv))

    其中 y u , v y_{u,v} yu,v为label,即similarity, D e c o d e r ( z u , z v ) ) Decoder(z_u, z_v)) Decoder(zu,zv))用来计算两个node embedding的similarity,可以是向量点积


  1. 可以适用于新的node
  2. 可以适用于动态变化的graph
  3. 参数很少
    1. 所有node共享 W l W_l Wl B l B_l Bl
    2. W l W_l Wl B l B_l Bl只和embedding dim和node feature数量有关,和graph里的node数量无关,所以参数很少。
  4. order/permutaion invariant: 方法保证了neighor以任意顺序被处理,所得到的信息是一样的。因为node的neighbor是没有顺序的。
  5. 是深度模型
  6. 可以利用local graph structure,也可以利用node feature


  1. 这种方法只利用的node的local信息,整个graph还是利用不到

A General GNN Framwork

定义一个GNN 主要是要定义如下几方面:

  1. message
    children node要传递给下一层的message是什么,如何定义

  2. aggregation


    1和2定义了一层GNN Layer,不同的GNN的差别主要在这里

  3. Layer connectivity


  4. Graph augmentation

    Idea: Raw input graph ≠ computational graph
    Graph feature augmentation
    Graph structure augmentation

  5. Learning objective

    1. Supervised/Unsupervised objectives
    2. Node/Edge/Graph level objectives

A single layer of GNN


上一层传过来的各个neighbor的message和上一层自己的message是一个set,没有顺序,所以处理方式要做到order invariant

  1. Message computation

    对neighbor node和自己的上一层的representation做处理,得到message

    message function:
    m u ( l ) = M S G ( l ) ( h u ( l − 1 ) ) m_u^{(l)}=MSG^{(l)}(h_u^{(l-1)}) mu(l)=MSG(l)(hu(l1))

    上式表示node u u u的第 l l l层的message获取方法

    例如: m u ( l ) = W ( l ) h u ( l − 1 ) m_u^{(l)}=W^{(l)} h_u^{(l-1)} mu(l)=W(l)hu(l1)

    node自己从上一层传过来的message和neighbor可以分开计算,例如 m u ( l ) = B ( l ) h v ( l − 1 ) m_u^{(l)} = B^{(l)} h_v^{(l-1)} mu(l)=B(l)hv(l1)

  2. Aggregation
    h v ( l ) = A G G ( l ) ( { m u ( l ) , u ∈ N ( v ) } ∪ { m v l } ) h_v^{(l)}= AGG^{(l)}(\{ m_u^{(l)}, u \in N(v) \} \cup \{ m_v^{{l}}\}) hv(l)=AGG(l)({mu(l),uN(v)}{mvl})

    m v l m_v^{{l}} mvl是node v v v自己的message


  3. activate function
    注意这个操作是在 aggregation完成之后才做的


Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN)

好像就是上面讲到的a simple method,需要确认一下


h v ( l ) = σ ( W l ⋅ C O N C A T ( h v ( l − 1 ) , A G G ( l ) ( { h u ( l − 1 ) , u ∈ N ( v ) } ) ) ) h_v^{(l)}= \sigma(W^{{l}} \cdot CONCAT(h_v^{(l-1)}, AGG^{(l)}(\{ h_u^{(l-1)}, u \in N(v) \} ))) hv(l)=σ(WlCONCAT(hv(l1),AGG(l)({hu(l1),uN(v)})))

这里的AGG可以是sum、average等方法,并且包括了message computation 操作


  1. aggregate neighbor message
  2. aggregate 自己上一层的信息和neighbor message
  1. Mean

  2. Pool

    Transform neighbor vectors(MLP) and apply symmetric vector function Mean(⋅) or Max(⋅)

    例如 A G G = M e a n ( { M L P ( h u ( l − 1 ) ) , ∀ u ∈ N ( v ) } ) AGG=Mean(\{ MLP( h_u^{(l-1)} ), \forall u \in N(v) \}) AGG=Mean({MLP(hu(l1)),uN(v)})


  3. LSTM
    A G G = L S T M ( [ h u ( l − 1 ) , ∀ u ∈ N ( v ) ] ) AGG=LSTM( [ h_u^{(l-1)} , \forall u \in N(v) ] ) AGG=LSTM([hu(l1),uN(v)])

    计算时需要 reshuffle the neighbors (每一次计算都需要shuffle),因为LSTM是带有顺序的,而我们需要 order invariant

L2 Normalization

给每一层的 h v ( l ) h_v^{(l)} hv(l)应用L2 Normalization

h v ( l ) ← h v ( l ) ∣ ∣ h v ( l ) ∣ ∣ 2 , ∀ v ∈ V h_v^{(l)} \leftarrow \frac{h_v^{(l)}}{||h_v^{(l)}||_2}, \forall v \in V hv(l)hv(l)2hv(l),vV

向量 u u u的L2 Normalization为 ∣ ∣ u ∣ ∣ 2 = ∑ i u i 2 ||u||_2=\sqrt{\sum\nolimits_i u_i^2} u2=iui2 ,这样 u u u的Euclidean length将永远是1。相当于把所有向量都放在了n维空间中以原点为球心、半径为1的球面上。



  1. Without L2 normalization, the embedding vectors have different scales (L2-norm) for vectors
  2. In some cases (not always), normalization of embedding results in performance improvement
  3. After L2 normalization, all vectors will have the same L2-norm,都是1


Graph Attention Networks (GAT)

h v ( l ) = σ ( ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) α v u W ( l ) h u ( l − 1 ) ) h_v^{(l)}= \sigma( \sum\limits_{u \in N(v)} \alpha_{vu} W^{(l)} h_u^{(l-1)}) hv(l)=σ(uN(v)αvuW(l)hu(l1))

α v u \alpha_{vu} αvu为attention weight,表示 v v v的neighbor u u u的message的重要程度


GCN、GraphSage中node的neighbor的message都是同等对待的,例如 GCN中的 W l ∑ u ∈ N ( v ) h u ( l ) ∣ N ( v ) ∣ W_l \sum\limits_{u \in N(v)} \frac{h_u^{(l)}}{|N(v)|} WluN(v)N(v)hu(l),把node v v v的所有neighbor的message求和再除以neighbor数量。

但并不是所有neighbor都同等重要,the NN should devote more computing power on that small but important part of the data。

attention 怎么得到?

Which part of the data is more important depends on the context and is learned through training.

  1. compute attention coefficient e v u e_{vu} evu
    e v u = a ( W ( l ) h u ( l − 1 ) , W ( l ) h v ( l − 1 ) ) e_{vu}=a(W^{(l)} h_u^{(l-1)}, W^{(l)} h_v^{(l-1)}) evu=a(W(l)hu(l1),W(l)hv(l1))

    上式中的 a a a可以有不同的方法,以下为几个例子:

    1. 可以是 a simple single-layer neural network,则
      e v u = a ( W ( l ) h u ( l − 1 ) , W ( l ) h v ( l − 1 ) ) = L i n e a r ( C o n c a t ( W ( l ) h u ( l − 1 ) , W ( l ) h v ( l − 1 ) ) ) e_{vu} \\=a(W^{(l)} h_u^{(l-1)}, W^{(l)} h_v^{(l-1)}) \\=Linear(Concat(W^{(l)} h_u^{(l-1)}, W^{(l)} h_v^{(l-1)})) evu=a(W(l)hu(l1),W(l)hv(l1))=Linear(Concat(W(l)hu(l1),W(l)hv(l1)))

      用这种方法很finicky,有时候很难converge,所以可以尝试下面的Multi-head attention

    2. Multi-head attention

      可以Stabilizes the learning process of attention mechanism


  2. Normalize e v u e_{vu} evu into the final attention weight a v u a_{vu} avu
    用softmax来做Normalize,使得 ∑ k ∈ N ( v ) a v k = 1 \sum_{k \in N(v)}a_{vk}=1 kN(v)avk=1
    a v u = exp ⁡ e v u ∑ k ∈ N ( v ) exp ⁡ e v k a_{vu}=\frac{\exp{e_{vu}}}{\sum_{k \in N(v)}\exp{e_{vk}}} avu=kN(v)expevkexpevu


GNN Layer in Practice

Modern deep learning modules can be included into a GNN layer for better performance

In GNN, Dropout is applied to the linear layer in the message function

Parametric ReLU (PReLU) empirically performs better than ReLU

这是一个快速测试graph network design 性能的工具GraphGym

Stacking GNN Layers

Stack GNN layers sequentially


the over-smoothing problem

all the node embeddings converge to the same value



Receptive field: the set of nodes that determine the embedding of a node of interest (问题,interest是什么?)
In a K-layer GNN, each node has a receptive field of K-hop neighborhood

随着hop的增加,Receptive field overlap for two nodes (the shared neighbors) 增加的非常快

the embedding of a node is determined by its receptive field, If two nodes have highly-overlapped receptive fields, then their embeddings are highly similar



Unlike neural networks in other domains (CNN for image classification), adding more GNN layers do not always help

Step 1: Analyze the necessary receptive field to solve your problem. E.g., by computing the diameter of the graph

问题:怎么得到直径?如何根据网络的结构选择receptive field?

Step 2: Set number of GNN layers L L L to be a bit more than the receptive field we like. Do not set L L L to be unnecessarily large!

How to enhance the expressive power of a GNN, if the number of GNN layers is small?

Solution 1: Increase the expressive power within each GNN layer

We can make aggregation / transformation become a deep neural network!

Solution 2: Add layers that do not pass messages,增加除GNN layer以外的其他类型的layer,例如下图

Skip connections

if my problem still requires many GNN layers, then we can add skip connections

因为Node embeddings in earlier GNN layers can sometimes better differentiate nodes


每一层都要加skip connection吗?应该有多少比例要增加?

将一个GNN Layer的输入和输出直接相加作为新的输出

  1. 加在一层里

  2. 直接全都加在最后一层,如下图


We automatically get a mixture of shallow GNNs and deep GNNs

N N N skip connections → \rightarrow 2 N 2^N 2N possible paths

为什么 2 N 2^N 2N possible paths会导致更好的效果?还是这里只是随便提一下,表示这是一个不错的联想?


问题:这个不就是原来的GCN吗?只不过把节点自己representation 的权重取消了?表达能力还下降了?这样的话,只要把上一层自己的representation添加到下一层就是skip connection了吗?


  1. depth应该怎么确定?通常是多少?
  2. 如果receptive field增大,会encode 相对更完整的graph信息,但是会over-smothing,那如何encode整个graph?




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