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转载 PHP如何解决网站大流量与高并发

(原文地址: http://my.oschina.net/u/992626/blog/114422)首先,确认服务器硬件是否足够支持当前的流量。 普通的P4服务器一般最多能支持每天10万独立IP,如果访问量比这个还要大, 那么必须首先配置一台更高性能的专用服务器才能解决问题 ,否则怎么优化都不可能彻底解决性能问题。 其次,优化数据库访问。 前台实现完全的静态化当然最好,可以完全不用

2014-12-24 13:54:59 521

原创 使用cocos2d-x3.0开发一个极其简易的求签测运小软件——萌签[更新中]


2014-07-31 15:38:35 905 2

原创 用Eclipse+Maven+Jetty构建Java Web开发环境(综合几篇教程整合2014年版)

『用Eclipse+Maven+Jetty构建Java Web开发环境(综合几篇教程整合2014年版)』 工作需要用到Jetty作为web容器,得知Eclipse+Maven+Jetty的组合很不错,因此到网上查找了很多教程,但是或多或少写的不详细或者有过时的内容在里面导致最后配置失败,为了以后同事配置方便,写下这篇配置教程,顺便来方便一下大家。

2014-07-23 12:03:46 2942

转载 Jetty 500 错误 Jetty7(java.err.nojd) Jetty8(There is an error in invoking javac)解决方法

当用命令行启动jetty服务器后,在我们访问jsp页面时候如果出现此类错误:jetty7是org.apache.jasper.JasperException: java.err.nojdk...jetty8是There is an error in invoking javac. A full JDK (not just JRE) is required...请用以下方法解

2014-07-21 08:34:53 10253

转载 使用jQuery+flot插件在网页中动态显示服务器CPU运行状态


2014-07-14 14:47:11 1842

原创 用Java进行Web开发学习日志——1.认识J2EE

有幸从基本概念:J2EE是Java2平台企业版(Java 2 Platform,Enterprise Edition)J2EE核心是一组技术规范与指南,其中所包含的各类组件、服务架构及技术层次,均有共同的标准及规格,让各种依循J2EE架构的不同平台之间,存在良好的兼容性,解决过去企业后端使用的信息产品彼此之间无法兼容,企业内部或外部难以互通的窘境。J2EE组件和“标准的”

2014-07-03 23:44:58 909

转载 十年前,十年后……


2014-06-04 00:46:39 1011

转载 python操作MySQL数据库


2014-06-01 23:44:08 639

转载 PyQt中处理信号和槽时遇到的问题和解决方法

做x   昨天在群里一个朋友提出了一个问题,要求在PyQt中click一个pushButton时给它的响应槽传入一个和发射信号的对象属性相关的参数,比如按顺序创建了N个pushButton,把这个次序数i告诉槽函数。   这本来看上去是一个很简单的问题,可问题就在于QPushButton只有click()等没有任何参数的信号,而自己在写相应的槽的时候无法让其再传入一个自定义的参数。

2014-05-25 01:11:15 2928

转载 PyQt基本操作


2014-05-19 10:44:23 830

转载 利用 Cocos2dx-3.0 新物理特性模拟弹珠迷宫


2014-05-11 21:39:13 1289 1

转载 cocos2d-x 3.0 中新的Vector类

(本文转自:ht[去掉我]tp://dev.bunnyhero.or[去掉我]g/2014/01/cocos2d-x-30-beta-the-new-vector-class/)cocos2d-x 3.0 beta was recently released. one of the big new additions is the introduction of new contain

2014-05-11 21:37:36 1027

转载 一道逻辑题 - 我拿走了哪个数

一道逻辑题 - 我拿走了哪个数有1到10000共10000个数,如果我从中随机拿走一个数,你如何知道我拿走了哪个?     相信很多人看过这道题,并知道答案,这几天和同事聊天时听到了这个问题,因为有过自己的思考过程,不妨记录下来。说是逻辑题,其实也算是一道算法题,同事先讲了下他被面试中的思维过程:先把10000个数相乘,然后再将拿走一个数之后的9999个数相乘,

2014-05-08 14:55:12 718

转载 do...while(0)的妙用

do...while(0)的妙用(本文zhuan'zi)在C++中,有三种类型的循环语句:for, while, 和do...while, 但是在一般应用中作循环时, 我们可能用for和while要多一些,do...while相对不受重视。但是,最近在读我们项目的代码时,却发现了do...while的一些十分聪明的用法,不是用来做循环,而是用作其他来提高代码的健壮性

2014-05-08 14:45:02 490

原创 零基础学习IOS开发(四)- cocos2d-x3.0 使用转场动画和按钮


2014-05-08 11:39:37 1501

转载 Cocos2d-x能够实现的动画效果

Cocos2d-x能够实现的效果总结 (2013-09-03 15:41:47)转载▼标签: cocos2d-x 效果 actions transitions 动作(Actions)move移动:moveto/moveby 从一个位置移动到另外一个位置 从一个位置移动多少数量级

2014-05-08 10:42:34 2533

原创 零基础学习IOS开发(三)- cocos2d-x3.0 显示图像及基本动画效果


2014-05-05 13:00:59 1431

原创 cocos2d-x 在simulator中运行闪退显示thread 1:breakpoint 1.1的解决方法


2014-05-05 10:36:55 2824

原创 零基础学习IOS开发(二)- 使用cocos2d-x3.0 运行Hello world


2014-05-02 21:54:23 1673

原创 零基础学习IOS开发(一)- 前言

第一次接触apple的产品是在初中的时候,那时候意外地抽奖抽中了一台iPod Classic 30G版,当时正梦想着能够拥有一台MP4能看看自己喜欢的动画片,IPC的容量又是如此之大,让我喜出望外。可以说,与apple产品的结缘由此开始。后来随着iphone、iTouch、Macbook、iPad的流行,apple公司的创造力一次又一次让我折服,心中不免产生一种“苹果情怀”,这也正是我最后入手Ma

2014-05-02 21:52:37 819 2

run-jetty-run eclipse 离线安装包

run-jetty-run eclipse插件 离线安装包 Eclipse中Install New Software 然后Add -> Archive,选择该包安装即可


maven3.2.2 eclipse插件 离线包

maven3.2.2 eclipse插件 离线包 使用eclipse联网安装插件失败的可以下载该离线包,解压后合并同名文件夹的内容,然后重启eclipse即可。



What is dip? dip is an application development and integration framework for Python and PyQt. dip supports Python v3.x, v2.6 and v2.7. dip is suitable for writing large, complex applications, even those that need to integrate substantial amounts of existing code without changing that code. It is also just as suitable for writing simple GUI utilities. Like any framework dip aims to make common tasks easy and uncommon tasks possible. dip encourages the development of applications based on reusable components. This applies both to the development of new components so that they can be reused in the future in a different context, and to the reuse of existing components that were developed independently of dip. Developers can choose to use the different parts of dip as required. dip does not require the wholesale adoption of the framework to develop an application. Developers can also choose to replace different parts of dip with their own implementations. dip's documentation can be found here. It includes tutorials on using the various dip modules and a complete API reference. Features dip includes the following features: the dip-builder utility that can be used to create a stub application that can be run immediately, and can create a packaged version of the application for easy deployment a plugin system that encourages the decoupling, and easy reuse, of components through the use of services and extension points a declarative type system where class attributes define the types of instance attributes that are created automatically when the class is instantiated the ability to define interfaces and to write adaptors that allow an object to appear to implement an interface without needing to change the object itself the ability to specify a user interface declaratively. When combined with the type system it is possible to create a user interface that allows the user to edit a data model with a single line of code dip's user interfaces are testable because a user's actions can be simulated programatically a framework for defining types of storage and data formats for reading and writing application objects a default user interface shell, based on QMainWindow that implements the menu hierarchies, context menus, toolbars etc. common to many applications support for alternative, Qt-based toolkits. For example, an application can automatically use KDE widgets rather than the corresponding Qt widgets if they are available.



What is dip? dip is an application development and integration framework for Python and PyQt. dip supports Python v3.x, v2.6 and v2.7. dip is suitable for writing large, complex applications, even those that need to integrate substantial amounts of existing code without changing that code. It is also just as suitable for writing simple GUI utilities. Like any framework dip aims to make common tasks easy and uncommon tasks possible. dip encourages the development of applications based on reusable components. This applies both to the development of new components so that they can be reused in the future in a different context, and to the reuse of existing components that were developed independently of dip. Developers can choose to use the different parts of dip as required. dip does not require the wholesale adoption of the framework to develop an application. Developers can also choose to replace different parts of dip with their own implementations. dip's documentation can be found here. It includes tutorials on using the various dip modules and a complete API reference. Features dip includes the following features: the dip-builder utility that can be used to create a stub application that can be run immediately, and can create a packaged version of the application for easy deployment a plugin system that encourages the decoupling, and easy reuse, of components through the use of services and extension points a declarative type system where class attributes define the types of instance attributes that are created automatically when the class is instantiated the ability to define interfaces and to write adaptors that allow an object to appear to implement an interface without needing to change the object itself the ability to specify a user interface declaratively. When combined with the type system it is possible to create a user interface that allows the user to edit a data model with a single line of code dip's user interfaces are testable because a user's actions can be simulated programatically a framework for defining types of storage and data formats for reading and writing application objects a default user interface shell, based on QMainWindow that implements the menu hierarchies, context menus, toolbars etc. common to many applications support for alternative, Qt-based toolkits. For example, an application can automatically use KDE widgets rather than the corresponding Qt widgets if they are available.



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