


  • collapsed_height: (dimension, 1px) 拖动其实位置占位符的高度。不能为0.Height of placeholder at original drag position. Cannot be zero.
  • drag_scroll_start: (float, 0.3) 拖动时开始滚动ListView的区域(为DSLV 高度的分数值,在0到1之前)Start of drag-scroll regions (defined by a fraction of the total DSLV height; i.e. between 0 and 1).
  • max_drag_scroll_speed: (float, 0.5) 默认线性加速的拖动时滚动的最大速度。单位:像素/毫秒。Maximum drag-scroll speed for default linear drag-scroll profile. Units of pixels/millisecond.
  • float_alpha: (float, 1.0) 拖动View的透明度。取值0到1 , 1代表不透明。Transparency of floating View. Value from 0 to 1 where 1 is opaque.
  • slide_shuffle_speed: (float, 0.7) 拖动View下方的View挤走的动画速度。Speed of shuffle animations underneath floating View. A value of 0 means a shuffle animation is always in progress, whereas a value of 1 means items snap from position to position without animation.
  • drop_animation_duration: (int, 150) 拖动放下时候的动画时间。Drop animation smoothly centers the floating View over the drop slot before destroying it. Duration in milliseconds.
  • remove_animation_duration: (int, 150) 删除一个ListView的空白区域消失的动画时间。Remove animation smoothly collapses the empty slot when an item is removed. Duration in milliseconds.
  • track_drag_sort: (bool, false) 调试的选项。Debugging option; explained below.
  • use_default_controller: (bool, true) DSLV是否创建一个默认的DragSortController 对象,并且设置如下属性的值。如果该属性为false,则如下的属性忽略。Have DSLV create a DragSortController instance and pass the following xml attributes to it. If you set this to false, ignore the following attributes.
  • float_background_color: (color, BLACK) 拖动View的北背景色。默认情况下拖动View是当前拖动的Item的图像缓存。Set the background color of the floating View when using the default DragSortController. Floating View in this case is a snapshot of the list item to be dragged.
  • drag_handle_id: (id, 0) ListItem中的一个View的资源id(或者ListItem的根view)。这个id用来识别“拖动的手柄”,只有当点击该view的时候才会触发拖动操作。使用默认DragSortController并且支持拖动操作的时候需要设置该属性。Android resource id that points to a child View of a list item (or the root View of the list item layout). This identifies the “drag handle,” or the View within a list item that must be touched to start a drag-sort of that item. Required if drags are to be enabled using the default DragSortController.
  • sort_enabled: (bool, true) 是否启用拖动排序功能(如果您只需要左右滑动删除,则无需启用排序功能)Enable sorting of dragged item (disabling is useful when you only want item removal).
  • drag_start_mode: (enum, “onDown”) 设置启动拖动的手势。Sets the gesture for starting a drag. 

    • “onDown”:当用户按下拖动手柄的时候启动拖动操作。 Drag starts when finger touches down on the drag handle.
    • “onDrag”: 当用户按下拖动手柄开始拖动的时候启动拖动操作。Drag starts when finger touches down on drag handle and then drags (allows item clicks and long clicks).
    • “onLongPress”:在拖动手柄上长按时候启动拖动操作。 Drag starts on drag handle long press (allows item clicks).

  • remove_enabled: (bool, false) 是否启用拖动删除的功能。Enable dragged item removal by one of the remove_mode options below.
  • remove_mode: (enum, “flingRight”) 设置启用删除的手势。Sets the gesture for removing the dragged item. 

    • “clickRemove”:点击click_remove_id对应的View来删除。 Click on item child View with id click_remove_id.
    • “flingRight”: 快速向右滑动。Fling to the right; get outta here!
    • “flingLeft”: 快速向左滑动。Fling to the left; sayonara sucker!
    • “slideRight”:向左滑动的时候,Floating View会变得透明。透明后释放,删除Item。 Floating View fades as you slide your finger to the right; lifting while faded removes item.
    • “slideLeft”: 同上,向右滑动。Floating View fades as you slide your finger to the right; lifting while faded removes item.

  • click_remove_id: (id, 0) 当 remove_mode="clickRemove"并且remove_enabled="true"时候指定的删除一个Item的View。DragSortController使用了该属性。Android resource id that points to a child View of a list item. When remove_mode="clickRemove" andremove_enabled="true", a click on this child View removes the containing item. This attr is used by DragSortController.





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