The open source BSD protocol(original BSD license, FreeBSD license, Original BSD license)
  The open source BSD protocol is a great freedom to the user agreement. Basically users can "do as one pleases," free to use, modify the source code, can also be modified code as open source or proprietary software re released. 
  But "do as one pleases" premise when you release the use of the BSD protocol with BSD protocol code, or the code as the basis for developing their own two products, need to meet three conditions: 

  • If the product contains the source code, the source code must contain the original code of BSD protocol.  
  • If re released just binary class / software, you need in the library / documentation and copyright software contained in the original source of the BSD protocol.  
  • Can not use open source code author / organization name and the original name of product marketing.  

  BSD code encourages code sharing, but the need to respect the code of copyright. Because BSD allows the user to modify and redistribute the code, but also allows the use of or the development of commercial softwarepublishing and selling in BSD code, so it is very friendly to business integration protocol. While many of the companies in the selection of open source products are the first choice of BSD protocol, because you can completely control the third party code, can modify or develop two times when necessary. 

Apache Licence 2.0(Apache License, Version 2.0, Apache License, Version 1.1, Apache License, Version 1.0)
  Apache Licence is the leading non-profit organization with open source Apache protocol. The protocol is similar to BSD, it also encourages code sharing and respect the original author's copyright, also allows code changes, re release (as open source or commercial software). Need to meet the conditions are similar to BSD: 


  • Need to code a Apache Licence
  • If you modify the code, need be modified files.  
  • In the extended code (modified and active code derived code) with original source of agreement, trademark, patent claims and other original author is required to contain instructions.  
  • If the product contains a Notice file, the Notice file with Apache Licence. You can increase your permission in Notice, but not to change to the Apache Licence.  

  Apache Licence is also the commercial application friendly license. The user can also when they need to modifythe code to meet the needs and as open source or commercial product releases / sales.

GPL(GNU General Public License)
  We are very familiar with the Linux is to use GPL. GPL protocol and BSD, Apache Licence encouraging code reuse permits are not the same. GPL's starting point is the code open-source / free use and reference / modify / derivative code open-source / free to use, but does not allow modifications and derivative code do release for closed source commercial software and sales. This is why we can use a variety of Linux free, including the Business Companies of Linux and Linux on various by individuals, organizations, and free software business softwarecompany. 
  The main content of GPL protocol is only used in a software ("use" refers to the class library reference, the modified code or derivative code) protocol of GPL products, the software products must also adopt GPL protocol, which must also be open source and free. This is the so-called "infectious". The GPL protocol of the products as a single product use without any problems, can also enjoy free advantage. 
  Because the GPL strict requirements using GPL library software products must use GPL protocol, for the use of GPL protocol source code, the commercial software or code security requirements of the Department is not suitable for integration / as the foundation class library and two times the development of. 
  Other details as to the need to publish with GPL protocol and BSD/Apache and similar. 

LGPL(GNU Lesser General Public License)
  LGPL is a GPL as the main for the library to use open source protocol design. And GPL requirements for any use / modify / derived GPL class library software must use GPL protocol. LGPL allows commercial software through the class library reference (link) to use the LGPL class library without the need for open source software code. This makes the use of the LGPL protocol source code can be commercial software as the class library reference andpublishing and selling. 
  But if the modified LGPL protocol code or derivative, then all the revised code, to modify some of the additional code and derivative code must be in the LGPL protocol. So the LGPL protocol source code is very suitable as the third party libraries by commercial software reference, but not for want to LGPL protocol code as the basis, by modifying and derivative way to do two times the development of commercial software using. 
  GPL/LGPL can protect the original author's intellectual property rights, to avoid someone using open source code and the development of similar products.

  MIT is like BSD wide range of the license agreement, the author would like to retain the copyright, without any other restrictions. That is to say, you must include the original license agreement before you release the statement, whether you are in binary published or distributed as source code.


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