LDA 以及 Gensim 实现


import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=UserWarning, module='gensim')

import sys,os
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities
import logging
import jieba

userdictRootPathDir = "D:/下载/jieba-master/jieba-master/userdict/"
if os.path.isdir(userdictRootPathDir):
    for cusdir in os.listdir(userdictRootPathDir):
        # print currentDir
        if os.path.isdir(currentDir):
            for filename in os.listdir(currentDir):
                #print fileNameTotal
            #    print("jiebaload:"+fileNameTotal)

# configuration
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)

# load data from file
#f = open('C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/zhaopinrizhi.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
f = open('C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/rizhifenci.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
#f = open('C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/date/20180601.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
documents = f.readlines()

texts = [[word for word in jieba.cut(document, cut_all = False)] for document in documents]

# load id->word mapping (the dictionary)
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary(texts)

# word must appear >10 times, and no more than 40% documents
dictionary.filter_extremes(no_below=40, no_above=0.1)

# save dictionary

# load corpus
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]

# initialize a model
tfidf = models.TfidfModel(corpus)

# use the model to transform vectors, apply a transformation to a whole corpus
corpus_tfidf = tfidf[corpus]

# extract 100 LDA topics, using 1 pass and updating once every 1 chunk (10,000 documents), using 500 iterations
lda = models.LdaModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=dictionary, num_topics=100, iterations=500)

# save model to files

# print topics composition, and their scores, for the first document. You will see that only few topics are represented; the others have a nil score.
for index, score in sorted(lda[corpus_tfidf[0]], key=lambda tup: -1*tup[1]):
    print("Score: {}\t Topic: {}".format(score, lda.print_topic(index, 10)))

# print the most contributing words for 100 randomly selected topics


# load model and dictionary
model = models.LdaModel.load('C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/mylda_v1.txt')
dictionary = corpora.Dictionary.load('C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/dict_v1.txt')

# predict unseen data
query = "未收到奖励"
query_bow = dictionary.doc2bow(jieba.cut(query, cut_all = False))
for index, score in sorted(model[query_bow], key=lambda tup: -1*tup[1]):
    print ("Score: {}\t Topic: {}".format(score, model.print_topic(index, 20)))


# if you want to predict many lines of data in a file, do the followings
f = open('C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/zhiwei.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8')
documents = f.readlines()
texts = [[word for word in jieba.cut(document, cut_all = False)] for document in documents]
corpus = [dictionary.doc2bow(text) for text in texts]

# only print the topic with the highest score
for c in corpus:
    flag = True
    for index, score in sorted(model[c], key=lambda tup: -1*tup[1]):
        if flag:
            print ("Score: {}\t Topic: {}".format(score, model.print_topic(index, 20)))

Building prefix dict from the default dictionary ...
Loading model from cache C:\Users\LISHAO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\jieba.cache
Loading model cost 1.300 seconds.
Prefix dict has been built succesfully.
2018-06-05 18:15:56,857 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2018-06-05 18:15:59,000 : INFO : adding document #10000 to Dictionary(36575 unique tokens: ['\x01', '\n', ' ', '1', '11239']...)
2018-06-05 18:16:01,314 : INFO : adding document #20000 to Dictionary(62239 unique tokens: ['\x01', '\n', ' ', '1', '11239']...)
2018-06-05 18:16:01,347 : INFO : built Dictionary(62508 unique tokens: ['\x01', '\n', ' ', '1', '11239']...) from 20125 documents (total 4050708 corpus positions)
2018-06-05 18:16:01,653 : INFO : discarding 59320 tokens: [('\x01', 20124), ('\n', 20125), (' ', 20124), ('1', 14281), ('2', 13658), ('3', 13640), ('30', 2098), ('34271690854826', 1), ('386', 18), ('4', 10357)]...
2018-06-05 18:16:01,654 : INFO : keeping 3188 tokens which were in no less than 40 and no more than 2012 (=10.0%) documents
2018-06-05 18:16:01,677 : INFO : resulting dictionary: Dictionary(3188 unique tokens: ['11239', '主管', '亦可', '信息', '做起']...)
2018-06-05 18:16:01,682 : INFO : saving Dictionary object under C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/dict_v1.txt, separately None
2018-06-05 18:16:01,723 : INFO : saved C:/Users/lishaoxing/Desktop/topicmodel/dict_v1.txt
2018-06-05 18:16:04,620 : INFO : collecting document frequencies
2018-06-05 18:16:04,620 : INFO : PROGRESS: processing document #0
2018-06-05 18:16:04,734 : INFO : PROGRESS: processing document #10000
2018-06-05 18:16:04,873 : INFO : PROGRESS: processing document #20000
2018-06-05 18:16:04,875 : INFO : calculating IDF weights for 20125 documents and 3187 features (778045 matrix non-zeros)
2018-06-05 18:16:04,885 : INFO : using symmetric alpha at 0.01
2018-06-05 18:16:04,885 : INFO : using symmetric eta at 0.01
2018-06-05 18:16:04,886 : INFO : using serial LDA version on this node
2018-06-05 18:16:04,938 : INFO : running online (single-pass) LDA training, 100 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 20125 documents, updating model once every 2000 documents, evaluating perplexity every 20000 documents, iterating 500x with a convergence threshold of 0.001000
2018-06-05 18:16:05,467 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #2000/20125
2018-06-05 18:16:10,079 : INFO : merging changes from 2000 documents into a model of 20125 documents
2018-06-05 18:16:10,151 : INFO : topic #93 (0.010): 0.074*"2174" + 0.057*"后厨" + 0.025*"清洁" + 0.023*"整理" + 0.021*"烹饪" + 0.014*"凉菜" + 0.010*"厨房" + 0.010*"做" + 0.008*"辅助" + 0.008*"简单"
2018-06-05 18:16:10,151 : INFO : topic #79 (0.010): 0.041*"2174" + 0.021*"后厨" + 0.016*"14" + 0.013*"加工" + 0.013*"202" + 0.012*"342" + 0.012*"招" + 0.011*"印刷" + 0.011*"服务员" + 0.011*"服从"
2018-06-05 18:16:10,151 : INFO : topic #53 (0.010): 0.027*"2174" + 0.022*"后厨" + 0.016*"烹饪" + 0.014*"清洁" + 0.013*"卫生" + 0.011*"整理" + 0.010*"协助" + 0.010*"食材" + 0.008*"保证" + 0.008*"主播"
2018-06-05 18:16:10,152 : INFO : topic #23 (0.010): 0.025*"印刷" + 0.022*"2174" + 0.021*"制作" + 0.014*"厨房" + 0.013*"清洁" + 0.013*"2156" + 0.013*"烹饪" + 0.012*"后厨" + 0.011*"原料" + 0.010*"关经验"
2018-06-05 18:16:10,152 : INFO : topic #69 (0.010): 0.032*"2174" + 0.017*"凉菜" + 0.017*"后厨" + 0.012*"包" + 0.010*"餐饮" + 0.009*"烧烤" + 0.009*"烹饪" + 0.008*"清洁" + 0.008*"勤奋努力" + 0.007*"门店"
2018-06-05 18:16:10,154 : INFO : topic diff=85.208763, rho=1.000000
2018-06-05 18:16:10,697 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #4000/20125
C:\Users\lishaoxing\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python36\site-packages\gensim\models\ldamodel.py:775: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  diff = np.log(self.expElogbeta)
2018-06-05 18:16:13,270 : INFO : merging changes from 2000 documents into a model of 20125 documents
2018-06-05 18:16:13,324 : INFO : topic #31 (0.010): 0.082*"控制" + 0.037*"部门" + 0.025*"管理" + 0.021*"宿舍" + 0.020*"质量" + 0.018*"电视" + 0.017*"衣柜" + 0.016*"30周岁" + 0.015*"免费" + 0.014*"上五休"
2018-06-05 18:16:13,324 : INFO : topic #4 (0.010): 0.040*"满勤奖" + 0.031*"供" + 0.026*"点" + 0.020*"性格" + 0.020*"服从安排" + 0.018*"2174" + 0.016*"月休4天" + 0.015*"主题" + 0.015*"做事" + 0.014*"包"
2018-06-05 18:16:13,324 : INFO : topic #73 (0.010): 0.017*"事情" + 0.016*"160" + 0.014*"联系电话" + 0.013*"摄影" + 0.012*"年龄18周岁" + 0.011*"文静" + 0.011*"妹子" + 0.011*"向上" + 0.010*"广告" + 0.010*"脸型"
2018-06-05 18:16:13,324 : INFO : topic #1 (0.010): 0.025*"视频" + 0.022*"名" + 0.021*"主题" + 0.015*"网拍试衣模特" + 0.013*"送货" + 0.012*"点" + 0.012*"分" + 0.012*"食堂" + 0.012*"期间" + 0.011*"独立"
2018-06-05 18:16:13,325 : INFO : topic #2 (0.010): 0.131*"后厨" + 0.086*"2174" + 0.073*"清洁" + 0.059*"整理" + 0.045*"烹饪" + 0.017*"切配" + 0.016*"店" + 0.015*"干" + 0.014*"联系电话" + 0.011*"名"
2018-06-05 18:16:13,326 : INFO : topic diff=inf, rho=0.707107
2018-06-05 18:16:14,054 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #6000/20125
2018-06-05 18:16:16,481 : INFO : merging changes from 2000 documents into a model of 20125 documents
2018-06-05 18:16:16,577 : INFO : topic #49 (0.010): 0.022*"基本操作" + 0.016*"生日" + 0.013*"交流" + 0.012*"08" + 0.011*"老客户" + 0.011*"挖掘" + 0.010*"分公司" + 0.010*"综合" + 0.009*"地铁站" + 0.009*"方向"
2018-06-05 18:16:16,585 : INFO : topic #21 (0.010): 0.143*"网络科技" + 0.032*"套餐" + 0.030*"有限公司" + 0.025*"研发" + 0.022*"交通补贴" + 0.021*"实施" + 0.021*"有人" + 0.019*"积极向上" + 0.018*"懂" + 0.018*"出差"
2018-06-05 18:16:16,585 : INFO : topic #78 (0.010): 0.061*"整理" + 0.054*"后厨" + 0.051*"主题" + 0.048*"130" + 0.038*"2174" + 0.034*"清洁" + 0.029*"投诉" + 0.027*"摄影师" + 0.026*"烹饪" + 0.022*"合肥"
2018-06-05 18:16:16,586 : INFO : topic #57 (0.010): 0.031*"健身房" + 0.028*"补贴" + 0.025*"书桌" + 0.024*"全勤奖" + 0.024*"网吧" + 0.023*"进取心" + 0.022*"物料" + 0.020*"至少" + 0.020*"津贴" + 0.018*"把握"
2018-06-05 18:16:16,586 : INFO : topic #60 (0.010): 0.047*"后厨" + 0.035*"2174" + 0.034*"清洁" + 0.033*"整理" + 0.028*"运行" + 0.026*"生产" + 0.024*"烹饪" + 0.022*"女性" + 0.021*"当日" + 0.017*"当月"
2018-06-05 18:16:16,588 : INFO : topic diff=inf, rho=0.577350
2018-06-05 18:16:17,210 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #8000/20125
2018-06-05 18:16:19,096 : INFO : merging changes from 2000 documents into a model of 20125 documents
2018-06-05 18:16:19,149 : INFO : topic #56 (0.010): 0.116*"讲解" + 0.090*"客户服务" + 0.080*"好的沟通能力" + 0.062*"回访" + 0.023*"满意" + 0.023*"突破" + 0.022*"耐心" + 0.022*"敬业" + 0.019*"跟进" + 0.018*"精神"
2018-06-05 18:16:19,149 : INFO : topic #70 (0.010): 0.058*"在家" + 0.052*"可兼职" + 0.052*"电" + 0.052*"灵敏" + 0.051*"在外" + 0.051*"脑" + 0.051*"地方" + 0.050*"肯吃苦" + 0.049*"男女皆可" + 0.047*"未成年"
2018-06-05 18:16:19,149 : INFO : topic #31 (0.010): 0.044*"一个月" + 0.038*"30周岁" + 0.032*"食宿" + 0.032*"配有" + 0.030*"敬业精神" + 0.028*"加班" + 0.025*"思维" + 0.025*"服从" + 0.023*"08" + 0.022*"一年"
2018-06-05 18:16:19,150 : INFO : topic #27 (0.010): 0.064*"服装模特" + 0.028*"勇敢" + 0.025*"骨感" + 0.022*"型" + 0.020*"聚会" + 0.020*"指导" + 0.019*"微胖" + 0.016*"超级" + 0.015*"走出" + 0.015*"拍"
2018-06-05 18:16:19,150 : INFO : topic #14 (0.010): 0.320*"半小时" + 0.073*"生产计划" + 0.072*"正确" + 0.047*"工具" + 0.036*"心" + 0.032*"工艺" + 0.027*"生产" + 0.018*"面包" + 0.015*"作业" + 0.015*"主动"
2018-06-05 18:16:19,151 : INFO : topic diff=inf, rho=0.500000
2018-06-05 18:16:19,822 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #10000/20125
2018-06-05 18:16:21,677 : INFO : merging changes from 2000 documents into a model of 20125 documents
2018-06-05 18:16:21,734 : INFO : topic #34 (0.010): 0.307*"600" + 0.101*"字" + 0.100*"丨" + 0.066*"独特" + 0.036*"速度" + 0.035*"0013" + 0.021*"定制" + 0.020*"整理" + 0.016*"后厨" + 0.012*"成"
2018-06-05 18:16:21,734 : INFO : topic #84 (0.010): 0.079*"写作能力" + 0.067*"书面" + 0.063*"工作仔细认真" + 0.059*"为人正直" + 0.048*"信函" + 0.041*"形象好" + 0.040*"办公软件" + 0.039*"知识" + 0.036*"口头" + 0.032*"气质佳"
2018-06-05 18:16:21,734 : INFO : topic #82 (0.010): 0.152*"主观" + 0.121*"后厨" + 0.079*"和谐" + 0.077*"清洁" + 0.069*"2174" + 0.065*"烹饪" + 0.063*"整理" + 0.038*"销售行业工作经验" + 0.009*"小吃" + 0.009*"业务经理"
2018-06-05 18:16:21,735 : INFO : topic #93 (0.010): 0.142*"用户" + 0.059*"性质" + 0.054*"信息" + 0.051*"信息管理" + 0.050*"岁" + 0.049*"中专" + 0.044*"解答" + 0.037*"包括" + 0.031*"6500" + 0.028*"最晚"
2018-06-05 18:16:21,735 : INFO : topic #87 (0.010): 0.095*"微博" + 0.094*"电商" + 0.060*"对接" + 0.037*"传统节日" + 0.032*"保证金" + 0.023*"培训费" + 0.022*"文字" + 0.021*"月休" + 0.015*"费用" + 0.010*"男生身高170cm"
2018-06-05 18:16:21,736 : INFO : topic diff=inf, rho=0.447214
2018-06-05 18:16:22,436 : INFO : PROGRESS: pass 0, at document #12000/20125
2018-06-05 18:16:24,348 : INFO : merging changes from 2000 documents into a model of 20125 documents
2018-06-05 18:16:24,403 : INFO : topic #27 (0.010): 0.044*"聚会" + 0.033*"服装模特" + 0.028*"勇敢" + 0.027*"无论是" + 0.026*"型" + 0.026*"骨感" + 0.021*"指导" + 0.019*"微胖" + 0.018*"年轻" + 0.018*"青春"
2018-06-05 18:16:24,403 : INFO : topic #11 (0.010): 0.118*"岗前" + 0.077*"底薪3" + 0.056*"26岁" + 0.047*"朝九晚五" + 0.046*"服务工" + 0.041*"合格" + 0.039*"周六" + 0.039*"力" + 0.030*"周末双休" + 0.020*"周一"
2018-06-05 18:16:2
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