苹果在9月13号凌晨(北京时间)发布 iOS 16,该系统的设备可能会因为各种原因,导致功能不可用和UI错乱等问题,我们需要做好适配iOS 16。
开发者对 iOS 16 模拟器和真机调试的前置条件:
需要安装 Xcode 14 或者下载真机调试包
iOS 16 真机调试时需要在设备的设置 —> 隐私与安全 —> 开发者模式 中打开开发者模式。
UIDevice (屏幕旋转)
[New Features] iOS apps can now request rotation using
[UIWindowScene requestGeometryUpdate:errorHandler:]
and providing aUIWindowSceneGeometryPreferencesIOS
object containing the desired orientations. (95229615) -
[UIViewController shouldAutorotate]
has been deprecated is no longer supported.[UIViewController attemptRotationToDeviceOrientation]
has been deprecated and replaced with[UIViewController setNeedsUpdateOfSupportedInterfaceOrientations]