Year summary

Year summary

It is a long time since i last write something meaningful or recordative and it is sudden impulse that I am eager to write something, which can be also a practice of the next month’s Toefl exam.


Firstly i want to summarize the past year in my sophomore in ZJU.Thanks for the elapsing time I become a sophomore student in ZJU, a twenty-year-old young man in the begining of 2015, a loser with more interesting and unique stories, and most importantly, a stupid guy starting to realise the importance of treasuring what i possess now, appreciate the beauty of life and setting a steadfast goal.All of these improvements should definitely owed to the rich and significative experience with my parents, teachers, classmates, the senior and the junior, roommates, and all interesting people I meet and indirectly meet.With your help, I gain more confidence, more courage, greater affairs ability, greater communicative ability and most importantly, more exposed shortcomings to be rectify.All of these, because of the lovely world, I feel I enjoy myself better than ever.

Academic Performance

In the past year I did exert myself in academics in three difference directions:

  1. Imparting rudimentary knowledge of Meachine Learning by the requireme of the seminar managed by Professor CaiDeng. Related book: Introduction to Statistical learning (a starter edition of the classics on SL: The Elements of Statistical Learning ) .
  2. Furthest impacted project A image search engine based on the campus building database. Up to now this project hasn’t totally finished and some details are not yet clear for me.However, I do gain a lot through the process.Some relative paper and material will be uploaded after arranged.
  3. A demo writing about a crowdsourcing based API search engine CASE.Fortunately all the required material is well prepared by Doctor Chen and Master Liang, and an enormous amount of time is given, which ensures that I am able to grasp the basic skill of web front-end.

Generally I am not so content about the so-called research work in the past year, several fatal defect can be listed as follows:

  1. Inertness, neglectfullness and some ilusion still arise in the period of searching and reading. In a word, ignorance still take the control of my mind, which, as far as I am concerned, demand urgent solution now. Genuine knowledge comes from practice and definitely I need more pracetice now.
  2. Greed grows in a unlimited way, bringing me vanity and self-complacence instead of sweat and tears. I still remember the Huang Sir’s sincere advice to me: Don’t be a man having grandiose aims but puny abilities, great ambition but little talent.Interestingly I have always had some mements of queit introspection in the past year but it seems the frequency is gradually stepping down and sometimes this method doesn’t make sense at all. Maybe I need to find a better reflect on myself.
  3. Unnecessary pessimism sometimes fills my mind which make me hesitate, be scared, conflict in deep heard.Most of time these negative emotions encourge bad habits queit a lot, which is not what I want to see. Aiming at eliminating bad feelings I still need to have clear cognizance of my limitation and build my desire positively.

Extracurricular Life

Honestly speaking I really think that I am the luckiest one on the face of the Earth. Some things I really want to share with everybody: An accidental internship chance in netease with the help of Lele, an accidental publishment of paper on ICSOC with the help of Master Liang,a comfortable environment to study and relax thanks to the kindness of Professor Liao, and different insteresting stories with insteresting persons with different personalities.

Besides, newly-developed insterests including following interest in film history in classical scenes, combination of literature with modern fashion, biography or contes of celebrities from different field, really make me renewed every day. All of what I look through and listen to do leave some indelible impression on my mind. I am very glad to keep these interests sometimes interesting me.

It is a pity that I haven’t got a chance to travel around. However, I consider the meaning of traveling quiet differently. I gradually sense the meaning of knowing the culture of a region so I prefer to visit the museum and talk to local populace more often. I recall the relative movies, essays resently read, jokes still remembered on the mement the fresh things present before my eyes. I enjoy the feeling of being embraced by the literature and art, although sometimes it is just a sense of vanity. There must be one on the way between body and soul. I do enjoy strolling on the road. By the way, why not try a running?

Some basic skills to deal with affairs are to be improved. I desire the feeling of working with others so I have the responsibility to improve my communicating skill. I am eager to finish a project perfectly so I am supposed to master the capabilities of reading, writing and efficiently thinking. In general I am confident in this area, which at least doesb’t lose my face.Space remains for future efforts.


Time limited, I want to remind myself of some quotations:

  • We have been looking for, but it is her orinal already have; We always look in all directions, but missed you want, this is th reason why we still difficult to achieve. - Plato

  • I think the essence of wisdom is emancipation, as far as possible, from the tyranny of the here and now. -Bertrand Russell

  • Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin

  • God is a challenge because there is no proof of his existence and therefore the search must continue. -Donald Knuth

  • I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. -Thomas Edison

  • To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting. - e. e. cummings

  • What makes a river so restful to people is that is doesn’t have any doubt- it is sure to get where it is goingm and it doesn’t want to go anywhere else. -Hal Boyle

  • You may be whatever you resolve to be. Determine to be something in the world and you will be something. “I cannot,” never accomplished anything; “I will try,” has wrought wonders. -J.Hawes

  • People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them. - George Bernard Shaw

  • Dare to be what you are, and learn to resign wiht a good grace all that you are not and to believe in your own individuality. -Henri-Frederic Amiel

  • Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved. -William Jennings Bryan

  • If you can’t do great things, do small things in a great way. -Napoleon Hill

  • If my mind can conceive it, my heart can believe it, I know I can achieve it! -Jesse Jackson

  • Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. - Rober F.Kennedy

  • Believe deep down in your heart that you’re destined to do great things. - Joe Paterno

  • We all havge our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving, and we all have the power to make wishes come true, as logn as we keep believing. -Louisa May Alcott

  • And above all , watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it. - Roald Dald

  • Remember when you go into the world to keep your eyes and ears wide open. And be kind. Love one another. Take care of each other. Tell the truth. Always do your best. Listen to the big people and the little people. Explore new paths and have fun. Know that you are loved like crazy. Give thanks for all your blessings. Above all else, love and you will do wonderful things in the world. -Rebecca Puig

  • All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall. -Alexandre Dumas

  • Peace comes from within, do not seek it without. -Buddha

  • The simple path: silence is prayer, prayer is faith, faith is love, love is service, the fruit of service is peace. -Mother Teresa

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数字乡村和智慧农业的数字化转型是当前农业发展的新趋势,旨在通过应用数字技术,实现农业全流程的再造和全生命周期的管理服务。中国政府高度重视这一领域的发展,提出“数字中国”和“乡村振兴”战略,以提升国家治理能力,推动城乡融合发展。 数字乡村的建设面临乡村治理、基础设施、产业链条和公共服务等方面的问题,需要分阶段实施《数字乡村发展战略纲要》来解决。农业数字化转型的需求包括满足市民对优质农产品的需求、解决产销对接问题、形成优质优价机制、提高农业劳动力素质、打破信息孤岛、提高农业政策服务的精准度和有效性,以及解决农业融资难的问题。 数字乡村建设的关键在于构建“1+3+4+1”工程,即以新技术、新要素、新商业、新农民、新文化、新农村为核心,推进数据融合,强化农业大数据的汇集功能。数字农业大数据解决方案以农业数字底图和数据资源为基础,通过可视化监管,实现区域农业的全面数字化管理。 数字农业大数据架构基于大数据、区块链、GIS和物联网技术,构建农业大数据中心、农业物联网平台和农村综合服务指挥决策平台三大基础平台。农业大数据中心汇聚各类涉农信息资源和业务数据,支持大数据应用。信息采集系统覆盖市、县、乡、村多级,形成高效的农业大数据信息采集体系。 农业物联网平台包括环境监测系统、视频监控系统、预警预报系统和智能控制系统,通过收集和监测数据,实现对农业环境和生产过程的智能化管理。综合服务指挥决策平台利用数据分析和GIS技术,为农业决策提供支持。 数字乡村建设包括三大服务平台:治理服务平台、民生服务平台和产业服务平台。治理服务平台通过大数据和AI技术,实现乡村治理的数字化;民生服务平台利用互联网技术,提供各类民生服务;产业服务平台融合政企关系,支持农业产业发展。 数字乡村的应用场景广泛,包括农业生产过程、农产品流通、农业管理和农村社会服务。农业生产管理系统利用AIoT技术,实现农业生产的标准化和智能化。农产品智慧流通管理系统和溯源管理系统提高流通效率和产品追溯能力。智慧农业管理通过互联网+农业,提升农业管理的科学性和效率。农村社会服务则通过数字化手段,提高农村地区的公共服务水平。 总体而言,数字乡村和智慧农业的建设,不仅能够提升农业生产效率和管理水平,还能够促进农村地区的社会经济发展,实现城乡融合发展,是推动中国农业现代化的重要途径。


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