

  1. 保护环境举例。When we use plastic bags or bottles for our food and drink, we are in fact murdering a lot of animals and plants in the forests and coastal waters because that was where all the unrecyclable trash is disposed.
  2. 喜欢的书。I was lucky to be the same age as Harry, Ron and Hermione, and they accompanied me through my childhood. They helped me understannd the value of friendship, bravery and love. Furthermore, as a reader, I enjoyed some really pleasuable times when I discussed the stories with my friends. The book reminds me of the happy moments we share with each other.
  3. 喜欢数学。I remember spending an entire rainy afternoon just solving algebra problems for fun. I also love math because it is everywhere around you. The measurements for the building you’re in, the equations necessary to make a car engine run…Math is so fundamental to our lives.
  4. 学校食堂。The university cafeteria is offering a wide selection of high protein, high fat, and high carbohydrate food to students at the moment. As a result, a lot of students would either eat somewhere else off-campus or prepare their own food for their health concerns. In addition, eating the greasy food at the university cafeteria day after day, most students have got sick of the food already.
  5. 我的祖父。My grandfather grew up in a completely different environment from mine. He spent his youth in wars and I enjoy listening to his stories about things he saw on the battlefield. I am able to learn from his experience of surviving hardships every time when I talk to him and try to apply his strategies to my own situation. In addition, I feel wiser after talking to him because he has seen a lot more of humanity than I have.
  6. 姐姐的性格。Last sunday our family went to a movie together and after the movie we were discussing the plot of the movie. My younger sister was the one who pointed out several logical errors in the story development.
  7. 文学社团。I joined the literary groups and we got to know each other by sharing our writing. Sometimes we would go to a bar or share a meal afterwards. I am stiil friends with many of those people. This shows how people can meet friends in a new place if they have an interest that they can share with other people.
  8. 听音乐。During the finals last semester, I had a lot of papers to write and felt really stressed out. At first, I didn’t allow myself to listen to music while working but then I got so frustrated and could not even concentrate at all. Then I started to play some light, classical music while studying and writing. I began to feel more relaxed and was able to focus a lot better. Eventually I was able to finish all my assignments on time.
  9. 成为律师。I like putting puzzles of all different sizes and shapes together, and this is similar to what analyzing a crime seems like. Also, I love to argur. I don’t always think that I am right, but I enjoy pushing others buttons and entertaining different opinios.
  10. 银行家父亲从失败中吸取经验。My father retired as a successful investment banker, but before hte last few successful ttrades towards the end of his career, he actually failed numerous times. There were many times when he overlooked the instabililty of the companies he was investing in or when he was not able to secure sufficient capital for his fund because he made some verbal mistakes whne pitching to his investors. However, all these failures had taught him waht he should avoid in next trade and eventually he succeeded in his goal.
  11. 和平的发展。My grandparents went through the Second World War and had to winess their family and friends suffer form human brutality; they could barely sleep well at night because they never knew if they could wake up alive the next morning. However, most continent in hte world today are free from warfare and people today solve their disagreements through negotiation, bargaining, and diplomacy. We don’t really feel that much uncertainty about the continuation fo our life.
  12. 二手书的好处。Many of the imported textbooks could cost over a hundred dollars if I purchased them brand new. However, if I bought used books from other classmates or online, I could find deals under twenty dollars easily and at the end of hte semester I could sell those books to other new students too. Therefore buying used books is very economic for me and it also reduces the use of printed papers.
  13. 保护环境举例。We can see right now that burning the forests in Indonosia is not only destroying the environment, but also hurting the economy. The air in Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia is so bad right now that many people can’t go outside and certain parts of the economy like farming and construction are completely shut down. No matter how beneficial a business practice is for the economy, if people can’t eat or work then it’s a problem.

The campus newspaper has proposed a new project students can have their papers proofread by the newspaper staff before they submit their papers but hte woman in the conversation disagrees with this proposal. First, according to the announcement, the professional writers at the campus newspaper will be able to provide useful advice for students regarding their research papers. However, the woman in hte conversation argues that the newspaper staff is mostly students, so there’s no guarantee that they will be to come up with better ideas than students themselves. Second, the campus newspaper believes that students’ writing skills will benefit from this service in the long run. The woman in the conversation, on the other hand, thinks that the only way for students to improve their writing and thinking process in the long run is to think independently instead of relying on other people’s advice. For these reasons, the woman in the conversation opposes the new proposal.

The student letter suggests that the school pay the volunteers who are working as assistants for the school’s theater and give some training to these volunteers. In the conversation, the man supports this proposal. He says that first, when people get paid, the feel they are doing a real job, so they will work more seriously and will feel less of a need to take other jobs. Second, if they can get the chance to receive some training, they can know how to handle hte equipment more skillfully, and the quality of the play will be improved as well.


The term “compound nesting” refers to a mutually beneficial living arrangement between two different species of animals as a result of their completely different diets. In hte professor’s example, an arboreal ponerine ant in West Africa is large in its body size and it often lives with another small species of ants called Pyramica. The larger ants usually go out and bring back prey inside the nest. On the other hand, the smaller ones don’t really feed on hte larger ant’s prey so there’s no competition for food between the two species. After the larger ants are fed, the smaller ones scavenge the larger ants’s chamber for fodd remains. This behavior also helps clean the nest and prevents bacteria from growing in their nest. As a result, these two species form a mutually beneficial relationship in which the larger ants bring home food while the smaller ones clean the nest.


The woman in the conversation has a problem that she’s been invited to perform solo in a concert but she has a history paper due soon. She can either make new arrangements with the concert so that she’ll just sing a solo song there or ask the prrofessor to extend the deadline for her paper. In my opinioin, it’s better for hte woman to still make an appearance at the concert but just sing one song instead. First, if she asks the professor to extend the deadline for her assignment, the professor will thnk of her as an irresponsible student and very likely give her a bad grade for late submission. However, maintaining one’s academic performance should always be a priority for a college student. On the other hand, if she can still make an appearance at the concert but just sing one song instead, she will still have the opportunity to impress the audience with her performance but not at the expense of having her grades suffer. Therefore, the first solution is better for the woman.


In the lecture, the professor talks about how consumers can reduce the risk of making a purchase such as gathering sufficient information bbeforehand or becoming loyal to a certain brand or company. In the professor’s first example, when someone is trying to buy a new computer, they might feel worried that the purchase they make will not bring them the best utility and their money will go to waste. As a result, they should search for more information online regarding the manufacturer’s reliability, compare reviews from other buyers, and ask people around them who have made the same purchase. Getting enough information will minimize the consumer’s risk of making a wrong purchase. In addition, a consumer can stay loyal to a certain brand to minimize their risk. For instance, a family has been satisfied with their old car and finds it highly reliable. In their next purchase, they’re very likely to buy from the same manufacturer to avoid the risk of buying an unreliable car.

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数字乡村和智慧农业的数字化转型是当前农业发展的新趋势,旨在通过应用数字技术,实现农业全流程的再造和全生命周期的管理服务。中国政府高度重视这一领域的发展,提出“数字中国”和“乡村振兴”战略,以提升国家治理能力,推动城乡融合发展。 数字乡村的建设面临乡村治理、基础设施、产业链条和公共服务等方面的问题,需要分阶段实施《数字乡村发展战略纲要》来解决。农业数字化转型的需求包括满足市民对优质农产品的需求、解决产销对接问题、形成优质优价机制、提高农业劳动力素质、打破信息孤岛、提高农业政策服务的精准度和有效性,以及解决农业融资难的问题。 数字乡村建设的关键在于构建“1+3+4+1”工程,即以新技术、新要素、新商业、新农民、新文化、新农村为核心,推进数据融合,强化农业大数据的汇集功能。数字农业大数据解决方案以农业数字底图和数据资源为基础,通过可视化监管,实现区域农业的全面数字化管理。 数字农业大数据架构基于大数据、区块链、GIS和物联网技术,构建农业大数据中心、农业物联网平台和农村综合服务指挥决策平台三大基础平台。农业大数据中心汇聚各类涉农信息资源和业务数据,支持大数据应用。信息采集系统覆盖市、县、乡、村多级,形成高效的农业大数据信息采集体系。 农业物联网平台包括环境监测系统、视频监控系统、预警预报系统和智能控制系统,通过收集和监测数据,实现对农业环境和生产过程的智能化管理。综合服务指挥决策平台利用数据分析和GIS技术,为农业决策提供支持。 数字乡村建设包括三大服务平台:治理服务平台、民生服务平台和产业服务平台。治理服务平台通过大数据和AI技术,实现乡村治理的数字化;民生服务平台利用互联网技术,提供各类民生服务;产业服务平台融合政企关系,支持农业产业发展。 数字乡村的应用场景广泛,包括农业生产过程、农产品流通、农业管理和农村社会服务。农业生产管理系统利用AIoT技术,实现农业生产的标准化和智能化。农产品智慧流通管理系统和溯源管理系统提高流通效率和产品追溯能力。智慧农业管理通过互联网+农业,提升农业管理的科学性和效率。农村社会服务则通过数字化手段,提高农村地区的公共服务水平。 总体而言,数字乡村和智慧农业的建设,不仅能够提升农业生产效率和管理水平,还能够促进农村地区的社会经济发展,实现城乡融合发展,是推动中国农业现代化的重要途径。


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