[root@hostname ~]# tail -f /var/log/zabbix/zabbix_server.log
26110:20190718:103613.157 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.203": host [MES-BAK] not monitored
26102:20190718:103614.364 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.106": host [MC27-010] not monitored
26100:20190718:103621.633 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.174": host [MC28-100] not monitored
26115:20190718:103628.673 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.127": host [MC12-060] not monitored
26118:20190718:103631.722 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.139": host [DC1] not monitored
26114:20190718:103638.044 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.198": host [MC21-260] not monitored
26103:20190718:103640.703 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.114": host [MC27-160] not monitored
26109:20190718:103642.627 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.152": host [MC12-150] not monitored
26103:20190718:103643.755 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.119": host [MC28-010] not monitored
26099:20190718:103646.143 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.66": host [DC6] not monitored
26118:20190718:103652.378 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.126": host [MC22-230] not monitored
26115:20190718:103653.551 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.109": host [MC22-010] not monitored
26104:20190718:103653.964 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.74": host [MC21-010] not monitored
26116:20190718:103657.145 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.101": host [AE1-04] not monitored
26109:20190718:103705.211 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.90": host [DC-BL-1-7] not monitored
26104:20190718:103720.250 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.106": host [AE2-OP05] not monitored
26110:20190718:103722.668 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.65": host [LPDC-010] not monitored
26109:20190718:103739.544 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.179": host [MC21-130] not monitored
26104:20190718:103739.726 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.196": host [MC11-080] not monitored
26116:20190718:103742.790 cannot send list of active checks to "172.*.*.180": host [MC11-010] not monitored
[root@hostname ~]# firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=10051/tcp --permanent
[root@hostname ~]# firewall-cmd --reload