语音信号处理2:数字滤波器 Digital Filters

The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing
Multimedia Signal Processing: Theory and Applications in Speech, Music and Communications


The Scientist and Engineer’s Guide to Digital Signal Processing 中是这样划分的:
filters classification
而根据滤波器的实现方式又有两种划分:通过卷积实现 或者 通过递归实现。通过卷积实现的滤波器就是FIR滤波器,通过递归实现的滤波器就是IIR滤波器。

The use of a digital filter can be broken into three categories: time domain, frequency domain and custom. As previously described, time domain filters are used when the information is encoded in the shape of the signal’s waveform. Time domain filtering is used for such actions as: smoothing, DC removal, waveform shaping, etc. In contrast, frequency domain filters are used when the information is contained in the amplitude, frequency, and phase of the component sinusoids. The goal of these filters is to separate one band of frequencies from another. Custom filters are used when a special action is required by the filter, something more elaborate than the four basic responses (high-pass, low-pass, band-pass and band-reject).
Digital filters can be implemented in two ways, by convolution (also called finite impulse response or FIR) and by recursion (also called infinite impulse response or IIR).

Multimedia Signal Processing: Theory and Applications in Speech, Music and Communications 中的划分方法则是这样的:

Depending on the form of the filter equation and the structure of implementation, filters may be broadly classified into the following classes:
(1)Linear filters versus nonlinear filters.
(2)Time-invariant filters versus time-varying filters.
(3)Adaptive filters versus non-adaptive filters.
(4)Recursive versus non-recursive filters.
(5)Direct-form, cascade-form, parallel-form and lattice structures.



FIR滤波器,又名非递归滤波器(non-recursive filter)、全零点滤波器(all-zero filter)、前馈滤波器( feed-forward filter)或者滑动平均滤波器(moving average filter,MA filter,通常见于统计信号处理相关的文献中 )。
IIR滤波器,又名递归滤波器(recursive filter)、极点-零点滤波器(pole-zero filter)、反馈滤波器(feedback filter)或者自回归移动平均滤波器(auto-regressive-moving-average filter,ARMA filter,通常见于统计信号处理相关的文献中 )。还有一个比较常见的名词——双二阶滤波器(biquad filter)指的是二阶的IIR滤波器。

Alternative Methods for Description of Filters


y ( m ) = a y ( m − 1 ) + x ( m ) y(m) = ay(m-1)+x(m) y(m)=ay(m1)+x(m)

上面栗子中的滤波器 to a discrete-time impulse input at at m=0 又可以表示为
y ( m ) = a m y(m) = a^m y(m)=am

Impulse response is useful because: (i) any signal can be viewed as the sum of a number of shifted and scaled impulses, hence the response a linear filter to a signal is the sum of the responses to all the impulses that constitute the signal, (ii) an impulse input contains all frequencies with equal energy, and hence it excites a filter at all frequencies and (iii) impulse response and frequency response are Fourier transform pairs.

H ( z ) = 1 / ( 1 − a z − 1 ) H(z)=1/(1-az^{-1}) H(z)=1/(1az1)


The frequency response of a filter can be obtained by taking the Fourier transform of the impulse response of the filter, or by simple substitution of the frequency variable ejw for the z variable z=ejw in the z-transfer function as H(z=ejw) = Y(ejw)/X(ejw).

Introduction to Digital Filters,Stanford的Julius Orion Smith写的online book
Introduction to Signal and System, University of Colorado Colorado Springs 的ECE2610课程,Lecture Notes写得不错

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http://www.dspguide.com/pdfbook.htm FOUNDATIONS Chapter 1 - The Breadth and Depth of DSP The Roots of DSP Telecommunications Audio Processing Echo Location Image Processing Chapter 2 - Statistics, Probability and Noise Signal and Graph Terminology Mean and Standard Deviation Signal vs. Underlying Process The Histogram, Pmf and Pdf The Normal Distribution Digital Noise Generation Precision and Accuracy Chapter 3 - ADC and DAC Quantization The Sampling Theorem Digital-to-Analog Conversion Analog Filters for Data Conversion Selecting The Antialias Filter Multirate Data Conversion Single Bit Data Conversion Chapter 4 - DSP Software Computer Numbers Fixed Point (Integers) Floating Point (Real Numbers) Number Precision Execution Speed: Program Language Execution Speed: Hardware Execution Speed: Programming Tips FUNDAMENTALS Chapter 5 - Linear Systems Signals and Systems Requirements for Linearity Static Linearity and Sinusoidal Fidelity Examples of Linear and Nonlinear Systems Special Properties of Linearity Superposition: the Foundation of DSP Common Decompositions Alternatives to Linearity Chapter 6 - Convolution The Delta Function and Impulse Response Convolution The Input Side Algorithm The Output Side Algorithm The Sum of Weighted Inputs Chapter 7 - Properties of Convolution Common Impulse Responses Mathematical Properties Correlation Speed Chapter 8 - The Discrete Fourier Transform The Family of Fourier Transform Notation and Format of the Real DFT The Frequency Domain's Independent Variable DFT Basis Functions Synthesis, Calculating the Inverse DFT Analysis, Calculating the DFT Duality Polar Notation Polar Nuisances Chapter 9 - Applications of the DFT Spectral Analysis of Signals Frequency Response of Systems Convolution via the Frequency Domain Chapter 10 - Fourier Transform Properties Linearity of the Fourier Transform Characteristics of the Phase Periodic Nature of the DFT Compression and Expansion, Multirate methods Multiplying Signals (Amplitude Modulation) The Discrete Time Fourier Transform Parseval's Relation Chapter 11 - Fourier Transform Pairs Delta Function Pairs The Sinc Function Other Transform Pairs Gibbs Effect Harmonics Chirp Signals Chapter 12 - The Fast Fourier Transform Real DFT Using the Complex DFT How the FFT works FFT Programs Speed and Precision Comparisons Further Speed Increases Chapter 13 - Continuous Signal Processing The Delta Function Convolution The Fourier Transform The Fourier Series DIGITAL FILTERS Chapter 14 - Introduction to Digital Filters Filter Basics How Information is Represented in Signals Time Domain Parameters Frequency Domain Parameters High-Pass, Band-Pass and Band-Reject Filters Filter Classification Chapter 15 - Moving Average Filters Implementation by Convolution Noise Reduction vs. Step Response Frequency Response Relatives of the Moving Average Filter Recursive Implementation Chapter 16 - Windowed-Sinc Filters Strategy of the Windowed-Sinc Designing the Filter Examples of Windowed-Sinc Filters Pushing it to the Limit Chapter 17 - Custom Filters Arbitrary Frequency Response Deconvolution Optimal Filters Chapter 18 - FFT Convolution The Overlap-Add Method FFT Convolution Speed Improvements Chapter 19 - Recursive Filters The Recursive Method Single Pole Recursive Filters Narrow-band Filters Phase Response Using Integers Chapter 20 - Chebyshev Filters The Chebyshev and Butterworth Responses Designing the Filter Step Response Overshoot Stability Chapter 21 - Filter Comparison Match #1: Analog vs. Digital Filters Match #2: Windowed-Sinc vs. Chebyshev Match #3: Moving Average vs. Single Pole APPLICATIONS Chapter 22 - Audio Processing Human Hearing Timbre Sound Quality vs. Data Rate High Fidelity Audio Companding Speech Synthesis and Recognition Nonlinear Audio Processing Chapter 23 - Image Formation & Display Digital Image Structure Cameras and Eyes Television Video Signals Other Image Acquisition and Display Brightness and Contrast Adjustments Grayscale Transforms Warping Chapter 24 - Linear Image Processing Convolution 3x3 Edge Modification Convolution by Separability Example of a Large PSF: Illumination Flattening Fourier Image Analysis FFT Convolution A Closer Look at Image Convolution Chapter 25 - Special Imaging Techniques Spatial Resolution Sample Spacing and Sampling Aperture Signal-to-Noise Ratio Morphological Image Processing Computed Tomography Chapter 26 - Neural Networks (and more!) Target Detection Neural Network Architecture Why Does it Work? Training the Neural Network Evaluating the Results Recursive Filter Design Chapter 27 - Data Compression Data Compression Strategies Run-Length Encoding Huffman Encoding Delta Encoding LZW Compression JPEG (Transform Compression) MPEG Chapter 28 - Digital Signal Processors How DSPs are Different from Other Microprocessors Circular Buffering Architecture of the Digital Signal Processor Fixed versus Floating Point C versus Assembly How Fast are DSPs? The Digital Signal Processor Market Chapter 29 - Getting Started with DSPs The ADSP-2106x family The SHARC EZ-KIT Lite Design Example: An FIR Audio Filter Analog Measurements on a DSP System Another Look at Fixed versus Floating Point Advanced Software Tools COMPLEX TECHNIQUES Chapter 30 - Complex Numbers The Complex Number System Polar Notation Using Complex Numbers by Substitution Complex Representation of Sinusoids Complex Representation of Systems Electrical Circuit Analysis Chapter 31 - The Complex Fourier Transform The Real DFT Mathematical Equivalence The Complex DFT The Family of Fourier Transforms Why the Complex Fourier Transform is Used Chapter 32 - The Laplace Transform The Nature of the s-Domain Strategy of the Laplace Transform Analysis of Electric Circuits The Importance of Poles and Zeros Filter Design in the s-Domain Chapter 33 - The z-Transform The Nature of the z-Domain Analysis of Recursive Systems Cascade and Parallel Stages Spectral Inversion Gain Changes Chebyshev-Butterworth Filter Design The Best and Worst of DSP Chapter 34 - Explaining Benford's Law Frank Benford's Discovery Homomorphic Processing The Ones Scaling Test Writing Benford's Law as a Convolution Solving in the Frequency Domain Solving Mystery #1 Solving Mystery #2 More on Following Benford's law Analysis of the Log-Normal Distribution The Power of Signal Processing copyright � 1997-2007 by California Technical Pub


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