Illustrative examples of consuming Y2 Web Services

Illustrative examples of consuming Y2 Web Services

  1. Changes in the document 5
  2. Introduction 6
  3. PHP 7
    Installing the environment 7
    WSDL Cache 7
    Basic authentication 8
    Code 8
    Execution of the script 8
    Response 8
    NTLM authentication 9
    Setup 9
    Code 9
    Execution of the script 9
    Response 10
    Complex case (AddNewCustomer) 10
    Arrays 10
    Dates 10
    Enum 10
    Non ASCII characters 11
    Troubleshooting 11
  4. C# 12
    Installing the environment 12
    Prerequisites 12
    Create a new project 12
    Import a file 13
    Basic authentication 14
    Code 14
    Running the program 15
    Response 15
    NTLM authentication 15
    Code 15
    Running the program 16
    Response 16
    Complex case (AddNewCustomer) 16
    Arrays 16
    Dates 16
    Enum 16
    Non ASCII characters 17
    Troubleshooting 17
  5. Python 19
    Installing the environment 19
    Install a package 19
    Basic authentication 20
    Code 20
    Execution of the script 21
    Response 21
    NTLM authentication 21
    Setup 21
    Code 21
    Execution of the script 22
    Response 22
    Complex case (AddNewCutomer) 23
    Arrays 23
    Dates 23
    Enum 23
    Non ASCII characters 23
    Troubleshooting 23
  6. Ruby 25
    Installing the environment 25
    Basic authentication 26
    Code 26
    Execution of the script 26
    Response 26
    Note 27
    NTLM authentication 27
    Prerequisites 27
    Code 28
    Execution of the script 28
    Response 28
    Note 29
    Complex case (AddNewCustomer) 29
    Arrays 29
    Dates 29
    Enum 29
    Non ASCII characters 29
    Troubleshooting 29
  7. Java 31
    Installing the environment 31
    Prerequisites 31
    Install Apache 31
    Install Axis2 32
    Create a new project 33
    Create a Web Service client 35
    Import a file 37
    Basic authentication 38
    Code 38
    Running the program 39
    Response 39
    NTLM authentication 39
    Prerequisites 39
    Code 40
    Running the program 41
    Response 41
    Complex case (AddNewCustomer) 41
    Arrays 41
    Dates 41
    Enum 41
    Non ASCII characters 41
    Troubleshooting 42
  8. JavaScript 45
    Installing the environment 45
    Disclaimer 45
    Basic authentication 46
    Code 46
    Execution of the script 47
    Response 47
    NTLM authentication 48
    Setup 48
    Code 48
    Execution of the script 49
    Note 49
    Response 49
    Complex case (AddNewCustomer) 50
    Arrays 50
    Dates 50
    Enum 50
    Non ASCII characters 50
    Troubleshooting 51
  9. Authentication cookie 52
    Introduction 52
    Sample of a PHP script 52
    CookieSoap 52
    Code 52

1.Changes in the document

Date Author Type of change
12/24/2014 Alexis BEVILLARD Creation
1/19/2015 Yan PEUILLON Summary review
2/13/2017 Thomas SEBBANE PHP environment review : Add prerequisite PHP version minimum
PHP NTLM authentication : Update files to remove hacks
2/16/2017 Thomas SEBBANE PHP environment review : Add wsdl cache configuration for production and test mode
4/12/2017 Thomas SEBBANE Add JavaScript samples
In the sample programs of this documentation, you will find:
DatabaseId = “DATABASE”
“DATABASE” represents the FolderId associated with the database to use when consuming the Web Service; this identifier will be sent in the SOAP request.
Parameters of the HelloWorld method

These programs are provided as examples. In production, the code may be different. Cegid may not be liable for their use.
Installing the environment
-Download PHP for Windows and copy it to C:\php
oNote : requires a PHP version >= 5.6.25
-Configure php.ini:
oCopy C:\php\php.ini-production to C:\php\php.ini
oUncomment these lines in php.ini:

Lines Why
; extension_dir = “ext” Enables the loading of extensions
; extension=php_openssl.dll Enables the SSL support
; extension=php_soap.dll Enables SOAP support (cf. SoapClient class)

WSDL Cache
In production mode
-Change value of the line in php.ini:
Lines Why
soap.wsdl_cache_enabled=1 Enable WSDL cache
Test and debug mode
-Change value of the line in php.ini:
Lines Why
soap.wsdl_cache_enabled=0 Disable WSDL cache

Important: In production mode, make sure to set soap.wsdl_cache_enabled=1 to enable cache.

Basic authentication
Script used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:

Code Info

<?php $url = "http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc"; $client = new SoapClient( $url . "?singleWsdl", array( "location" => $url, "login" => "DOMAIN\\USERNAME", "password" => "PASSWORD" ) ); $request = new StdClass(); $request->text = "ttt"; $request->clientContext = new StdClass(); $request->clientContext->DatabaseId = "DATABASE"; $resu = $client->HelloWorld($request); print_r( $resu ); ?>

URL of the Web Service

Create the client
Link to the WSDL file

Database name, identifier and password

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method
Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“” xmlns:ns1=“”>

Execution of the script
Open a command prompt, access the directory storing the script and enter this line:
C:\php\php.exe –f basic_auth.php

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: Basic (CBR)
stdClass Object
[HelloWorldResult] => Now: (2014-11-12T11:26:43.2069451)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (ttt)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
ErpIdentity: (CEG) (CEGID) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\CEGID) (CBR)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

NTLM authentication
SoapClientAuth is a class that replaces SoapClient by integrating the NTLM authentication.
-Download SoapClientAuth to the same directory than the script.
-Enable the php curl extension

Lines Why
;extension=php_curl.dll Enables the curl extension

Script used to consume the Web Service with NTLM authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:
Code Info

<?php include('SoapClientAuth.php'); $url = "http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc"; $client = new SoapClientAuth( $url . "?singleWsdl", array( "location" => $url, "login" => "DOMAIN\\USERNAME", "password" => "PASSWORD" ) ); $request = new StdClass(); $request->text = "ttt"; $request->clientContext = new StdClass(); $request->clientContext->DatabaseId = "DATABASE"; $resu = $client->HelloWorld($request); print_r( $resu ); ?>

Include SoapClientAuth

URL of the Web Service

Create the client
Link to the WSDL file

Name of the Windows domain, identifier and password

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method
Display the result
The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“” xmlns:ns1=“”>

Execution of the script
Open a command prompt, access the directory storing the script and enter this line:
C:\php\php.exe –f ntlm_auth.php

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: NTLM
stdClass Object
[HelloWorldResult] => Now: (2014-11-12T11:43:23.0514559)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (ttt)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\BEVILLARD) (NTLM)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

Complex case (AddNewCustomer)
How can you create more complex types? See example with AddNewCustomer:

Create each cell and create an array with array();

$UserDefinedBoolean1 = new StdClass();
$UserDefinedBoolean1->Id = 1;
$UserDefinedBoolean1->Value = true;
$UserDefinedBoolean2 = new StdClass();
$UserDefinedBoolean2->Id = 2;
$UserDefinedBoolean2->Value = false;
$UserDefinedBoolean3 = new StdClass();
$UserDefinedBoolean3->Id = 3;
$UserDefinedBoolean3->Value = true;

r e q u e s t − &gt; c u s t o m e r D a t a − &gt; U s e r D e f i n e d B o o l e a n s = a r r a y ( request-&gt;customerData-&gt;UserDefinedBooleans = array( request>customerData>UserDefinedBooleans=array(UserDefinedBoolean1, $UserDefinedBoolean2, $UserDefinedBoolean3);

Create a DateTime object, specify the date and time, then convert the object into a character string with $date->format

$UserDefinedDate1 = new StdClass();
$UserDefinedDate1->Id = 1;

$date = new Datetime(null, new DateTimeZone(“UTC”));
$date->SetDate(1970, 01, 01);
$date->SetTime(18, 00, 00);

$UserDefinedDate1->Value = $date->format(“Y-m-d\TH:i:s”);

There is no Enum in PHP, so go directly to the constant value

$request->customerData->AddressData->CountryIdType = “Internal”;

Non ASCII characters
Do not forget to save the script with UTF-8 encoding.

$UserDefinedText2->Value = “漢字”;

Traces enable the recovery of the XML input in order to process the case in SoapUI again, for example, and the XML output to get the entire error message. This paragraph describes how to activate the traces.
To enable the display of the traces, first place the “soapDebug.php” file in the same directory as the script.

Then include “soapDebug.php” by adding the following line to the beginning of the script.

And add this line after having called the Web Service:
where $client is an instance of SoapClient
Do not forget to catch the exception that may be launched by $client, because if an error occurs the program will abort and the traces will not be displayed.

When the script is run, you will get the XML request as well as the XML response.

Script and example of traces:

Installing the environment
Download and install Visual Studio

Create a new project
To create a project, go to “File / New / Project”.

Select “Console Application” from Visual C#; enter the project name and click on OK.

In the Solution Explorer, right-click on the project name and “Add Service Reference…”

Specify the URL of the WSDL in field “Address” and click on “Go”.
Select the Web Service and specify a name in field “Namespace” and click on OK.

Import a file
This paragraph explains how to import a file in Visual Studio in order to use the sample files about the consumption of Web Services.

To add a file click on “Project / Add Existing Item…”

Please notice:
Visual Studio creates a Program.cs file containing a “main” function.
You must delete the program for the project to compile with the imported file.

Basic authentication
Source code used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
static void Main(string[] args)
var bhb = new BasicHttpBinding(

var auth = HttpClientCredentialType.Basic;
bhb.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = auth;

var service = new WorkerProcessServiceClient(
new EndpointAddress(

service.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = “DOMAIN\USERNAME”;
service.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = “PASSWORD”;

var text = “ttt”;
var clientContext = new RetailContext();
clientContext.DatabaseId = “DATABASE”;

var result = service.HelloWorld(text, clientContext);

For HTTPS connections:
For HTTP connections:

BASIC authentication type

URL of the Web Service

Database name, identifier and password

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“”>




Running the program
To launch the program, click on (or press key F5)

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: Basic (CBR)
Now: (2014-11-13T09:40:07.7248033)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (ttt)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
ErpIdentity: (CEG) (CEGID) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\CEGID) (CBR)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

NTLM authentication
Source code used to consume the Web Service with a NTLM authentication.

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
static void Main(string[] args)
var bhb = new BasicHttpBinding(

var auth = HttpClientCredentialType.Ntlm;
bhb.Security.Transport.ClientCredentialType = auth;

var service = new WorkerProcessServiceClient(
new EndpointAddress(

service.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = “DOMAIN\USERNAME”;
service.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = “PASSWORD”;

var text = “ttt”;
var clientContext = new RetailContext();
clientContext.DatabaseId = “DATABASE”;

var result = service.HelloWorld(text, clientContext);

For HTTPS connections:
For HTTP connections:

NTLM authentication type

URL of the Web Service

Name of the Windows domain, identifier and password

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“”>




Running the program
To launch the program, click on (or press key F5)

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: NTLM
Now: (2014-11-13T09:43:30.5495957)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (ttt)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\BEVILLARD) (NTLM)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

Complex case (AddNewCustomer)
How can you to create more complex types? See example with AddNewCustomer:

Create a list of several items (in this example UserDefinedBoolean). And call the ToArray() method to create an array from the list.

List userDefinedBooleanList = new List()
new UserDefinedBoolean(){ Id = UserDefinedId._1, Value = true },
new UserDefinedBoolean(){ Id = UserDefinedId._2, Value = false },
new UserDefinedBoolean(){ Id = UserDefinedId._3, Value = true }
customerData.UserDefinedBooleans = userDefinedBooleanList.ToArray();

Create a DateTime object by specifying the year, month, day, hour, minutes and seconds.

Value = new DateTime(1970, 01, 01, 18, 00, 00)

The proxy generates enum types from the WSDL.

customerData.AddressData.CountryIdType = CountryIdType.Internal;

Non ASCII characters
Do not forget to save the script with UTF-8 encoding; Visual Studio does it by default.

Value = “漢字”

Traces enable the recovery of the XML input in order to process the case in SoapUI again, for example, and the XML output to get the entire error message. This paragraph describes how to activate the traces.
To enable the display of traces, you must add the following lines in the app.config file of the project.




When running the program, file “messages.svclog” containing the XML request and the response is created in C:\logs\

Example of traces:

The “.svclog” extension is associated with an MS tool to view the WCF log: Microsoft Service Trace Viewer



Installing the environment
Download and install Python 2.7
Install these two packages (see how to install a package):
-setuptools (1.4.2)
-suds (0.4)

With the suds proxy, you can create a client with this function:
client = suds.client.Client(url, username=username, password=password)

And get information about the client by using simply:
print client

This returns with the WorkerProcessService Web Service the following result:
Suds ( ) version: 0.4 GA build: R699-20100913
Service ( WorkerProcessService ) tns=“
Prefixes (4)
ns0 = “
ns1 = “
ns2 = “
ns3 = “
Ports (1):
Methods (2):
HelloWorld(xs:string text, ns2:RetailContext clientContext, )
Ping(xs:string input, ns2:RetailContext clientContext, )
Types (8):

Here, the HelloWorld method uses as parameter a character string and a RetailContext object; to create the latter, you may use:
clientContext = client.factory.create(‘ns2:RetailContext’)
Install a package
Extract the package (in the example, setuptools is extracted to C:)

From menu Start, go to Accessories
Then right-click on Command prompt and select Run as administrator.

Once the command prompt window displays, position to the directory of the package and run the following command:
C:\Python27\python.exe install
Basic authentication
Script used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
import suds

url = ‘http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc?wsdl

username = “DOMAIN\USER”
password = “PASSWORD”

client = suds.client.Client(url, username=username, password=password)

clientContext = client.factory.create(‘ns2:RetailContext’)

text = “test”
clientContext.DatabaseId = “DATABASE”

response = client.service.HelloWorld(text, clientContext)

print response Include the suds library

Link to the WSDL file

Database name, identifier and password

Create the client

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0= xmlns:ns1= xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“”>
Execution of the script
Open a command prompt, access the directory storing the script and enter this line:

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: Basic (CBR)
Now: (2014-11-14T13:36:33.8244203)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (test)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
ErpIdentity: (CEG) (CEGID) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\CEGID) (CBR)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

NTLM authentication
Install the python-ntlm package

Script used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
import suds

url = ‘http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc?wsdl

username = “DOMAIN\USER”
password = “PASSWORD”

ntlm = suds.transport.https.WindowsHttpAuthenticated(

client = suds.client.Client(url, transport=ntlm)

clientContext = client.factory.create(‘ns2:RetailContext’)

text = “test”
clientContext.DatabaseId = “DATABASE”

response = client.service.HelloWorld(text, clientContext)

print response Include the suds library

Link to the WSDL file

Name of the Windows domain, identifier and password

The proxy uses by default the Basic authentication. Here, the NTLM authentication will be forced.

Create the client

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:ns0= xmlns:ns1= xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:SOAP-ENV=“”>

Execution of the script
Open a command prompt, access the directory storing the script and enter this line:

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: NTLM
Now: (2014-11-17T09:31:05.1207254)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (test)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\BEVILLARD) (NTLM)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

Complex case (AddNewCutomer)
How can you create more complex types? See example with AddNewCustomer:

Create each of the cells and add them to the array

UserDefinedBoolean1 = client.factory.create(‘ns2:UserDefinedBoolean’)
UserDefinedBoolean1.Id = 1
UserDefinedBoolean1.Value = True
UserDefinedBoolean2 = client.factory.create(‘ns2:UserDefinedBoolean’)
UserDefinedBoolean2.Id = 2
UserDefinedBoolean2.Value = False
UserDefinedBoolean3 = client.factory.create(‘ns2:UserDefinedBoolean’)
UserDefinedBoolean3.Id = 3
UserDefinedBoolean3.Value = True


Import the DateTime library and specify a date with the datetime method.

UserDefinedDate1.Value = datetime.datetime(1970, 01, 01, 18, 00, 00)

There is no Enum in Python, so go directly to the constant value

customerData.AddressData.CountryIdType = “Internal”

Non ASCII characters
Do not forget to save the script with UTF-8 encoding. Character strings with non ASCII characters must be declared with UTF-8 encoding and the response of the program must be encoded in UTF-8 too.

UserDefinedText2.Value = unicode(“漢字”, “utf-8”)

print response.encode(“utf-8”)

Traces enable the recovery of the XML input in order to process the case in SoapUI again, for example, and the XML output to get the entire error message. This paragraph describes how to activate the traces.
Therefore, you must first import the “logging” library into the script:
import logging
And add these two lines:

When the script is run, you will get the XML request as well as the XML response.

Script and example of traces:

Installing the environment
Download and install Ruby

Do not forget to tick the checkbox “Add Ruby executables to your PATH”

From menu Start, go to Accessories
Then right-click on Command prompt and select Run as administrator.
Enter the following command:
gem install savon

Basic authentication
Script used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
require ‘savon’

client = Savon.client do
wsdl “http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc?wsdl
namespace “

message ={

response =, message: message)

puts response.to_xml.gsub(" ", “”) Include the savon library

Create the client
Link to the WSDL file

Database name, identifier and password

Namespace of the Web Service

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:wsdl=“” xmlns:env=“”>

Execution of the script
Open a command prompt, access the directory storing the script and enter this line:
ruby basic_auth.rb

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: Basic (CBR)
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“”><s:Body>Now: (2014-11-17T11:10:34.6394072)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (test)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
ErpIdentity: (CEG) (CEGID) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\CEGID) (CBR)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (</s:Body></s:Envelope>

The various fields of the XML message are in an array of the response sent by
For example, to display the character string returned by HelloWorld, you will use:
puts response.body[:hello_world_response][:hello_world_result]
You can display the whole content of the array with:
puts response.body

NTLM authentication
Open the command prompt window and enter the following command:
gem install rubyntlm –v 0.3.2

When the script is running, Ruby may abort when creating the client (because of the authentication); the following message will display:
C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/httpi-2.2.7/lib/httpi/adapter/net_http.rb:94:in negotiate_ntlm_auth': undefined methodinclude?’ for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/httpi-2.2.7/lib/httpi/adapter/net_http.rb:75:in block in do_request' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/2.1.0/net/http.rb:853:instart’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/httpi-2.2.7/lib/httpi/adapter/net_http.rb:74:in do_request' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/httpi-2.2.7/lib/httpi/adapter/net_http.rb:41:inrequest’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/httpi-2.2.7/lib/httpi.rb:159:in request' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/httpi-2.2.7/lib/httpi.rb:125:inget’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/wasabi-3.3.0/lib/wasabi/resolver.rb:43:in load_from_remote' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/wasabi-3.3.0/lib/wasabi/resolver.rb:33:inresolve’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/wasabi-3.3.0/lib/wasabi/document.rb:142:in xml' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/wasabi-3.3.0/lib/wasabi/document.rb:160:inparse’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/wasabi-3.3.0/lib/wasabi/document.rb:147:in parser' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/wasabi-3.3.0/lib/wasabi/document.rb:64:insoap_actions’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/savon-2.7.2/lib/savon/operation.rb:21:in ensure_exists!' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/savon-2.7.2/lib/savon/operation.rb:14:increate’
from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/savon-2.7.2/lib/savon/client.rb:32:in operation' from C:/Ruby21/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/savon-2.7.2/lib/savon/client.rb:36:incall’
from test_ntlm.rb:16:in `’

To fix this issue, the NTLM authentication must be forced by deleting/commenting these lines in the net_http.rb file:
if nego_auth_response.headers[‘www-authenticate’].include? ‘Negotiate’
auth_method = ‘Negotiate’
elsif nego_auth_response.headers[‘www-authenticate’].include? ‘NTLM’
auth_method = ‘NTLM’
auth_method = ‘NTLM’
HTTPI.logger.debug ‘Server does not support NTLM/Negotiate. Trying NTLM anyway’

Add the following line instead:
auth_method = ‘NTLM’

The net_http.rb is located in “C:\Ruby21\lib\ruby\gems\2.1.0\gems\httpi-2.2.7\lib\httpi\adapter”

Script used to consume the Web Service with NTLM authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
require ‘savon’

client = Savon.client do
wsdl “http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc?wsdl
namespace “

message ={

response =, message: message)

puts response.to_xml.gsub(" ", “”) Include the savon library

Create the client
Link to the WSDL file

Identifier, password and Windows domain name

Namespace of the Web Service

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<env:Envelope xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:wsdl=“” xmlns:env=“”>

Execution of the script
Open a command prompt, access the directory storing the script and enter this line:
ruby ntlm_auth.rb

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: NTLM
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=“”><s:Body>Now: (2014-11-17T11:42:45.5620494)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (test)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\BEVILLARD) (NTLM)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (</s:Body></s:Envelope>

The various fields of the XML message are in an array of the response sent by
For example, to display the character string returned by HelloWorld, you will use:
puts response.body[:hello_world_response][:hello_world_result]
You can display the whole content of the array with:
puts response.body
Complex case (AddNewCustomer)
How can you create more complex types? See example with AddNewCustomer:

Create an array and populate each cell.


Create a DateTime object, specify the date and time and convert the object into a character string by the means of the strftime() method.

“wsdl:Value”=>, 01, 01, 18, 00, 00).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")

There is no Enum in Ruby, so go directly to the constant value


Non ASCII characters
Do not forget to save the script with UTF-8 encoding.


Traces enable the recovery of the XML input in order to process the case in SoapUI again, for example, and the XML output to get the entire error message. This paragraph describes how to activate the traces.
To enable the display of the traces, the following two parameters must be added when creating the client.
-log true
-pretty_print_xml true

This will result in:

client = Savon.client do
wsdl “http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc?wsdl
namespace “
log true
pretty_print_xml true

When the script is run, you will get the XML request as well as the XML response.

Script and example of traces:

Installing the environment
-Download and install Eclipse (Kepler)
-Download Apache Tomcat v7.0.56 and extract the content from the archive
-Download Axis 2 and extract the content from the archive

Install Apache
Apache is a HTTP server required for the use of Axis2

Open Eclipse

Go to Windows/Preferences
In the menu on the left, select Server/Runtime Environment and click on Add.

Select Apache Tomcat v7.0 and Next

Click on Browse and specify the installation directory for Apache Tomcat (the folder extracted from the archive) and click on Finish

Install Axis2
Axis2 is an API used to develop/consume SOAP Web Services.

Once again go to Windows/Preferences, select Web Services/Axis2 Preferences.
Click on Browse and specify the installation directory for Axis2 (the folder extracted from the archive)
Then, click on OK

Create a new project

Go to File/New/Other…
Under Web, click on Dynamic Web Project and on Next

Specify the name of the project
Select Apache Tomcat v7.0 for Target runtime, and 2.5 for Dynamic web module version
Click on Modify…

Tick option Axis2 Web Services and click on OK

Then click on Finish

If Eclipse prompts you to open the Java EE mode, click on Yes

Create a Web Service client
Right-click on the project in the Project Explorer and click on New/Other…

Select Web Service Client and click on Next

Specify the link to the WSDL file in Service definition

Check that under Configuration, you will find Tomcat Server v7.0 as Server runtime and Apache Axis as Web service runtime. Otherwise, click on one of them, and select the right configuration:

Server runtime

Web service runtime

Click on Finish

Import a file
This paragraph explains how to import a file in Eclipse in order to use the sample files about the consumption of Web Services.

In the Package Explorer, develop the project as well as Java Resources, right-click on src and click on Import…

Under General, select File System and click on Next

Click on Browse… and select the folder containing the file to import
The content of the directory will appear, tick the checkbox next to the file to import and click on “Finish”

Basic authentication
Source code used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:
Code Info
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
WorkerProcessServiceLocator ws = new WorkerProcessServiceLocator();

BasicHttpBinding_IWorkerProcessServiceStub stub = (BasicHttpBinding_IWorkerProcessServiceStub)ws.getBasicHttpBinding_IWorkerProcessService();


String text = "test";
RetailContext clientContext = new RetailContext();

String response = stub.helloWorld(text, clientContext);



Create the client

Database name, identifier and password

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method

Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=“” xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:xsi=“”>




Running the program
To launch the program, click on (or press key F11)
If Eclipse prompts you to launch the program, select Java Application

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: Basic (CBR)
Now: (2014-11-17T16:11:24.9651397)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (test)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
ErpIdentity: (CEG) (CEGID) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\CEGID) (CBR)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

NTLM authentication

Right-click on the project and select Properties

In Java Build Path, click on Add External JARs… in tab Libraries

And add the following two files:

Then import this file in all sources of the project:

Source code used to consume the Web Service with NTLM authentication.

Sample of code and description:

Code Info
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
WorkerProcessServiceLocator ws = new WorkerProcessServiceLocator(

BasicHttpBinding_IWorkerProcessServiceStub stub = (BasicHttpBinding_IWorkerProcessServiceStub)ws.getBasicHttpBinding_IWorkerProcessService();



String text = "test";
RetailContext clientContext = new RetailContext();

String response = stub.helloWorld(text, clientContext);

} Prepare the implementation of an authentication type other than Basic used by default.

Create the client

NTLM authentication type

Name of the Windows domain, identifier and password

Prepare the request

Call the HelloWorld method
Display the result

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=“” xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:xsi=“”>




Running the program
To launch the program, click on (or press key F11)
If Eclipse prompts you to launch the program, select Java Application

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: NTLM
Now: (2014-11-17T17:07:19.9467202)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\CBR 12.1)
InputText: (test)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\BEVILLARD) (NTLM)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

Complex case (AddNewCustomer)
How can you create more complex types? See example with AddNewCustomer:

Create an array and populate each cell.

UserDefinedBoolean[] userDefinedBooleans = new UserDefinedBoolean[] {
new UserDefinedBoolean(UserDefinedId.value1, true),
new UserDefinedBoolean(UserDefinedId.value2, false),
new UserDefinedBoolean(UserDefinedId.value3, true)

Create a Calendar object by the means of Calendar.getInstance() and specify the date and time by the means of the set(); method.
Please notice, the month is an enum and starts with 0 (January = 0, February = 1 … December = 11)

Calendar date = Calendar.getInstance();
date.set(1970, Calendar.JANUARY, 01, 18, 00, 00);

The proxy generates enum types from the WSDL.


Non ASCII characters
Do not forget to save the script with UTF-8 encoding; Eclipse does it by default.

new UserDefinedText(UserDefinedId.value2, “漢字”)

Traces enable the recovery of the XML input in order to process the case in SoapUI again, for example, and the XML output to get the entire error message. This paragraph describes how to activate the traces.
To enable the display of the traces, a server must be created from Eclipse that will act as a TCP/IP monitor.

In the Window/Preferences, select Run/Debug and TCP/IP Monitor.
Then click on Add.

Specify the same parameter as on the illustration below, and replace “localhost” by the name of the Web Service domain; then click on OK.

Click on the monitor just created, click on Start to launch, and then on OK.

You must now create a Web Servicve client and specify the port of the monitor (9081) in the URL

Display the TCP/IP Monitor view via Window/Show view/Other… 
And under Debug, select TCP/IP Monitor

Then you just have to consume the Web Service from Eclipse to get the traces in the TCP/IP Monitor window.

Example of traces:

Installing the environment
-Use your current browser or install (Google Chrome)
-Original sources to use soap access service from JavaScript are available here: JavaScriptSoapClient
-We use ObjTree to build the xml request, original sources are available here: ObjTree
Do not use original sources of soapclient and objtree because they doesn’t support our api configuration. (Forced domain namespace, json tree with pluralization)
We have edited soapclient.js and objtree.js to make it work with our api
-We added the ability to force namespace and hidden action in wsdl
-We added a new parser to generate XML data from Json
-We commented all unused sources from original file

You can use our scripts instead:

Note: These scripts are examples. In production, the code may be different. Cegid may not be liable for them use.

Basic authentication
Script used to consume the Web Service with a Basic authentication.

Sample of code and description:
Code Info

Include soapClient script

Include objtree script

Prepare the request

Database name, identifier and password
URL of the Web Service, authentication method

Call the HelloWorld method

Display results in console and text

The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:soap=“”>




Execution of the script
Open index.hml, the result of the request is displayed in text, you can also show console to display result

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: Basic
Now: (2017-04-10T16:48:07.8361055)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\Y2 14.0)
InputText: (ttt)
DataBaseId: (DATABASE)
ErpIdentity: (USR) (USER) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\USER) (Basic)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

NTLM authentication
To use, NTLM authentication
-Download Ntlm.js to the same directory than other scripts.
-Include it your script folder by adding this line and defining the path of Ntlm.js in your html file

Script used to consume the Web Service with NTLM authentication (CBR).

Sample of code and description:
Code Info

Include soapClient script

Include objtree script
Include Ntlm script

Prepare the request

Database name, identifier and password
URL of the Web Service, authentication method

Call the HelloWorld method

Display results in console and text
The created request corresponds to the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi=“” xmlns:xsd=“” xmlns:soap=“”>




Execution of the script
Open index.hml, the result of the request is displayed in text, you can also show console to display result
You might have 2 errors in your console browser

This is completely normal and these are not errors, according to NTLM scheme for HTTP
Ntlm.js execute multiple requests to authenticate with server

The program displays the response from the Web Service, specifying the type of authentication used: NTLM
Now: (2017-04-14T10:08:03.9517845)
ApplicationBase: (C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Cegid Retail\Y2 14.0)
InputText: (ttt)
DataBaseId: (CBR_AUTO)
ErpIdentity: (USR) (username) (DOMAIN)
Current Identity: (DOMAIN\USERNAME) (NTLM)
CurrentCulture: (fr-FR)
CurrentUICulture: (fr-FR)
CBR Version: (

Complex case (AddNewCustomer)
How can you create more complex types? See example with AddNewCustomer:

Parameters can be passed by a json tree
Create an array with a json array;

JSON parameter XML result
UserDefinedBooleans: {
UserDefinedBoolean: [
{ Id: 1, Value: true },
{ Id: 2, Value: false },
{ Id: 3, Value: true }




To create a DateTime, specify the date and time, then convert it to ISO String to format to DateTime
var date = new Date().toISOString();

JSON parameter XML result
UserDefinedDates: {
UserDefinedDate: [
{ Id: 1, Value: date },
{ Id: 2, Value: date },
{ Id: 3, Value: date }




There is no need to enum in JSON, so go directly to the constant value

{ customerData: { AddressData: { CountryIdType: "Internal" } } };

Non ASCII characters
Do not forget to save the script with UTF-8 encoding.

{ Id: 2, Value: “漢字” }
Traces are available in the console of your browser, you can also use Fiddler to debug.

9.Authentication cookie
To avoid authenticating each time you call the Web Service you can implement a mechanism based on cookies used for the Basic HTTP. This system optimizes the WS/HTTP flow.
Therefore, you will prompt the resource without authentication, but with the cookie. If the server responds 401 (Unauthorized), you will prompt the resource again but WITH authentication and the new authentication cookie will be stored for future calls.

Header of the request with authentication:
POST /CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.6.3
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPAction: “
Content-Length: 354
Authorization: Basic U1RBR0VfQUxFWElTXENFR0lEOkNFR0lE

Header of the request with the cookie:
POST /CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Connection: Keep-Alive
User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.6.3
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
SOAPAction: “
Content-Length: 354
Cookie: CbrAuth=6I2djBiRTyfhRrW/4+yUvwwF/64p/zHCiJ3ZeEWYA3YW0WqJElsHgs/KORav60mFznmPXk0JUjSQeIWEcqCVFTbyufwnVp6WhaCih71ZILw=;

Sample of a PHP script
You will use the CookieSoap.php file that contains the functions used to read and write in the file that stores the cookie.

The file contains two functions:
WriteCookie() that stores the value passed as parameter in a “cookie” file.
ReadCookie() that returns the value contained in a “cookie” file.
The file containing the authentication cookie is named “cookie” and is created in the same directory as the script. To change the name and the path of the file, you just have to change the value of the $filename variable in the CookieSoap.php file.

Test of the HelloWorld method of the WorkerProcessService Web Service with the use of the authentication cookie.

Sample of code and description:

Code Info

<?php include('CookieSoap.php'); $url = "http://localhost/CBR_12.1/WorkerProcessService.svc?singleWsdl"; $client = new SoapClient($url); $request = new StdClass(); $request->text = "test"; $request->clientContext = new StdClass(); $request->clientContext->DatabaseId = "DATABASE"; $client->__setCookie("CbrAuth", ReadCookie()); try { $resu = $client->HelloWorld($request); } catch (Exception $e) { if ($e->getMessage() == "Unauthorized") { $client = new SoapClient($url, array( "login" => "DOMAIN\\USERNAME", "password" => "PASSWORD" ) ); } $resu = $client->HelloWorld($request); WriteCookie($client->_cookies["CbrAuth"][0]); } print_r($resu); ?>

Include CookieSoap

Link to the WSDL file

Create the client

Prepare the request

Recover the cookie

Call the HelloWorld method

If the server responds 401, you will create a client with authentication

Database name, identifier and password

Call the HelloWorld method
Store the authentication cookie

Display the result

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