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原创 聊一聊搞技术那点事吧~


2022-07-17 23:10:04 115 1

原创 mysql 强同步退化成异步的问题

某日收到线上告警短信,有一实例主备同步发生退化(强同步变成异步),经过一番排查,除该时段有一些稍高于往日的sql请求,其他并未有异常。因为该主备mysql同步也符合原生同步的特性,所以排查了网络。使用sar命令查到了网络流量的异常:从绑定网卡bond1的接收和发送来看,都远高于前后数据,这里看下2-5列字段含义:rxpck/s 每秒接收到的包数txpck/s 每秒传输的包数rxkB/s 每秒收到的KB数txkB/s 每秒传输的KB数...

2022-06-15 08:33:19 320

原创 遭遇syst3md挖矿病毒(3)--终章

先讲个段子:一个黑客给了你一把钥匙,告诉你,拿它打开门,就可以进去自己家了,当你进去之后,发现总有些奇怪,但就是说不出来。当你遇到这种情况,请冷静下来,因为你进入的并不是你的家,而是黑客用假象给你封装了一个虚拟的家。有人会说,前面已经清除过病毒了,为什么还有一篇,有什么可写的,因为年轻~,因为对病毒的程序认知不足,最终还是有漏网之鱼:总结就是在/etc/init.d、/usr/bin、/etc/cron.d/ 目录下隐藏着多种木马启动程序,最终都以busybox之名启动,以busybox为关键字,反

2022-04-14 23:08:15 666

原创 遭遇syst3md挖矿病毒(2)


2022-04-14 00:24:12 1057

原创 遭遇syst3md挖矿病毒(1)

一套刚刚装好19C RAC,发现grid用户起了一个奇怪的进程,且CPU占用很高,将近800%,如下图:查看这个程序发现写了好几行命令:查询了一些资料,发现和其他文章描述极其相似,具体不太懂,也不想研究这东西了。那就开始清除吧,考虑到主要干2件事,一是杀进程,二是修改密码,这下黑客的“肉鸡账本”又少了2台白嫖,哈哈哈~在syst3md的主进程(exe)中有个软连接指向了/tmp目录下的syst3md,其中黑客在tmp目录下创建了...作为隐藏目录,包装了一层目录,真是...

2022-04-09 19:52:19 2123

原创 Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository, Error_code: MY-013124

架构:3节点MGR,单主模式现象:在第三个节点启动组复制时报出:Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository, Error_code: MY-013124错误,errlog日志显示如下:022-02-28T11:48:27.033637Z 8 [Warning] [MY-011735] [Repl] Plugin group_replication reported: '[GCS] Automatic

2022-02-27 21:18:35 1566

原创 ERROR: Error in Log_event::read_log_event(): ‘Sanity check failed‘, data_len: 67, event_type: 35

这是一个使用错误的mysql版本的工具导致的低级问题:我的mysql版本是8.0.17,由于需要单独安装mysql-devel,为了省事,结果从iso镜像里安装了低版本的rpm包,结果rpm安装后影响了原有的8.0.17版本的环境变量,不知不觉的任何mysql命令都是低版本的了:[root@mgr1 data]# mysql -VLogging to file '/mysqldata/citicsql/tee.log'mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.73, for re.

2021-08-06 17:34:53 707

原创 innodb_buffer_pool_instances

The number of regions that the InnoDB buffer pool is divided into. For systems with buffer pools in the multi-gigabyte range, dividing the buffer pool into separate instances can improve concurrency,by reducing contention as different threads read and w...

2021-08-04 13:56:16 5430

原创 max_allowed_packet && net_buffer_length

The maximum size of one packet or any generated/intermediate string, or any parameter sent by the mysql_stmt_send_long_data() C API function. The default is 4MB.一个数据包或任何生成/中间字符串的最大大小,或mysql_stmt_send_long_data()C API函数发送的任何参数。默认值为4MB。The packet m...

2021-08-04 12:24:24 538

原创 删除主键导致使用普通索引失效(覆盖索引失效) 干货篇

本文用实验验证删除主键导致普通索引失效。1、查看实验表结构及当前数据行数:2、监控实验表当前索引使用情况:3、走普通索引查询:可以看到,索引modelid计数加1:4、走覆盖索引查询:可以看到,索引modelid计数再次加1:5、删除主键,观察索引使用情况变化:主键 删除共用26秒多,删除的过程中,索引监控视图中会显示一个时刻在滚动的数字,这个索引没有名字,但经过多次测试发现数字的最大值就是表的总行数(),而后消失,最终...

2021-07-21 16:54:34 509

原创 Metadata Locking

MySQL uses metadata locking to manage concurrent access to database objects and to ensuredata consistency. Metadata locking applies not just to tables, but also to schemas, stored programs (procedures, functions, triggers, and scheduled events), and table

2021-07-11 19:55:38 178

原创 InnoDB Limits

This section describes limits forInnoDBtables, indexes, tablespaces, and other aspects of theInnoDBstorage engine.本节介绍InnoDB表、索引、表空间和InnoDB存储引擎的其他方面的限制。A table can contain a maximum of 1017 columns (raised in MySQL 5.6.9 from the earlier limit of 1...

2021-06-28 23:45:28 169

原创 Limits on Table Column Count and Row Size

This section describes limits on the number of columns in tables and the size of individual rows.本节介绍对表中列数和单行大小的限制。 Column Count Limits Row Size Limits Column Count LimitsMySQL has hard limit of 4096 columns per table, but the effective max

2021-06-28 22:27:27 128

原创 Limits on Table Size

The effective maximum table size for MySQL databases is usually determined by operating system constraints on file sizes, not by MySQL internal limits. For up-to-date information operating system file size limits, refer to the documentation specific to you

2021-06-28 12:31:43 108

原创 sync_binlog

Controls how often the MySQL server synchronizes the binary log to disk.控制MySQL服务器将二进制日志同步到磁盘的频率。• sync_binlog=0: Disables synchronization of the binary log to disk by the MySQL server.Instead, the MySQL server relies on the operating system to fl..

2021-06-27 18:01:55 307

原创 innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit

Controls the balance between strict ACID compliance for commit operations and higher performance that is possible when commit-related I/O operations are rearranged and done in batches. You can achieve better performance by changing the default value but th

2021-06-26 16:19:58 2496

原创 mysql 3节点MGR升级

mysql 3节点mgr升级mgr1:备节点,mgr2:主节点,mgr3:备节点 (先升级mgr1和mgr3)升级目标:8.0.16--->8.0.17升级过程中,mgr1节点的mysqld1.log日志输出如下:2021-03-06T09:49:35.822817Z 0 [Warning] [MY-011070] [Server] 'Disabling symbolic links using --skip-symbolic-links (or equivalent) is the

2021-03-05 18:34:55 595 1

原创 Mysql Optimizing SQL Statements (一)

8.2 Optimizing SQL Statements The core logic of a database application is performed through SQL statements, whether issued directly through an interpreter or submitted behind the scenes through an API. The tuning guidelines in this section help to sp..

2021-02-01 16:23:16 975

原创 Mysql Optimization Overview

8.1 Optimization Overview Database performance depends on several factors at the database level, such as tables, queries,and configuration settings. These software constructs result in CPU and I/O operations at the hardware level, which you must mini...

2021-01-10 19:09:17 172

原创 Mysql Optimizing Memory Use

8.12.4 Optimizing Memory Use8.12.4.1 How MySQL Uses Memory MySQL allocates buffers and caches to improve performance of database operations. The default configuration is designed to permit a MySQL server to start on a virtual machine that has approxi..

2021-01-10 13:58:26 350

原创 Optimizing the MySQL Server

8.12 Optimizing the MySQL ServerThis section discusses optimization techniques for the database server, primarily dealing with system configuration rather than tuning SQL statements. The information in this section is appropriate forDBAs who want to ens.

2021-01-10 11:11:06 301

原创 Mysql OPTIMIZE TABLE OPTIMIZE TABLE SyntaxOPTIMIZE [NO_WRITE_TO_BINLOG | LOCAL] TABLE tbl_name [, tbl_name] ...OPTIMIZE TABLE reorganizes the physical storage of table data and associated index data, to reduce storage space and improve I/O efficiency when accessin

2021-01-08 23:08:45 2353

原创 Mysql undo Undo Tablespaces Undo tablespaces contain undo logs, which are collections of undo log records that contain information about how to undo the latest change by a transaction to a clustered index record.Undo logs exist within undo log segments, ..

2021-01-07 13:53:26 368

原创 Mariadb 主从数据不一致问题

数据库环境:Mariadb 10.1.12主从架构:一主三从问题描述:今日接到某项目组故障技术支持请求,称他们的系统的三个从库在同一时间全部因“sql thread”关闭而丢失主从关系。分析过程:首先通过命令show slave status \G; 发现slave_sql_running线程的状态为“NO” ...

2019-07-15 23:18:56 1247

原创 使用python连接mysql数据库

一、使用python可以连接哪些数据库?目前python可以连接多种主流数据库: IBMDB2 Firebird(and Interbase) Informix Ingres MySQL Oracle PostgreSQL SAP DB(also known as "MaxDB") Microsoft...

2019-07-14 10:47:59 245

原创 关于oracle统计信息,你应该知道的一切

oracle统计信息的重要性不言而喻,下面就开始全面的了解一下。英文的就不翻译了,还是原汁原味的好。A、How to Gather Optimizer StatisticsDocument 1226841.1 How To: Gather Statistics for the Cost Based Optimizer Document 1445302.1 How to Gather Op...

2019-06-15 09:06:02 481

转载 oracle10g数据库管理艺术


2015-08-25 17:27:19 277

原创 定位高消耗资源的sql语句

第一天写博客,就从一条sql语句开始吧!用到的sql视图有v$sqlstats、v$sqltext下面对v$sqlstats的官方解释:V$SQLSTATS returns basic performance statistics for SQL cursors, with each row representing the data fora unique combi

2015-06-18 18:02:28 277



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