Metadata Locking

MySQL uses metadata locking to manage concurrent access to database objects and to ensure
data consistency. Metadata locking applies not just to tables, but also to schemas, stored programs (procedures, functions, triggers, and scheduled events), and tablespaces.



The Performance Schema metadata_locks table exposes metadata lock information, which can be useful for seeing which sessions hold locks, are blocked waiting for locks, and so forth. For details, see Section, “The metadata_locks Table”.

Performance Schema metadata_locks表公开了元数据锁信息,这对于查看哪些会话持有锁、哪些会话被阻止等待锁等信息非常有用。有关详细信息,请参阅第25.12.12.1节“元数据锁定表”。

Metadata locking does involve some overhead, which increases as query volume increases. Metadata contention increases the more that multiple queries attempt to access the same objects.


Metadata locking is not a replacement for the table definition cache, and its mutexes and locks differ from the LOCK_open mutex. The following discussion provides some information about how metadata locking works.

元数据锁定不能替代表定义缓存,其mutex和locks与LOCK_open mutex不同。下面的讨论提供了有关元数据锁定如何工作的一些信息。

• Metadata Lock Acquisition --获取
• Metadata Lock Release     --释放

Metadata Lock Acquisition

If there are multiple waiters for a given lock, the highest-priority lock request is satisfied first, with an exception related to the max_write_lock_count system variable. Write lock requests have higher priority than read lock requests. However, if max_write_lock_count is set to some low value (say,10), read lock requests may be preferred over pending write lock requests if the read lock requests have already been passed over in favor of 10 write lock requests. Normally this behavior does not occur because max_write_lock_count by default has a very large value.


Statements acquire metadata locks one by one, not simultaneously, and perform deadlock detection in the process.


DML statements normally acquire locks in the order in which tables are mentioned in the statement.


DDL statements, LOCK TABLES, and other similar statements try to reduce the number of possible deadlocks between concurrent DDL statements by acquiring locks on explicitly named tables in name order. Locks might be acquired in a different order for implicitly used tables (such as tables in foreign key relationships that also must be locked).

DDL语句、LOCK TABLES和其他类似语句试图通过按名称顺序获取显式命名表上的锁来减少并发DDL语句之间可能出现的死锁数量。对于隐式使用的表(例如也必须锁定的外键关系中的表),可以按不同的顺序获取锁。

For example, RENAME TABLE is a DDL statement that acquires locks in name order:

例如,RENAME TABLE是按名称顺序获取锁的DDL语句:

• This RENAME TABLE statement renames tbla to something else, and renames tblc to tbla:

 The statement acquires metadata locks, in order, on tbla, tblc, and tbld (because tbld follows
tblc in name order):


• This slightly different statement also renames tbla to something else, and renames tblc to tbla:


 In this case, the statement acquires metadata locks, in order, on tbla, tblb, and tblc (because
tblb precedes tblc in name order):


Both statements acquire locks on tbla and tblc, in that order, but differ in whether the lock on the
remaining table name is acquired before or after tblc.


Metadata lock acquisition order can make a difference in operation outcome when multiple transactions execute concurrently, as the following example illustrates.


Begin with two tables x and x_new that have identical structure. Three clients issue statements that involve these tables:


 The statement requests and acquires write locks in name order on x and x_new


 The statement requests and blocks waiting for a write lock on x.



 The statement requests exclusive locks in name order on x, x_new, and x_old, but blocks waiting for the lock on x.


The statement releases the write locks on x and x_new. The exclusive lock request for x by Client 3 has higher priority than the write lock request by Client 2, so Client 3 acquires its lock on x, then also on x_new and x_old, performs the renaming, and releases its locks. Client 2 then acquires its lock on x, performs the insert, and releases its lock.


Lock acquisition order results in the RENAME TABLE executing before the INSERT. The x into which the insert occurs is the table that was named x_new when Client 2 issued the insert and was renamed to x by Client 3:


 Now begin instead with tables named x and new_x that have identical structure. Again, three clients issue statements that involve these tables:


 The statement requests and acquires write locks in name order on new_x and x.

该语句在new_x 和x上按名称顺序请求和获取写锁。

 The statement requests and blocks waiting for a write lock on x.


The statement requests exclusive locks in name order on new_x, old_x, and x, but blocks waiting for the lock on new_x. 



The statement releases the write locks on x and new_x. For x, the only pending request is by Client 2,so Client 2 acquires its lock, performs the insert, and releases the lock. For new_x, the only pending request is by Client 3, which is permitted to acquire that lock (and also the lock on old_x). The rename operation still blocks for the lock on x until the Client 2 insert finishes and releases its lock. Then Client 3 acquires the lock on x, performs the rename, and releases its lock.

该语句释放x和new_x上的写锁。对于x,唯一挂起的请求是由客户机2执行的,因此客户机2获取其锁,执行插入,然后释放锁。对于new_x,唯一挂起的请求是客户端3,它被允许获取该锁(以及old_x上的锁)。重命名操作仍然会阻塞x上的锁,直到client2 insert完成并释放其锁。然后客户机3获取x上的锁,执行重命名,并释放其锁。

In this case, lock acquisition order results in the INSERT executing before the RENAME TABLE. The x into which the insert occurs is the original x, now renamed to old_x by the rename operation:

在这种情况下,lock acquisition order会导致在RENAME表之前执行INSERT。插入的x是原始x,现在通过重命名操作重命名为 old_x:

 If order of lock acquisition in concurrent statements makes a difference to an application in operation outcome, as in the preceding example, you may be able to adjust the table names to affect the order of lock acquisition.


To ensure transaction serializability, the server must not permit one session to perform a data definition language (DDL) statement on a table that is used in an uncompleted explicitly or implicitly started transaction in another session. The server achieves this by acquiring metadata locks on tables used within a transaction and deferring release of those locks until the transaction ends. A metadata lock on a table prevents changes to the table's structure. This locking approach has the implication that a table that is being used by a transaction within one session cannot be used in DDL statements by other sessions until the transaction ends. 


This principle applies not only to transactional tables, but also to nontransactional tables. Suppose that a session begins a transaction that uses transactional table t and nontransactional table nt as follows:



The server holds metadata locks on both t and nt until the transaction ends. If another session
attempts a DDL or write lock operation on either table, it blocks until metadata lock release at
transaction end. For example, a second session blocks if it attempts any of these operations:


 The same behavior applies for The LOCK TABLES ... READ. That is, explicitly or implicitly started transactions that update any table (transactional or nontransactional) will block and be blocked by LOCK TABLES ... READ for that table.

同样的行为也适用于LOCK TABLES ... READ。也就是说,显式或隐式启动的更新任何表(事务性或非事务性)的事务将被 LOCK TABLES ... READ for that table。

If the server acquires metadata locks for a statement that is syntactically valid but fails during
execution, it does not release the locks early. Lock release is still deferred to the end of the transaction because the failed statement is written to the binary log and the locks protect log consistency.


In autocommit mode, each statement is in effect a complete transaction, so metadata locks acquired for the statement are held only to the end of the statement.


Metadata locks acquired during a PREPARE statement are released once the statement has been prepared, even if preparation occurs within a multiple-statement transaction.


 External locking is the use of file system locking to manage contention for MyISAM database tables by multiple processes. External locking is used in situations where a single process such as the MySQL server cannot be assumed to be the only process that requires access to tables. Here are some



• If you run multiple servers that use the same database directory (not recommended), each server must have external locking enabled.


• If you use myisamchk to perform table maintenance operations on MyISAM tables, you must either ensure that the server is not running, or that the server has external locking enabled so that it locks table files as necessary to coordinate with myisamchk for access to the tables. The same is true for use of myisampack to pack MyISAM tables.


If the server is run with external locking enabled, you can use myisamchk at any time for read
operations such a checking tables. In this case, if the server tries to update a table that myisamchk is using, the server will wait for myisamchk to finish before it continues.


If you use myisamchk for write operations such as repairing or optimizing tables, or if you use
myisampack to pack tables, you must always ensure that the mysqld server is not using the table.If you do not stop mysqld, at least do a mysqladmin flush-tables before you run myisamchk.
Your tables may become corrupted if the server and myisamchk access the tables simultaneously.


With external locking in effect, each process that requires access to a table acquires a file system lock for the table files before proceeding to access the table. If all necessary locks cannot be acquired, the process is blocked from accessing the table until the locks can be obtained (after the process that currently holds the locks releases them).


External locking affects server performance because the server must sometimes wait for other
processes before it can access tables.


External locking is unnecessary if you run a single server to access a given data directory (which is the usual case) and if no other programs such as myisamchk need to modify tables while the server is running. If you only read tables with other programs, external locking is not required, although myisamchk might report warnings if the server changes tables while myisamchk is reading them.


With external locking disabled, to use myisamchk, you must either stop the server while myisamchk executes or else lock and flush the tables before running myisamchk. (See Section 8.12.1, “System Factors”.) To avoid this requirement, use the CHECK TABLE and REPAIR TABLE statements to check and repair MyISAM tables.

在禁用外部锁定的情况下,要使用myisamchk,必须在myisamchk执行时停止服务器,或者在运行myisamchk之前锁定并刷新表(请参阅第8.12.1节“系统因素”。)为避免此要求,请使用CHECK TABLE和REPAIR TABLE语句检查和修复MyISAM表。

For mysqld, external locking is controlled by the value of the skip_external_locking system
variable. When this variable is enabled, external locking is disabled, and vice versa. External locking is disabled by default.


Use of external locking can be controlled at server startup by using the --external-locking or --
skip-external-locking option.

通过使用--external locking或--skip external locking选项,可以在服务器启动时控制外部锁定的使用。

If you do use external locking option to enable updates to MyISAM tables from many MySQL
processes, you must ensure that the following conditions are satisfied:


• Do not use the query cache for queries that use tables that are updated by another process.


• Do not start the server with the delay_key_write system variable set to ALL or use the
DELAY_KEY_WRITE=1 table option for any shared tables. Otherwise, index corruption can occur.

不要在将delay_key_write系统变量设置为ALL时启动服务器,也不要对任何共享表使用DELAY_KEY_WRITE=1 table选项。否则,可能会发生索引损坏。

The easiest way to satisfy these conditions is to always use --external-locking together with
--delay-key-write=OFF and --query-cache-size=0. (This is not done by default because in
many setups it is useful to have a mixture of the preceding options.)

满足这些条件的最简单方法是始终使用--external locking和--delay key write=OFF以及--query cache size=0(默认情况下不会这样做,因为在许多设置中,混合使用前面的选项是很有用的)





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