Ctr+shift+A : 打开action 输入框,输入”convert java file to kotlin”
Ctr+shift+alt+k: 将java文件转化成kotlin文件
TODO 没看懂这里activity.hello.setText(“”)
If we want to call the synthetic properties on View (useful in adapter classes), we should also importkotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.view.*.
Once we do that, we can then invoke the corresponding extensions, which are properties named after the views in the XML file. For example, for this view:
android:text="Hello World, MyActivity"
There will be property named hello:
差异化打包: http://blog.csdn.net/myliuyx/article/details/52223066 productflavor
TODO Android flavor这里也没看懂
Android Extensions plugin supports Android flavors. Suppose you have a flavor named free in yourbuild.gradle file:
android {
productFlavors {
free {
versionName "1.0-free"
So you can import all synthetic properties for the free/res/layout/activity_free.xml layout by adding this import:
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.free.activity_free.*
TODO 方法在类继承间的使用
Kotlin Android Extensions is a plugin for the Kotlin compiler, and it does two things:
Adds a hidden caching function and a field inside each Kotlin Activity. The method is pretty small so it doesn't increase the size of APK much.
Replaces each synthetic property call with a function call.
How this works is that when invoking a synthetic property, where the receiver is a Kotlin Activity/Fragment class that is in module sources, the caching function is invoked. For instance, given
class MyActivity: Activity()fun MyActivity.a() {
a hidden caching function is generated inside MyActivity, so we can use the caching mechanism.
However in the following case:
fun Activity.b() {
We wouldn't know if this function would be invoked on only Activities from our sources or on plain Java Activities also. As such, we don’t use caching there, even if MyActivity instance from the previous example is the receiver.