
1.到rarsfot的官网下载对应版本的rar for linux
2.通过wget或者firefox下载到本地后,通过tar -zxvf xxx.tar.gz


  1. cd rar
  2. make


  1. mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
  2. mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
  3. cp rar unrar /usr/local/bin
  4. cp rarfiles.lst /etc
  5. cp default.sfx /usr/local/lib
rar x filename.rar,会直接解压到当前目录。


  1. RAR 5.11 beta 1 Copyright (c) 1993-2014 Alexander Roshal 6 Aug 2014
  2. Trial version Type RAR -? for help

  3. Usage: rar <command> -<switch 1> -<switch N> <archive> <files...>
  4.                <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>

  5. <Commands>
  6.   a Add files to archive
  7.   c Add archive comment
  8.   ch Change archive parameters
  9.   cw Write archive comment to file
  10.   d Delete files from archive
  11.   e Extract files without archived paths
  12.   f Freshen files in archive
  13.   i[par]=<str> Find string in archives
  14.   k Lock archive
  15.   l[t[a],b] List archive contents [technical[all], bare]
  16.   m[f] Move to archive [files only]
  17.   p Print file to stdout
  18.   r Repair archive
  19.   rc Reconstruct missing volumes
  20.   rn Rename archived files
  21.   rr[N] Add data recovery record
  22.   rv[N] Create recovery volumes
  23.   s[name|-] Convert archive to or from SFX
  24.   t Test archive files
  25.   u Update files in archive
  26.   v[t[a],b] Verbosely list archive contents [technical[all],bare]
  27.   x Extract files with full path

  28. <Switches>
  29.   - Stop switches scanning
  30.   @[+] Disable [enable] file lists
  31.   ad Append archive name to destination path
  32.   ag[format] Generate archive name using the current date
  33.   ai Ignore file attributes
  34.   ap<path> Set path inside archive
  35.   as Synchronize archive contents
  36.   c- Disable comments show
  37.   cfg- Disable read configuration
  38.   cl Convert names to lower case
  39.   cu Convert names to upper case
  40.   df Delete files after archiving
  41.   dh Open shared files
  42.   ds Disable name sort for solid archive
  43.   dw Wipe files after archiving
  44.   e[+]<attr> Set file exclude and include attributes
  45.   ed Do not add empty directories
  46.   en Do not put 'end of archive' block
  47.   ep Exclude paths from names
  48.   ep1 Exclude base directory from names
  49.   ep3 Expand paths to full including the drive letter
  50.   f Freshen files
  51.   hp[password] Encrypt both file data and headers
  52.   ht[b|c] Select hash type [BLAKE2,CRC32] for file checksum
  53.   id[c,d,p,q] Disable messages
  54.   ierr Send all messages to stderr
  55.   ilog[name] Log errors to file (registered versions only)
  56.   inul Disable all messages
  57.   isnd Enable sound
  58.   k Lock archive
  59.   kb Keep broken extracted files
  60.   log[f][=name] Write names to log file
  61.   m<0..5> Set compression level (0-store...3-default...5-maximal)
  62.   ma[4|5] Specify a version of archiving format
  63.   mc<par> Set advanced compression parameters
  64.   md<n>[k,m,g] Dictionary size in KB, MB or GB
  65.   ms[ext;ext] Specify file types to store
  66.   mt<threads> Set the number of threads
  67.   n<file> Additionally filter included files
  68.   n@ Read additional filter masks from stdin
  69.   n@<list> Read additional filter masks from list file
  70.   o[+|-] Set the overwrite mode
  71.   oh Save hard links as the link instead of the file
  72.   oi[0-4][:min] Save identical files as references
  73.   ol Save symbolic links as the link instead of the file
  74.   or Rename files automatically
  75.   ow Save or restore file owner and group
  76.   p[password] Set password
  77.   p- Do not query password
  78.   qo[-|+] Add quick open information [none|force]
  79.   r Recurse subdirectories
  80.   r- Disable recursion
  81.   r0 Recurse subdirectories for wildcard names only
  82.   rr[N] Add data recovery record
  83.   rv[N] Create recovery volumes
  84.   s[<N>,v[-],e] Create solid archive
  85.   s- Disable solid archiving
  86.   sc<chr>[obj] Specify the character set
  87.   sfx[name] Create SFX archive
  88.   si[name] Read data from standard input (stdin)
  89.   sl<size> Process files with size less than specified
  90.   sm<size> Process files with size more than specified
  91.   t Test files after archiving
  92.   ta<date> Process files modified after <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  93.   tb<date> Process files modified before <date> in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format
  94.   tk Keep original archive time
  95.   tl Set archive time to latest file
  96.   tn<time> Process files newer than <time>
  97.   to<time> Process files older than <time>
  98.   ts<m,c,a>[N] Save or restore file time (modification, creation, access)
  99.   u Update files
  100.   v<size>[k,b] Create volumes with size=<size>*1000 [*1024, *1]
  101.   ver[n] File version control
  102.   vn Use the old style volume naming scheme
  103.   vp Pause before each volume
  104.   w<path> Assign work directory
  105.   x<file> Exclude specified file
  106.   x@ Read file names to exclude from stdin
  107.   x@<list> Exclude files listed in specified list file
  108.   y Assume Yes on all queries
  109.   z[file] Read archive comment from file

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