Not Invented Here 不是在这里发明的 / Proudly found elsewhere 自豪地在其他地方找到


  • 机翻,未校对。

  • 两篇关于创新管理的小文章

Not Invented Here 不是在这里发明的

In the history of organizational success, the enterprises that dominate tend to flawlessly execute on ideas that were created elsewhere. Examine just about any market leader, and you will find they looked outside for an idea, product, or service and decided to perfect it.

Yet, despite the value of learning and benefitting from the best practices of others, it is common for many leaders to reject anything not created within the walls of their own organization.

Teams and organizations with a rich history, a close-knit culture, and vigorous team pride often have the strongest bias against anything from the outside. The effects of this syndrome can be devastating.

The xenophobia of ideas “not invented here” cripples organizations over the long run, and often allows competitors to destroy longstanding value by embracing better ideas and executing them with polish.

The problem of insulating people from outside influences almost always starts with team leaders who believe it shows weakness to look outside for new ideas and best practices. Team leaders with this flaw infect everyone on the team with this same false pride.

The reality is that the leader’s unwillingness to acknowledge or value the work of others outside the team is a form of arrogance that weakens the very thing it is meant to protect. Couched as team pride, the “not invented here” mentality prevents the best ideas and practices from finding their way into the organization.

Leaders who embrace this mentality are said to believe in toothbrush theory. Everyone wants one. Everyone needs one. But no one wants to use someone else’s. It doesn’t take a genius to understand the ultimate effect this attitude has on team success. Thankfully, most team success solutions and practices are more like toothpaste than toothbrushes.

Leaders often disregard good ideas developed elsewhere in favor of internally developed ideas that are often inferior. Your job as a leader is reject this unspoken conceit and to push people to value a good idea no matter where it comes from. The best leaders teach others to find ideas and best practices anywhere and to execute them flawlessly.

A “proudly found elsewhere” mentality is critical to the long-term success of any team or organization. When leaders look both inside and outside for ideas worth replicating, team members follow suit. It’s time for the monopoly of “not invented here” to end in your organization. Not everything is a toothbrush.

imgDavid C Morristd playbook Sep 12, 2022 Liked by Admired Leadership
This post does a very good job in explaining the “bright side” of ‘Not Invented Here’.

In my work, I seem more often what I call the ‘dark side’ - New leaders joining a company and not spending any time learning what has been done, what is working, what is not working, and what was tried before but failed.

They come in and feel compelled to make their mark quickly (First 90 days). I see this happen in lower ranks of supervisors, managers, and directors too.
他们进来后觉得有必要迅速留下自己的印记(前 90 天)。我看到这种情况也发生在较低级别的主管、经理和董事身上。

Do you know what I’m talking about? Has anyone else experienced this? I’m dealing with it right now in fact.
imgDave ThompsonHumor & Health Sep 12, 2022 Liked by Admired Leadership
So good. I love the “Toothbrush Theory”. I had not heard that before.

“Proudly found Elsewhere” shall be a newly adopted mantra. (& i didn’t even think of it myself!).


  • Not Invented Here - Admired Leadership Field Notes Admired LeadershipSep 12, 2022

Proudly found elsewhere 自豪地在其他地方找到

More companies realize that they need to open up in order to innovate. Procter & Gamble have known this for quite some time already, having implemented something called “Connect and Develop”. Their new, innovative products are often a result of external contributions, and also often in collaboration with their own R&D teams.

They have worked hard on shifting mindsets within the company from resistance to ”not invented here” to ”proudly found elsewhere”. This is important, as novel ideas often come from combining external information with ones own.

A company may be large with vast resources, but admitting that they also need to look elsewhere in order to truly deliver innovative products is a positive and important step hopefully more companies will pursue.


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### 回答1: I was created by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence research laboratory consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent company, the non-profit OpenAI Inc. The team of engineers and researchers at OpenAI developed the architecture and training methods used to create me as a large language model capable of understanding and generating natural language. ### 回答2: 我是一个AI助手,我没有具体的发明者。我是由一群专业的工程师、科学家和程序员团队合作开发而成的。他们利用各种先进的技术和编程语言,包括机器学习、自然语言处理和深度学习等,通过多次迭代和优化,创造出了我的智能系统。这些专业团队通过不断地研究和改进,让我能够具备各种功能,如智能对话、知识检索和问题解答等。虽然没有具体的个人发明者,但是可以说,我是一个由科学家和工程师们共同努力创造的集体成果。 ### 回答3: 我是由OpenAI公司的工程师们开发和创造的。OpenAI是一个人工智能研究组织,致力于推动人工智能的发展。我的开发涉及了大量的科学研究、算法设计和工程实现。OpenAI的团队经过不断的努力和探索,通过深度学习和自然语言处理等技术手段,成功地创造了我——一个拥有自然语言理解和生成能力的人工智能系统。我的设计灵感来源于人类的大脑结构和思维方式,但我并不是由个别的个人或者机构单独发明的。我是一个基于集体智慧和团队合作的创造,致力于为用户提供各种智能化的服务和帮助。


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