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原创 python中的引用
有如下一段代码: spam=42 cheese=spam spam=20 print(spam) print (cheese) 输出结果为: 42 20 将42赋给spam变量,然后拷贝spam中的值,将它赋给变量cheese,当稍后改变spam的值不会影响到cheese的值,这是因为spam和cheese是两个不同的变量,保存了不同的值。 但是列表不是这样的,当你将列表赋给一
2017-09-13 19:46:56 289
原创 学python遇到的错误
catNames=[] while True: print ('enter the name of cat '+str(len(catNames)+1)+ '(Or enter nothing to stop.):') name=input() if name=='': break catNames=catNames+[name] print ('T
2017-09-13 19:12:45 341
原创 python学习过程随笔
#this is a guess a the number game import random secretNumber=random.randint(1,20) print ('I am thinking of a number between 1 and 20.') #Ask the player to guess 6 times. for guessesTaken in range(1,7
2017-09-13 15:57:21 191
原创 1001
Problem Description I have a very simple problem for you. Given two integers A and B, your jobis to calculate the Sum of A + B. Input The first line of the input contains an integer T(1<=T<=20) whi
2014-02-19 11:15:05 272
转载 图形问题
#include #include #include #define pi 3.14 void main() { int a; double i; initgraph(1280,960); //设置绘图环境 for(a=1;;a++) //设置小球摆动循环 {for(i=pi/4; i //钟摆的边界及每次移动的角度 {setco
2014-02-19 11:09:05 294
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