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原创 imooc_React16 快速上手 实现TodoList

react简介以及语法基础react Fiber // React 16 之后的版本对应的框架react 环境搭建React 脚手架工具 create-react-appnpx create-react-app todolistcd todolistyarn start什么是组件component简单的jsx语法项目代码├── src│ ├── TodoItem.j...

2019-11-11 10:41:27 131 1

转载 Spring MVC学习笔记(一)

MVC网页的设计模式MVC的核心思想就是业务数据抽取同业务数据呈现相分离。view 视图层Model 业务数据信息的实体表示Controller 控制层 业务逻辑架构模式Spring MVC...

2019-03-25 10:37:32 138

转载 Socket网络编程进阶与实战(二)

什么是网络编程什么是网络,计算机网络的构成是什么?网络是信息传输、接收、共享的虚拟平台什么是网络编程?Socket 与TCP/UDP

2019-03-19 20:40:09 748 1

转载 Socket网络编程进阶与实战(一)

socket数据粘包 数据丢包 心跳维持 系统学习socket 框架 Mina学习目标自主实现推送框架底层协议

2019-03-19 19:11:17 670 3

原创 强化学习-FlappyBird 游戏中的人工智能

对应的视频课程永不坠落的小鸟人工智能与机器学习人工智能所解决的问题不是冒泡排序,二分查找Simple for human, difficult for machine人工智能Acting like human图灵测试机器学习人工智能的核心领域从例子中学习机器学习监督学习 (有标注)无监督学习 (无标注)增强学习监督学习增强学习简介Reinforce l...

2019-03-14 15:42:17 4439

翻译 Java多线程--深入浅出Java多线程

#深入浅出Java多线程慕课网对应课程 – 深入浅出Java多线程Java多线程基础概念进程程序(任务)的执行过程 动态性持有资源(共享内存,共享文件)和线程线程线程是系统中最小的执行单元,同一进程中有多个线程,线程共享进程的资源线程的交互互斥 同步Java线程的常用方法演员程序package com.mooc.actor;public class Actor ex...

2019-03-10 16:51:07 2057 1

翻译 Java多线程--细说多线程之Thread & Runnable

细说多线程之Thread & RunableThread & Runable线程创建的两种方式继承Thread 类class MyThread extends Thread{ .... @Override public void run(){ ... }}MyThread mt = new MyThread(); // 创建线程mt.start();...

2019-03-05 15:06:00 186

原创 多目标进化算法--多项式变异(PM)


2019-01-09 13:28:29 8137 1

原创 批量下载www.freemidi.org 音频文件

#!/bin/bashset -xred_echo(){  echo -e "\033[31m$*\033[0m"; }green_echo(){  echo -e "\033[32m$*\033[0m"; }rm -rf /root/workspacemkdir /root/workspacemkdir /root/workspace/fi

2017-11-22 10:01:07 608

转载 local & export

local一般用于局部变量声明,多在在函数内部使用。    1.    Shell脚本中定义的变量是global的,其作用域从被定义的地方开始,到shell结束或被显示删除的地方为止。    2.    Shell函数定义的变量默认是global的,其作用域从“函数被调用时执行变量定义的地方”开始,到shell结束或被显示删除处为止。函数定义的变量可以被显示定义成local的,其作用域局限

2017-02-13 09:22:14 251

转载 getopts

一、getopts 简介  由于shell命令行的灵活性,自己编写代码判断时,复杂度会比较高。使用内部命令 getopts 可以很方便地处理命令行参数。一般格式为:getopts options variable  getopts 的设计目标是在循环中运行,每次执行循环,getopts 就检查下一个命令行参数,并判断它是否合法。即检查参数是否以 - 开头,后面跟一个包含

2017-02-07 14:43:18 219

原创 wc命令

wc -c filename 显示文件的字节数wc -m filename 显示文件的字符数wc -l filename显示文件的行数wc -L filename 显示文件中最长的行的长度wc -w filename 显示一个文件的字数

2017-02-07 11:24:02 318

转载 欢迎使用CSDN-markdown编辑器

欢迎使用Markdown编辑器写博客本Markdown编辑器使用StackEdit修改而来,用它写博客,将会带来全新的体验哦:Markdown和扩展Markdown简洁的语法代码块高亮图片链接和图片上传LaTex数学公式UML序列图和流程图离线写博客导入导出Markdown文件丰富的快捷键快捷键加粗 Ctrl + B 斜体 Ctrl + I 引用 Ctrl

2016-03-07 10:35:37 160

BPF PerformanceTools.epub.zip






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Mweb3.1.1 破解版 Mac上好用的MarkDown编辑器 可以上传到印象笔记 实现笔记同步


模式分类(中文版) 第2版 作者: Richard O.Duda Peter E.Hart David G.Stork 李宏东等译 出版社: 机械工业出版社

模式识别的经典教材。 【本书的第1版《模式分类与场景分析》出版于1973年,是模式识别和场景分析领域奠基性的经典名著。在第2版中,除了保留了第1版的关于统计模式识别和结构模式识别的主要内容以外,读者将会发现新增了许多近25年来的新理论和新方法,其中包括神经网络、机器学习、数据挖掘、进化计算、不变量理论、隐马尔可夫模型、统计学习理论和支持向量机等。作者还为来来25年的模式识别的发展指明了方向。书中包含许多实例,各种不同方法的对比,丰富的图表,以及大量的课后习题和计算机练习。】


清华大学出版社 张学工(第三版

) 《模式识别(第3版)》可以作为高等院校自动化、计算机等相关专业高年级本科生和研究生学习模式识别的教材,也可以供计算机信息处理、生物信息学、数据挖掘、统计等各领域中从事模式识别相关工作的广大科技人员和高校师生参考。



模式识别与机器学习_马春鹏 October 26, 2014 PDF 版本






利用Python进行数据分析 利用Python进行数据分析利用Python进行数据分析


python Algorithms 2nd Edition

Consider the following problem: You are to visit all the cities, towns, and villages of, say, Sweden and then return to your starting point. This might take a while (there are 24,978 locations to visit, after all), so you want to minimize your route. You plan on visiting each location exactly once, following the shortest route possible. As a programmer, you certainly don’t want to plot the route by hand. Rather, you try to write some code that will plan your trip for you. For some reason, however, you can’t seem to get it right. A straightforward program works well for a smaller number of towns and cities but seems to run forever on the actual problem, and improving the program turns out to be surprisingly hard. How come? Actually, in 2004, a team of five researchers1 found such a tour of Sweden, after a number of other research teams had tried and failed. The five-man team used cutting-edge software with lots of clever optimizations and tricks of the trade, running on a cluster of 96 Xeon 2.6GHz workstations. Their software ran from March 2003 until May 2004, before it finally printed out the optimal solution. Taking various interruptions into account, the team estimated that the total CPU time spent was about 85 years! Consider a similar problem: You want to get from Kashgar, in the westernmost region of China, to Ningbo, on the east coast, following the shortest route possible.2 Now, China has 3,583,715 km of roadways and 77,834 km of railways, with millions of intersections to consider and a virtually unfathomable number of possible routes to follow. It might seem that this problem is related to the previous one, yet this shortest path problem is one solved routinely, with no appreciable delay, by GPS software and online map services. If you give those two cities to your favorite map service, you should get the shortest route in mere moments. What’s going on here?


Genetic Algorithm in Java Basics

Java遗传算法 An Apress Advanced Book Copyright © 2015 by Lee Jacobson and Burak Kanber This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifcally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microflms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifcally for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law.



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